
doll collector

Chapter 6: When playmates visits and disses your new doll


Doll collector 6: playmates


Exactly a week after their first meeting, Jin found JungKook frantic at the table with extravagant meal ready


"What will happen today?"


"V and Jimin are coming over for lunch. They'd go here straight from the airport."


"Oh, okay" Jin bit his lips fidgeting, not knowing what to do. His gaze snapped up when someone held his hands up.


" I don't want you to  get bored on a Saturday. If you want to go out I'll cancel this and tell them we could eat out  next week" JungKook was beaming at him in understanding 


"No, you don't have to. I could just help around. Maybe this could be good. I don't think your friends like me. Not.. not that it matters. I mean I just don't like anyone hating me or something. It's just...." soft laughter cut off Jin's nervous ranting. The younger's glowing jolly face made that funny flutter inside SeokJin again. This time he chose to just smile, feeling light witnessing the other's simple happiness. JungKook halt laughing, his brows arched in surprise. 


"What?" Jin inquired once he noticed 


"You smiled at me"


"Ah... yeah.. I guess why?" The older asked not getting where it's going. Suddenly Jin was pulled by the waist and JungKook's face nuzzle the older's chest 


"You are so pretty when you smile" 


SeokJin didn't really have the reason for what he did next but he deemed it fitting as he caressed the younger's hair in an awkwardly affectionate way.


"Stop acting like a married couple" the two immediately pulled away and found TaeHyung looking at them with a pout of distaste. Jimin beside him interjected 


"Hey don't speak about marriage lightly"


"What? If there is someone who's most likely to marry kookie, you are at the bottom of the list"


"As if you have a chance, alien"


"At least I won't give him short person gene!"


"How about OCD, eyeliner"


"Yah! Shut up!"


"Gonna tell your mom?"


"No, but I'll tell BaekHyun hyung you are dissing him"


"Isn't that the same?"


Their banter ended there with a scoff from the youngest in the room. JungKook invited them to the living room while the food prep is being completed. JungKook excused himself to supervise at the kitchen, Jimin followed suit, leaving TaeHyung and SeokJin in an uncomfortable silence. Jin is itching to follow JungKook at the kitchen but remember Jimin is already with him and it would be really rude to leave the other alone


"You look nice" TaeHyung complimented but with a smirk too naughty to be nice 


"Thanks".Jin answered unsure


"How much did he spent on you to make you look expensive? How far did the two of you go the first night to make him shop for you right after? You must have been real good. He usually buy things for his doll after a week of ing them till they're limp. You look fine to me. You must be used to it. What? Did you start young?"




"Act innocent all you want. I just suggest to not warm up to him so fast or else he'll lose interest just as fast. We don't want that do we? You might not get enough money."  




"Are you mad? Wanna hit me? Or are you going to tell JungKook? I dare you to try. I'll bet he'll only laugh it off and play it cool. He won't throw his best friend away for a cheap plaything" TaeHyung was the first to stand up and leave the room. Jin clenched his fist as he bit his lower lip. He knew TaeHyung hated him but to receive such direct insult and accusation is just too much. he went straight to his room. He knew it's quite childish and getting frequent but he doesn't know how else to restrain himself without his stress walk. So now he prefers stuffing his face with soft princess pillows and wallowing in self pity as he thinks over how the rich bastards step over his whole being like he is trash. The whole experience has been degrading since he was bought, to be reminded of it every now and then is torment.


"His name is Jin, right?" JiMin asked as he look over the plate JungKook is trying to finish


"Nae " the younger happily acknowledged 


"I don't like him. He acts too nice. He'll be easier to hate if he is y" 


JungKook let out a sigh


"Hyung, try to get to know him. He is really loveable"


"Loveable? Love? Come on. Don't do this to yourself again. You know that he doesn't love you. He'll only leave you once he gets his money. I love you. We could be together, you know that" JiMin pleads grasping the younger's wrist 


"You know the answer" JungKook pulled his hand away from his hyung shaking his head


"Why can't you believe that someone would love me? Am I that bad?" The younger asked with furrowed brows and a sullen frown 


"No, but we know them. They only think of what they'll get they never try to get to know you. They don't take time to see your heart. Me, TaeHyung, NamJoon, we are the only people who truly knows and truly cares. We are just trying to protect you"


"We don't want this to turn into another TaeJoon incident" V suddenly appeared by the kitchen door.


Upon hearing the name, JungKook 's expression darkened. He slammed his hands at the wooden table with his head low 


"I don't need you to protect me. I need you for support. I'm not like I was years ago. And Jin isn't TaeJoon" JiMin and V only gulped as they stare in distance at the youngest. They said the wrong name, it's obvious JungKook isn't over it yet. They worry not only for their friend but also for Jin because they know JungKook, they knew what happened and they knew what it did to him.


They proceeded with the meal, but it was too silent for the kind of friendship the three have. V  said some excuse for Jin's sudden absence but it fell on deaf ears because JungKook knew what TaeHyung did.


The silence is too much for TaeHyung so he immediately persuaded JiMin to leave after eating. JungKook only watched them walk out of the house. 


Getting reminded about TaeJoon made JungKook's temper to flare up. He needs to see his princess, he needs to talk to Jin. Kim SeokJin makes him forget just by being there, looking at him, smiling at him. He sneakily went inside and sat at the older's bedside. JungKook caressed the older's arms sensually


"Hyung are you okay?" 


SeokJin sat upright, his fiery eyes bore at the younger's shock wide ones 


"What would it take for you to leave me? When would you let me go? Once you get your way with me? Once you used me? My body? Then damn it!" SeokJin pulled his shirt off in fury. He threw it somewhere on the floor and grabbed the younger by the front shirt 


"Then me if that's all it takes! Do it and get over it!" Jin started ing the younger's shirt but his shaky hands didn't allow him to accomplish anything. JungKook took the older's hands off his clothing. He searched Jin's unfocused gaze with wary 


"Hyung, what are you saying?" Jin's eyes were b with unshed tears, he grits his teeth in frustration. He is mad at NamJoon and TaeHyung for insulting him. He is mad at JiMin for his judging stares. He hates JungKook because of playing him. He hates JungKook because he treats him good, better than anyone ever did. He hates JungKook because even though the younger doesn't lock him in the house he still somehow makes him stay. He hates JungKook because he makes him get used to, even crave for, the affection. And SeokJin hates himself because he can't stop himself from falling. He hates it because he is starting to like it. 


Jin was staring at his own lap, not wanting to meet gaze. His hands grasp the sheets tight as he try to control his tone 


"How long does it take you to usually get tired of someone? How long before you decide to throw me away like a rag doll? What does it take? Are you waiting for me to have some kind of emotional attachment to you first? Would that make it more fun? Knowing that it'd would totally crush me? Is that how you play your game? You make your toys affectionate then you break and toss them away?" he kept his head down so he didn't see JungKook but he could imagine the stunned look and verging tears as he hear the shaky answer


"I... I don't do that. I won't. I'm always... they always... they are the ones who leave me behind. They are always the ones who make me love them and then shatter my heart with goodbyes. You don't know, please don't say it like you do. You hurt me. And I still love you, which makes it more painful" JungKook ran out of the door before the older could look. Jin only caught the door slammed close.




A/N: awwie... I still made it for the weekly update, right? What do you think will happen now? Something is up with Kookie, ei..  TaeJoon is an OC...  Love lots... votes, comments, reads, and follow are greatly appreciated....


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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(