In Jeju

doll collector

JungKook didn't say anything after the revelation from Kidoh, that made Jin know that something is definitely wrong. The younger's silence till they got back to the hotel made the older worried sick. 

"Kookie, does it bother you? I mean SooYoung and EunJi?"

"No, I... I mean I don't want to be unfair. You accepted the of a past I have so I can't be upset about yours."

"You could definitely be upset. I admit I'm no angel as well. But I've change. For you" Jin pulled the younger by the waist so he could get close enough for a kiss on the forehead. 





As expected, YoonGi and JiMin who were just kinda forced into sharing a room were followed by heavy, awkward air as they set their clothes in their respective closets. They haven't spoken a word since entering the room. 

YoonGi, who was done in prolonging his occupied state, reluctantly turned around and head for his bed, probably to nap until JiMin is out. His jaw dropped once he was bestowed by the sight of a shirtless JiMin. His eyes automatically trailed down the well defined abs, making him gulped on how sculpted the younger was. 

"Want to touch it? Or wash clothes with it?" JiMin teased 

YoonGi cleared his throat and sat on  his bed, back heavy against the headboard and his eyes on anything but the built body of Park JiMin. 

"Why would I want to?"

JiMin was suddenly sitting on his thighs. YoonGi's eyes widened, they never got this much body contact before, and JiMin being shirtless adds to the orange haired's discomfort 

"Come on, we are in Jeju. This is like the Vegas of Korea. We could be crazy and forget about it when we go back home."

"What are you talking about?" 

"Can I try my chances and seduce you?" JiMin lowly muttered with a bit lean forward. 

YoonGi was trembling inside but restrained himself from showing weakness.

"Aissh, what are you saying? Park JiMin, you should really start thinking about your words more." And the older pushed JiMin off his lap and made a subtle run to the door.

JiMin followed the older's every move, and once the door shut closed he collapsed on the bed, face buried on the pillow muffling his groans,

"Ahhh! Why did I listen to Kim TaeHyung?"






"Hobie hobie hobie! Let's buy some couple-y stuff!" TaeHyung called out with a wide grin 

"You are being too happy and positive right now it scares me" Hoseok was true to his expression of wary.

"Just be happy I decided not to be a " TaeHyung smiled but HoSeok could definitely feel the underlying threat so he stopped wondering and just focused on the arm hooked on his. 

"It's my first time going in a vacation with a boyfriend, more so a fiance" TaeHyung murmured with a bit sadness. The older's gaze soften but then the blond added

"And besides we are so doing it tonight so I'm excited"

"Yah!who told you we will?" Hoseok tries to pull away but TaeHyung just rolled his eyes at the holder's futile attempt since he got his vice grip on 

"Tsk, it's a cliche that if a couple went to a vacation together then they're going all the way one night. Of course after a walk by the beach, watching the stars and pointing out constellations." V drily stated. The older pouted at him and pieced together things the blond have said before

"You read too much  romance  novels" the older commemted

"I so don't"


TaeHyung pulled Hoseok to every store he sees. They tried every street food V deemed delicious, though half the time he ends up feeding his leftovers to the older. They tried clothes out, and TaeHyung was ecstatic to find a couple shirt that doesn't seem appropriate for Hoseok's standards. But of course Kim TaeHyung isn't Kim TaeHyung if he didn't win the argument of to buy or not to buy. 


Suddenly, as they were waiting for their ice cream TaeHyung whispered to HoSeok 



"We should be having soon. This fluffy things we're doing is taking a toll on me."




Once they got home, TaeHyung started creeping behind the older as they went straight to their room.  HoSeok didn't mind TaeHyung's comment earlier but once he heard the door locked, his heart begun to thump in anxiety, and maybe  a bit excitement. He turned around and took steps back as the younger was walking up to him with his predatory smirk. He fell back on the bed when his leg hit the side, but still tried getting away by moving back until his back hits the headboard. TaeHyung smirked as he sees his prey cornered. He stripped down to his boxers as he moved toward HoSeok. Once on the bed, he crawled his way over the older like a cat. He stopped once their faces are just a centimeter or two apart. TaeHyung stares at the other's face and Hoseok averted his gaze

"You are not resisting today. Is our Hobie in the mood for some action?" V said sitting on the other's groin that made a gasped involuntary escape the older's lips. Which of course just motivated the younger into moving around and exploring. TaeHyung reached over the side table and pulled out a belt and a tie. Hoseok widened his eyes as he watch the growing grin on the other's face

"What's that for?" He nervously asked 

"I'll fulfill every ual fantasy you ever had" and with that TaeHyung grabbed Hoseok's hands.






"You think some thing's going on between  TaeHyung and HoSeok?" SeokJin asked while drying his face in front of the mirror. He just wanted to call VHope for dinner, now the image he saw would surely be etched in his mind. He is no innocent child but TaeHyung opening the door in only his boxers with an obvious semi hard on, and HoSeok tied on the bed also down in his boxers and also is really something he never wished to see. 

JungKook crept behind him and  placed a kiss on his shoulder.

"Of course. They're getting married and we're talking about TaeHyung, so is like a given." 

SeokJin smiled and turned to face the younger, who immediately peck his lips.

"Getting married, I never thought they'll walk down the aisle before us" Jin said gently with solemn gaze locked with JungKook. The older's seemingly intimate stare seriously melts his insides.

"You aren't going to propose right now are you? I swear if you do I'm gonna punch you. But probably immediately kiss you afterwards." JungKook joked but there was a little hope and anticipation creeping up. Maybe he wanted that to happen, he isn't entirely sure.

Jin chuckled and put his arms around his boyfriend's neck 

"I won't, silly. You are too young for that commitment. But I'd like to imagine life with you in the future. We'll have like 3 or 5 kids"

JungKook reciprocated the action by pulling the older by the waist and leaving his hands rest there. He nuzzles his nose against Jin's, eliciting soft giggles from the older and a contented smile on the younger's own.

"Hyung, you are not capable of getting pregnant. And no don't give me 'the' look because I don't have that capability too" JungKook said once they we're a little bit apart, never breaking eye contact.

"Haha, we'll adopt or we'll get a surrogate if you want. But the wedding is definite, I want traditional but we could have a second, more modern one. Though I'm telling you I won't wear a gown. I'll wear tux. You think I should do white or black or would you let me try out pink? " SeokJin started to ramble but noticed the sudden change in his boyfriend's expression in the middle of it, making him halt.

"Hey what's wrong?" Worry creasing at Jin's forehead. JungKook obliviously grasped the lining of the older's shirt as he was chewing on his lower lip in hesitation.

"I just... nothing"

Seeing the younger is going to let a bothersome issue slip, Jin stopped him with a brush of his thumb against JungKook's soft cheeks.

"We agreed to talk things out right? So tell me"

JungKook took a deep breath 

"Eunji, is she that same Eunji you talked about with YoonGi hyung in your text messages? The one you want to marry once you become well off?"

"Oh, umh yeah. But that's the past. She was my first love, but she never noticed me. I thought I could have her once I'm famous but then I met you. You became my world" Jin admitted though it felt awkward for him to talk about a girl he loved to the boy he loves. 

"Why are you so sappy? Are you that affected that we won't be bearing our own children?" JungKook teased, wanting to lighten the mood. Jin's honesty comforted him lots. Jin's smile widen with the humor. JungKook leaned forward for a full mouth kiss, accidentally getting his bulge to rub against SeokJin's, who emitted a groan. The older isn't sure if it's that action, the venue or just because, but he immediately felt his hormone overdrive. His gaze was suddenly tainted with lust.

"You know we could try. I'd let you me hard like you could knock me up. We could start tonight" he spoke seductively low to the other's ear 

"Hyung, don't . I get easily" JungKook whined, his heart starting to race. A little more push and he knows he'll ravish the man in front of him.

"Exactly my goal" Jin whispered then bit the tip of his boyfriend's ear.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in your shoot tomorrow, and there would be bruises" JungKook reasoned not only to Jin but moreso to himself 

"Make up, and I don't care. Let's go" SeokJin rushed and pulled him to their bed, already shutting him up with kisses.






JiMin threw himself on the sofa, not willing to torture himself further with embarrassment. The room he had was between the two couples' and there are sounds that are definitely rated. Two pairs are enjoying themselves while he is tending to his nerves not knowing how to explain his earlier actions to YoonGi. The older hadn't come back since he left that morning. Knocks disturbed his inner panic, making him jump and automatically run to the door. Surprisingly, it was Kim NamJoon and more surprisingly, Min YoonGi was slung over his shoulder.

"Umh, he drunk too much. I think he's stress or something. Can't take him to my hotel room"

JiMin only nodded and took YoonGi in his arms. The older was unbelievably lighter than he thought. He put YoonGi to bed and started taking his shoes and jacket off when the orange haired shot sitting up and grimaced at him. 

"You! You Park JiMin! This is your fault! I don't, I don't do romance! I don't know how to love! You make me confuse! Love is stupid, and I'm being stupid."

YoonGi's face is getting closer. JiMin doesn't want to take advantage but he's been waiting for this moment for a while so he just closed his eyes and let things fall in place. YoonGi's head dropped on his chest, soft snores as the only sound between them. JiMin let out a deep sigh.

 Maybe not yet then. 







A/N: coz things happen in Jeju.... sorry I don't know what there is in jeju. I haven't been there and because I'm such a lazy puppy I didn't do research. XD RUSH!.sorry, nothing exciting yet... T.T..  what ya think guys? Love lots!

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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(