Seeking Advice

doll collector

Chapter 5


*knock, knock, knock*


"Come in" JungKook suddenly felt drain he didn't even bother coming to the door. He just continued staring at the ceiling as he lay immobile in his bed. His ceiling is too boring, now he wish he put some of those stars in his room. How could Jin not like those?  They're cute, and glowing! JungKook's face scrunch up as he thought of this. He was deep in thought to noticed who entered the room. That was until his visitor cleared his throat


"Umhh, so...." SeokJin toed the red carpet, eyes focus on the floor 


The voice made the younger to bolt upright. His bright beam involuntary bloomed. Jin has such aesthetic effect on him. 


"Jin hyung "


"Is it a bad time?" SeokJin asked with a little hope that the other wasn't in the mood but that grin from the younger tells him, he could dream on.


"Aniya" JungKook laid back down on  his bed and pat the space beside him in excitement. 


"I won't have with you " Jin immediately said before anything else because no he won't go there 


"Okay, if that's what you want " JungKook too happily answered. SeokJin cautiously filled the empty space on the younger's  bed and he almost flinched when JungKook turned the lights off with his phone. The sudden darkness which introduced the beam of moonlight through the white curtains overwhelmed the older's sight. warm breath tickled his ear as the younger spoke too closely


"Can I hug you?"


"No funny business?"


"Just cuddle"




Jin felt the other's excitement once his arms snakes to wrap around his torso. SeokJin was in a bit of internal panic for a little while but once he heard the quiet, even breath that signals the other's slumber he started to calm.....




"Then we slept. That's it. We just did slept in one bed, cuddling at best"


'You sure he didn't molest you in your sleep?'


"I don't think he'll do that" 


'Oh, so you know him that well now?'


"I would have woken up or at least felt something if he did anything to me"


'You are a heavy sleeper. I could bet he would have had his way with you three times in one night and you wouldn't even have twitched' 


"YoonGi! "


'Fine but if you get pregnant don't come crying to us whining about not knowing how it happened'


"Damn it YoonGi I'm a man"


'Got ya! So it's possible that he could have done something to you without you knowing'


"Arghh! This is not what this call is about!"


'Then what?'


"I'm bored as hell. There is nothing to do. They have maids for everything. Nothing is a mess. All I do is eat, take a bath, wait for him and sleep."


'Then tell him. Didn't he say you'll be his princess? Then he'll do anything for you'


"You think so?"


'I know so..tsk ,  I'm too swag for this conversation I don't know why I'm taking it and not J-Hope.' YoonGi whined at the other end of the line, followed by inaudible grumbling at the background probably the aforementioned name.


'Tshh you've been eating for an hour now Hobie stop with the excuses' YoonGi hissed most probably directed to his roommate. Jin knew they'd start with the argument so he decided to say goodbye as early as that moment.




Once 5 o'clock strikes Jin started preparing to face JungKook who'll be home anytime. He rooted himself at the couch, looking up every now and then. NamJoon is out to pick JungKook up from school, the house never felt so empty. Jin still have a lot of getting used to to learn with  just a week of stay. He heard the door and the greetings of 'welcome home master' at the fifth time of sweeping the room with his gaze. Once he saw the younger he involuntarily called out 


"JungKook! " it was quite unnecessary and it stunned him too as it did to the younger. JungKook's eyes are wide and twinkling. It's the same look he gives when he is to engulfed the other in his embrace. But seconds flew with their distance not closing in. JungKook turned to NamJoon with pleading wide eyes and once his Butler nod the young one catapulted towards Jin and got them stumbling on the couch. JungKook was giggling against his neck, another thing that doesn't bother him anymore 




"You called my name" JungKook exclaimed 


"Is it really the first time?"


"Yes! Can I kiss you? On the cheeks?"


"Ah... okay.." SeokJin thinks that isn't a big issue. It's just the cheeks. But once the pair of plump lips lay against his cheeks he regretted it, because suddenly he felt the urge to feel those soft flesh against his own. He bit his own lips to reprimand his inner self into thinking filthy.


"But we can't talk yet, I have a project to finish." The younger pouts. He wants to take advantage of this time when Jin himself initiate contact


"If you need help, maybe I could lend a hand "


Smiling JungKook is lovely but the younger's focused, serious face  is weirdly attractive too, SeokJin discovered that and made him smile. Jin was left with cutting and filing things. The older watch him work without knowing that the younger is being extra keen in his school work because of his presence. JungKook put his pencil down and lied down, hands up, all his limbs stretched out.


"That's the last one" he said beaming at the ceiling 


"Should I get you something? " Jin stood up but JungKook stopped him


"Let the maids do that"


Unusual length of silence followed so the younger sat up to look. SeokJin's eyebrows are furrowed and he have that cute pout on




"What should I do then?"


The younger stood up to take the other's hands in his.


"Be here, be with me" JungKook smiled


"I...  I understand what you say but it gets a little boring when..  you know when it's just me" Jin didn't know how to pull his hands away without offending the other. It's not that he didn't like it, he just doesn't want the kid to get the wrong idea


"Oh, do you want to attend uni? You just need a year to graduate right?"


"How did you--" the younger grinned and Jin could only sigh. Of course he knows, he is Jeon JungKook what would he not know?


"I don't want you to pay for my studies too. I want to finish school using my own money"


"You could, didn't NamJoon hyung told you how much I'll give you in a month? A month's pay worth  a year in uni.. "


Oh, his payment. Suddenly he was yanked back to reality. Of course it's all a game to the younger and he is just his little pretty princess doll to dress up and treat to fancy tea parties. He is a princess to JungKook, but in the end he is still just a toy. He gets money from simply  staying in the luxurious house, he should feel lucky on how easy money gets to his pocket but the hollow pain in his chest won't let him enjoy. He looked down and refrained any sound of disappointment. Instead, he nods and let out a hum of agreement. JungKook didn't noticed the change on the other's mood. He just wrapped his arms around Jin and rest his chin on the older's shoulder


"We'll take you to any University you want on Monday. And if you want to do something just ask the maids, they'll follow you. You took culinary right? If you want to use the kitchen that would be fine too"


"Thanks" SeokJin muttered soulless 


Familiar plump flesh touched his neck wetly. He needed to confirm so he let a few seconds to pass before pulling away


"Sorry, I just..." JungKook bowed, eyes trained on the floor 


"I.. it's...  it's okay.. just don't leave hickeys" Jin muttered,  lowering his head in shame. He just gave permission for the younger to kiss his neck. Then he repeat in his mind 'he pays to have his fun with you Kim SeokJin, must give him his money's worth or else your ing lower than a . You'll simply be a gold digger with no gratitude'


JungKook slowly reattached  his lips to the crook of the older's neck to start kissing him sensually again. He showered the exposed flesh with kisses, careful not to start or biting but he did lap at the luscious skin. He was replied with carefully suppressed moans and he likes it. Though Jin won't admit at least his body's involuntary reaction tells JungKook the other is enjoying his ministrations.  It just made him motivated.




To: SuGa 


He's sending me to uni. I let him kiss me, on the neck, countless times. Should i give him more? He pays a decent amount. Gosh i feel filthy. I hate him. But I need his money 


From: SuGa 


Idk what to tell you. I don't want to tell you what to do. Just remember if you want to run away we are always here for you. We'll protect you from him with everything we have, you know that. Just tell us, we will take you away from him.




Author's Note: i feel ty and sad as  again.. life is so unfair sometimes..  I really don't like feeling like this.. sorry about this sad I wrote in A/NI'm just really not fine at all. Love you lots... hope you enjoyed this Chapter even when my sadness is kinda lingering there with Jin... 


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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(