Make up

doll collector

He woke up with a pounding head ache, his body heavy, memory a blur, in short he felt as he sat up. He scanned the room and immediately noticed that it wasn't familiar at all. Next thing he noticed were his clothes scattered on the floor. He quickly sneaked a peek under the blanket and saw his state. 


What happened?


His head hurts more when he tried to remember but there were flashes of TaeJoon pouring drinks for him. 


But that's all. 


He was drinking with his ex and that's all he could remember. Now he is , body not feeling right and alone in a cold room. What could have possibly transpired? He removed the blanket over him and inspected his own. There are bruises, hand marks on his thighs and hips. He looked at his reflection using the mirror on the side table and immediately put in horror as he saw the marks on his chest and neck. Hickeys. 

He pulled the blanket over himself again. He clutch at it tight as he hug his knees. What have he done? Did he and TaeJoon? He buried his face on his knees and tears just started coming while thoughts run in his mind.


'Did I get too drunk? How could I trust TaeJoon hyung? Did something happened? Everywhere hurt, I can't tell. , Jin would be mad. He will hate me. I just gave him more reasons to leave me and go back to that EunJi. just . Why am I so stupid? He will leave me now. He won't love me anymore. I'm dirty. I'm a . That's why they leave. I don't deserve anyone. I'm trash. He'll hate me. Jin hyung.'

His sobs begun racking his whole body as his thoughts become darker. Then he heard the door creaked open, he winced. Who could it be he didn't want to see but it became inevitable when he heard the familiar concern in that voice he loves so much. 

"Kookie, why are you crying?" He asked. JungKook's eyes we're blurry with tears and he knew he look ugly as right now but he just stuttered to his explanation.  He doesn't want to lose Jin. Kim SeokJin is his everything.


"Hyung, I... I don't know what happened. I was drinking with TaeJoon hyung and now I woke up here. I don't remember. Hyung did I...  did I do something? Did I cheat on you? Hyung? I'm sorry. I don't know. I can't remember I swear hyung"


He just cried louder until SeokJin wrapped his arms around him 


"I'm sorry hyung. This things, he touched. I'm sorry I wasn't able to stop him. I'm sorry I'm filthy now. I'm sorry don't leave me" he was crying at the older's neck  and scratching at his own chest and thighs  as he spoke. As if the marks would be removed if he did so. His skin started to turn so red and a few slight cuts we're formed before Jin was able to stop him from the action. JungKook is hurting himself for something he didn't have power over. It hurts Jin so much he wanted to cry too but he decided to be the stronger pillar at the moment as he tightened his hold on the younger so JungKook couldn't batter himself more. Jin was kissing anywhere his lips land and caressing where his hands would reach. JungKook was hysterical and it pained him a lot. 

"Sshh, it's not your fault. It's mine. I should have caught you when you run away. I knew TaeJoon was here in  Jeju, I should have walked with you. I should have tried harder in finding you last night. Don't cry Kookie. I love you. I'll always do. I'll never leave you"

JungKook hugged back and continued crying until he fell asleep in the arms of his beloved. 




"Uh, what?" HoSeok said puzzled at the blond who suddenly barreled toward him and locked him in a tight hug the moment the door was opened 

"Congratulate me because I was so awesome" TaeHyung said proudly, his face a few centimeters away and arms loosely around his fiance's neck. HoSeok's brow rose in confusion 

"Er, even if I have no idea what you are talking about, Congrats I guess?" he tried, because he was seriously clueless. V frowned at this. He pulled away, hands now on his hips and eyes judging 

"You are like the worst boyfriend. You should be showering me with kisses as reward for the achievement I got."

"You should really stop watching those chick flicks"

V rolled his eyes, questioning why in hell he liked an idiot.

"Argh! Jung Hoseok, when will you ever learn that ruining the moment is MY job? so back off son! When I'm happy, sweet or sappy you need to play along or else I'm going to start topping. I dare you to challenge me. I will ruin you and I will ruin you good and RAW" he threatened with a meaningful smirk. HoSeok knew TaeHyung isn't joking and it made him gulped. 

"What? What did I even say? How did the topic went to, Er, that?"

TaeHyung face palmed as HoSeok blushed even without saying the actual word. They are both legal and supposed to be mature enough to talk about the bird and the bees without censorship. For Pete's sake  they've done the 'deed' in multiple positions. Is he seriously getting shy? V just sighed 

"Just start kissing me or else I'll you here and now"





"I'm sorry, I was to go to the other room but the sounds coming from inside scares me. I don't know if they are killing each other or trying to make seven babies in one go. It'll scar me if I see anything. Can I stay here?"

JiMin busted in just when YoonGi was about to close his eyes. The bagel visibly cringed and pure horror reflected on his face.

"Go away" the orange haired need his nap and not disturbance from anyone. 

"Are you that mad at me that you'll let me be scarred for life?" to hell! YoonGi didn't want such possible prolonged proximity with the other but JiMin's sincere pleading eyes is hard to resist, even when he is supposed to be upset at the shorter male. 

"Fine, just let me take a nap" the oranged haired mumbled before collapsing in bed, eyes immediately closed. Moments past that JiMin was only standing by the door, YoonGi unmoving, the orange haired's soft breathing and JiMin's heartbeat as the only sound. JiMin moved cautiously towards the sleeping figure. He knelt by the bed so he could have a close look at the face he hasn't been grace with for too long in his liking. He held his breath for a second afraid his breath caressing the other's face would render the older awake. But a minute or two of closeness without the older bolting up to leave made him believe YoonGi was asleep and it's safe to say his little confession 

"YoonGi-ah when will you forgive me? That kiss was, it was just like a farewell thing. You know, the last one. Yes Tae and I fooled around with each other but we ended it. He is taking his engagement seriously and me, I just want to be with you. When will you believe that?"

JiMin is aware of how close he was speaking to the older, but well if permitted he would even slam his lips against the other's own. Not a complete thought  even passed the younger's mind when a response surprisingly came from the supposedly asleep other . 

"I can feel your breath on my face... and a little bit of spit. Can you, uh, move a bit farther when you are speaking in my sleep"

JiMin quickly drew away and involuntarily cover his mouth with his hand. His face heating up at the embarrassing incident. 


YoonGi's eyes fluttered open and caught JiMin's as he continued muttering 

"Romanticist often ignore this details but I'm a logical son of the universe so I'm not immune to close contact indecency of your unholy fluid excretion through that seemingly luscious orifice."

JiMin tilt his head, bedazzled. But he gave thought to the words. He has been reading up and paying great attention to his studies since he met YoonGi, especially in literary. He wants to further understand Min YoonGi and aceing his subjects isn't a bad side effect. Orifice is an opening, right? Umh, luscious, that's like delicious or something pleasant I guess. Fluid excretion? He was talking about my spit awhile ago... hmh..  wait does that mean...

"Did you just called my mouth pretty?"

JiMin exclaimed, a smile twitching to spread. YoonGi rolled his eyes good naturedly at this. 

"Again with the selective hearing."

They both wore small smiles after that until JiMin spoke again hesitantly  

"So, what do I have to do to be forgiven?"

YoonGi lowered his gaze. He couldn't avoid JiMin forever, not really with how persistent the other is. One way or another he knew he'll give in.  So he decided to reason out. The logical answer he got over pondering hours after hours in between his naps.

"You don't have to apologize. I just overreacted. We are not committed to each other in any way so I don't have any right to act as I did" YoonGi could taste the unwelcomed bitterness at the tip of his tongue. Rationally, that's correct but circumstance and his own evading feelings tells him otherwise, but he clung on to the more accepted values rather than be human. That painted a pained smile on his lips.

"But I want a commitment with you. I want to be with you. YoonGi, I love you. When will you believe that? Or are you still unsure of your feelings? I can wait you know, I can keep chasing. Just don't close any doors for me. Please don't avoid me whenever I make a mistake. I'm stupid alright because I'm in love. Just tell me whenever I do things wrong. I'll change for you."

the younger blurted out his most kept thoughts, desperate of the fleeting hope of affections from the older that he have lost along the way. YoonGi looked down, he had contemplated about this long ago and he has long been definite of the words he'll utter.

"I don't want you to change though."








This time when JungKook open his eyes what greeted him was a familiar sight. The face of his boyfriend inches away from his. A smile slipped past his lips as he watch the older with his soft breathing and quiet snores. But then he remembered. He slowly got out of bed to head to the bathroom but Jin woke up and caught his hand.

"Where are you going?"

"I...I'll just take a bath" JungKook stated quietly looking at the floor. He wanted to wash away any remnants of the night that passed. Whatever happened or didn't happen. He doesn't want to know anymore.  He just want to erase that night altogether. Jin stood up and soon was pulling the younger to the bathroom. 

"I could use one too. Let's go together."


JungKook has never been shy about being , especially in front of Jin. But bearing the marks of another made him feel sick and fidgetty. Like he wanted the ground to swallow him instead of have his boyfriend look inquisitively. They stand under the cold shower, both wet and . JungKook was out of it so SeokJin took the liberty in washing his hair and helping with the soap. When his hands brushed past some of the hickeys he uttered 

"TaeJoon said nothing happened" he knew how troubled JungKook felt about it and it was proven when he felt the younger's muscles to tense. He gave a little massage for JungKook to calm, because that's his purpose to start with anyway. JungKook suddenly hugged him and Jin felt him trembling. It wasn't the cold, he's sure. He only hugged back and caressed his boyfriend's bare, slick back.

"Do you want me to check?" Jin lowly muttered to his ear. The question took him by surprise. Check? JungKook pulled away just enough to meet eyes with the older, their body still against each other

"What? How?"

"Like this" 

JungKook gasped when he felt SeokJin's palm in his bum then a finger passed between his cheeks and teasingly stopped just at his entrance. 

"Hyung~" JungKook closed his eyes, putting his full trust to  his boyfriend







...icebreaker! (Lost innocence, maknae special. Feat. AV couple)

A-sshi: why the hell are you here!? And where'd you get that ice cream?

JungKook: TaeHyung bought lots just so I'd stay here with you. There are like ten tubs in the fridge*shrugs*

A-sshi: that idiot do surprisingly touching things (─‿─)

JungKook: he said he knew you'll come with and annoy him at the boutique if you knew he is stepping out for tuxedo fitting for his wedding. Touching, sure.(  ̄ˍ ̄)

A-sshi: <(`^´)> that tard! He knew I was waiting for the fitting. That ing bastard head! *noticed JungKook staring with a spoon of ice cream in his mouth* 

Σ( ° △ °|||)︴oh my Jesus. I'm sorry child! You must not hear such awful words. Oh my gosh! Careless me. 


JungKook: i'm not a kid! I could  satisfy you more than any other man in this dorm woman!

A-sshi: ohmy! Who among you idiots let the kid see your ? you stupid heads. Oh my God. My clueless baby... poor child's innocence. We could still save you. 

JungKook: Jin hyung!

A-sshi: oh sure call for the mom, you cry baby 

JungKook: I don't cry! I'm the golden maknae 

A-sshi: keep telling yourself that. 


~~ 3 hours later ~~


V: where is JungKook?

A-sshi: defeated ( • ̀ω•́ )✧

V: sure, he is the golden maknae you know.

A-sshi: alright, in the next room. Eomma Jin is teaching him a lesson 

V: *heards slamming* (⊙o⊙)?(⊙﹏⊙) *then *     ( -_-||) ( ≧﹏≦)

A-sshi: *heard it too*

 ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ (〜^∇^)〜☆     \(^ω^\)  ∩(︶▽︶)∩  ... oh my JinKook. Such satisfying sounds 

V: ert 




A/N: for those who missed YoonMin! Let's drink to us! And JinKook is painful, I know. T.T ... and yeah I liked the emojis too much!.XD lolz... love JinKook! I love Kookie, believe me guys. I just like to tease... XD .. y'all.. because I love you, I'll give you a little happiness next chap... EXPECT FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF AND LOTS OF FLUFF! XDXD. unicorns and rainbows I'm telling yah, unicorns and rainbows 

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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(