
doll collector


"He resisted that? The steam didn't affect him?" Sehun's eyes were wide in incredulity. Good thing it was only the three of them in the practice room because the silver haired's voice rose in a volume none of them thought it'd reach.


Sehun and JungKook stayed behind  after club activities to teach Mark the steps he missed when he was out the other day. Though JungKook is now thinking twice of that decision because now the hen pecked mothers are at him again.


"I think it did, that's why he went to the bathroom" their red-haired hyung reasoned innocently. It caused the silver haired to frown at him 


"Hyung! I was going to make Kookie cry"


JungKook watched Mark beam apologetically at Sehun while petting his hair that the younger visibly didn't appreciate. As much as he wanted to join in 'trying' to bully his dramatic hyung, the youngest of the 3 have his own concern at hand 


"What will I do? I'm out. Should I just get in front of him and announce that I want to have ?" JungKook whined, both his hands covering his face. His distress called for the two's attention.


"We told you to talk to Taehyung" Sehun said, catching Mark's wrist to stop him from treating him like a dog. The red haired just laughed then nods at JungKook in  agreement 


"Fine I'll try" JungKook pouts. It's one of those rare times that he acts like the maknae he is. Mark tried to comfort him by patting his thigh.


Sehun observed with narrowed eyes, truly contemplating before he spoke his thoughts 


"You two should really think if you have things going on right. I mean hormone doesn't just flow one way. You and your boyfriends are at  age of ual desire. They must want it as much. If you don't excite them then you should be worried if they really have interest towards you" he wasn't mocking but it wasn't pure concern as a slight smirk sliver on his lips once he was replied with identical pout from the two and defences were put up as they race to explanations 


"Jinyoungie and I are intimate, we just haven't gone all the way. But we do stuffs okay"


"I just start dating a few days ago"


Sehun immediately countered both statements  with his arms folded against his chest 


"Kookie you never needed days to get to someone's pants. And Mark Hyung you've been engage for 4 years, your ity is questionable." the silver haired raised a brow at one after the other. 


The two in question just bit their lower lips, wanting to protest but can't come up with probable argument since all that's said were true. 


Sehun ruffled his hair when he couldn't take the looks of utter defeat on their faces 


"Aisshh, Kookie we'll try to dump V at yours later. Make up and ask him. And oh yeah, I'll be gone for a while. I need to get my brother for my engagement party" the last part had Sehun looking down to whisper and the atmosphere suddenly got twice as tense.


"Good luck hyung. See you at your party"


Mark and JungKook gave him sympathetic smiles.




JungKook knew his hyungs would keep their promise in getting Taehyung to his doorsteps but he never realizllled the great lengths they are ready to take until he was standing at the door to welcome JiMin and Sehun holding onto a glaring Taehyung. Vl probably have the rights to do so since he is held in place, his hands handcuffed behind him and his mouth taped shut. He must have been really reluctant if they needed to restraint him that way. Jimin handed him a key and Sehun pushed V, fortunately JungKook caught him. 


"Hyung?" the youngest questions the harshness 


"Hehe, just to fit the atmosphere. Sorry."


"Don't let him lose until you are in a locked room. He might escape" JiMin winked and they both dashed off with a wave.


JungKook held onto TaeHyung's arm as they walk to his room. V shrugged him off but continued walking, his brows still furrowed even when he is seated at the younger's bed. When JungKook was sure the other would just settle into glaring at him he removed the duck tape and freed the other's hands. Taehyung's burning glare didn't falter. He folded his arms against his chest and rooted himself at  the edge of the bed. JungKook met eyes with him and puffed his cheeks trying to see if he could make him laugh. But the blond's hard expression didn't soften a bit. JungKook  let out a breath and sat beside his best friend. V followed him with piercing eyes.


"TaeHyung how long would you do this? Can't you just tell me the problem and let's try to solve it? Like before?"


V arched a brow, he inhaled deep before he opened his mouth 


"The problem? You want to know the problem? The problem is you got a boyfriend  and JiMin is texting this complete stranger. Now where does that leave me? Call me selfish but I'm losing both of you. What am I supposed to do?"


JungKook expected anger but the emotional outburst got him wide eyes shock. There was tremble of  fury in his voice and something bordering to misery 


"I'm sorry" that was all the younger could utter.


TaeHyung recognized the stunned expression but he continued on bombarding him with his bottled up complaints 


"Do you know how difficult it is to us when you get hurt? We love you but you brush us off for some cheap trash. Do you even know what we feel for you?" V stood up and grabbed JungKook by the collar. His clutch too tight his hands starts to  shake. The younger muttered an answer though 




TaeHyung pulled him up not caring if he ruined the shirt, he just wanted to level their faces in standing height. His teeth are gritted as he continued 


"Do you know how it affects us? Do you know how JiMin felt? You don't right? What do you know? Do you know how I need you guys right now? Do you know that my parents are getting a divorce? I'm alone for weeks kookie. All I have are the two of you and now I lost you and I'm losing JiMin" V  wasn't conscious that tears started to well up on his eyes.


JungKook took the older's hands off his shirt and gently pulled V in a hug. JungKook knew how sensitive TaeHyung is  when it comes to his family so he was quite sure the blond was biting back his so called 'ugly sobbing'. The younger rubbed his back and sat them back down to the bed. 


"I don't know sorry" JungKook whispered to the other's ear 


"I need you" TaeHyung finally returned the embrace 


"It's okay, I'm sorry"


"What will I do? I'm gonna lose everyone"


"No, JiMin and I will stay, for always " these words seemed to have the opposite effect of what's intended as V shakes his head apprehensively. So the inquiry just rolled off his tongue 




"Kookie, I'm in love with JiMin"


It took half a minute for the younger to analyze the string of words that were said. 


"Oh my"


Some minutes of silence and TaeHyung pulled away calm. His eyes were wet but not as red as JungKook expected. He took in few deep  breaths and when the younger sees the right moment, he asked 


"Want to talk about..."


"No please, just say your apologies and make amends that I'll like" with the sass back in V's tone the younger confirmed that his best friend already recovered. 


"Okay, uh sorry for my negligence to you and JiMin this past month. And promise no one will know about you know "


"Okay,.but this is not me accepting your doll. I'll just turn a blind eye to this momentary insanity" TaeHyung cleared, arms folded against his chest and eyes dead of  any amusement 




"Hyung said you need help or something?"


"Well..." JungKook told him the whole story of his plans of seduction. Intricately detailed that it earned a lot of eye twitch and clenched jaw. But at the end of every told event it would always be a sigh and a disappointed shake of his head 


"You did the right things but you did them the wrong way let me remind you something he made you forget. You, Jeon JungKook, dominates. Since you got together you became a... mushy baby. Remember that he is your princess. Doesn't matter if you are top or bottom. If  you are the one who is trying to seduce you have to take control. You are trying to lead them in a night of passion. Be firm. Seduction doesn't allow aegyo! You make them want you, drool for you to the point they pull you in" TaeHyung lectured like a professor. His uncaring demeanor was  suddenly lit with passion. Kim TaeHyung really like the subject of seduction. 


The blond needed to leave after his great speech and some pointers he  never thought the 'doll collector ' would ever need. The JungKook he knew is the master of seduction, forget that, JungKook is seduction in two legs. All he ever needed was that smug smirk and people are falling on their knees, with all their clothes taken off. It wasn't just his face, it was his personality and confidence that makes him irresistible. How he became an impossibly innocent, as innocent as he could be, as a fluffy ball of aegyo that he is now is a wonder. Could it be because of SeokJin? Is he really different? Thoughts run around TaeHyung's mind as JungKook walk him to the gates where his ride home was waiting. 


Before the gates were opened V stole a kiss on the younger's lips. It may have lasted for 3 seconds so it wasn't considered a peck. It was a kiss and it stunned the younger for the nth time that night.


"I just needed to do that. Just checking" the blond said when he pulled away. He seemed quite disappointed with his forced smile. It should have been insulting but the younger knew exactly what other was on  about so instead he showed concern 




"JiMin. Still" the blond sighed and JungKook pulled him in a hug for consolation. It must be hard for TaeHyung to be in love with his best friend who see him as a brother, friend, rival and  anything but a romantic partner. And keeping it a secret while keeping the same distance must be torture. all he could do is to be there for his friend 


"See you tomorrow"




JungKook excitedly went back to his room. Jin stayed behind in  school and the younger wasn't sure what time he'll be home so he was a bit surprised when he found his princess already waiting in his bed. He didn't know what time the older got back.


SeokJin put down the book he was reading on the side table once he saw the other. JungKook eagerly fill the space beside his boyfriend. His head turned and craned for a kiss. He smiled against the soft pair of lips but Jin pulled away too quickly for his liking. The older just smiled at him. but not his nervous beam whenever JungKook was getting too far. It looks more sad than anything so obviously it caught the younger's concern.


"Anything wrong princess?"


"I'm just  tired Kookie, let's sleep" Jin slipped under the covers and more of a disappointing surprise is he lied on his side giving his back to the younger.


"Ah.. okay..." was all he could reply as he too lay there watching his boyfriend's back waiting for him to turn and face him for a cuddle. But the older didn't move a muscle even until JungKook  fell asleep. 


Though in the middle of the night JungKook was awaken by something damp and soft on his lips. He opened his eyes and with hazy sight he confirmed that Jin is kissing him. The older wasn't aware that the other was conscious so he continued in his advancement until JungKook let out a sleepy moan.


"Umh, hyung ~" The younger was still in the middle of wacking his brain to accept he wasn't dreaming. But he saw that smile again, the almost forced curve of his lips and his glassy sad eyes. Jin was looking at him with such expression that pained JungKook. He wanted to pull the older in his embrace but Jin caressed his cheek and whispered to his ear 


"Go back to sleep, it was  just a goodnight kiss"


"M'kay" the younger murmured almost inaudibly before he closed his eyes and curled against his boyfriend. 




JungKook woke up alone in his bed, something he wasn't used to anymore. It's just a few weeks with Jin and he is starting to be dependent. The younger shook his head but he couldn't help his smile. He went downstairs and as expected his boyfriend is waiting for him. 


In the middle of breakfast JungKook put his utensils down and stared at Jin with an  innocent tilt of his head. Seokjin felt eyes on him and he looked up 




"Uh, something on your... let me" JungKook stood up and leaned over to Jin. The older closed his eyes once his lips were captured. He could only let out quiet moans as the younger bit and his lower lip. It lasted for a while and when JungKook pulled away he beamed brightly at Jin saying 


"Oh I guess it was just your sweet lips" the younger took his seat again and continued eating happily. 


SeokJin blushed and he wanted to cover his face in embarrassment but then he remembered he need not to. JungKook is his boyfriend so nothing was really wrong at that. He didn't held back the smile that crept to his kiss-swollen lips as he eyed the beautiful man in front of him that he'll proudly call his.




On his way to JungKook's classroom Jin saw someone else in the hallways. Someone he'd rather not see for a few days. His boyfriend's blond bestfriend is talking or possibly insulting their short friend, if he remember correctly his name is JiMin. He stood in good distance and watched. TaeHyung's hand was on Jimin's shoulder, he leaned a bit too close then pulled away. Whatever is going on between those two isn't his business and he was just to shrug them off but V just needed to his lower lip. Jin felt like he was seeing that action in slow motion and 20x zoomed in to the other's mouth. That pressed play into a high definition replay of events in his mind. 


Hot white rage started rising. He has never been so mad because of a memory before. But fresh wounds tend to bleed once hit. 


'He took long, heavy strides towards the laughing blond. One hand grabbed the boy by the collar and before V could register who was holding him Jin's other hand already did the assault. Not seconds after the punch, SeokJin slammed TaeHyung against the wall. His eyes are burning in anger as he scowled 

"You don't go around kissing other people's boyfriend, brat" '




A/N: i think i just ruined Vkook... T.T ... do you fogive me? 


rushed rushed rushed... that's  my works are right now... T.T...  when would I even give you guys something worth it... JinKook is on it's way back to... Hehe... yah know... XD..  hope you guys still likes this and keep reading... still lots and lots to happen... please tell me what you think.. this author is quite sad nowadays..  who would give me a Kookie? I'll love you forever..  love lots guys! Really sorry...


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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(