
doll collector


He didn't know how their fight or rather his loud sobbing and yelling turned to passionate that left scattered marks on their flesh. He woke up sore, pleased but confuse. JungKook's  and his own clothes are everywhere, it's like a trail on the floor leading to the bed. Jin rested his back against the headboard as much as he could. He fixed his gaze on his lap contemplating hard on how to act now. What should he say? The door clicked open and Jin automatically pulled the sheets up to his chest, his eyes meeting JungKook's. JungKook with only a towel on and his hair wet, water running down his collarbones. He is a sin in two legs that keeps on distracting SeokJin in his every purpose of every day. The older needed to gulped as the other made his way to sit beside him. 

"We still need to talk" Jin immediately pointed out trying not to look at the younger's eyes

"OK, we'd do it your way. If you don't want me putting money in your account I won't but I know you need money for your parents"

"How'd you-- " he was cut off by Jungkook's hand cupping his chin

"I'll get you your work back, as a model" the younger said with all sincerity, eyes catching the older's gaze 


Jin wanted to ask about the blond guy in the cafe but JungKook leaned in and the younger's lips made him forget the right questions






That afternoon NamJoon got back from his so called 'errand' with a  cute, purple-haired boy wearing a  grimace in tow. The boy was brought to the study room where JungKook has been waiting nervously. Without even any greeting the visitor cried out once he laid eyes on JungKook. He knew who invited him into going back to Korea with not so subtle threats but seeing the 'collector' brought back the pains of yesterday

"Why? Why did you drag me back here? What else do you want? You have Hansol. What else do you want from me? Do you want to see how miserable I am? You've taken my everything what else do I have?" the purple haired boy wiped away angry tears as his eyes are fixed on the younger who was utterly  taken aback 

"ByoungJoo hyung! Please listen. Please talk to Hansolie hyung. He wasn't, we were never really together. Hyung I just... it was me. Every late night drives, untimely phone calls, his absence in important occasions. It was all my fault. I planned it all because I wanted the two of you to break up because... because I got obsessed. I was stupid... a jerk. I wanted him for myself. I didn't gave him a choice. I threatened him with a video".JungKook explained with his head down, ashamed of the confession. But he is determined to tell the truth.

"Video?" ByoungJoo asked, his sobbing begun to subside

"The first time I met him, I think you two had a fight and he drunk his misery till he... We made a mistake. He dreamt of you while  he was with me. I knew what was happening and I liked him so I videotaped it and threatened him with it." great surge of shame came over the younger as he remembered the cheap, desperate trick he pulled. He was infatuated with Hansol because of the other's undeniable charm


"I was cruel. I was every bit of a monster you are thinking but I changed. I... I'm in love and Hansol hyung deserves to have the happiness I stole from him. I want to make things right" he almost gulp at the half truth. Something he said wasn't all it is. 

"Nothing will make things right" tears started to run down ByoungJoo's cheeks again as his voice falter 

"He is still in love with you and I know you feel the same. If you would just forgive him for the mistake he never meant"

"He broke up with me"

"Huh?" B-Joo's words surprised him. Well that's something he didn't know. Hansol never told him.

"He was the one who broke up with me. He told me he can't take it anymore. I took it that he is tired of me so I left even when I want to beg for his love"

JungKook gaped, his mouth hanging for a moment. He is honestly amazed at how far the HanJoo couple went for their love for each other. He even starts to question himself if he had done even half or if he could go as far for the one person he loves.


 Not enough, he told himself. And then he composed himself to start his persuasion again. If he wants his plan to work he needs to make the purple haired boy believe.

"He is making the same mistake as I did. Please talk to him. I believe he broke up with you because he thought he was hurting you too much. I know. Please believe me." acting lessons with Kim Taehyung must pay off at times like this.

"So this really does have something to do with you. You are right. You are a monster. And I still do love him so I'll talk to him to make things right. But never think that I'd forgive you just because you told me." ByoungJoo growled before dashing out of the room, slamming the door behind him.


JungKook sat back with a sigh. With ByoungJoo knowing the truth he might have a chance of getting Hansol off his back 











TaeHyung was lying in his bed staring at the ceiling with his eyebrows furrowed.


 It happened again. 


JiMin swore countless times since he met that 'orange cherub' that they'd stop fooling around but the shorter boy got so frustrated in the past days of his fascination's silence. He got so frustrated that the moment TaeHyung opened the door JiMin barrelled towards him, pushing him down the soft mattress.

 JiMin seems cute and loving but he could be too rough in bed sometimes, like this time. TaeHyung checked his wrist and see the color left by the tight grip and he could feel the same feels on his hips so he is expecting bruises there too. He turned to his side to watch his best friend sleep soundly.

 How long could he keep hurting himself loving JiMin secretly? How could he move on? Or should he even? Maybe there is a chance, maybe he just needs to wait. How would he know what to do?

 At that thought his phone buzzed 



From: unknown 

Can we Please meet at Cassielf Cafe? 2pm. I'll be waiting till 3pm.


-Jung Hoseok 




Was that a sign? Jung  Hoseok? Who was that? Someone he doesn't know asking him out. He would brush it off usually but this time there is something pulling him into consideration. He closed the message but didn't forget to remember the details. 






Jungkook watched his phone like a hawk for the whole day, waiting for that dreaded phone call. But night fell and it has yet to flash the vengeful name. His smile grew as each hour passed. 

Jin expected an alone and lonely night again but when he opened the door Jungkook was on the bed. The younger is only wearing a bathrobe, which is loosely tied at the waist giving view of his chest. Jungkook has a wide grin, showing crescent eyes of innocence but his hands untying the robe depicting otherwise.

"Princess" the younger uttered in sultry tone with a lip bite. Jin was soon gulping, his bag hit the floor after a few seconds of contemplation.






Just two hours after JungKook's promise, Jin's manager called him for a photo shoot briefing the next day. Once again SeokJin was reminded that his boyfriend isn't just an average boy. Once again he is visited by doubts, wariness, even fright... 


what if... 


but those thoughts were cut when his manager came in. He wasn't alone and his company seemed as surprise as Jin was. 

"Kim Seokjin! Welcome back to the business. I know you two are friends so I made sure you work together in this. We need a relax working environment since it's your first after a long time of rest. And you two are among the best. So, the boss is calling i'll leave you two to catch up." Mr. Manager left waving with a contented smile, totally ignorant of the boiling tension. 

Once the manager is out of the room, Hyosang melted in sighs as Jin glared at him

"I had no idea it's you" he said almost sorry. Almost. Hyosang just can't help but be happy that Jin would be near him again. He wants to work things out with his 'best friend'. 

"I hope I won't find out otherwise" SeokJin spat out. He knew Hyosang, he knew he is a good person. He wanted to just forgive him but the other doesn't seem repentant at all. And every time he try to explain, Kidoh just reminds Jin out what he did.

"If we are to work together..."

"I'm professional, I would have quit if I wasn't" Jin folded his arms against his chest, his scowl getting deeper by the minute.


"Jin hyung!" A happy JungKook called out as he run to Jin and wrap his arms around the older.

 Jin was surprised by the weight thrown at him but Kookie smiling and being clingy prove to lighten his mood a bit.

Kidoh watched trying not to look too surprised but his eyes widened a bit when the boy who interrupted his talk with Jin suddenly kissed SeokJin on the lips. Kidoh was expecting SeokJin to push the other away and maybe a slap would follow because back when they were friends Seokjin was a bit uncomfortable with homoual acts. But Jin even pulled the dark haired boy by the nape to deepen the kiss.


 They were shamelessly kissing in front of him and he felt shiver run down his spine when he noticed the young one is glaring at him over Jin's shoulder 





If Jin didn't miss the skinship he would have complained about the younger's tight grip. He just smiled watching the other rush him to the car. JungKook didn't even try to hide his reason when he asked with furrowed eyebrows  

"Who was that?" 

"The photographer" Jin answered with a slight smile, still amused at the way his boyfriend acts 

"I mean he seems to know you".JungKook pouted, trying aegyo on his princess 

"He was a friend" the older's smile faltered as he spoke the words under his breath


"Yes,  was" and that's all he said. He knew JungKook wants him to elaborate but that's all he could say. 


How could he tell his boyfriend that Jin Hyosang a.k.a. Kidoh the photographer on his new project was the man who almost him?








A/N:  OMG! how late am I? I won't say my excuses now because I have too many. Lot of things clashing with lots of other things! Ahhh stress~~ 


Buuuutttt! Hope some questions are answered and well is this chap worth the wait? I'm gonna start the fun again... Hehe ... I'll give you the title for the next chap you might guess what will happen there.... 'Party' ... vague? Is it? :D...  Hope to see comments from my lovelies again... you know who you are...  Imiss you guys! :DD



Annnddd....  I tried for a trailer vid...  anyone interested it's up there... love lots!


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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(