
doll collector

Doll Collector Chapter 1: because it's a collector's must -have 


"You know me?" he asked instead of stumbling his way into an awkward pick up line. 


He knew he'd be awkward, he's born that way. The boy smiled again, losing his eyes in his wide beam. 


"I oath to. After all i just bought you" the cute boy proclaimed happily. 


A few hours after their meeting Jin was suddenly in the young man's room. The young man who he now knows as Jeon Jungkook, the only son of the richest and most influential man in asia. NamJoon, JungKook's personal butler, has been explaining about the situation for about an hour but SeokJin's mind seems to be rejecting the idea. He keeps shaking his head, stealing glances at the boy who is excitedly making the bed creak, while keeping his jaw from dropping in disbelief. 


"He wants me to be his what? " Jin asked indignantly 


Namjoon sighed because he answered the same question for the Nth time now. 


"His 'doll' That's what he calls them"


"You can't buy a person "


"Apparently if you have as much money as he does, you could" Namjoon shrugged because on his years of service to JungKook, he'd seen lots of them come and go. 


Whenever the younger spots someone he likes, he'll send Namjoon to deal with the price. He's used to them. Jin abruptly stood up, dragging the chair soundly backwards. 


"I'm going home. This is crazy."


"Don't make things hard for yourself. Young master would do everything to get what he wants. And believe me you would not want to see what he could do. "


It hasn't been a day and Jin doesn't want to see more of what Jungkook could do. He's in his friends ' apartment having lost his a moment ago right after his agency told him to 'just accept the offer'. They say though they don't want to lose him, they can't lose all investors for him.


Jin faceplants himself on Hoseok and Yoongi's dinner table as he gives every misfortune of the day a thought. He can't stay here for long though. he knows he's welcome but he also knew his friends are barely making it through. The two are both trainees in a new entertainment company, they both work as dish washers in a ramyun shop for their daily needs. He doesn't want to be a burden. He sighed loudly, not intending to be noticed but just to let out a bit of his frustration. 


"Are you okay? " a hand landed comfortingly on his shoulder as he heard Hoseok inquire carefully. 


"Yeah yeah, maybe i should walk this off for a bit. " walking clears SeokJin's mind and his friends knew this so Hoseok just smiled at him and nod in agreement. 


SeokJin stood up and almost jogged his way down the stairs. As soon as he set foot to the pavement in front of the apartment he saw the guy in black suit he talked to earlier. The one with bleached yellow hair who have so much gangster air that he almost doesn't fit the formal clothing. He smirked at Jin making the model to gulp. 


"Young master wants to see you"


"I'm not going with you anywhere" SeokJin said as firm as he could. Good thing his face is usually blank. He have it good in hiding his nervousness. 


The car window rolled down and revealed JungKook with his ever bright smile. Seriously, how could that pretty face with radiant smile do ruthless things. No one would believe if Jin ever so try to tell someone that the kid is making his life hell in a span of ten hours. Then the angelic face spoke


"If you don't get in the car now your friends are going to lose everything they have as you have lost yours." The younger had the sweetest tone. How in hell could he manage such irony? Jin would never figure out. With his throat dry with the thought of making his friends as homeless as he is now, he forced his feet towards the car.


Jungkook excitedly made space for his companion. Looking at Jin beside him got his imagination wired. He has tons of ideas of what he'd do to Jin. Stripping him is first in the list. But maybe not. Jin has the frailty of a princess, so no. Jin would be his princess. He wouldn't want to scare his princess at first night of course. A hug maybe, or a kiss would do. That'll be sweet wouldn't it? Thoughts keep flowing as he watch Jin who is uncomfortable under his scrutiny.


"Stop staring" Jin muttered 


"I can stare all I want because you are mine now" JungKook said matter-of-factly


"No I'm not" the older negates. 


This received a frown from the other. JungKook can't understand the model's reluctance. His offer is pretty good. All the luxury one could want Jin just needs to stay beside him. Is that so hard?


"Haven't I established what I could do? Isn't losing your job and house enough? Do you still want me to involve more people here? Because honestly I want to stop this here. If you'd just agree now things won't get messier. I would give you a lot more than you have lost too. "


"Why would I want to be a rich kid's toy?" Jin reasoned 


"I won't make you feel that way. I would treat you like my princess " JungKook beamed trying to shine the light to Jin's understanding.


"Do you think that made me feel better? I'm a man" Jin folded his arms across his chest, frowning towards nothing, he wasn't even looking at the younger. The reason why he didn't see how the boy's expression turned dark. His tone turned cold as he asked with frightening resolved 


"Is it a yes or a no? You need to tell me now. I won't wait for another day or even another hour at that." The authority in the younger's tone almost made him flinch. 


JungKook handed an iPad to him where he saw photos of his friends in profile like documents with the logo of the entertainment company on top. The younger leaned closer and murmured in a dangerously low voice


"Do you know that it's easier to make things disappear than to make them appear? But in seconds I could do both." The younger tap the screen and the trash can appeared


"Now you could tell me your answer." For the first time that hour, the model met the boy's eyes, trying to find any hesitance .


"Don't try me. You know by now I won't bluff"


Not even a whole day passed and JungKook could pat himself on the shoulder in pride for once again getting what he wants. He is now walking Jin through the hallways to lead his princess to his room.


"This would be your room and the one down this hall is mine. You could knock anytime you need something or dial 3 on the phone by the bedside to call for NamJoon hyung. "


Jin didn't even turn his head to the younger. The older's dismissal of his presence made a pinching pain in the younger's chest that pulled his smile down to a twitching curve. JungKook lowered his head as he bid his good night.


Jin watched the kicked puppy walk away. He wanted to stop him and apologize but he reminds himself who JungKook is and what he has just done. He's no one to be sorry for. 


He entered the room and stopped dead on his first step as he saw the elegance he never imagined he'll be sleeping in. It's no joke a princess' room. All pink with a queen size bed decorated with those lace-y curtains. It's all too girl but SeokJin's weakness for pink and princesses was struck on the spot so no complaints passed his mind as he padded towards the bed and laid his aching back. It's soft and smells real nice. JungKook wasn't joking when he said he'll be treated like a princess. He took his phone out, it's quite late his friends might be worrying. True to his thoughts he has already gotten multiple text from the two and a few missed calls. He texted them back where he is and how he got there, but of course skipping the part where he was threatened about his friends. He just said he wanted to get his house and career back. He doesn't want the other two to think that they're at fault. He immediately received a reply from yoongi 


From: Suga 


Well maybe you could take advantage. Get enough money for you and Eunji, run away and get married. Just don't let him take you to bed. ity is important. 


To: Suga 


Shut up. He's a kid. Nothing like that would happen. I won't be interested. Eunji, now that gave me a thought. Thanks. Now I could just think of her and maybe do this right. 


SeokJin smiled reading his text. Eunji, his first love. He promised himself to have a stable job and go back to his hometown to finally confessed to EunJi and maybe she feels the same and it'll be a happily ever after. It was a far off dream but anyone could have their fairy-tale. Or at least deserve some inspiration to keep them going. 


Lying down, lights off, jin inevitably noticed the glow-in-the-dark stars and moon stuck on the ceiling, right above him. Again, it's childish but Jin felt himself smile before he could stop it as he imagines JungKook reaching out to stick the stars one by one. Maybe peeling some off and sticking them again to a better position. But then he frowned because it's much more of a possibility that the kid just ordered one of the maids. He's a spoiled brat after all. A shallow, spoiled, bastard who wanted him after seeing him on a magazine. A shallow kid who only likes someone for their looks would never be that thoughtful. Jin closed his eyes with these bitter thoughts but deciding to make good use of the situation the next day, when he is well rested and in a better mood to fake some smile or something. 


Jin woke up to soft grunting and warmth squirming against him. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around 'it'. But then he felt warm flesh under his touch and he decided to open his eyes. He looked down, against his chest is disheveled raven hair..the one against him moved again with soft sounds like... well Jin doesn't want to think about it but they sounds like... moans... slowly his mind starts running and reality is dawning. He froze, eyes wide staring to the one in his arms. Did he just woke up cuddling Jeon JungKook? A Jeon JungKook?





Soooo...idk this is all self -indulgence but hope someone enjoyed reading..


hehe! Thank you to those whi subscribed anf commented.. hope you liked this..


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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(