
doll collector

The younger caught his hand as he was ing his jeans 

"Stop it" JungKook was still shaky but it's clear that he is not in favour of Jin's  idea of a compromise. 

Seokjin knew he is easily tempted, so the older using his body to be forgiven is foul play. And besides that isn't even the issue. Jin's  head was bowed so low his bangs covered his eyes. Tears continuously ran down his cheeks hitting the floor like raindrops. 

"What should i do? What else do i need to do for you to listen? To believe?" Jin's hands were still held and no resistance came from him whatsoever. He wanted the touch to last. He wanted JungKook to hold him, want him, need him... love him. 


"You can't do this to me hyung. You were the one who hurt me, you were the one who left. I should be the one crying, stop this bull!" JungKook himself was now crying loudly, his face was wet with hot tears but he didn't wipe any of it because like Jin, he didn't want to let go of the hands of his beloved. Eventually he was forced to when Jin s legs gave out and he dropped on the floor sobbing like a child. Every chance he hoped for slipping from his hands at every rejection from JungKook. He is crying out of frustrations, regret and heart break. He thought he'll succeed because the younger confessed in still harbouring feelings for him. Maybe love is not enough. 


JungKook was standing there, his own tears not drying. He remembered how he cried the first time SeokJin left. He knows how much painful those cries are than they seem. He knew how hope starts to get out of his being at one point, how hollowed the gnawing inside actually feels. He knew and he can't take it. Suddenly he moved on impulse. Suddenly he was on his knees, arms wrapped around SeokJin. He remembered how the older had held him, comforted  him those times his weakness showed. He remembered, he missed it. He missed everything about the older. A surge of extraordinary longing overcame him. He tried to ignore, he tried to get over it. He tried to hold back but seeing the person you love so dearly crying in front of you, because of you, makes a person just be all instinct. Right or wrong, painful or not, win or lose. Suddenly nothing matters. If he'll get played again, if regret eats him whole after some time, then so be it. 

"Stop crying hyung. Please don't cry"

Jin pulled away to meet teary eyes with sullen, glassy ones. The older puts a hand against JungKook's cheek. His warmth wasn't  rejected. 

"I love you Kookie" SeokJin uttered with everything he have left. 

JungKook didn't react anyway, not even a single twitch of muscle. He just kept on staring the other straight in the eye as if waiting for the word 'lie' to pass. Slowly, carefully Jin brought their faces closer, lips inches apart. Then closer, until they're just a breath away. For a moment Jin hesitated. He was expecting to be declined but JungKook was just looking, waiting. All or nothing was Jin's  every thought as they met lips. Jin's were quivering opposite to JungKook's steady muscle. Jin wrapped his arms around the younger's neck to pull him closer. JungKook closed his eyes. 

The warmth, the need, the love. 

It's all JungKook needed to feel to let himself succumb. His palm rested on the older's back and that's when he remembered Jin was shirtless. He pulled away and saw panic cloud the older's orbs. JungKook stood up followed by Jin who was ready to stop him from leaving. SeokJin was stunned when JungKook suddenly carried him bridal style and put him to bed. Jin watched still flabbergasted as the younger go around rummaging through his closet and had a t-shirt at hand after a few. JungKook dressed him and wiped Jin's face with his hanky, all in uttered silence. JungKook kissed the older's forehead 

"Sleep, you're tired"

Jin frantically caught JungKook's wrist. 

"Will you be here when I wake up?"

JungKook only shot him a sad smile before he left. JungKook went straight to the kitchen to grab a drink. He sat at the center island as everything came down at him. Is he really ready to trust the person who broke him once? He sighed as he took another swig, treating water like it'll intoxicate him somehow. As he put the glass down he noticed it. It's quiet. Really quiet. Where is everybody? 




"So, who is up for eavesdropping?" V announced like it's some sort of game, few minutes after losing JinKook on the table 

"TaeHyung!" Hoseok was quick to reprimand. Somehow he doesn't want the blond to seem unruly to YoonGi. Somehow he wants approval for his fiance 

"Or do you want to continue our cut short affair?" Taehyung slyly mewled too near his ear. Teasing but not a bit kidding. 

Yes, boy they were interrupted and Hoseok was just a bit thankful. They were just taking clothings off when knocks and a call for dinner woke them up from the lewd dream. 

"Affair?" YoonGi asked with arched brow 

Taehyung knew entertainment when he sees one. He quickly had Hoseok in a single arm hug 

"Don't worry dad, I'll be a responsible and gentle first time for our Hobie!"

It could easily be mistaken as childish mischief but Hoseok saw that glint on the blond's eyes. Taehyung is purposely putting him on the spot. The blond wasn't disappointed as blood rushed to the older's cheeks tainting it a pretty pink 

"Who told you that I'm a ?"

The teasing smirk on V's lips just added to the embarrassment 

"We haven't gone all the way so obviously you're a babe. Such a cute fiance I  have" Taehyung pinched Hoseok's cheek just to add to the annoyance 

"Fiance?" it was Jimin who reacted, his voice quickly drew Taehyung's hands away from Hoseok. 

He was surprised by such strong reaction from JiMin and inside a bit delighted 

"Yes, I'm to be married to one Jung HoSeok"

JiMin's lips were now in a tight line, eyes dead of any light 

"Let's talk, Kim TaeHyung" JiMin stood up but V held his ground and tangled his arm to one of HoSeok's 

"He is my future husband. Anything you'll say will matter to him so shoot" 

"TaeHyung" JiMin hissed which didn't fazed Tae at all. 

Worst JiMin could do when he is this mad is TaeHyung senseless all night. These kind of punishments TaeHyung doesn't complain about. JiMin's stoic stance made HoSeok flinch and he muttered 

"Maybe you should talk" 

TaeHyung sighed and stood up to comply but not before leaving HoSeok breathless after a parting kiss. YoonGi was quietly watching everything unfold. Maybe he admitted that he is learning to love, but he isn't stupid. He knows what's happening, maybe even things the people involve aren't conscious about. For one HoSeok is already smitten by the charms of one blond ball of sass. He shook his head as he stood up heading for the door. He left HoSeok staring in space. He doesn't know where he'll go, he just needs to leave. He can't believe he let himself get tangled in this mess. As he took the last step out of the apartment building he noticed a guy with bleached yellow hair leaning against a shiny black Ferrari (why does pretty cars always cross his way?) and he recognized him. He paced faster than he ever did before towards the familiar face. He stopped just a step away from the man who now have his head up and eyes alight 

"Yoongi!" the man exclaimed, quickly putting his arms around the orange haired. YoonGi wasn't one for hugs but the other's presence brought a smile to his lips 







"What the hell Tae?! Fiance? When did this even happen?" Jimin immediately shoot once they enter the room. Taehyung frowned or more like scowled at this outburst 

"Probably when you were too busy swooning over your cherub" TaeHyung shot back with arms folded against his chest 

"You even gave him my ring?" JiMin pointed out remembering the silver band HoSeok was wearing. 

Ah yes that ring. JiMin bought it from their trip to Japan and gave it to TaeHyung once their plane back to Korea landed. JiMin said it's for sentiments and TaeHyung, even with the insults, accepted it and took good care of it, not removing it from his finger whatever he does. WHATEVER he does, even...  yeah~ 

"Exactly, you gave it to me. Then it's mine and I can do anything with it."


"Why is this a ing big deal anyway? You get a boyfriend and I can't get a fiance? Isn't that too unfair? What are you even mad about huh?" 

TaeHyung's question suddenly shook JiMin. Why is he really mad? So what if the blond gets a fiance? Shouldn't he be happy for his best friend? 

"I don't know" 

"I never knew you were such a selfish bastard" 

"I'm sorry" 

"Do you even realize what you did? Do you remember who else was on the table when you suddenly went insane?"

Then it clicked to the shorter boy and his eyes got impossibly wide 

"YoonGi" Jimin muttered as he dashed out of the room. 

Seeing the other run mindlessly away from him cut through his chest. For a moment TaeHyung thought he mattered, he thought he could compete but just a slight reminder and the other was stumbling his way to the orange cherub. Everything is just so cruel to TaeHyung. Teasing him with little hope then crushing his heart on the rough pavement. Tears were b his eyes but he made sure not a single one would fall. He isn't one to cry over s twice a night. Once is enough, he'll live, he guess. 

"Tae?" the head of a wide eyed curious HoSeok popped by the door 

"Come here" 

HoSeok came in without hesitation even closing the door behind him before innocently walking towards the wolf. When he was too close for any possible escape, the blond smirked and suddenly HoSeok regretted being too trusting 

"Now why don't we continue our disrupted love making?"

"Oh no" Hoseok stepped back 

"Oh yes" Taehyung said his lips. HoSeok's innocence and awkwardness entertains Taehyung too much. It makes him forget the pain even just for a little bit. 




"How are you?"

"Life's rough, dad is sick. I've been covering for him in years"

"You mean when you left Busan, you went straight to working? I thought you would have been training  to be an idol or something"

"Some dreams just wouldn't feed mouths. I needed to do the job or we'll die hungry. Sometimes you need to give up some things you thought you won't live without for something that'll keep you alive"

"Still so deep man"

"And I still love music. You? Do you still have your camera?"

"You said it, sometimes we need to part with our treasure to fill our growling tummies" 


somewhere in the middle of Namjoon and YoonGi's catching up, Jimin stepped out, just in time for him to see a tight hug shared by the two.   He can't stop the quiet growl he let out feeling the frustration build up inside. why is he always catching yoongi with someone else? no one is allowed to touch his cherub that way, especially not his friend's Butler. 

"This is so not swag" Yoongi muttered with mirth as he let go, making the other shake his head with a smile. Yoongi and swag, seriously. 

"See you sometime, hopefully in a different circumstance" Namjoon smiled with a slight wave goodbye. 

"You know where I live come by any time" Yoongi reciprocated it with a gummy smile. The orange haired turned around when someone called out his name. Someone who welcomed his sight with a pout. 

"Min YoonGi, be my boyfriend" JiMin suddenly announced and YoonGi swear he halted breathing for  a few seconds. What happened with the patient, persistent suitor? Yoongi was just starting to wrap his mind around the idea. The problem with JiMin is that he gets easily swayed by the surge of his feelings.   The kind of people who have lots of regrets. Yoongi turned his head, remembering Namjoon is just a few meters away. Namjoon is just watching with a neutral face. Yoongi looked down as he thought hard how he'll get away with the confrontation.




Jin barely had a shut eye and once 6am came he knew he won't get any. He got out to cook something in the kitchen. His visitors seemed to have left his apartment in pristine condition. He put food in the microwave and headed to the sofa as he waits. He wanted to wallow in his misery and just lay around the whole day but he was too hungry for his drama. As he reached his destination, he saw a cocoon of blanket on the sofa. No sign of life yet but Jin's heart started to race. He slowly put a hand on where the shoulders are suppose to be and the lump started moving. An opening was created and the one who  peeks out made butterflies flutter inside him 






Author's note: I didn't even reread, took me so long... T.T.. . Are you still with me lovelies? Sorry bout this crap, don't worry just a few chapters more. I love y'all.. missed yah guys , hope to hear from yah...


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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(