
doll collector

After the whole drama by the beach JinKook walked back to the Villa hand in hand. The issue wasn't discussed further but it was deemed better that way. They are both having internal issues they want to voice out but the idea of sailing the stormy seas died when what welcomed them back was a heavier atmosphere. Even after a few days the aura just became darker. YoonGi and JiMin were having a cat chase, with YoonGi avoiding the shorter boy as much as he could and JiMin being his persistent self not aware of the real issue yet. VHope on the other hand were arguing more frequent and serious than before. It's often because TaeHyung doesn't want HoSeok to be out of his sight even for a few minutes. Jin and JungKook agreed that a couple should stay intact to not completely ruin the vacation. JungKook decided not to go with Jin at shoots. He realized just how jealous he could get and as much as he love Jin he'll probably just cut out Jin's pictures from the magazine and throw the rest. After 3 days of absence he received a text message from the older. 



From: Jin-hime 💕

Meet me at my dressing room. Rough day, I need you babe. 



Babe? Well that's new. But JungKook just brushed it off and immediately changed his clothes. If Jin texted him then he must be really upset. The thought of the unusual endearment lingered at the back of his mind. He rushed to the set and went straight to the dressing room. The door was ajar so he thoughtlessly walked in. A few steps in and he wanted to turn back time. There on the couch was Jin, lying with that EunJi girl hovering above him. All she's wearing was her bra and underwear while Jin was in beach shorts, his white shirt half way up. They both look flustered but only Jin looked surprised. EunJi scowled at him and barked 

"Learn how to knock. We're busy so leave, who ever you are"

"JungKook" Jin started to get up but EunJi pushed him down 

"No, no oppa. We're just starting. Weren't you excited earlier. You always get shy when there's someone else. This lass would go so we could continue" she spoke trying to be seductive before glaring at JungKook. JungKook's heart was pounding so hard it hurt, he thought it might burst. He was biting his lips till there's blood in hope that he could stop the tears welling up in his eyes. He started stepping back knowing he couldn't hold it that long. He run away not minding Jin calling out after him. 

He run even when his sight becomes blurry because of the tears. He run fast until he bumped against someone making him fall. He fell onto the other's body and he mumbled his apologies as he tried to get up but fail and end up sitting on the sand, his cries escaping his throat in stronger surge. He felt ashamed crying out in public even though there's only him and the stranger. But he couldn't keep it inside. The stranger put a hand on his shoulder. The stranger who turned out to not be a stranger when he spoke with worry 

"Kookie, what's wrong?"

JungKook looked up and rushly launched a hug to the older's body. MyungSoo welcomed him and immediately wrapped his arms around the crying mess. JungKook cried harder and his ex rubbed circles on his back hushing him. 

"Hey, what's wrong? Tell me Kookie. Stop crying babe" 




JungKook was too hurt at the moment to question anything though.  The younger just shook his head at MyungSoo's inquiry. MyungSoo let a few seconds pass before he pulled them up and started walking. JungKook was still hugging him not wanting his tear stained face to show.  MyungSoo guided him as he spoke 

"You don't have to tell me. I'll make you forget. I'll make you feel better. Remember what we do before when either of us is upset? You want to do that Kookie?"


JungKook remembered and he knew it's wrong to agree but he just nodded. He doesn't know where to go. He is so mad at himself. He can't be angry at Jin so he could only blame himself. SeokJin promised he doesn't feel anything for EunJi anymore but why did he let her hover over him that way? If he doesn't want anything to do with her then why'd he let her strip in front of him. Why'd he let her touch him that way? Was that text even for him? He didn't even noticed where they were until MyungSoo sat him down and pushed a glass in front of him. MyungSoo wipe the wetness on his cheeks with his hanky. JungKook's sobs subsided a bit. Just enough that no new tears streak down. MyungSoo kissed his forehead before he beamed at him

"Let's drink to whatever happened today and tomorrow it'll all be a nightmare we won't ever think of again"

With that MyungSoo downed his glass of absinthe, hissing at the warm feeling on his throat. He ignored the spoon and sugar cubes which  JungKook mimicked, liking the strong bite. They weren't drinking for fun. They are drinking for the s that went down, it must hurt, burn and be extra bitter.






"Come on YoonGi, tell me what's wrong" JiMin sat down across the kitchen center island where YoonGi tried making his breakfast, which he ultimately failed getting him end up with cereals again. The orange haired sighed audibly, putting his spoon down knowing how difficult the talk could turn 

"JiMin it's annoying, stop asking"

JiMin pouted more with this 

"If you just tell me then i'll stop"

YoonGi just stared at him with a grimace before he sighed. Maybe he should just say it. YoonGi always expect people to get the gist, he try to remind himself that stupidity is quite common.

"Okay, I don't want to be involved in whatever is going on between you and TaeHyung. I don't want to be a safety net nor a rebound. So stop annoying me"

JiMin's brows furrowed at the blunt accusation 

"There is nothing between me and TaeHyung"

Him and TaeHyung ended a little while back. They haven't been doing that for a while and a few days ago they even talked about it. YoonGi seemed to think he is lying as he squinted his eyes in building anger 

"I'm not stupid. I know friends don't kiss on the lips that way and that long"

YoonGi hastily stood up, leaving the younger surprised at the revelation. 


That kiss though... it wasn't what it seemed.






TaeHyung just walked into the room not minding that HoSeok has his shirt lifted up half way his abdomen 

"So you caught me kissing JiMin and got jealous. That's cute but you could stop now because it's getting annoying"TaeHyung sat on the bed, folding his arms against his chest. He immediately seeked HoSeok after hearing from JiMin. 

He hid his disappointment well when HoSeok pulled his shirt down instead of completely taking it off.

"That's all you'll say? You won't explain or anything?" the older asked biting back any tremble in his tone. Hurt evident in his eyes and it made TaeHyung so pissed. He doesn't like making his fiance sad, but everything is he can't follow.

"JiMin and I are basically buddies so a kiss is really nothing compare to other things we do. So don't be jealous of a single kiss" the blond boy's intention was to assure but all it did was make  tears flow as HoSeok's mouth remain agape for unspoken complains 

"For Pete's sake! You want the truth and when I say it you cry. What do you want me to do HoSeok!?" V growled hating how things are turning out. All he wanted was for the older to stop pushing him away and insisting on  breaking the engagement. HoSeok is his and it'll stay that way. 

"JiMin and you? Then why are you still messing me up? Are you that heartless? Is it fun hurting me? What do you think of me?" HoSeok continued crying as he retorted back 

"You are my fiance, we've been through this. Gosh" TaeHyung tried to lower his voice. Things he do for   HoSeok, really. The older should start appreciating his efforts. 

"Why don't you just marry him!" 

That made TaeHyung stand up and walk towards the older until he got HoSeok against the wall.  His gaze was low on the floor same as his voice.

"Do you want me to? Would that stop you from crying? Would that make you happy?"

"No, but does my feelings even matter?" HoSeok confessed, his anger subsiding letting the pain to surface 

"Of course they do. If you hold me tight enough I won't ever leave your side" 

TaeHyung muttered with every ounce of sincerity he has before he closed the gap. He didn't let HoSeok to pull away by holding him by the nape. He kept probing in the kiss until the older relaxed and started kissing back. No words escaped them after that. Instead they let their actions spell it out. 





Bottles after bottles, JungKook tried to drown the memory and MyungSoo just kept pouring it on his glass. He drunk a few shots himself but made sure he's still conscious. Once JungKook was face planted unmoving on the table MyungSoo knew it's time for the next step. He paid the bills and carried JungKook to a room he rented prior. It's a bit near to the Villa JungKook stayed at, but that's connected to the latter progress. 


He left the door unlocked as planned and put JungKook in bed. The younger gained weight and built some muscles, MyungSoo felt him flex a few times. MyungSoo thought of doing it for the plan but as he watch the younger roll around the bed, doing it for pleasure might not be too bad. He started stripping until he was down to his boxers. JungKook was too deep in sleep he didn't even flutter an eye when the older crawled over him and sat on his hips to stop him from moving. 

"Still beautiful if not more aren't you?" MyungSoo uttered before leaning down to press a kiss on the younger's forehead. He started to slowly  rock his hips until he heard a sleepy moan and felt JungKook  gradually harden under him. The older smirked before pulling off JungKook's shirt off as he spoke 

"You are bigger now. I like that. It would be more thrilling if you are awake though. But whatever" 

He dove down to start marking JungKook's neck while his hands rediscover his ex's wonderland. 





A-sshi: I've got cheese for everyone!

V: shut up not funny.

A-sshi: 'if you hold me tight enough I won't ever leave your side'*mimic TaeHyung* hahaha! OMG! 

V: shut up or I'm going to kiss you 

A-sshi: hahaha! And then you did this Namja move and  said-- *cut off by V's lips*

V: told you to shut up 

A-sshi: *covered mouth and eyes wide as saucers*

L: I'm so going to tell HoSeok 

V: Kim MyungSoo!

A-sshi: kookie kookie *hugs JungKook* I'm sorry 

JungKook: huh?

A-sshi: *hugs JungKook tighter* SORRY!

JungKook: Ji- Jin hyung! Help!





A/N: sorry I'm just dumping trash here.. T.T...  soon guys .  Soon. The pace might look a bit faster than before okay? Just a little patience. I feel so sick today but got no fever to be excused tomorrow. T.T...  comments, votes, follows and love helps a lot. Especially comments because I like knowing what you feel. Love lots~ 


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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(