Chapter 23

When Dark Turns Into Light
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Jihyun's POV:

It was the final day of filming. The mood around us was somber. Although we knew we would still see each other once filming ended, it was still sad to film the farewell episode. We Got Married was the show that brought us together, it felt surreal. But like everything, things were ment to come to an end at one point and our We Got Married run was ending.

I was sitting in our home resting my chin on my knees as my eyes wandered around the pictures that graced the walls. Pictures of our adventures, photoshoots, selfies. The cute ones that we had were printed out and plastered on the walls. Mark entered the room wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans and his signature HBA hoodie. Quietly, he jumped onto the bed and laid there eyes staring at the ceiling. Both of us were silent, not exactly sure of what to say.

"Today's the last day huh?" He muttered softly. So softly that I was afraid the camera's didn't pick up what he said. But those cameras were like hawks. They heard and saw everything.

"Mhm." I nodded before lying down as well as Mark laced our hands together tightly. "Isn't it weird that after today, we'll barely see each other?"

Mark nodded in confirmation. "I won't be able to tease you about your height every morning or complain about how you move as slow as a snail." He teased.

"Yah." I shot back before taking a pillow and attacking him viciously. "Take it back!"

"Okay Okay I take it back." Mark sputtered out in large amounts of laughter as I pouted, hugging the pillow tightly to my chest.

"Aw, is little Jinnie sad?" Mar questioned as he leaned in closer. I let out a nod, my eyes never leaving his. He leaned closer before pressing his lips softly to mine and pulling away with his signature smirk on his face when he saw my face turn a bright red. A knock snapped me out of my daze as I climbed off and followed him to the door. Opening it, we were greeted with a mission card. I peered around him as he opened the card.

Mark and Jihyun-

Today is the final day of your marriage to each other. Spend the day remembering the good times that both of you had together. Take pictures, try something new. Your first stop will be Namsan Tower.

"Really? Namsan Tower on the last day?" Mark questioned as he pulled on his shoes.

I shrugged. "I think it's cause you can write on the locks and leave your mark. Maybe that's what they meant by try something new. Have you ever been there?"

Mark deadpanned. "Who would I go with? Jackson?" He asked sarcastically as I stifled in laughter behind him.

"Yes." I squeaked out as Mark pulled on my cheeks. "You're so cheeky when did you get so cheeky."

I whined as I shoved him off of me and scrambled out of the room with him chasing not far behind, threatening to pull on my cheeks once he got his hands on them. After an eventful car ride, we arrived at the entrance of Namsan Tower. After buying the tickets, we rode one of the cable

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Chapter 27: Off to the Sequel!!!
Rosethorn428 #2
Super cute story :)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 28: OMG this story is so cute!!!! xD
ReenRieX #4
Yeayy !! The best story ever .. This story is so awesome !! Luv it so much !!
Tiatioot #5
Yeayyy!! i love it and i finished it in just 1 day, happy that you making a sequel.. Thank you <3
Awesome story! *flies asap to the sequel* <3
Chapter 27: this story is too good to be true...
Chapter 28: yes i would love a scenario shop xD
This was really good!!Can't wait for the sequel!
Cherry14 #10
Chapter 27: Yes sequel please :D