Chapter 12

When Dark Turns Into Light
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Jihyun's POV:

Today was the day of the photoshoot. I honestly didn't know what to expect. Mark and I were arriving separately to the photoshoot location since he had a prior schedule set. I didn't mind. Sipping on my coffee, I slowly made my way in the direction of the building. Stepping inside, I was directed to an empty couch and told to wait there until the director and Mark arrived. I scrolled around on my phone frowning when I missed a beat on my SuperStar SM game. I heard footsteps approach as someone plopped themselves down beside me.

"Morning Mark." I called out when I realized who it was. Mark gave a tired nod before closing his eyes and opening them again and pointing at me.

"It's Mark Oppa to you." He whined as I raised an amused eyebrow. I went back to my game as we waited for the director to show up, I could feel Mark peering from the side as I tapped and hit the keys. My eyebrows were furrowed in concentration.

"Alright guys." A bright voice chirped causing me to look up from my game. A petite woman stood in front of us holding a clipboard. "We're going to do a variety of different shoots today." Both of us stared at her as she continued on.

"First shoot will be a campus couple shoot followed by a wedding photoshoot. Finally it will be y chic photoshoot." The woman explained.

I stared blankly at her. Campus couple? What the heck was that? Matching couple outfits? I knew what a wedding photoshoot but was lost again when she said y chic photoshoot. I hope they knew that I had no experience at all.

I was quickly ushered into the dressing room where I was handed a school uniform. I stared at it before stepping into another room and changing into it before coming back out tugging on the skirt. Were uniforms really this short now? The makeup artist wiped my face clean before beginning with various powders and other stuff. She finished and I stared at the face in front of me. It wasn't that bad, it was still relatively natural and I still looked like myself which I was grateful for.

Bowing to the lady, I left the room and waited for Mark outside. The woman from before came scurrying by and gave me a once over smiling in satisfaction as she fixed the ribbon.

"Your skin's perfect and your skinny as well. Have you ever considered modeling?" She asked me.

I looked at her with wide eyes before shaking my head. "I don't know the first thing about modeling." I trailed off.

She waved off my concern. "You can learn. If you interested I'll leave my business card with a JYP representitative. Before I could tell her that I wasn't signed under JYP she was off again. Mark stepped out a few moments later dressed in the same colors but in the guy version of the uniform. I looked from his outfit to my outfit.

"So this is what they meant by campus couple." I said allowed, everything finally clicking into place. We were quickly ushered onto a white back drop. The photographers angled our bodies before stepping away and started snapping away pictures as they started barking out commands.

"Smile more sincerely!" "Mark put your arm around her." "Good Good Good." "

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Chapter 27: Off to the Sequel!!!
Rosethorn428 #2
Super cute story :)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 28: OMG this story is so cute!!!! xD
ReenRieX #4
Yeayy !! The best story ever .. This story is so awesome !! Luv it so much !!
Tiatioot #5
Yeayyy!! i love it and i finished it in just 1 day, happy that you making a sequel.. Thank you <3
Awesome story! *flies asap to the sequel* <3
Chapter 27: this story is too good to be true...
Chapter 28: yes i would love a scenario shop xD
This was really good!!Can't wait for the sequel!
Cherry14 #10
Chapter 27: Yes sequel please :D