Chapter 21

When Dark Turns Into Light
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Jihyun's POV:

I bit her lip in anticipation as she nervously hopped from one foot to another. Currently, I was backstage at Music Bank. In a few minutes I would be making my debut as a soloist. We Got Married cameras were following myevery move. My cellphone vibrated in her pocket. Fishing it out I found two unread messages lighting up the screen.

Breathe in and out. You'll do fine Jinnie. - <3 Your hubby


"JIhyun? You're on after this act." The stage manager ushered me to a different section of the stage. I found Eric Nam standing there with his manager as make up artists finished their last minute touches. He glanced to his side and sent me a reassuring smile. Jihoon appeared by my side, hand out. I placed my phone into his open hand as he stuffed it into his pockets and spun me around giving my outfit a once over before letting out a whistle. 

"You look adorable. Mark is one lucky fellow." He patted my head as my eyes searched the area we were in.

"Jiwoo and Taehwan weren't allowed back here." He said sympathetically as he fixed my shirt before nodding in satisfaction. "Jiwoo tried to get them in with his pass but staff members refused since no one from their company is performing today."

"You're on in 2." The manager called as he ran past us. I started hyperventilating right there. I wasn't ready. This was terrifying.

"Breathe in and out." Jihoon instructed as I took in huge gulps of air. Eric slithered over to our side with his manager.

"You'll do fine. Just think of it as our recording. Forget that there's people in the audience." I let out a nod as the stage manager started pushing us closer to the curtain.

"Now." He whispered yelled as the previous performance ended and the artists ran off and we were pushed onto the stage. Taking in a deep breath I waited for the lights to turn back on.

[They performed the song "Some"]

I could hear the fans screams echoing in my ears as I was rushed off stage. 

"You did great!" Eric exclaimed hugging me tightly before being whisked off by his manager.

My legs turned to jelly as I took in the fact that I had just performed in front of thousands of people. I had finally achieved my dream of being a kpop star. I felt like my life was turning around. Running back to my dressing room, I got out of the outfit they had forced me to wear and changed into a comfy pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. My feet were in comfort once they slipped into a pair of white converse.

The door to my dressing room bursted open as several people came barreling inside. I was quickly enveloped into a tight hug.

"I'm so proud of

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Chapter 27: Off to the Sequel!!!
Rosethorn428 #2
Super cute story :)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 28: OMG this story is so cute!!!! xD
ReenRieX #4
Yeayy !! The best story ever .. This story is so awesome !! Luv it so much !!
Tiatioot #5
Yeayyy!! i love it and i finished it in just 1 day, happy that you making a sequel.. Thank you <3
Awesome story! *flies asap to the sequel* <3
Chapter 27: this story is too good to be true...
Chapter 28: yes i would love a scenario shop xD
This was really good!!Can't wait for the sequel!
Cherry14 #10
Chapter 27: Yes sequel please :D