Chapter 16

When Dark Turns Into Light
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Jihyun's POV:

I bit my lip. "I'm working right now." I started softly, looking at anywhere but directly at him. Mark let out a nod as his shoulders slumped.

"But we can talk after I get off?" I offered. "I still have 3 hours of my shift." Mark let out another nod, this time seemingly looking happier than he did before as he made his way back towards the boys who were bickering with one another about who gets to eat what pastry. Jiwoo zoomed back over to my side.

"So." He started resting his chin on the tip of the broom. "Going to tell him you like him?"

I feverently shook my head.

"No way. I don't even know if he feels the same way, what if it makes everything awkward? He's an idol Jiwoo oppa, and I'm just..." I trailed off.

"An awesome gorgeous girl?" Jiwoo supplied. I opened my mouth to retort but was cut off by Jiwoo's hand.

"Don't you dare try to tell me otherwise Jinnie." He growled out. He hated when I thought lowly of myself. "Forget about what those kids say at school. You're smart and kind not to mention cute. The other kids are just jealous of you. Hell, I would date you. I'm pretty sure Taehwan would too. And I know you're going to ask why I'm not. You're like my little sister, if I didn't watch you grow up, I honestly probably would. Taehwan as well. Ever since your know, we've decided that we're your older brothers. Someone you can lean on, someone you can tell problems too. If you do infact end up dating Mark, don't think we're not going to interroagate him with Hyuna." He finished triumphantly. 

I opened my mouth only to close it once again. I knew he would. He took the role of an older brother really seriously.

The next few hours went by to fast. I wasn't mentally prepared to face Mark. Hell, I didn't even know what I was going to say to him. Exactly at 4PM, the door twinkled just as I had grabbed my bag. Mark was standing their in the getup he had on earlier. His eyes scanned the room before landing on myself as he made his way over.

"Ready to go?" He asked quietly, trying not to attract any attention.

I wanted to shake my head and sprint out the door to my apartment. I wanted to delay this talk. I wasn't ready.

"Yup she's ready." Jiwoo pushed me causing me to crash into Mark's chest who held out his arms to steady me. I glanced back and glared at Jiwoo who whistled innocently before sending me a look and a wink. I shrugged my shoulders as I followed Mark outside. We walked silently next to one another not speaking a single word. I sneaked a peek at him. His eyes were focused on the road in front of

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Chapter 27: Off to the Sequel!!!
Rosethorn428 #2
Super cute story :)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 28: OMG this story is so cute!!!! xD
ReenRieX #4
Yeayy !! The best story ever .. This story is so awesome !! Luv it so much !!
Tiatioot #5
Yeayyy!! i love it and i finished it in just 1 day, happy that you making a sequel.. Thank you <3
Awesome story! *flies asap to the sequel* <3
Chapter 27: this story is too good to be true...
Chapter 28: yes i would love a scenario shop xD
This was really good!!Can't wait for the sequel!
Cherry14 #10
Chapter 27: Yes sequel please :D