

You smiled, tightening the ponytail your hair was in and gave the mirror one last look. You were in a pair of black shorts and a white tee. Simple, but nothing more needed. Straightening your shoulders, you made your way down the long YG hall, duffel bag over your shoulder.

It was one of those days where it was warm outside and everything seemed cozy and beautiful. You were making your way to the gym, ready to begin your practice session with Donghyuk a tall, lean attractive trainee at YG entertainment. You were assigned to a solo dance with him, one that allowed you two to be as close as possible. It was rather known as a ‘y’ dance concept in which you and him had to be literally hands on at every moment possible.

“Jahye, why are you smiling so hard?” Someone chimed from behind you.

With a small yelp, you turned around and crashed straight into the chest of a tall boy. Koo Junhoe.

“Yah! Don’t scare me like that!” You smacked him on the arm lightly.

He chuckled, gesturing for you to walk ahead. He quickened his pace to match yours and soon, you two were walking side by side.

“So?” Junhoe smirked, nudging your side.

“What?” You questioned, frowning slightly.

“Why are you all smiley?”

You gave him a look wondering why he would point out such a thing. Didn’t you always look happy?

“What do you mean? I’m always like this.”

Junhoe and you stopped walking when you reached two large doors. They lead to the third gym in the building. It was a smaller one than the rest but it suited your satisfaction. It wasn’t like you enjoyed large spaces anyways. Something small and cozy would do just fine.

“Ah, you have to do practice with him.” Junhoe spat, eying the door.

You glanced at him for a second noticing his scrunched eyebrows and flaring nose. Was he angry by any chance?

“What’s wrong with that face?” You laughed, poking his cheek with your index finger.

You and Junhoe had been close friends ever since your training days at YG. Of course he was there before you and you had met Donghyuk and the other guys before him but there was something about him that made you love having him around. He was adorable, had a great sense of humor but knew when to be respectful when it came to the time.

“Nothing,” He mumbled, flicking your finger away.

This wasn’t like Junhoe at all. He would usually laugh along or poke you back but something was clearly wrong.

“Why are you upset?” Your voice rose with concern. You respected him and it seemed like your duty to look over him, protect him in some way.

Junhoe’s eyes fell and he stared at his feet quiet for a moment.

“You don’t want to keep Donghyuk waiting,” He replied, his eyes still on the floor.

With a groan, you nodded and stepped into the small gym. Maybe leaving him alone for a few hours would do him good. He probably needed time and in no way were you trying to get in between him and his privacy. You pushed open the door and immediately a small grin fell over your lips.

Donghyuk was in a baggy sweater and jeans. His face was already sweaty and heated, jazzy music played softly from the speakers but on minimum volume. Seeing someone so passionate about something just made then thousands of times more attractive.

“I see you have the moves down before me,” You laughed, dropping your duffel bag on the floor.

Donghyuk stopped, looking over at you and smiling, “Sorry Jahye, I thought I might make use of the time.”

You felt a little guilty, walking in late on a session you had planned. It wasn’t like you really but with all the time you were starting to spend with Junhoe, it was harder for you to be serious about anything.

“Shall we begin?” You spoke in a slight accent, making him let out a small chuckle.

“After you your highness.”

The routine went on for about an hour with you stuck beside him and him stuck beside you. Every time the music stopped, it would replay again and the choreography would begin again.

The music was booming and loud, emitting the whole gym and probably the hallway too but the only thing you could think about was Donghyuk so close to you. It wasn’t like you felt anything for him, there was no attraction or chemistry between you two but everything felt wrong but so right.

His eyes drooping down, looking at you so intensely you felt like you couldn’t breathe, the heat between the two of you, the fact that even though his sweater covered his entire torso you could still feel the tightness of his muscles. You could count every vein on his hand when he grabbed your arm, his breathing against your ear when he turned you around.

So wrong

His little ‘good job’ every time you hit a move right, the constant of his lips when the music hit its .

So right

The feeling of his grip on your waist when the music slowed.

So wrong

So wrong

Someone slammed the door open, leaving you two frozen in position. His arm was around your waist, your back towards him and his other arm across your shoulders.

You held your breath, looking up at the door only allowing you to sigh in relief.

“Junhoe, you’re still here?” You laughed, moving away from Donghyuk.

Walking near the stereo, you wiped your forehead; the small beads of sweat had clung to your skin. Taking a sip of your water bottle, you opened your mouth to let out a small joke about Junhoe’s sudden expression but Donghyuk beat you to it.

“Dude, why do you look so surprised? It’s only Jahye.” He laughed, raising his eyebrow at his buddy.

Junhoe’s face was red. Very and it looked as though he had been running up and down a flight of stairs for a day. His mouth was open like he was going to say something but he had seen a ghost. If it wasn’t for his hat, you would have been able to see his eyes.

“That’s why you had your hands all over her right?” He shot back, turning around and brushing past the door.

Donghyuk gave you a look and you shrugged. You had no justification as to why he was acting like that. It wasn’t like him and you were going to find out.

“Is he okay?” Donghyuk asked.

“Junhoe!” You called out, ignoring his question and rushing out the door behind your friend.

Junhoe was at the end of the hall but you had no problem running to catch up with him. With more sweat decorating the back of yogurt neck and hot skin, you reached out and grabbed his shoulder, turning him around to face you.

“What is up with you?” You yelled.

You didn’t mean to scream but maybe, just maybe you thought he was doing this for attention.

“Why do you care?” He yelled back, turning away so he wasn’t looking at you.

“Junhoe, man up and tell me!” You were mad but as for the reason why, you didn’t know.

Only Junhoe could make you this upset. Only he could let out feelings and words you had never felt or said before. It made you so upset but you loved it. You loved everything about seeing him bothered and all flustered.

“Do me a favor Jahye,” He spoke, back towards you.

Finally he was breaking through. Finally he would say something that would ease your curiosity as to why he was so mad.

“Don’t confuse me.” He looked back at you as he spoke, emphasizing every word and letting them roll of his tongue with so much truth.

You furrowed your brow and looked up into his eyes. It felt like you hadn’t looked at him like this in weeks. It felt like you had always been talking to his back or chest. But now, you could see everything. Everything you didn’t want to. Pain flashed in his eyes and fear washed over his face.

Fear that he would be broken and betrayed. He looked angry, jealous maybe, you couldn’t tell but as he walked away from you that evening you promised yourself you would find out why. Because whatever was making him feel this way, you would crush it whether it was someone else or you.

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Chapter 36: the lack of yoyo makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry in a corner o n o he's such a sweetheart, a pure cinnamon roll! Can't wait for request to open up again o u o
1. Kim Hanbin
2. Goo Kyungmi
3. When Kyungmi gets jealous when Hanbin is with another girl, but he's awkward and oblivious to all things abotu relationships.
4. Fluff
Thank you in advance! :D
sarajiyongie #3
Chapter 1: Why there's no yoyo story :(
Will there be a part 2 for bluejellos request?
kejt21 #5
Chapter 33: I'd love to know how did Bobby and others react :D
knight27 #6
Chapter 30: Glad to hear that you got accepted by your dream university! Congrats! I really missed your writings and I'm excited about your updates.
thucthuc #7
Chapter 29: love the message in this chapter
kdramafan #8
Chapter 28: Waaa.. This one is .....
Waaaaahhh .. I can't .....
xaraky #9
Chapter 10: Just a question. Did you actually write the lyrics that B.I wrote about love yourself? If so, then wow! You are talented.
KimFxz #10
Chapter 27: oh yeahhhhh