

Junhoe remembered exactly how it went and he hated it. Whenever he was doing anything that scenario would pop up in his mind. He hated that day so much and even marked it on the calendar as 'worst day of my life'. After that day he never spoke to her like he used to neither did he look at her the way he used to. He himself hadn't expected things to happen the way they did. Talk about ironic. 

 The way he treated her became different, she wasn't his little princess anymore. At least he didn't try to show it. And if anyone had asked him what happened that night, it would have gone a little something like this;




 Junhoe groaned, scrolling through his phone and the countless magazines that lay on the table. His room was a complete mess but he didn't care. Right now, he was extremely busy. 

 "Yah, this is my room too!" Hanbin grumbled, walking out of the bathroom and placing himself on the bed beside the youngest male. 

 Junhoe shrugged him off, not wanting to disrupt his own flow. He turned a few pages and leaned back, satisfied and smiling. 

 "If what you're reading is inappropriate I swear I'm going to kill you!" Hanbin leaned towards him and took a glimpse at the paper.

 On reflex Junhoe slammed the book shut and glared at his hyung, "Don't look, I don't want you stealing my ideas."

 Hanbin furrowed his brow, "What idea?"

 Junhoe shrugged simply, beginning to flip through the book again, "My idea on how to ask out Haerin tonight."

 Hanbin almost choked and began to laugh so hard, he couldn't sit straight on the bed. He slapped his knee continuously, 

 "Are you serious?" He mused, biting his tongue. 

 Junhoe looked at him blankly, "Yeah, I don't understand how it's funny."

 Hanbin waved his hands in front of his face, "No, how do you know she's going to say yes? You shouldn't be too confident!" 

 A sly smirk fell over Junhoe's face. He was more than prepared for this answer,

 "You know how me and Haerin applied to YG together and we got in? Yeah well we've been practicing together a lot and I guess she noticed I had a thing for her but I never really thought much of it."

 Hanbin gave him a look, "And?"

 "And, eventually I gave up but one day after our monthly evaluations she invited me to the rooftop and I didn't really want to go but I ended up going anyways-" 

 "Is this story going anywhere?" Hanbin yawned.

 "Listen hyung! But anyways, I went up there and we talked for a while but she ended up giving me a kiss and telling me she liked me too. After that, I did everything with and for her but today, I'm making things official and she has to say yes!" Junhoe smiled into space.

 Hanbin got up, patting the younger boy on the back.

 "Why are you patting my back as if I'm delusional?" Junhoe asked.

 "No reason, just don't be too confident. Expect the worst just in case." Was the last warning Hanbin had gave him.



 With a comfortable adjustment of his tie, Junhoe looked into the mirror one last time. He smiled at himself, he looking dazzling in the white suit. With a bouquet of flowers in hand, he used his free hand to spray a few puffs of cologne over his torso.

 Saying he was excited was an understatement. It was past midnight and the weather outside was beautiful so Junhoe had taken this as an opportunity to make his move. Just like the old times, he invited Haerin to the rooftop and she had agreed in a heartbeat. He had his speech ready and everything, all he had to do was tell her.

 Funny how the most nervous part of the plan was his favorite. He made his way upstairs, running the words over his lips again and again. He was never the type to be nervous. Even as he was approaching the door, there was a small bounce in his step and he was extremely giddy and light headed. This was going to be the best day of his life no doubt. 

 As his fingers grazed the steel knob of the door, he smiled inwardly. She was probably all alone and confused behind the doors. He imagined her pretty face pouting and checking her watch several times.

With a happy heart, he pulled open the door. As he was about to say his greetings, he looked up and frowned. 

 No one was anywhere in sight. He made his way onto the roof and began circling the perimeter. No Haerin. He scrunched his forehead and was about to turn around and go back when he heard a soft moan from behind him. What he didn't know was that turning around would be the biggest regret of his life.

 There she was, all beautiful and charming. But she wasn't alone, she was standing against a man and they had their lips pressed against each other intimately. 

 The man brought his hand on the small of her back and tilted her head with his chin. Haerin smiled against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck playing with his tousled hair. 

 It was only when she stepped back had Junhoe noticed he knew this guy. This 'guy' was no other than his fellow group member, Jinhwan. 

 Junhoe took a step back, the bouquet of flowers falling at his feet. He felt a numb ache in his chest and dull throb under his skull. 

 Everything that brought him happiness was gone in a matter of seconds. He couldn't speak, there was no point in it. She told him she liked him too, their feelings were mutual only weeks ago so why was she against another man?

 And the fact that his hyung, someone who he looked up to and loved dearly was in this mess only made it worse. Wasn't it obvious he liked Haerin? Didn't everyone know? 

 With a sour expression and mixed emotions, Junhoe allowed himself to leave the rooftop in dismay and disbelief. But everything aside, he was feeling more betrayal than heartbreak. 



 Jinhwan pulled the cover over his chest, snuggling underneath it. He wrapped a strong arm around Haerin’s waist and she giggled helplessly. 

Bringing his face closer to her body, he kissed the nape of her neck.

"Why are you torturing me?" He mumbled. 

Haerin felt his muscles against stomach and bit her lip, not knowing how to react. 

"What do you mean?" She responded, wriggling under his embrace. 

It was half past midnight and everyone in the YG building was asleep. Jinhwan had invited her over saying he was bored and wanted to cuddle. Being the complying girlfriend she was, she couldn't say no. 

And now he had his arms around her, his bare torso against her back and legs tangled in a mess. 

"You're so beautiful,” Jinhwan muttered again.

Haerin could only nod. She was thankful he couldn't see her face. They had these intimate moments all the time but as they continued to happen, the feelings she used to bare began to fade. 

"Are you upset about anything?" Jinhwan asked, noticing her dry responses.

She shook her head simply. 

Jinhwan wrinkled his forehead but ignored this. Of course he noticed her behaviour around him these past few days but he said nothing. A part of him didn't want to think she was losing feelings for him. 

He kissed her neck, attempting to refuel the fire but she stayed frozen. 

"Something's wrong," He sighed.

"No, I'm just tired." 

He shrugged, tracing a finger down her arm and pecking her back with butterfly kisses. She didn't react.

Haerin felt nothing, the sensation she used to get when he did that was incredible but now, she felt nothing at all. It was weird, she had come into this relationship thinking Jinhwan was the one but in reality, she didn't like what he did anymore, she didn't die for his kisses, she didn't like him anymore. 

"Baby?" He cooed, sitting up against the bed.


Haerin followed his actions and sat up also. The soft sound of rain outside made her feel cold and alone.

"Talk to me, what's wrong?" Jinhwan looked her in the eye, bringing a hand to cup her cheek and the other to intertwine their fingers. 

She looked up at him, the twinkle in his eyes that used to send her off the edge was still there, but the feeling was gone. He was just another boy, someone she had felt nothing for. It scared her really. 

"Nothing is wrong," She lied, not looking at him.

Jinhwan squeezed her hand, 'Tell me, you've been acting different lately."

She let out a small cough, her eyes glancing down at their hands. Nothing

"How so?" She managed to mumble.

"You don't kiss me back, you barely initiate our hugs, you're always quiet around me and never speak like you used to. You don't even react when I kiss your back and you used to love that," Jinhwan said. 

His eyes weren't on her and he was looking down. She felt horrible, she promised him she would love him as much as he did but she couldn't control the loss of emotions.

"I'm sorry," She bit her lip.

Jinhwan suddenly let go of her fingers and the hand that was cupping her cheek dropped to his side. Haerin gave him a look, knowing where this conversation was going and she wanted to hug him and tell him how bad she felt. 

"Who is it?" He asked, his voice cracking.

She felt hot tears at the back of her eyes and she had to gulp to respond.

"Jinhwan I'm sorry," She repeated.

He looked up at her, his eyes wet also. That look allowed her heart to crumble and she sighed. She couldn't be here any longer. Not when the boy who loved her was breaking. 

"I'm sorry," She muttered, stepping off of the bed and grabbing her jacket that was on his chair.

She heard Jinhwan groan and a creak of the bed. Her pace quickened and she slipped out of the room. She knew Jinhwan would be right after her so she ran. Her hair flying behind her and she fled a steep set of stairs at the end of the hallway. 

She didn't know where she was going but her feet were in charge. She ran, away from him, her emotions, her problems. Her tears began to fall as she reached the second floor. And she began to audibly cry now. 

The first room she went towards was the gym. Quickly she turned the knob but it was locked. The room behind it was creaked open a peep and she held her breath before dashing in.

It was dim lit and quiet. Wait a sigh of relief, she turned around and gasped.

"Hi," Junhoe faked a sarcastic smile.

He was sitting on the large bed, a laptop in front of him and bag of chips at his side. His hair was neat and there were apparent bags under her eyes. 

Her head began to spin and her tears came again. The last person she wanted to see was Junhoe. He hated her to bits and she never understood why. He used to treat her like royalty and would be by her side all the time but one day, it all stopped. 

She barely spoke to him anymore and ignored his presence as did he. It was a mutual respect and they never argued. She did remember having a thing for Junhoe a while back and even now, her stomach tangled when he sauntered by. It was a comfortable crush but she had ignored her feelings for him to be with Jinhwan.

"Sorry, please just let me stay here for a second," She begged. 

Junhoe glanced up at her swollen eyes and shrugged, looking back at his laptop. 

She let out a breath of relief and tossed her jacket on his bed side. 

"Wait, keep your clothes on!" He groaned, pausing the movie running on his computer and popping a chip in his mouth.

"What?" She breathed; her heart clenched just imagining that thought.

"Don't go all , remember I don't like you," Junhoe spoke through crumbled chips.

She rolled her eyes, taking a tissue from the counter and wiping her eyes.

"Don't cry all over my room either," He added.

She looked up at him, "This is not funny. Be serious for once."

He almost choked, "Why are you telling me to be serious? This is my room."

She ignored his comment and placed herself on the spinning chair. Running a hand through her hair, she placed her head in her hands. 

Everything was silent and she began to think. Why had her feelings gone for Jinhwan so quickly? The only thing she could think of was that she became closer to Junhoe as she faded from him. She didn't even break up with Jinhwan properly and had just left him.

Looking up, she glanced at Junhoe. What if it had been him kissing her neck and trailing his fingers down her arm? Would she have liked it anymore? With a shiver, she pushed the thought away and watched him. 

He was extremely attractive and now that she was able to look at him carefully, she noticed his grown features and good looks. He was a different Junhoe but the attraction she had towards him was still the same. 

"Why are you watching me so intensely?" He broke her chain of thought.

Still, she watched his body language and lips move. Something sparked in her stomach and a sense of butterflies began to fill her in. The feelings she had for him were coming back but why?

"What's wrong with you?" He asked again, closing his laptop.

Haerin felt her breathing constrict in his throat and she gulped nervously. He was so beautiful, Junhoe was beautiful. 

"Haerin!" He called, clapping his hands to get her attention. 

When Jinhwan asked her why she was losing feelings for him, she realized it was because her heart was starting to steer towards Junhoe. That insane heart ache started up again and she stood up.

"It's...you?" She spoke slowly, walking towards him.

Junhoe sat back, a look of shock and concern flashing in his eyes.

"What?" He asked, his voice shaking.

She stood in front of him and he had to look up to match her eyes. And she noticed the small twitch of vulnerability in his movements when she was close to him. 

"Haerin, what are you doing?" He spat, trying to collect his cool.

She brought an arm to his cheek and cupped it, just as Jinhwan had done to her. 

Junhoe jerked back, but didn't move her hand away. Instead, he repositioned himself so he was now standing a head taller than her. 

"Junhoe," She breathed. 

He took his time to stare into her eyes. The both of them didn't know what was happening but they both seemed to like it.

Without waiting, she leaned forward and matched her lips on his. He froze for a second but recollected himself and held her face steady with his hands.

Haerin felt amazing and the rekindling fire began to start up in her body. She tip-toed to adjust her position and wrapped an arm around his neck, the other one pushing him down on the bed behind them.

When they fell back, Junhoe sat up; lips still locked on hers and began to bite down of her flesh. She hummed against his lips and allowed him for access. 

Junhoe sighed, lips meshing against hers and a fire in his eyes. It was only when his hand began to trail down her arm did Haerin's eyes flicker open. She pushed him away, breathing heavy. Her heart was in and her knees felt weak.  

"Haerin," Junhoe's hair was a mess and his lips somewhat swollen.

She couldn't breathe, he was perfect. 

"It's you Junhoe," She looked at him again. 

This time he didn't look confused or annoyed or cold like he usually did. Instead he only nodded firmly.

"It's always been me; it just took you a while to realize it."

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Chapter 36: the lack of yoyo makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry in a corner o n o he's such a sweetheart, a pure cinnamon roll! Can't wait for request to open up again o u o
1. Kim Hanbin
2. Goo Kyungmi
3. When Kyungmi gets jealous when Hanbin is with another girl, but he's awkward and oblivious to all things abotu relationships.
4. Fluff
Thank you in advance! :D
sarajiyongie #3
Chapter 1: Why there's no yoyo story :(
Will there be a part 2 for bluejellos request?
kejt21 #5
Chapter 33: I'd love to know how did Bobby and others react :D
knight27 #6
Chapter 30: Glad to hear that you got accepted by your dream university! Congrats! I really missed your writings and I'm excited about your updates.
thucthuc #7
Chapter 29: love the message in this chapter
kdramafan #8
Chapter 28: Waaa.. This one is .....
Waaaaahhh .. I can't .....
xaraky #9
Chapter 10: Just a question. Did you actually write the lyrics that B.I wrote about love yourself? If so, then wow! You are talented.
KimFxz #10
Chapter 27: oh yeahhhhh