Lovesick Pt. 2

Perfect Turned into Ugly


A/N: This chapter is the present~

The door opened to reveal Mrs. Park, ChanYeol's mother. BaekHyun smiled and she smiled in return. "Good morning, Mrs. Park."

"Good morning, BaekHyun-ah," she said, smiling like her son. "Are you here to see ChanYeol-ah?"

"Yes, Ma'am." She opened the door wider for him. "Please come in," BaekHyun stepped inside and slid his shoes off. "I'll go get ChanYeol-ah. For the mean time, please have a seat," He sat down on the couch. "Would you like something to eat or drink?"

He politely shook his head. "No, thank you." She smiled before disappearing upstairs into ChanYeol's room. 

Something was entirely wrong. 

ChanYeol have been distance from everyone this whole week, BaekHyun doesn't know why. Sure he was at school, attending classesarrow-10x10.png, but he never spoke, uttered a word - KyungSoo was a bit happy about that, honestly - but it wasn't like him. 

At first he began to frown, show a sadden look like a sad puppy. Not a single smile was shown. He would say or answer anything in short response, but he still had that same look in his eyes: sadness. Then it turned into blank expressions. He didn't give a glance at at anyone.

As a best friend, BaekHyun felt hurt.

He tried talking to him, trying to start a conversation. But sadly ChanYeol ignored him and continuedarrow-10x10.png his day by ignoring everyone.

Mrs. Park came down the stairs and approached BaekHyun who stood up from the sight of Mrs. Park. She smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, BaekHyun-ah, but ChanYeol-ah said he doesn't want to see anyone at this moment. Maybe next time?"

Why am I not surprise, he thought, smiling up at his best friend's mother. "That's okay, Mrs. Park. But may I please use your restroom?"

"Oh, please, go ahead if you please." BaekHyun has been at ChanYeol's house countless of times. He knows every corner of the house from the back of his hand. He trailed up the stairs and stopped at ChanYeol's room. Of coursearrow-10x10.png, he lied to go upstairs to see ChanYeol.

Unlike what any other person would've done, BaekHyun opened the door without knocking and stepped inside of ChanYeol's room to see him lying on bed with a blanket over his body. "ChanYeol-ah! There you are! I thought you were dead."

ChanYeol rolled over to the other side of the bed, back facing BaekHyun. "What do you want, BaekHyun-ah?"

BaekHyun smiled. At least he was talking. That's a great start. "I just wanted to see my bestest friend ever," he crossed his arms in a joking way. "I haven't seen you almost all week."

ChanYeol stayed silent. Guess I spoke to soon, BaekHyun thought as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "Hey," he called, and when receiving no answer, he frowned and patted ChanYeol's leg. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." he answered.

He rolled his eyes. "Obviously something."

"Well, there's nothing wrong." He snapped back. BaekHyun was in shock. He never seen this side of ChanYeol before. Well, except that time when he heard the "heartbreaking news" of YooSun and Yi Fan dating. Then it hit him like a ball thrown at him from a little kid.

Suddenly, he heard a sniffed from ChanYeol, and knew right then and there that something was wrong. And he knows what it's about. He sighed as he placed his arms on top of his knees, and muttered, "It's about YooSun-ah, isn't it?"

No answer.

"YooSun-ah," He held his head up and spoke louder. "It's about her, right?" There was still silence until ChanYeol shifted under the blanket and winced. "Yes..." he whispered, as quiet as a mouse, but BaekHyun heard him loud and clear.

"You need to get over her." He insisted.

"It's not that easy." BaekHyun remembered that sentence. He chuckled from the thought.

"Sure it is! Just don't think about her."

"Did you hear a word that I just said?"

BaekHyun grinned. "Yes, I did. You said that it's not that easy to forget YooSun-ah, and I'm telling you how it is easy to forget her."

ChanYeol painfully groaned, picked his pillow up and covered his face with it. "I don't want to talk about it." He mumbled through the pillow. BaekHyun pierced his lips before speaking, "Then we won't, but," He pulled the blanket off of ChanYeol's body. 

He groaned again but said nothing. "Let's go out to get your mind off things, hm? Plus, I don't want to go out alone."

"Go with TaeYeon-ah."

BaekHyun frowned. "She's busy now."

"On a weekend?" ChanYeol wanted nothing more than to just be alone. But his best friend clearly can't see that. "Come on~" BaekHyun pulled ChanYeol's leg in a playful matter. ChanYeol shook his head. "I don't want to."

"But you have to."


"Because depression can lead to death."

"I'm not depress," BaekHyun made a look. ChanYeol sighed and sat up in a comfortable position. "What do you want to do?"

BaekHyun jumped up and down with glee. "Let's go to the park - no! The arcade center! I haven't been there in years." It's not a lie. Him and ChanYeol used to go to the arcade everyday after school until high school came along. 

ChanYeol smiled a little. "That sounds fun," he looked up at his grinning-like-the-idiot-that-he-is best friend. "Let's go."


Hey sweetheart! Are you busy? If not, meet me at the park at 3:00  - TaeYeon

Okay, I'm coming~ - YooSun

After a while of skipping to the park, YooSun finally made it there and saw TaeYeon sitting near a tree. It's been a while since they last spoken to each other. Now was a good time. Oh how YooSun missed the days when they would sit near the tree and chat about boys; before TaeYeon dated BaekHyun, of course. 

"Hey, TaeYeon-ah," She said as she approached TaeYeon.

"YooSun-ah!!" TaeYeon ran and hugged YooSun in a huge bear hug. YooSun laughed. She missed her hugs. "Nice to see you, too."

She released YooSun and smiled apologetic. "Sorry, it's been a while since we last seen each other, you know?" She sat down on the bench. 

YooSun nodded as she followed suit. "Yeah, I know," She looked around the area. "I remember the good old days when we used to hang out here and chat."

TaeYeon looked at her happily. "About almost anything."




"Boys!" They both said in unison and laughed. It seems like forever ago, thought YooSun as she calmed down her laughter. TaeYeon contently sighed and closed her eyes, enjoying the atmosphere. YooSun did the same as well, sighs happily and scanned the area. 

It was a Saturday. Children playing around. Families having family picnics. As well as couples walking around, hand in hand. 

YooSun frowned. She wishes she and Yi Fan were like that: holding hands, smiling at one another, and walking around the park on a sunny day. "So," she broke out of her trace of thought from the voice of TaeYeon. She looked up at her and TaeYeon smiled down at her. "How's life been?"

YooSun played with her fingers as she stared at the ground and bit her bottom lip. "Oh, you know. Life's been good."

TaeYeon nodded and paused. "How's you and Yi Fan's relationship?"

YooSun frowned. How is their relationship? YooSun has no idea. "....Good?"

"You're lying," YooSun looked up at her. TaeYeon's smile was gone, replaced by a sternly look - a look that no one wants to see because she sure looks scary. "I know you're lying."

YooSun gulped nervously. "I'm not." She managed to utter out. TaeYeon sighs. "Yes, you are, YooSun-ah. It's obvious. You and Yi Fan are in bad terms."

gaped open. Bad terms? "What do you mean?"

"YooSun-ah, listen," She looked directly into her eye. "Yi Fan doesn't love you the way you love him. As a matter of fact, I think that he never loved you in the beginning."

"What are you talking about? Of course Yi Fan loves me!"

"No, he doesn't."

"Yes, he does! If he didn't love me, then why would he date me?!"

"I don't know. Maybe to try to hurt you -" YooSun scoffed.

"That's stupid!"

"YooSun-ah, listen to me -"

"No, you listen to me. Yi Fan loves me just as much as I love him. Gosh why does everyone hates the fact of me and Yi Fan together?!"

TaeYeon paused, not saying a word, and continued to stare at her. A few moments later, TaeYeon still haven't said anything, and YooSun is starting to get impatient. Sighing, she got up and was about to walk away until TaeYeon grabbed her hand. "Don't do this, YooSun-ah."

"Why? Why can't I do this? Why can't I be with the person that I love? WHY?!" YooSun had tears streaming down her face. She snatched her hand from TaeYeon's and quickly wiped the tears away. TaeYeon soften, frowning when seeing her best friend in tears. "YooSun-ah..."

But YooSun wasn't done. "You and BaekHyun-ah are dating and nobody's hating your relationship with him. I appreciate you two together. Why can't you appreciate me and Yi Fan?"

"It's not the same."


"Because Yi Fan..." Her words trailed off. YooSun shook her head in disbelief. "He loves me, TaeYeon-ah. Please understand that." She had no choice but to sigh and nod her head. She extended her arms open and YooSun sniffed as she embraced TaeYeon.

They held in each other's arms as YooSun shed her tears. TaeYeon accepted the wet damp of her shirt, she doesn't mind. It's the least she can do since she made her best friend cry. The thought brought tears in her eyes, soon she was sobbing with YooSun.

Minutes passed and they finally broke apart after they calmed down. YooSun sniffed and wiped her tears. TaeYeon smiled and wiped her own tears away. "I'm sorry, YooSun-ah. I was just worried."

She nodded and smiled back. "It's okay. I understand that you're trying to protect me but there's nothing to worry. Yi Fan is just not that type of person."

TaeYeon lowered her head but said nothing.

~(^ \/ ^)~

"Wasn't his fun?" BaekHyun swung an arm around ChanYeol's shoulder. Despite the height difference, he still tried. "Just the two of us. Dumb and Dumber. Having quality time together."

ChanYeol pouted. "It wasn't really fun when someone kept cheating in every game."

BaekHyun held his hands up in surrender. "Hey, it wasn't my fault that you ."

The boys were walking back to ChanYeol's house after a good time at the arcarde center. BaekHyun was happy to see ChanYeol smiling like a dork again. No more Sad Puppy ChanYeol! Although, ChanYeol wasn't the only one who had changed throughout the week.

BaekHyun was kind of sad and lonely when ChanYeol wouldn't hang out and when TaeYeon was busy. Having KyungSoo as company was definitely out of the question. YooSun was busy with her 'boyfriend'. And JongIn was also busy with KyungSoo - It seems that everyone is surprised to see KyungSoo actually hanging out with someone. 

So he was back to his normal self again, too. He looked up at ChanYeol and smiled. ChanYeol smiled gracefully. "It really was fun, honestly! Can't wait to do this again."

"So, this means you have your mind off of a certain person, right?"

ChanYeol looked puzzled. "Who?"

BaekHyun chuckled. "Oh, nothing." He said. ChanYeol shruggled. It was good that ChanYeol forgot about his depression of YooSun. He'll probably go back to his depression state again if the mention of her name.

Suddenly, BaekHyun stopped walking. "Isn't that TaeYeon-ah and YooSun-ah?"

ChanYeol's eyes widen in terror. Oh, no! He thought. No, not here. Of all days, why today? BaekHyun smiled widely. "Yeah, it is them," Not knowing that ChanYeol doesn't want to be around YooSun just yet, he walked towards their direction. "Let's go meet them."

"No!" BaekHyun stopped.

"Why not?" Realization hit him. He groaned loudly and facepalmed. "You need to start facing your fear."

ChanYeols jaw dropped. It wasn't that he was scared, he just didn't want to be with YooSun yet. Well, he thought, maybe I am scared. "But-"

"No, buts! Now let's go." He grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the girls. ChanYeol gulped nervously. Here goes nothing. "Hey, ladies~" BaekHyun said. The girls turned their heads to the voice of BaekHyun and smiled.

He looked at TaeYeon and panicked, putting his arm around her waist. Pulling her close, he said, "Babe, why are you crying?" TaeYeon smiled, shaking her head. "It's nothing important," She took a quick look at YooSun. "Just a girl 'talk'."

BaekHyun nodded but he peered at his girlfriend worriedly in concern. The last thing he wants is to have his girlfriend crying. Thankfully, she kissed him on the cheek and he smiled shyly, blushing a bright pink.

YooSun smiled at the sight of them. They're too cute! She really wishes she and Yi Fan were like that. She can see someone in the corner of her eye. Curiously, she turned to look at ChanYeol. He avoided eye contact, looking at the ground.

"Hey, ChanYeol-ah!" She suddenly felt happy. Not seeing or chatting with ChanYeol all week was quiet. Really quiet. He's usually the 'Loud Mouth' in the group. 

"Hey," He mumbled. 

"How you been? I haven't heard from you in like forever."

"I been...busy." He awkwardly gulped and looked around his surroundings. YooSun frowned. Why is he acting so strange lately? She wonders.

"Doing what?" She tilted her head to the side.

"It's personal." Before YooSun could say something, BaekHyun changed the subject. "Hey, since we're here together, let's all hang out, huh?"

"Yes, we should!" said TaeYeon, smiling. "I can't remember the last time we hung out."

"I have an idea," YooSun siad. "I know a restaurant that is not too far from here. Price is low and food is great. What do you say?"

"I say, let's go!" BaekHyun shouted. "Show us the way, princess."

TaeYeon glared at him. "Princess, huh?"

BaekHyun nervously laughed. "But you're my Queen!" 


"Whoooaa~ This seems good. What do you think of this?" JongIn showed KyungSoo the menu of the chicken dish. KyungSoo looked and nodded. "Looks good." JongIn smiled before ordeing the dish. 

JongIn and KyungSoo sat at a restaurant. They came to work on their homework. Though, KyungSoo can't help but think of this as a date. Unexpectedly, Sulli works at the same restaurant that they attended. To make things worst for KyungSoo, she was their waitress. As soon as she saw him, she squealed, her eyes sparkling like stars. KyungSoo found it annoying. JongIn laughed and said it was cute that someone crushed on him. KyungSoo couldn't help but smile at the sound of his laughter.

"Okay," Sulli said as she wrote the order down. She looked at KyungSoo lovingly. "I'll be right back, sweetheart~" She winked before leaving to get the orders.

KyungSoo can only sigh and facepalmed. Why him? JongIn laughs, finding it funny. KyungSoo can't seem to find how it was funny but annoying. 

Suddenly, a voice shouted his name across the restaurant. He looked up to see BaekHyun aggressively waving his arm at him. TaeYeon, YooSun and ChanYeol were behind him. It took KyungSoo a moment to let it all sink in, and when the crew walked over towards the boy's table, he dropped his head on the table hard, creating attention and not caring how much it hurts. It actually does hurt but he doesn't care.

Lucky for the crew, KyungSoo and JongIn sat at a group table, so they all have a seat. "Can't you guys find a table for yourselves?" He asked, a little annoyed.

BaekHyun smiled mischievously. "Why, when we have a table right here? Plus, it's cheaper if we all sit here together." Once everyone sat down, Sulli came back with the orders. She took her notepad and asked, "So, any of you want anything?"

They ordered and TaeYeon immediately introduced herself to JongIn. KyungSoo didn't like it. You can say he was jealous. He just wanted alone time with JongIn. But who is he kidding? Of course, they will intrude him and JongIn's study time. ChanYeol and BaekHyun are the main ones to intrude.

Sulli came back and placed the orders on the table. YooSun thanked her before she left to continue work, not forgetting to throw a air kiss at KyungSoo's way. He rolled his eyes and JongIn laughed again. BaekHyun and ChanYeol were digging in their foods, being goof balls. She and TaeYeon were in a middle of a conversation when her received a message.

Come to my house. Now. - Yi Fan


Hey, guys! Thanks for your participation for reading this wonderful story~ ^-^ 

I want to give a special thanks to Keevalee / parKRaeYo014 / MizCeeJay You guys are awesome! *does back flip* 

I wish for you to read, enjoy, comment and subscribe. Please feel free to comment on what you like about the story, or if there is anything I need for approving. Thanks a million!!

<3 <3 <3 Happy Valentine's Day <3 <3 <3




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Chapter 6: I really hate kris in here. She force her to do it. Yoo soo is just blind with love. When joonmyeon gonna met with her. Hooooooooooo
woohyunism #2
Chapter 3: KAISOO!!! <3 C:
woohyunism #3
Chapter 2: Oh my God, Kris. /fans myself/