Lovesick Pt. 1

Perfect Turned into Ugly


A/N: This chapter is a flashback~

ChanYeol took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Here goes nothing, he thought. He opened his eyes and stared at the most beautiful creature he ever laid eyes on. Laughing at a joke that TaeYeon just told her, there stood YooSun.

Gosh, does ChanYeol love to hear her laughing at his lame jokes.

Hopefully that will happen because today is the day.

Someone put a hand on ChanYeol's shoulder. When he turned to see who it is it was BaekHyun, his best friend. "Stop hesitanting. You want to ask her out, right? Then go out there and ask her out!"

ChanYeol frowned. "It's not that easy!"

"Well, make it easy."

He looked back at YooSun to see her smiling as she listened to TaeYeon speaking, probably telling another joke. Oh, how ChanYeol loved her smile. If her smile was a person, I'll marry it, he once told BaekHyun, and received a scold and a slap on the back of his head.

He sighed and shook his head. "Forget it, BaekHyun-ah. I'll never have a chance."

BaekHyun's eyes bolted. "What?"

"Someone like her could never date someone like me." His shoulders shrunk disappointedly.

"Sure she will! Right, KyungSoo-ah?"

KyungSoo closed his locker and looked up at the boys. He smirked his evil smirk. "Of course not. But please do try to ask her out. I would love to see her rejecting your brainless self."

Both ChanYeol and BaekHyun pouted. "KyungSoo-ah, you're no help."

He swung his bag over his shoulder and twirled around to leave. "I never was and I'll never will be."

"You're mean." ChanYeol mumbled.

"You're stupid." KyungSoo spoke back. 

"Look," BaekHyun said. "Just walk up to her and say 'would you like to go out with me?'"

ChanYeol shook his head. "I can't."

"Do you want Yi Fan to ask her out then?"

He frowned with his head held low. Of course not! Yi Fan is the last person that YooSun should be with. He's too much of a player. He breaks girl's hearts and act like it's the most humorous thing in the world. "No..." He muttered.

"Then go get her!" BaekHyun pushed him towards YooSun's direction. He stumbled on the floor. YooSun gasped and quickly helped him to his feet. "ChanYeol-ah, are you okay?" A simple question. It was a simple question but it caused his stomach to do gymnastic flips. 

ChanYeol gave a quick glare at BaekHyun who in return stuck two thumbs up with a stupid grin. TaeYeon walked to his side and smiled to encourage him on. He looked back at YooSun and flushed a bright pink. "Yeah, I'm fine."

She returned his smile. "That's good."

Nervously and hesitatingly, ChanYeol rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey, listen, YooSun-ah. I-I was wondering if...m-m-maybe you a-and me could..."

YooSun looked at his closely. "We could what?"

Suddenly, someone swung their arm around YooSun's shoulder. "Hey, beautiful." ChanYeol looked at the person and grumbled lowly. Yi Fan.

YooSun blushed a deep red and stuttered, "H-Hey, Yi Fan." ChanYeol's clenched his jaw tight. He knew that YooSun has a crush on Yi Fan, almost all girls in school does. But of all times and places, he had to intrude now. ChanYeol can feel anger rise up inside him when seeing Yi Fan's smirk. 

He looked up at ChanYeol and smiled. "ChanYeol-ah." He called out. 

ChanYeol crossed his arms and turned his head in the other direction. "Yi Fan." He mumbled as a reply. Yi Fan chuckled and turned to look at YooSun again, who blushed as they exchanged gazes. ChanYeol wanted to vomit out his anger.

"I need help on my History homework. The teacher seems to bore me, so I was wondering if you could help me."

YooSun gulped and nodded her head eagerly. "Yes, of course. I-I'll help you."

Yi Fan smiled. "Great. Let's go, shall we?" He said, guiding her to the nearest exit out of the school building. 

ChanYeol was left alone, crushed and indignant.


ChanYeol paced back and forth, debating whether if this is reality or not?

He's so nervous. He never thought this day would come, but here it is! The day where it end their friendship. The good way if she has the same feelings as him, which he doubt, and says yes. Or the bad way if she doesn't want to be friends with him after the confession. 

He's finally going to confess to YooSun. After many, many years of waiting, ChanYeol finally has the courage to ask her out.

But what should he say?

He has almost everything planned. Him and YooSun would sit underneath the cherry blossoms tree where a bench lies. Then he would play the guitar and sing a song for her, confessing his love to her.

Now the only problem is that he doesn't know what to say. Just singing a simple song won't be enough. He needs to say something special.

Sweat was easily slipping down his face when seeing YooSun walking over to him. So, this is it, huh? The end of our friendship? He painfully thought as he gulped.

YooSun smiled widely at his way. "Hey, ChanYeol-ah!"

"Hey, YooSun-ah."

Excitement was heard in her voice as she spoke happily. "I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm glad you called me, though. I have great news!"

"Oh, really? Well, I hope you don't mind if I say something first." He needs to say it now before his courage shys away. It's beginning to slowly crease.

"Oh, I don't, but this is really important and it's so exciting!"

ChanYeol sighs as he gazed at his guitar. It can wait, he thought. Besides, he's curious as to what she's so happy about. "Okay! What's so exciting that you say?"

"Well.." She started off before pausing with a giant grin. "I'm dating Yi Fan!"

Time stopped. Gravity somehow slowed. Everything went silent except for the sound of ChanYeol's heart breaking apart.

Shocked. Speechless. Surprised. But mostly heartbroken.

How could this happen? What did he do so wrong for him to deserve this type of punishment? Surely as far as he knows, he hasn't done anything wrong. 

ChanYeol couldn't believe it. "What?"

YooSun's eyes sparkled with glee. "Me and Yi Fan are dating!" Impossible! It couldn't be. Of all pople...And he was so close to confessing. So close! "Isn't this amazing?" ChanYeol looked up at YooSun. "I'm finally dating Yi Fan. I'm so happy."

"YooSun-ah, about that," He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't think you should date Yi Fan."

Her eyes stopped shining and her smile disappeared into a frown. "Why?"

"He's a jerk. He means trouble."

YooSun gently stared at him. "ChanYeol-ah, that's ridiculous. He's nothing like that. He's very sweet and kind."

Is she blind or something? He thought. "No, he's not."

"Yes, he is." Clearly, she is.

"Look, I just don't want you to get hurt."

YooSun soften. "I won't. Yi Fan is not that type of guy."

He frowned. "But-"

"You wanted to tell me something. What was it?" She folded her arms over her chest, cutting him off.

ChanYeol muted himself. There is absolutely no point into confessing now that she's dating someone else. He had chances. He used those chances. But those chances were interrupted by that someone that she's dating. He avoid eye contact with her. "N-Nothing."

She creased her eyebrows. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, it's nothing. I should go." He picked up his guitar and hurriedly left YooSun behind.


"It's not that bad. Think of it as a sign. Maybe you weren't really YooSun-ah's type." ChanYeol punched BaekHyun's arm. He winced and clutched on his arm. "Ouch~ What was that for?"

"For being you," He replied. "I can't believe this. YooSun-ah and Yi Fan? Might as well throw me in the road and call me Failure."

KyungSoo smirked. "Don't mind if I do."

Lunchtime started and the boys are seated at their usual table. BaekHyun had found out the news of them dating from TaeYeon when YooSun told her over the phone. ChanYeol told BaekHyun about what happen about him wanting to ask her out and how it failed.

BaekHyun may seem like a friend, but he's also like a brother to YooSun - a brother she never had, honestly. Plus to find out his best friend is brokenhearted by some jerk, BaekHyun wants to assassinate the Chinese boy. 

BaekHyun brotherly patted ChanYeol's back in a comforting way. "It's okay, man. There's still other girls out there, you know."

"Yeah, but they are not like YooSun-ah." BaekHyun continued patting his back. Then he laid his head on ChanYeol's shoulder and said, "Want me to break his legs?" He asked. ChanYeol chuckled. "Sure, and you can give them to KyungSoo-ah."

They both laughed as KyungSoo looked up from his tray of food. "How about I cut your legs and shove it down your throat?"  

BaekHyun shivered before gagging. "That's very disturbing. I can't imaging that feeling."

KyungSoo rolled his eyes. "I hate you all."

"That's not very nice." BaekHyun pouted. 

"YooSun-ah was really not your type, ChanYeol-ah," KyungSoo ignored BaekHyun's comment as he stared up at ChanYeol. "She's a difficult person to understand. Trust me, I should know."

ChanYeol sighs. "I know, but I just don't see what she sees in Yi Fan."

"I think she sees a stupidity in Yi Fan," BaekHyun gasped. "You think she might have a thing with stupid guys?"

KyungSoo scowled lightly. "If she did, then she would be dating ChanYeol-ah by now. Like I said, she's complicated." He finished his sandwich and stood up from his seat. "Where are you going?" BaekHyun asked. 

KyungSoo picked up his trash. "Outside. For now on that will be my lunch area. I don't want anything to do with you fools. I rather be alone." Then he walked off, dropped his trash in the trash bin and headed outside.


It was long day at school. After school was worst. ChanYeol had basketball practice. He wasn't really into the mood in practicing after the incident with YooSun. His heart isn't really healed yet, never started healing.

But he went and he regrets it. He should've called out sick. ChanYeol wanted nothing more than to just get home and sleep for hours and forget about the heartbreaking incident. 

He climbed up the stairs to his room. Not caring to remove his clothes off, he jumped on bed and was snoring in no time. But he didn't sleep for long when hearing a soft voice outside his window. ChanYeol laid still, listening to the voice. 

Whoever was out there was singing a soft melody and it's aggravating ChanYeol more. He can't sleep because of that voice. No matter how sweet and gentle it sounds, he wants to sleep!

He leaped out of bed and stumbled towards his window. The window was open. No wonder, he thought. Just when he was about to close it, he saw a figure in the other house across from his. 

It was girl. She was the one singing the melody. ChanYeol couldn't see her face, she was turned sideways. She turned and faced ChanYeol, her looks are very pretty. She looks to be about his age, maybe younger. The girl stopped singing and smiled at his way. Despite his tiredness, he smiled back.

"Hello." She greeted him. 

"Hey," He greeted back. "You have a nice voice." The girl blushed and tugged her hair behind her ear. "Thank you." She said.

She must be the new neighbor, he thought. His mother did mention to him about having new neighbors, but he payed no mind to them. Also he was stuck in basketball practice all the time, he didn't really have much time to inaugurate himself to the neighbors.

ChanYeol leaned his elbows against the window pane. "What's your name?" He asked.

The pretty girl smiled and answered, "Jin-Ri, but you can call me Sulli."


"And so he said, 'These islands aren’t Philippine me up. I need Samoa Tahiti!'" ChanYeol and Sulli laughed so hard, nearby students were giving them strange looks. Sulli wiped the fake tear from her eyes. "Did he really say that? That's hilarious!"

"I know, right?" ChanYeol clapped his hands.

Today is Sulli's first day in school. ChanYeol happily agreed to show her around during lunchtime. First they went to her usual classes, then when they had time left, they explored the school building, cracking lame jokes.

"Here is Math class," ChanYeol pointed out when they reached the classroom. "Next period, you'll go to this class."

Sulli nodded and slid her schedule in her bag pack. "Thanks a lot for the tour. I really needed that. This school is so big, I would've been lost."

"You and me, both." They exchanged chuckles.

"Would you stop following me?! It's getting really annoying." Suddenly, KyungSoo's irritated voice was heard in the hallway. BaekHyun was walking beside him, trying to catch up with him. "You find everything annoying." He complained.

"That's because everything is annoying." KyungSoo stopped upon seeing ChanYeol and groaned painfully. ChanYeol grinned happily and locked KyungSoo in a headlock. "Hey! KyungSoo-ah!"

KyungSoo elbowed his stomach, causing him to gasp in air and let him go. "Who said you could touch me?"

ChanYeol smiled. "BaekHyun-ah did!"

"What? I did not!"

KyungSoo scowled and turned to leave but stopped when seeing Sulli. She looked at him with wide eyes, mouth gaping open, frozen on her spot. KyungSoo looked at her weridly. "Who's this? Is she new?" He pointed her out.

ChanYeol nodded before swinging a arm around KyungSoo's neck, much to his annoyance. "Yep! This is Sulli. Sulli, this short guy is KyungSoo-ah and this barbie chick is BaekHyun-ah."

BaekHyun reproach but nothing. KyungSoo jerked his elbow in ChanYeol's stomach again. He winced and clutched his stomach in pain. "You seriously need to stop doing that."

"You seriously need to stop being near me." Barked back KyungSoo.

"KyungSoo-ah..." Sulli whispered, catching the boys attention. "Is that your name?"

He raised a eyebrow. "Yes, it is."

Sulli smiled widely, eyes shining brightly. "My name is Sulli!"

"Uh, nice to meet you, Sulli."

She happily sighs. "I think I'm in love."

KyungSoo facepalmed. "Great, another weirdo."

BaekHyun wrapped a arm around Sulli's shoulder and grinned mischievously. "Welcome to the club, sister!!"


Hello, everybody!

Thank you for reading this next chapter~ Please comment to what you like about the story, or if I need any improving, and please subscribe!

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Thank you, love you all!! 


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Chapter 6: I really hate kris in here. She force her to do it. Yoo soo is just blind with love. When joonmyeon gonna met with her. Hooooooooooo
woohyunism #2
Chapter 3: KAISOO!!! <3 C:
woohyunism #3
Chapter 2: Oh my God, Kris. /fans myself/