14 Get going


After a week had past, Youngjae was discharged from the hospital. He was ordered by the doctors to stay at home for a couple of days before going to school. He had been lucky it was winter break because he hadn't missed much cauz classes just started. Even after he got discharged,  Daehyun still stood by him to protect him. He was at a very vulnerable state and Daehyun was scared that everyone would take advantage of Youngjae's situation. He still cannot walk well, not without support, but he didn't want to use a cane or anything, He thought he only looked more vulnerable and afterall he does have Daehyun.

When they got to school, they were greeted with pitiful looks from the other students. The NEW bullies (because after Daehyun stood up for youngjae, Tao was never to be seen again) took this as an oppurtunity..

"Well look, if it isn't our favorite nerd and nerd's pet couple..Hey nerd! Broke your foot from ing with your buddy last night?" (Zico)

Youngjae only clenched his fist at this

"Stop it, Zico..its not funny..(DH)

"Shut up, Pet! Zico was talking to the nerd, not you! lets see what he has to say for HIMSELF, he always depends on his boyfriend..such a coward! let him speak! (Kyung)

Daehyun stared at Youngjae worried. He could feel youngjae's grip getting tighter by a second.

Daehyun was about to protest and defend Youngjae but halted when youngjae pulled him back..

"It's okay Dae, you dont need to stand up for me..I can do it..(YJ)

it was hardly a whisper but just enough for Daehyun to hear.

"Well, we're waiting! (Taeil)

"I..-uhh..(YJ) Youngjae needed to pull himself together, and quick, a lot of people were watching

"You what?.. scared little guy? (P.O)

YoungJae's vision was starting to get blurred, he was about to cry. Daehyun was about to burst out of anger but he needed Youngjae to be strong, he had to trust Youngjae or else Youngjae would be a hundred times embarrased as he always let Daehyun defend himself..

"Z-Zico..I think your a piece of

ss- waiting to be thrown out the garbage can from all your talking and bullying! (YJ)

"Wow-wow-wow looks like somebody's got some nerve talking to me like that! (Zico)

"Because you deserved to be talked back like that, you piece of crap! I have had a rough time with this situatation I'm in, and talking to a piece of like you are is not helping! and how dare you call Daehyun a pet?! if anything , you're the pet! I mean hanging out with a bunch of jocks and bullying people just to gain popularity? really Zico? really? (YJ)

"Why you little- you have no right to say those to me, and now you'll have to pay! (Zico)

By this time Zico had already leaned forward to grab Youngjae by the ring of his neck , Youngjae stepped back getting a little frightened but before all this had happened , Daehyun stepped in, to block Zico's way

"Don't you dare touch Youngjae , you dirty old creep! (DH)

"Move out of the way pet! and I'll spare you if you let me through (Zico)


"Who are you to have the guts into telling me what to do, ?! (Zico)

Before Daehyun could reply someone from the crowd inturupted his intention

"Excuse me! but Who are you to pick on injured people at their weak state?! you should be ashamed of yourself! (?)


"who the f- (Zico) Zico was cut of when the girls from the crowd started to make a commotion

"Kyaaaaahhh~ it's Himchan Oppa~ saranghaeo..Omo, Himchan Oppa is defending our sweet Daejae, this is a dream come true!!!~ (Wendy)

"Omo!! its our favorite people interacting , this really is heaven~ (Irene)

"Daejae Hwaiting!! (Joy)

"Saranghae Himchan Oppa!!!! (Yuri)


Zico was annoyed as ever

"Stay out of this Himchan! this does not concern you! (Zico)

"As a matter of fact it does. Protecting the innocent is one of my most solemn promises (HC)

"Oh~ So your in their side now?! wait till Tao hyung'll hear this! (Zico)

"I have no buisness with that bastard anymore, now leave before I punch your ! (HC)

"Though words himchan! but I bet you wont do it! Ya CAN'T do it cause 'its one of your solemn promises to not hurt other people' " (Zico) Zico teased with a mocking tone

"Oh you thought, I was gunna do it? aish , always so stuborn and stupid...Chagiya! can you teach this junior a lesson, please?~ (HC)

Zico gave himchan a confused look , that was until a dark masculine figure stood before him

"Hey kid~ You've been into trouble now haven't you? (?)

"WHO THE- oh-huh-oh oh- B-Bang Y-Yongguk sunbae-nim! What brings you here? (Zico)

Zico bowed at the man before him for he had a big amount respect and long admiration towards that person.

"Here to tell you to off and stop bothering these two and my channie! (YG)

"y-your channie? (Zico)

"Yes my channie, now get back to doing your own buisness, junior! (YG)


"I said off, you wouldn't want to taste your sunbae-nim's fist on your face now would you?

"ugghhhh! Fine! but mark my word, nerd! I'll be back and you'll pay! (Zico)

"*sigh* Save it for yourself, Junior! (YG)

"I'll get you nerd! c'mon guys lets get outta here! (Zico)

and with that, Zico and the rest of their gang called 'Block-B' went outta sight..

Yongguk turned around to see Himchan, Youngjae, Daehyun and the rest of the crowd wide eyed and jaw dropped

"Ughhh what?! (YG)

Everyone snapped out of it and started to cheer

"Kyaaahhhh Yongguk oppa is soo cool! ( Joy )

"Woah that Bang guy just smoothly whipped Zico's away, he's awesome! ( Rap monster)

"Hey! He would look even better if we shipped him with himchan oppa! >v< (Min)

"We dont need to ship them, they're already a couple, aren't they? (Yoona)

"You're right, lets just giv'em a pairing name then, just like DaeJae (Tiffany)

"How about Yongchan? (Jessica)

"Nah, that sounds too typical (Tiffany)

"Then what about bang..bang..banghim! (Suzy)

"That's perfect, BangHim it is! (Tiffany)

"eeeeey all you girls ever do is ship cool guyz. Give him some space! for petes sake! (Jimin)

"Shut up,  Jimin! You got no jams..if you wont shut it, we'll chant YoongMin until the end of your life, now would you want that? (Tiffany)

"*gulp* Ya know what, ships are cool like that Bang yongguk guy over there, feel free to ship him with any other guy or whatever. I dont care!  Jimin out peace! (Jimin)

"Finally! Oh! where did Banghim and Daejae go?! (Tiffany)

"I think they went when we were busy talking..(Jessica)

"Drats!! its all the stupid Jimin's fault for distracting us! (Min)

"oooyyyy Jimin, comeback here you little brat! we'll get you for good! (Tiffany)

"Ahhhhh nooooo! suga hyung, Helppp~(Jimin)


While the crowed was in a commotion, the four of them stuck out of there and into a more quiet place..


"hmm? (YJ) Youngjae turns to the source of Daehyuns voice only to be greeted by a warm hug.

"I'm so proud of you! (DH)

"For what? for sneaking out of the crowd like the coward I am?"


"No, its because you finally spoke out for yourself (DH)

"...mmnhhh....I'm sorry you had to hear all that..(YJ)

"Hear what? (DH)

"Everything! The insults, the arguements, everything!! (YJ)

"no, no, no..dont worry over something like that, I dont care what they say, as long as you're safe, it doesn't matter..(DH)

"But Dae, they called you and pet, I dont want you to get insulted just because you're standing out for me! " (YJ)

"like I said it doesn't matter..(DH)


"ughhhhhh, I hate to disturb this touching moment, but HELLO! we're still here !!(Himchan)

"Oh! we're sorry Himchan hyung! thank you for your help! (YJ)

Youngjae bowed at Himchan then turned to Yongguk

" Thank you for also helping us, Yongguk hyung, we appreciate it very much! (YJ)

he bowed once more

"Anytime! Kiddoh! (YG)

"Eyyy whats with all the formality?  c'mon, lighten up a bit! (HC)

"Thanks once again, hyung but I think me and Youngjae better get to class, we're running late! (DH)

"Oh! we best be headed to our classes as well, come free to talk to us if anything goes wrong! see yah! c'mon gukkie lets head to class! (HC)

"right-on, channie! see yah later Juniors! (YG)

After Himchan and Yongguk left, the two were on their way to class but that's when the last bell ringed

"Oh No! we're gunna be late! c'mon Jae lets make a run for it! (DH)

Daehyun started running but stopped when he realized that Youngjae wasn't following

"Jae, why aren't you running!" (DH)

Youngjae tried to walk to Daehyun but kept on stumbling ,welping in pain and tripping on the way..

"Pabo Yah! You forgot my foot's condition, didn't you? (YJ)

Daehyun faced palmed, having realized that there was no time left to protest, without hesitation he carried YoungJae bridal style

"whaa- Dae! put me down! (YJ)

"Jae, I have no choice. Please just bare it till we get to class...(DH)

Youngjae didn't protest anymore


when they got to their classroom, Daehyun (still having youngjae in his hands) yanked the door open,

causing all their classmates to Look at them. They're classmates were wide eyed,  until the girls started a commotion...again.

"Kyaaaahhh~ its DaeJae!!! (girl)

"Today really is a good DAE, if you know what I mean!! (girl2)

"oh brother, here we go again (boy)

Everyone was really getting noisy, until Miss Hyoseong slamed a ruler on the Table

"That is enough!! everybody be quiet! Mr. Jung and Mr. Yoo please be seated! (miss hyoseong)

Daehyun headed for their usual place at the back, but that doesn't mean he'd let Youngjae walk now. He still carried him until they got to their designated area...he place YoungJae in his seat gently and was able to get a glimps of the latter mouthing a pety 'Thank you' on his petit lips. He just nodded and proceeded to his own seat right beside Youngjae's.


school ended like a passing minute...it was nearly sundown now. Daehyun and Youngjae decided to go home..Oh and did I mention that Daehyun stays at Youngjae's house until his foot was comepletley healed, because he couldn't take that what if  Youngjae was hurt and he wouldn't be there to help, no he didn't want that. So as a safety precaution he packed all his things from his apartment and went to stay at the latters house.


when they got to the house, they'd eat whatever there was in the fridge, watch a movie , take a quick bath together, change and get ready for bed in preparation for the next school day. Of course, Youngjae only had one bed, of course he wouldn't let Daehyun sleep on the cold hard floor or couch and of course he let Daehyun sleep with him. There was nothing wrong in that ,afterall he is his boyfriend..

"Daehyunnie~ …i'm cold…(YJ)

"Dont worry Jae-ah, I'm here (DH)

And with that, Daehyun scooted over to Youngjae and cought him once again in his embrace.. he rested his head by the crook of the latters neck, not letting go of the grip he enplanted by Youngjae's waist and whispering sweet nothings to the youngers ear..

"Are you still cold ? (DH)

Youngjae also returned the embrace having his right hand carras the olders hair and his left hand rubbing circles by Daehyun's back

"Not when I'm with you,  I'm not..(YJ)

"Saranghae..Youngjae-ah, you should know that.. I really love you and I wouldn't leave you for the world..(DH)

"mmhhh..I know.. and I love you too, Nado saranghae" (YJ)

"Good night and sweet dreams, Jae " (DH)

"Good night ,Dae (YJ)

Youngjae kisses the latters forehead for reassurance, then he let sleep take over him as he enjoyed that warm and comfortable position.

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This story is pretty good yet somewhat confusin at the same time lol