Finally waking up

The Price of Love
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Mark was still a bit confused with what happened earlier with Jackson. He didn't actually apologize, not that he expected him to. Though, indirectly, he knew what Jackson meant.

Jackson wasn't really that bad. Jinyoung did say he wasn't always like that. At least Jackson did appreciate him in some ways.

Though, there was something that was bothering Mark. What does Jackson mean by 'feeling uneasy' when he was with Jinyoung?

Mark doesn't want to have this idea that Jackson Wang, of all people, likes him. It was absurd. How can he like someone like Mark? He quickly dismissed the thought.

Stop dreaming, Tuan.

The door opened, and Jackson entered the room with a grin on his face. He should always smile, he looks much more attractive, and Mark mentally slapped himself.

Get a grip.

"You leaving?" Mark tried not to sound too sad. Jackson's presence made him feel safe for some reason, and he wished that Jackson didn't notice the disappointment.

"Nicholas called me. Training was cancelled today."

"Oh, that's too bad. So, are you heading home?" He shook his head. "Oh, you going somewhere?"

Jackson shook his head again, and sat beside Mark. That smile on Jackson's face looked so different on him, or maybe, he's just not used to him smiling. His smile was different from Jinyoung's. It was gentle yet strong, while Jinyoung's was warm and made him want to smile as well.

Mark was happy, at least he got to see Jackson smile like that.

Why was he even comparing two of the most different people? Though, not totally different. They actually had the same reactions, though they only have different gravity in reacting.

"I'm going to stay here." He said. "With you"

"Why?" Mark asked, but was a bit relieved, knowing that he won't be leaving.

"Just because." Mark chuckled a little. This sort of reminds him of Jinyoung. "What's funny?"

"Jinyoung usually says that." Mark noticed the change in Jackson's expression.


"Nothing. It's just that you two are actually similar with each other, in some ways."

"What's our difference then?"

"Well, I guess you are more-" Mark stopped and thought of the best words to describe him. "Manly than he is. Jinyoung is actually more on the cute side." Mark guessed Jackson was happy with the answer.

So childish.

"What's funny?" Jackson asked again, noticing Mark's quiet laugh. He gently patted the other's cheek. Wait, was Jackson blushing?

"Nothing, Wang."

"You know, you and your Dad look alike."

"Yeah" Mark sighed and shifted his attention to his Dad. "I just wish he'd wake up soon."

"He'll wake up soon, don't worry." Jackson took Mark's hand and gave it a light squeeze, easing Mark a bit.

"This is all my fault. If it wasn't for my education, my Dad-" The tears were welling up again. Jackson suddenlt cupped his chin, and locked their eyes.

"Stop blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault. It was that heartless gunman who did this, not you."


"No buts. You're a good son. Stop blaming yourself. He'll be fine."

"Thank you, Jackson." Mark smiled as he Jackson wiped the tears away with both of his thumbs.

And then it happened. Mr. Tuan groaned. He groaned. He was waking up.

"Dad?" He groaned again, eyes slowly opening.

His Dad was waking up.


Jinyoung hates a day like this. He has this class that doesn't start until six. Why on earth was this kind of schedule made? Who wants to stay at school this late? The only class he likes is the one with Mark.

Speaking of the redhead, he hasn't been answering any of Jinyoung's texts, and it makes him wonder what Mark has been up to all day. He'll find out soon enough. His class was ending soon, and he can't wait to get out of here.

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Diamondphantom1 #1
Chapter 33: This story is AMAZING. I was actually rooting for Mark to go to Jinyoung but he didn't. I'm not mad though. Markson is my favorite ship. (I ship every Got7 ship). I feel sad for Jinyoung though. He is so upset that I literally had to stop reading because my throat tightened so bad. My eyes are stinging with tears because I feel for him. I feel so bad for him. I'm happy for Mark and Jackson though. I feel bad for Mark aswell though because I know this was the hardest decision he had to make in his life.

Your writing style is amazing and this is the right mix of angst and fluff and drama. When a story literally has me crying, that's when I know I will love it forever. I just can't stop crying. This story is amazing. All the feels hit me so hard.

OK, I think I'm calm enough to keep reading. Great work!!
Diamondphantom1 #2
Chapter 19: Dont worry, I don't ship them with girls either. I cringe when hey fo skinship with a girl. It's normal for people like us.
vipbabyexotic #3
Chapter 48: Omg you're back!! How have you been?
Hello again author nim!!!!♡♡♡♡♡
BillaNatasha #5
Chapter 48: Wow...i never expect u will continue this syory after along time..but im glad u want to complete this story..thanks fr continue...fighting
Chapter 24: "He knew JB was trouble."

Yeah for you, Jinyoung. xD
Chapter 35: Why I have read two fics that have tainted my biases?! T_T Why you do this to Jinyoung T_T Either way, the story's still great :)
Chapter 33: I actually knew that this will be the outcome, but it is stil heartbreaking T_T I can't help myself to stop sobbing while reading this chapter because who wouldn't hurt & sad if his bias was going on a lot of pain, urt and sadness, right? It just made me sad but I'm still hoping that someone will make it up for him to make him happy again :( T_T tis just made my heart ache :(

I know this is kinda late but still I'll read this story and hoping for better outcome for Jinyoung soon :( I just want ti show my feelings towards this chapter :(
Chapter 17: I know it's kinda late but since this was totally a Markson fic and Jinyoung will be brokenhearted , I just want you to know that I'll be rooting for JB for Jinyoung if Markjin won't happen. That's all from your new subscriber :)
KimchiCupcakes #10
Chapter 47: I forgot about this haha. It's been so long since you updated! Enjoy your vacation!