When a door closes, a window opens

The Price of Love
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Waking up wasn’t as pleasant as he expected, especially when he was sure he cried himself to sleep last night. He sat up, but not getting off the bed. He didn’t want to face his parents any time soon.

He wanted Jackson.

Why was it so hard to reach for his boyfriend? Why did it seem that it was wrong to love that person? Why was their love forbidden and being disagreed on? Were they that far apart? Was life really this cruel to separate two people in love because of their social status?

But on the other hand, was this worth it?

After going all the trouble, would they still have a chance? He should be positive about this, he really should. If he really wanted this, he would be unfazed by this; because he was sure things would turn out fine.

But why were there doubts? Did he have them all along?

Stop thinking. He closed his eyes again, resting his head on the wall. He should really stop thinking like this. This wasn’t helping in any way. Thinking such thoughts would only make things worse.

“Mark? Are you awake?”

He didn’t really want to talk to his mom, or anyone for that matter. But, it seemed that he couldn’t ignore the call, especially when it came from his mom. He stood up, unlocking the door.

“Good morning, son.” He gave a small smile. “Can we talk?”


“About last night, please don’t get mad at us.”

“You know how much I love him, mom.”

“I know, son. After thinking about it last night, I realized that you were right. We can’t stop you- I can’t stop you from loving someone. That is something no one can ever dictate otherwise.”

“Does that mean…”

“Yes, son. I approve of your relationship with Jackson.”

He wrapped his arms around his mom, while she did the same. “Thank you, mom. Thanks for understanding.”

“You choose who to love, son. Never let anyone dictate otherwise.”

“What about dad?”

She sighed, shaking her head. “You know how your dad is, especially when it comes to you.” She said. “You know how protective he is.”

Being an only child, he was given the freedom of doing the things he wanted, but when his parents, especially his dad, interfered; it was something he couldn’t really stand up against to.         

“Don’t worry, I’ll try to convince him again. You’re our only son. We don’t want you to get angry at us because of something like this. Love is a choice, not an arrangement.”

“Thank you, mom.”

“Has Jackson called you?” He shook his head. “I never realized how influential his family was, not until his grandfather came last night.”

“What did he say?”

“I guess you have the right to know.” She said. “He came here last night. He offered money.”

“Money? For what?”

“He told us to take you far away from here, far enough for Jackson not to reach you.”

Did Jackson’s grandfather despise him that much? Was he really nothing for the man?

“That’s when your father got angry. He didn’t accept anything, and asked the man to leave.” Despise was an understatement. “Why was he like that? Why does he hate you?”

“He basically feels that I’m not good enough for Jackson.”

“We can never be the perfect person for anyone, but no one can tell you otherwise.”

“Jackson is supposed to be wed to one of the sons of the Choi companies and enterprises. But, he refuses to do so.”

“I guess being wealthy and well-off doesn’t guarantee you a quiet life. Will you be okay, son?”

“I’ll be fine, mom. We’ll get through this.”

“That’s good to hear. Just remember, no one can make you feel any less that what you are now.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Now, come on. Breakfast is ready.”

Knowing that there was someone who would always support him no matter what lightened everything. All his worries died down. Maybe- No. He was sure, they would get through this.

Like he said, he wanted Jackson. And at this point, he was sure this was worth it.


“Thank you” He said, smiling at the girl at the other side of the counter. “I really hope this works.”

“It will, sir! I usually drink that whenever I have a hangover.” The girl, Amber, said. “That would be a great help.”

“Well, thanks again.”

He went out of the store, walking back to his car. He drove to the nearest convenience store this early just to buy tea that would ease hangovers. In just a few minutes, he was finally home.

“Jinyoung, dear?”

“Yes, mom?”

“Who’s that guy in your bed?”

Oh, no. He thought. He wasn’t expecting his mom to check on his room, or to be home for that matter. Of all times, why was she home now?

“He’s a friend, mom. He was drunk so I had to take him home.”

“Oh, okay. I just checked your room to ask if you

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Diamondphantom1 #1
Chapter 33: This story is AMAZING. I was actually rooting for Mark to go to Jinyoung but he didn't. I'm not mad though. Markson is my favorite ship. (I ship every Got7 ship). I feel sad for Jinyoung though. He is so upset that I literally had to stop reading because my throat tightened so bad. My eyes are stinging with tears because I feel for him. I feel so bad for him. I'm happy for Mark and Jackson though. I feel bad for Mark aswell though because I know this was the hardest decision he had to make in his life.

Your writing style is amazing and this is the right mix of angst and fluff and drama. When a story literally has me crying, that's when I know I will love it forever. I just can't stop crying. This story is amazing. All the feels hit me so hard.

OK, I think I'm calm enough to keep reading. Great work!!
Diamondphantom1 #2
Chapter 19: Dont worry, I don't ship them with girls either. I cringe when hey fo skinship with a girl. It's normal for people like us.
vipbabyexotic #3
Chapter 48: Omg you're back!! How have you been?
Hello again author nim!!!!♡♡♡♡♡
BillaNatasha #5
Chapter 48: Wow...i never expect u will continue this syory after along time..but im glad u want to complete this story..thanks fr continue...fighting
Chapter 24: "He knew JB was trouble."

Yeah for you, Jinyoung. xD
Chapter 35: Why I have read two fics that have tainted my biases?! T_T Why you do this to Jinyoung T_T Either way, the story's still great :)
Chapter 33: I actually knew that this will be the outcome, but it is stil heartbreaking T_T I can't help myself to stop sobbing while reading this chapter because who wouldn't hurt & sad if his bias was going on a lot of pain, urt and sadness, right? It just made me sad but I'm still hoping that someone will make it up for him to make him happy again :( T_T tis just made my heart ache :(

I know this is kinda late but still I'll read this story and hoping for better outcome for Jinyoung soon :( I just want ti show my feelings towards this chapter :(
Chapter 17: I know it's kinda late but since this was totally a Markson fic and Jinyoung will be brokenhearted , I just want you to know that I'll be rooting for JB for Jinyoung if Markjin won't happen. That's all from your new subscriber :)
KimchiCupcakes #10
Chapter 47: I forgot about this haha. It's been so long since you updated! Enjoy your vacation!