An Escape

The Price of Love
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Waking up wasn’t that pleasant today, or was it that bad. Unlike the usual drunk people, he remembered everything pretty well, though there were some vivid images. As promised, Jaebum did offer something to eat. It seemed that the owner of the apartment decided to order some pizza, instead of making something. Either way, Jinyoung was still grateful.

Looking at it now, the only reason why he loathed this guy was because of Mark. But, now that latter had finally chosen someone, the hatred seemed to die down. To top things off, Jaebum was cool as hell.

Even with what he described as his “ fits”, Jaebum still stood by him.

Was Jaebum doing this out of pity? Was he that pathetic?


Rethinking everything that had happened, where was he? He was lost.

He was at that point where he couldn’t describe anything anymore. He wasn’t numb; he was feeling everything, all at the same time. And, it was hard as hell.

Disappointment, anger, jealousy, sadness, pain, everything.

He was being eaten alive by his own insecurities and this was something he hated feeling the most- insecure. It only caused him to over think, and he wasn’t used to any of it.



“Stop thinking, just eat. Pizza might get cold.”


Jaebum chuckled, handing Jinyoung a plate with a slice of pizza on top. He gladly accepted, chewing on the slice.

“You know, pepperoni’s my favourite.”

Oddly enough, it was his favourite flavour too. “Me, too”

“Oh, wait. Let me go get you something to drink. Do you want tea again or some cola?”

“Cola would do” He said. The guy left and soon came back with a can of coke. “Thanks”

For a moment, neither of them talked. The room was silent, up to the point that it was deafening. It was weird how silence could also be loud at the same time. Though, what was he supposed to feel? It seemed that even Jaebum found the stillness unbearable. So, the guy broke the ice.

Jaebum kept on talking, telling stories about random things; school, people, politics, even the weather. Though, why did Jinyoung feel that he was being pitied on?

“You know, you don’t have to feel sorry for me.”

“Excuse me?”

“I mean, thank you for accompanying me. But-“

“Wait, wait, wait. First of all, I do not pity you. Secondly, I do this because I’m your friend. I don’t do this because I pity people, I do this because I care.”

“You don’t have to tell me random stories just to make me feel better.”

“Again, I’m not doing this to make you feel better. I’m talking about random because I know how painful and awkward silence is, considering how you are right now. For a moment, forget about everything.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“I know, and I never said it was easy. But, you could at least try. Wouldn’t that be better? That would be so much better than wallowing in sadness.”

Maybe it was because of all that had happened that Jinyoung wanted to disagree. It wasn’t that Jaebum was wrong. It was probably because he couldn’t really find the strength to do so.

“And to top things off, you brought this to yourself. You were the one who tattle tailed on the fake relationship.”


“What do you know, huh?” He said, eyes glaring at Jaebum’s. “You know nothing about me or what happened, nothing!”


“And you know another thing? Just drop the act. Not pitying me? That’s bull . Stop meddling with my life. You don’t know me for you to say such things.”

He knew he was going overboard, especially with the kindness that was shown to him. He was just thinking out loud, not even bothering to choose his words.

Jaebum knew nothing, or maybe the person couldn’t really understand. Or maybe, Jinyoung wasn’t the one who understood. Wasn’t he glad that someone was still trying him.

But no, for him, Jaebum knew nothing. Yeah, keep telling that to yourself, Park Jinyoung.


Mark’s body felt so heavy, like he didn’t actually want to go to school today. But no, he couldn’t really do that, not when he was the only hope for his family. A lot has happened yesterday, and he still couldn’t move on from any it.

Jinyoung, Jackson’s grandfather, a lot has happened.

But, was this all necessary? Actually, it wasn’t the necessity he was questioning, it was his worth.

Was he really worth the trouble? Really, did things have to reach up to this point?

He wanted to fight for this, whatever this is, whatever they had. But, now he was wondering if he was worth fighting for.

The door creaked open, distracting him from his thoughts. It was his mom.

“Good morning, son.”

“Hey, mom. Anything you need?”

“Nothing, really. Jackson’s already here to pick you up.”

Oh. He nodded, giving his mom a small smile. “Thanks, mom. I’ll be out in five.” He stood up, walking towards the bathroom. He showered quickly, not wanting Jackson to wait too long.

As he exited his room, he could already hear that voice, that voi

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Diamondphantom1 #1
Chapter 33: This story is AMAZING. I was actually rooting for Mark to go to Jinyoung but he didn't. I'm not mad though. Markson is my favorite ship. (I ship every Got7 ship). I feel sad for Jinyoung though. He is so upset that I literally had to stop reading because my throat tightened so bad. My eyes are stinging with tears because I feel for him. I feel so bad for him. I'm happy for Mark and Jackson though. I feel bad for Mark aswell though because I know this was the hardest decision he had to make in his life.

Your writing style is amazing and this is the right mix of angst and fluff and drama. When a story literally has me crying, that's when I know I will love it forever. I just can't stop crying. This story is amazing. All the feels hit me so hard.

OK, I think I'm calm enough to keep reading. Great work!!
Diamondphantom1 #2
Chapter 19: Dont worry, I don't ship them with girls either. I cringe when hey fo skinship with a girl. It's normal for people like us.
vipbabyexotic #3
Chapter 48: Omg you're back!! How have you been?
Hello again author nim!!!!♡♡♡♡♡
BillaNatasha #5
Chapter 48: Wow...i never expect u will continue this syory after along time..but im glad u want to complete this story..thanks fr continue...fighting
Chapter 24: "He knew JB was trouble."

Yeah for you, Jinyoung. xD
Chapter 35: Why I have read two fics that have tainted my biases?! T_T Why you do this to Jinyoung T_T Either way, the story's still great :)
Chapter 33: I actually knew that this will be the outcome, but it is stil heartbreaking T_T I can't help myself to stop sobbing while reading this chapter because who wouldn't hurt & sad if his bias was going on a lot of pain, urt and sadness, right? It just made me sad but I'm still hoping that someone will make it up for him to make him happy again :( T_T tis just made my heart ache :(

I know this is kinda late but still I'll read this story and hoping for better outcome for Jinyoung soon :( I just want ti show my feelings towards this chapter :(
Chapter 17: I know it's kinda late but since this was totally a Markson fic and Jinyoung will be brokenhearted , I just want you to know that I'll be rooting for JB for Jinyoung if Markjin won't happen. That's all from your new subscriber :)
KimchiCupcakes #10
Chapter 47: I forgot about this haha. It's been so long since you updated! Enjoy your vacation!