Peace of Mind

The Price of Love
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The morning started wrong for Jinyoung. He planned on fetching Mark from their house, so they could go to school together. He never had the chance to have some alone time with the redhaired boy. It was always him, Mark, and Jackson. He just wanted to be alone, just the two of them.

But now, another one added. Jackson was nowhere to be seen, so he thought this would be his chance. 

Or so he thought.

Jaebum, of all times, suddenly appeared. To make things worst, the person didn't bring his car. He had no choice but to allow the guy to ride with them. 

Luckily, Mark sat in front. While Jaebum obediently sat at the back. The latter had been quiet at the back, but he could see the person constantly glancing in the front seats. At one point, their eyes even met at the rearview mirror. 

He felt a little uncomfortable. It was like Jaebum was scrutinizing him. He hated the feeling of such.

Could Mark even fancy someone like Jaebum? Was it normal to feel a bit threatened? The two were childhood friends. He couldn't compete with that. And here he thought Jackson was hard enough to compete with. 

Insecurity was such a hateful feeling to have. It degraded him.

What if Mark did like Jaebum? He didn't even want to think about the idea anymore. He had to stay positive. He just had to keep an eye out for this person.

They arrived at the school. Since they still had extra time, he wanted to spend it with Mark. But then again, Jaebum was with them.

"Hey, Junior. Thanks for the ride." Junior?

"The name's Jinyoung, not Junior." He hissed back, but Jaebum was clearly unfazed with gis reaction.

"Really? You look like a junior to me." What did that even mean? "So, Mark. Care to show me around?"

"Ohh- I" The redhead bit his bottom lip. "I'd love to, but I really have this paper I need to pass."

"Then, let me come with you."

"No, no. Your class will start soon." Mark pursed his lips, thinking of a solution. "I know. Jinyoung, could you please him to his first class?"

"What?" He asked, like it was the most ridiculous thing he had heard. 

"I really need to pass this paper to Ms. Choi." The other pouted. How could he even compete with this? This redhead was just too hard to resist. "Please, Jinyoung?"

He should say no, he could avoid this my making a lame excuse, but god, why was Mark too cute? In the end, he had no choice but to agree. 

"Thank you, Jinyoung!"

The redhead leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Maybe this was worth it, after all. 

"I'll see you in class. And you, have fun on your first day." With that, Mark ran off. 

"Can I see your registration card?" Jaebum took it out and handed it to him. "Your first class is in the science building." This was a bit conveniet. That was the building next to the Math department. "Follow me"

"Can we please buy something to eat first?" He raised an eyebrow. 

"But we just ate."

"I'm still hungry. These muscles need some feeding." Jaebum flexed his arms. He rolled his eyes, ignoring them. "Come on, just take me there." 

"Fine." He returned Jaebum's schedule. "So, Psychology Major, huh?"

"Yeah" He wasn't even sure how the other could've heard him. "Hey, Junior"

"My name is Jinyoung." He groaned. "What is it?"

"It's nothing. Never mind" This guy was seriously bipolar. One minute, he would be cocky and noisy. The next minute, he would be all serious and deep in thought.

"Here we are. I'll wait here." He took the nearest table, while Jaebum nodded indifferently. The latter returned a few minutes after. 

The other had two sandwiches, a can of iced coffee, and a pack of sour gummy worms. 

What even.

But to his surprise, he was given the pack of sweets. 

"That's for accompanying me." Jaebum smiled at him.

"T-thanks" Why the hell was he stuttering?

"Anyways, I'll see you around." Wait, didn't he need someone to show him to his classroom?


"I know where my class is. Thanks again, Junior." Jaebum grinned and walked away. 

He was a bit confused at first, but he eventually got over it. He opened the pack of gummy worms and ate a piece. Was this Junior name calling thing going to continue?

Indeed, Jaebum was weird.


What does a person do during free cut? Their professor decided to dismiss the class early. Either, the instructor was too lazy to teach, or the man did want them to use this time to study, since exams were coming up.

He had nothing to do for the next three hours.

"Hey, Jinyoung. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. He gave us free cut." They both sighed. "How about we get something to eat?"

"Sure" He smiled at the other. He suddenly thought about Jaebum. 

"What's wrong?"

"I was just thinking about Jaebum. It's his first day today." The jealousy on Jinyoung's expression was a bit too obvious. The other was being cute again. He pinched both of the boy's cheeks. "Stop being jealous of him."

Jinyoung scoffed. "I am not jealous of that- that... weirdo." Weirdo? "Let's just eat." He was dragged to the parking lot. 

He left the two earlier on purpose. He didn't have anything to pass. He had passed that a week earlier the deadline, which was last week. That was all part of his operation. Though, it seemed he had to double his efforts. Maybe

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Diamondphantom1 #1
Chapter 33: This story is AMAZING. I was actually rooting for Mark to go to Jinyoung but he didn't. I'm not mad though. Markson is my favorite ship. (I ship every Got7 ship). I feel sad for Jinyoung though. He is so upset that I literally had to stop reading because my throat tightened so bad. My eyes are stinging with tears because I feel for him. I feel so bad for him. I'm happy for Mark and Jackson though. I feel bad for Mark aswell though because I know this was the hardest decision he had to make in his life.

Your writing style is amazing and this is the right mix of angst and fluff and drama. When a story literally has me crying, that's when I know I will love it forever. I just can't stop crying. This story is amazing. All the feels hit me so hard.

OK, I think I'm calm enough to keep reading. Great work!!
Diamondphantom1 #2
Chapter 19: Dont worry, I don't ship them with girls either. I cringe when hey fo skinship with a girl. It's normal for people like us.
vipbabyexotic #3
Chapter 48: Omg you're back!! How have you been?
Hello again author nim!!!!♡♡♡♡♡
BillaNatasha #5
Chapter 48: Wow...i never expect u will continue this syory after along time..but im glad u want to complete this story..thanks fr continue...fighting
Chapter 24: "He knew JB was trouble."

Yeah for you, Jinyoung. xD
Chapter 35: Why I have read two fics that have tainted my biases?! T_T Why you do this to Jinyoung T_T Either way, the story's still great :)
Chapter 33: I actually knew that this will be the outcome, but it is stil heartbreaking T_T I can't help myself to stop sobbing while reading this chapter because who wouldn't hurt & sad if his bias was going on a lot of pain, urt and sadness, right? It just made me sad but I'm still hoping that someone will make it up for him to make him happy again :( T_T tis just made my heart ache :(

I know this is kinda late but still I'll read this story and hoping for better outcome for Jinyoung soon :( I just want ti show my feelings towards this chapter :(
Chapter 17: I know it's kinda late but since this was totally a Markson fic and Jinyoung will be brokenhearted , I just want you to know that I'll be rooting for JB for Jinyoung if Markjin won't happen. That's all from your new subscriber :)
KimchiCupcakes #10
Chapter 47: I forgot about this haha. It's been so long since you updated! Enjoy your vacation!