Get Ready

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“Come on, Baozi! Stretch a little more! You can do it! Go all the way!” shouted Tao.

“Uh,” Xiumin moaned. He touched the floor at last, accomplishing the splits.

“Yeah! You did it” Tao grinned and waved at me from across the room. “Kris, did you see?”

I rolled my eyes. “Fascinating.”

Xiumin stood up and ruffled Tao’s hair. “Dongsaeng, thanks for being a good teacher.” He smiled at Tao, like the way an older brother does at a young child. He loved babying Tao.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out and recognized the number immediately. “Hey, Exo-K. What’s up? You guys haven’t called me in a while.”

“Kris hyung! It’s Sehun. We need you all to come here, as soon as possible. We’re in trouble with another gang. You willing to help?”

“Sure…We’ll be there soon,” I agreed. “Anything for you guys. Take care of yourself.” I hung up and tucked my phone back into my pocket. Clapping my hands together, I cleared my throats and called everyone to the living room.

“What happened? You talked to Exo-K?” Lay raised his eyebrows.

“We’re going to Seoul. Pack up your things right now.”

“When do we leave?” Tao asked. “I was going to hang out with some of my friends at the Wushu studio later today…”

I shot him an annoyed look. “We’re leaving as soon as possible. Pack up and meet me back here. Do it quickly.”

Chen smiled. “I’ve missed Korea.”

Xiumin nodded. “Me too.”

Chen and Xiumin came from South Korea a few years ago to be in Exo-M. Even though we visited Exo-K a couple of times a year, and met up in Seoul usually, they seemed to still have a hard time adjusting to Chinese culture. I knew they wanted to be in Korea, where they were fluent in the language and comfortable with the culture. But even though, they were trying their best here in China.

I dialed the airport’s number to book our tickets. “Guys, get ready and take care of any loose ends. The situation sounds serious, and I don’t know when we’ll be back in China.”

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Chapter 20: I liked it
Chapter 18: It's so sad
Chapter 17: It's interesting
Chapter 16: I liked it
Chapter 15: I like it
Chapter 13: Omg! What will happened?
Chapter 12: It's interesting
Chapter 11: It's interesting
Chapter 10: What will happen?
Chapter 9: I like it