
One Shot


“This is it,” Suho said, as we hid behind the bushes near the side of the Big Bang house. He slowly crawled out, and the rest of us followed his lead. Suho pulled out his map and shined his flashlight over it. “We’re going to split up here. C.A.P, you go with Kris. You guys need to stay downstairs, while Sunggyu and I go upstairs.” He put his flashlight and map away. “We need to get our hands on any information we can find. Search everywhere. But be careful and be silent. If anyone screws up, we could die here.”

“We won’t screw up,” I assured him.

“Good. I’ll go cause a distraction.” Suho went to the front door, placed a newspaper on the first step, and rang the doorbell a few times. Then he joined us again in the bushes.

A few seconds later, the door opened. Seungri stepped out, looking around in confusion. “Hello?” he called. “Who’s there?” He saw the newspaper lying on the ground and bent down to pick it up.

In that moment, C.A.P and I ran from the bushes. C.A.P brought down the hammer on Seungri’s head, knocking him out. Before he could hit the ground, I caught him and together we dragged him off to the bushes where Suho and Sunggyu were waiting. Then C.A.P and I hurried inside. All the lights in the house were on, but it was silent and we didn’t see anybody else on the first floor. We checked all of the rooms there.

“It’s clear,” I said into my walkie talkie. “Nobody is on the first floor. Come in.”

Suho and Sunggyu came in and closed the front door behind them as quietly as possible. C.A.P and I went upstairs, holding our mirrors in one hand to check if there was anybody coming up behind us.

It seemed like there was nobody on the second floor either. We went to the first room, which I guessed was the office. C.A.P got on the computer, searching through the online files while I searched through the cabinets. I put a few flash drives in my backpack and then came across a recorder.

I pressed the “ON” button and held up the recorder to my ear, anxious of what I would hear.

“I did it,” said a girl’s voice. “I killed that guy, not G-Dragon.”

“I knew it,” a guy was saying. “I knew you would only bring G-Dragon down. From the start, I’d known that you were useless. You only got in the way. Now look what G-Dragon has to suffer because of you.”

Someone else spoke up. “It was an accident, I’m sure. Yoona would never kill anybody without a good reason.”

“Stop defending her, Daesung! Our leader is in jail now. Yoona needs to pay for what she’s done!”

“Please,” Yoona begged. “Please don’t hurt me. I didn’t mean to kill him. And G-Dragon was just trying to help me…”

“No. You’ll pay for this. Not now, but one day, sometime in the future, you’ll pay.”

The recorder finished playing. It dropped from my fingers, as Suho’s voice blared through my walkie talkie. “I found something good. Come down, let’s go. Bring anything you think will be useful.”

I picked up the recorder and put it in my backpack. C.A.P and I hurried downstairs to meet Suho and Sunggyu, and we all ran out the door and into the black night.

Hurrying down the streets of Seoul, we finally got back to the apartment where the others were waiting.

My mind was spinning around.

 “What did you find?” Sehun asked as soon we got inside.

Everyone gathered in the living room around us. I decided they needed to hear the recorder.

“Listen to this,” I said.

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Chapter 20: I liked it
Chapter 18: It's so sad
Chapter 17: It's interesting
Chapter 16: I liked it
Chapter 15: I like it
Chapter 13: Omg! What will happened?
Chapter 12: It's interesting
Chapter 11: It's interesting
Chapter 10: What will happen?
Chapter 9: I like it