Don't Run Away

One Shot


“What have you gotten yourself into?” Yuri shook her head.

“Stop asking me that,” I complained, stretching my legs out in the over sized tub. The water was soothing, with the scattered rose petals giving off a sweet scent. I adjusted the face mask I was wearing and shut my eyes, leaning deeper inside of the water.

Yuri sighed heavily, and threw something soft at me. My eyes shot open, hands curling around a pink towel.

“Tell me, Yoona. It’s not like how it was with Big Bang, right?” She peeled off her mask, tossing it in the trash bin.

I took mine of too and climbed out of the tub in my white bathrobe. “Exo is different from Big Bang, and Sehun isn’t G-Dragon. So don’t worry about me hanging out with the wrong crowd. Exo are good people, even though they are a gang.”

“I don’t want to get in trouble again.”

“I said, trust me!” I snapped, grabbing the blow dryer and my hairbrush. “Stop trying to lecture me.”

“I’m trying to help you,” Yuri rolled her eyes. “Calm down, Yoona. Tell me what’s really going on.”

“How can I?” I took a shaky breath. “G-Dragon’s jealous of me and Sehun, so he beat Sehun up and threatened Exo. He wants revenge.”

“He wants revenge on us?” Yuri stopped sticking out the roller pins in her brown hair, her eyes wide as she looked at me in the mirror.

“Yes, and he’s taking it out on Exo too. Exo called their allies, Teen Top and Infinite to help.”

“Is a war coming?” her voice trembled. “Big Bang will kill us…I’m worried. You should’ve told me this before. What do we do?”

I started blow drying my hair, the loud noise filling the room and cutting through the tense atmosphere. “Exo has us covered. They’ll protect us.”

“Don’t lie to me!” Yuri shouted. “We promised each other never to go through this again! You swore you were done with all of it!”

I shut off the blow dryer, agitated. “Don’t…”

“Don’t what?!” She flung the hairbrush across the room. It smacked into the wall and clattered to the marble floor. “After everything that happened with Big Bang, after you were so messed up because of the Incident, I thought you learned your lesson but here you are again, getting us into the same trouble!”

I turned away from her, hurt by her words. The memories were spinning through my mind, making me dizzy.

“Don’t you know any better? I’m tired of this. Sick and tired. You should’ve stopped talking to Sehun when you found out he was in a gang. You say Exo is different, but they’re all the same. Gangs get into fights and kill people for money. They gamble, they do other bad things, and you deserve way better than trash like-”

“Stop insulting Exo! You don’t know them! You don’t know Sehun! He’s kind and caring. Sweet. Romantic. You don’t know him.” I ran the brush through my hair. “We can finally get away from Big Bang. Exo will beat them, and G-Dragon won’t ever bother us again. We’ll be safe.”

Yuri started applying lotion to her legs and arms. “Stop running away from your past, Yoona. The only way to overcome this is to face what happened.”

I went to my bedroom, tears falling from my eyes. I wanted to bury my memories somewhere they wouldn't resurface.

But I knew I couldn't do that. I needed to face it soon. Yuri was right about that- I couldn't keep running away from my past.


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Chapter 20: I liked it
Chapter 18: It's so sad
Chapter 17: It's interesting
Chapter 16: I liked it
Chapter 15: I like it
Chapter 13: Omg! What will happened?
Chapter 12: It's interesting
Chapter 11: It's interesting
Chapter 10: What will happen?
Chapter 9: I like it