The unexpected enemy

My Immortal Girl

"I don't get it, her fever rose again." Sooyoung said worriedly. Seohyun was sleeping but she kept stirring in her sleep making everyone in the room became panicked. 


"I think she's having a nightmare." Yuri said, sitting on the bed beside her. Yoona came to the room and hurriedly hold Seohyun's hand. 


"What happened? When we left her she was fine." Yoona said, caressing the youngest girl's cheek. 


"I don't know, we found her like this. Her fever rose again." Yuri said as she touched Seohyun's forehead.


"Mom... Dad... Luhan..." Seohyun said weakly in her sleep.


"Luhan? She even mentioned that boy's name in her sleep." Yuri let out a sigh.


"Should we take her to hospital? I have never seen her like this before." Yoona said, looking at the youngest girl worriedly. Sooyoung and Yuri exchanged looks before they nodded.





"Listen Taeyeon don't tell anyone about this. Not even mom." Luhan said to his sister as they walked down the hall to their classroom.


"I know, that's why I only told you. I don't trust anyone but you." Taeyeon said, hugging her books.


"Now we just have to find out who is this girl they were talking about and what does it mean by getting rid of her." Luhan said as he turned to look at his sister.


"I have a feeling she's from our school." Taeyeon said quietly.


"I still don't understand any of these. What it has to do with me?" Luhan said before he sighed.


"Just lets talk about it later. We have to hurry, we're going to be late." Taeyeon said and they walked faster towards their classroom.

Luhan switched his seat again with Tiffany before the class started since he wanted to sit near Seohyun but when he looked at his back, he only saw Jessica who was busy with her cellphone.


"Um Jessica, where's your seatmate?" Jessica looked up to him before she answered him.


"I don't know. Maybe she's coming late." Jessica said, shrugging her shoulders. Luhan quickly took out his phone from his pocket and left Seohyun a text message. 


"Luhan." He heard his sister whispering his name.


"Yeah Taeyeon." Luhan turned his attention to his sister.


"I just remember I heard dad was talking about photos and he gave them to grandpa, that's when they said you will help them to get rid of that girl." Taeyeon said, whispering.





"This is strange. You heard what the doctor said? He said Seohyun got a fever because her body was very weak." Yuri said to Yoona who was sipping her water. They just came back from the doctor's room and took a seat side by side near the hospital canteen. 


"Yeah, what's wrong with that? Isn't that normal?" Yoona asked confusedly.


"No, it's not. Since we got injected by the drug vial, not only we stop aging but also we just can't get sick easily. The last time Seohyun got fever it was 50 years ago and that's because she was injured." Yuri said as she stared blankly at the ground.


"Maybe her body's changing." Yoona said, shrugging.


"That's not possible. Sooyoung and I never got fever since we became immortal." 


"Wait, you said 50 years ago she was injured. Why?" Yoona asked, looking at the girl beside her.


"I don't think you're ready to hear that." Yuri shook her head.


"What do you mean? Just tell me. I have the right to know." Yoona asked eagerly. Yuri sighed heavily.


"50 years ago Kim Chul found her and they fought but that old man was too strong for her. He almost killed her. Fortunately we came before he hurt her even more. Kim Chul just left right after we came to save her, he didn't even want to fight with us. He said he promised not to hurt any of us, he just wanted to hurt that poor girl. And it happened again 25 years ago, he stabbed her when Sooyoung and I left her for work. But he couldn't get the chance to kill her because.."


"Because my family saved her." Yoona cut her off. Yuri nodded.


"So that's why she was injured badly. We were wondering how did she injured herself but she never told us." Yoona said as she looked at the ground.


"We worked hard to train her for years. Sooner or later she will have to face that old man again. Now that we know his son also chases her, she is completely in danger."


"I didn't know she's been through so much. She's only a 17 year old teenager inside the body of a 17 year old teenager." Yoona said as she covered her face with her palms. Yuri patted her back softly but then she stopped and her hands trembled when she saw a familiar old man was sitting inside the hospital canteen. He was wearing a white coat and was seen talking with a man who looked in his 40s.


"Yoo-yoona." Yuri called her, stammering. Yoona removed her palms from her face and looked at the girl beside her.


"Yes? What's wrong?"


"Kim Chul... He's here." Yuri said pointing towards the familiar old man. Yoona saw the old man in fear. Then her eyes wandered to the man beside him, her eyes widened when she realized who it was.


"Kim Jongin. He's with his son Kim Jongin. But Yuri, there's something strange about him. He's aging. Kim Jongin is aging."



Sooyoung stood beside Seohyun's hospital bed looking at the youngest girl's pale face, her eyes widened when she saw her slowly opened her eyes.


"Seohyun, you've been sleeping for 10 hours already. I am so worried, how are you feeling now?" Sooyoung asked her as she took her hand.


"I am fine unnie. But I don't see Yoona unnie and Yuri unnie." Seohyun said, glancing around the room.


"They are in the first floor to see the doctor." Seohyun nodded slowly.


"Unnie where's my phone?" Seohyun asked her as she slowly sat up. Sooyoung quickly opened her purse and took out a cellphone from inside.


"Here's your phone. I almost forgot to bring it." She said, handing Seohyun her phone. Seohyun read the messages on her cellphone and her face lit up. Suddenly Yuri and Yoona ran inside the room and stood beside Seohyun's bed panting.


"What's wrong with you two?" Sooyoung made a weird face.


"W-we have to leave this place now." Yoona said, panting.


"Kim Chul. He's here!" Yuri shouted. Sooyoung quickly helped Seohyun getting up and took out her clothes from her bag.


"You have to change now Seohyun. Here's your clothes." Sooyoung said, handing the youngest girl her clothes. Seohyun nodded and went to the bathroom to change.


"I didn't know that old man became a doctor." Yuri said, shaking her head.


"Huh? Kim Chul is a doctor in this hospital?" Sooyoung asked as she widened her eyes.


"Yes. We saw him wearing a white coat." Yoona said, still panting.


"And we also saw his son Kim Jongin. You won't believe what we just saw. He's aging."





"Why are you smiling like that all of a sudden." Taeyeon asked her brother. They were sitting on the floor inside Luhan's room, doing their homeworks.


"Seohyun replied to my text messages. She was having a fever that's why she didn't go to school today." Luhan said as he replied the text message. 


"Luhan I still can't believe what you told me about her. So she's Seo Joohyun the second daughter of the family who lived in this house before us and she's not a ghost." Taeyeon said in awe.


"Anyway, I like her. I am so glad she's the one who becomes your girlfriend." Taeyeon said as she gave her brother a smile.

Luhan put his phone and continued to do his homeworks with his sister, soon their mother came to the room saying that she wanted to go to see their father and grandfather in the hospital. That's when Luhan with his sister quickly ran towards their father's room to search for the photos Taeyeon had told Luhan about.


"Taeyeon you go search in dad's workroom while I search in this room." Taeyeon nodded her head and went to her father's workroom. But after 20 minutes of searching they couldn't find anything and went back to Luhan's room.


"Wait Luhan, there's still one room left." Taeyeon said pulling his shirt.


"Grandpa's room." They said in unison. They quickly made their way to their grandfather's room. But unfortunately it's locked from outside.


"Great!" Taeyeon said.


"Then he must kept the photos there in his room that's why he locked it." Luhan said as he turned his back to face his sister.


"What should we do now?" Taeyeon asked her brother. Luhan just shrugged.





"He's aging but that's impossible. I just don't get it." Yuri said, walking back and forth. Since they arrived in the house they kept talking about what they saw in the hospital earlier.


"This is confusing." Sooyoung let out a sigh. While they were having a serious conversation, Seohyun came out from outside her room, dressed up nicely.


"Seohyun where are you going?" Yoona asked her, staring at the brown haired girl from head to toe. 


"My favourite place in the forest." Seohyun said, smiling nervously.


"Again? No. You can't go anywhere." Yoona shook her head.


"I promise I won't be late. I'll be home before midnight. Please unnie." Seohyun pleaded.


"You want to see that Luhan guy, don't you?" Yuri asked her, frowning. Seohyun nodded slowly.


"I knew it." Yuri said, rolling her eyes.


"Unnie I heard everything you said the other night about him. And I was thinking about leaving him, I don't want to see him getting hurt because of me but just thinking about it is driving me crazy. I have decided that I won't ever leave him, I want to be with him. Tonight I'll tell him everything about me." 


"So you were with him yesterday night?" Yoona asked her as she walked towards her.


"Um yeah." 


"Wait, the day you came home in the morning you were with him too all night. Weren't you?" Yoona asked her again, raising her eyebrow.




"Just answer me." Yoona snapped at her. Seohyun nodded her head slowly.


"What were you doing with him all night in the forest?" 


"Unnie I have to go. I promise I'll be home before midnight." Seohyun said as she ran out the house.


"She's hiding something..." Sooyoung said quietly.





"Luhan are you going somewhere?" Taeyeon asked her brother who was wearing his jacket.


"Yeah, Seohyun called me. She said she has something to tell me." Luhan said, reaching the doorknob.


"I won't be long, but you can sleep here in my room if you want. I know you're still scared of that creepy guy outside your windows."


"Thanks Luhan." Taeyeon said, hugging her brother. Luhan chuckled. He kissed the top of her head and went out his room. Taeyeon walked towards the bed but she stopped instantly when she felt something was missing.

'Ah right, I left my cellphone in the livingroom.' She thought. She walked out the room, walking fast to the living room downstairs. She quickly took her cellphone and headed back to her brother's room. But she stopped herself when she heard a commotion from inside her father's workroom. She tip toed towards the room and stood on the doorway as she glued her ear to the door.


"Father, this is Luhan we're talking about. He is my son, your grandson." She heard his father spoke from inside the room.


"Silence! I know what I am doing. I won't hurt my only grandson. Just stick to the plan." Then she heard nothing. She decided to leave that place and rushed upstairs.

'I must tell him what I just heard when he comes back.' She thought.





"Why are you not wearing a jacket?" Luhan asked the girl in front of her as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around Seohyun who was smiling shyly. They were sitting in front of each other under their favourite tree. Seohyun had told him everything about her, about the man who chases her and about her dark past. One thing she hasn't told him was the name of the old man who chases her. She just felt uneasy everytime she heard that name.


"Um Luhan... you're crying. I saw tears on your face." Seohyun said as she wiped the tears away from his handsome face. Luhan quickly looked away. Wiping his own tears.


"No.. I am not crying..." He chuckled.


"You're bad at lying you know." Seohyun said as she cupped Luhan's face with her palms. She caressed his cheeks softly as they stared at each other's eyes. 


"You know what? That night when I called you last time. I was thinking of leaving you. I just can't let you get hurt because of me...but when I thought about that night we spent together, I realized I can't spend even one day without seeing your face." Seohyun said softly as tears slowly fell from her face. 


"I love you Seo Joohyun." He said before he pulled her into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist as they slowly fell on the ground, kissing each other.

Seohyun's phone vibrated making them quickly pulled away from each other and sat up. Seohyun read the name on her cellphone, she stood up as she adjusted herself before she answered to the person on the other line.


"Hello Yuri unnie. Yes? I'll be back home now." She said before she hung up. She looked at the person behind her and gave him a shy smile. Luhan smiled back at her and pulled her into a hug.





Seohyun opened the door to her house, as soon as she stepped inside she felt all eyes on her.


"Why are you smiling like that? Did you have fun?" Sooyoung asked her as she gave her a blank look.


"She was having too much fun. I don't know what will happen next if I didn't call her at that time." Yuri said, rolling her eyes. Seohyun stared at her in shock.


"Unnie you followed me?!" She said, almost shouting.


"Well, sorry for interrupting the intense make out session between you and that Luhan guy but you really need to go back home, we have something to tell you." Yuri said casually.


"I can't believe this." Seohyun said as she sat down on the couch. 


"But where's Yoona unnie?" Seohyun asked when she didn't spot her around the room.


"She went to Seoul just now. And will be back tomorrow. Listen, we have decided to take you to live with us, Yoona will also share the house with us. You can't stay in this forest forever." Sooyoung said as she sat next to Seohyun.


"But why so sudden? I love this place." Seohyun said frowning.


"Seohyun, it's for the best of us." Yuri said, looking at her in the eye.


"Alright." Seohyun finally said.





"This . It's been more than two weeks, we haven't got any clue about the girl and we can't enter grandpa's room." Taeyeon said, stomping her feet on the ground. She was standing in front of her house, talking to her brother who just came out of the house.


"Don't worry. Look what I've got." Luhan said, showing his sister a key.


"What is that?" Taeyeon said, pointing at the key.


"A spare key to grandpa's room." Luhan said, grinning.


"Oh great!" Taeyeon said, smiling widely.


"You just go to school. I'll skip the first period, I want to start searching for the photos now since everyone are already left for work."





"Seohyun you don't need to attend school today you know? You don't look fine." Yoona said to the girl beside her at the back seat of Sooyoung's car.


"Yoona is right, you look so pale." Sooyoung said as she drove the car.  Seohyun didn't reply to them, she just looked outside the window, seemed so lost in her own thoughts.


"Seohyun I'll pick you up at 4pm since Yoona will be in Seoul until night." Sooyoung said when her car stopped in front of the school gate. Seohyun hugged Yoona quickly before she got out of the car and ran towards the school gate. Sooyoung and Yoona looked at her and chuckled.


"She's just a kid." Yoona said, giggling.


"I know." Sooyoung replied. 


"By the way why did Yuri leave so early in the morning?" Yoona asked as she put a little make up on her face. 


"She said she wanted to start searching about the relationship between Kim Chul and Luhan's parents. I have a feeling we will find it out by tonight." 


"Yeah, it's just weird Luhan's parents got the whole house at a low price."



Seohyun went to her locker where she found Jessica and Tiffany were chatting with each other, they turned their attention to Seohyun as soon as she opened her own locker.


"Seohyun you look so pale. Are you alright." Tiffany asked, giving her a worried look. Seohyun just gave her a small smile as she took out her books from her locker. She looked so weak and almost dropped her books.


"Hey, let me help you." Jessica said as she took her books from her hands.


"Um thanks." Seohyun said weakly.

The three of them walked together to their class but then Seohyun spotted a middle age man whom she seemed familiar with. He was talking to the principal outside the teacher's office. Her eyes kept looking at the man until she felt someone nudged her.


"Hey what are you looking at?" Tiffany asked.


"That man. I think I have seen him somewhere but I can't remember where." She said, still looking at him.


"Oh that uncle? He's a teacher in the middle school across this school building. I think his name is Kim something. Yah Jessica, you know him right?" Tiffany asked the girl beside her who was walking faster than usual.


"What? Yeah his name is Kim hm I don't remember." Jessica said as she went inside the classroom. Seohyun took a glanced at the middle age man once last time before she entered the classroom. 

Taeyeon went to her seat but she stopped when she saw Seohyun's pale face. She approached her who was sitting beside Jessica her seatmate and held her hands.


"Seohyun what's wrong? You don't look fine." Taeyeon asked worriedly.


"Where's Luhan?" Seohyun asked the girl in front of her.


"He will be late for school." Taeyeon replied.


"I want to see him." Seohyun said weakly before she passed out. Taeyeon showed a horrid face as she held Seohyun tightly.


"Let me take her to hospital." Jessica said as she helped Taeyeon holding the girl.





Luhan unlocked the door to his grandfather's room and walked inside. The room was making him scared somehow, he found so many empty vials on the floor. He gulped and made his way to the drawer near the bed. When he couldn't find what was he looking for inside the drawer he turned  to the desk beside a large wardrobe. There he found a white envelope and he opened it. He slowly took out the photos from inside the envelope and his eyes bulged out when he noticed there were pictures of him and Seohyun together. All the photos were taken in the same day. That day when he and Seohyun left the school during the lunch break about three weeks ago.


"What is the meaning of this?... So the girl they were talking about was no other than Seohyun... my Seohyun." 


His legs became weak as he fell on his knees. 

'No...  This can't be happening.'




"Taeyeon!" Tiffany called her as soon as she came inside the classroom.


"Yeah?" Taeyeon looked up to her.


"I heard about Seohyun. Where is she now?" Tiffany asked her as she sat beside her.


"Jessica took her to hospital with her car." Taeyeon replied.


"Poor girl, I know she didn't look okay. Anyway Mr. Shin has been asking about Luhan, Seohyun, and Jessica." 


"Huh? Why?" 


"Remember three weeks ago when your brother punched the mayor's son? That day we had a test from Mr. Shin. But three students were absent in his class so since three weeks ago he kept asking them to face him in the teacher's office." 


"Wait, Jessica was absent in Mr. Shin class that day? I didn't even notice." 


"Yeah, she didn't return to class after the lunch break just like Seohyun and Luhan."





Jessica looked at her back to see Seohyun was laying in the back seat of her car as she drove her to the hospital. She took her cellphone and dialled a man's number.


"Hello uncle Kim Chul. I got her... I know I'm not stupid, I won't kill her. Not yet."






Finally an update! Anyways I don't think this chapter is good. Again, it was rushed :((


But thanks for commenting, subscribing, reading and upvoting. Thanks so so so so much ^^



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Woah I just realized it's been a week since the last time I updated hehe anyways here's the update and the next chapter will be the last chapter... TT


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pipipo27 #1
Chapter 17: totally fall for your story, oh my... it's just great
princessecl2050 #2
Chapter 1: I love it it's like twilight my favorite movie <3
update soon
Acebabymilky #4

-Character: no comment,all perfect. I can't imagine if Luhan is really as nice as your story

and the way you write the story,no to fast and not to slow,detail,ahhh your story is very beautiful:)


ssulseul #5
i love this story<3 the ending was so sweet. i'll wait for ur another stories of seohanㅋㅋㅋ
RainbowHeart #6
Chapter 1: Your description is short but interesting! It sounds like a start to a Christian Hans Anderson story...haha XD
Chapter 17: WAHHH... I LOVE IT!!!

Chapter 17: A wonderful ending!!! i love it so much~ :D
the ending was so beautiful ,but i never though that Jessica will end up with Phillip ,i though it would be Taeyeon ,and i still don't believe that Luhan and Taeyeon forgiven their parents (YooKai) O.O
Ah! Seohyun!! why didn't you tell him before?~ :)
Thank you for the wonderful story ,Please make another SeoHan story ^^
Eenie_Meenie #9
Chapter 17: I love the ending, it is really one of the nice story^^ i'm looking forward for your next story author-nim
Chapter 17: That's so wow!! What a noce closureeeeeeee!!! THANKS MASTER NIM for your awsome story *bowing 90°
I will looking forward to your next story, kamsahamida~~