The end

My Immortal Girl

"Grandpa.." Luhan and Taeyeon said in unison as they took a step back.


"Uncle Kim Chul..." Jessica said, gulping. The three of them could feel their hearts were beating like mad as if their hearts would come out of their chests.

Kim Chul took out a small vial from his pocket causing the three of them took another step back in fear, they had to leave that place immediately before Kim Chul inject that vial to Luhan or Seohyun.


"Luhan, my grandson. Just let her go and we can start a new life together. I promise I would never hurt her if you would let her go." The old man said in a low tone.


"Grandpa, she's my wife. The mother of my child. I would never let her go." Luhan quickly replied as he held Seohyun tighter in his arms.


"Luhan, why did you end up falling in love with the daughter of someone I truly hate? I would let you be with any other girl except her." The old man said, taking a step forward. Luhan's blood boiled from anger upon hearing his statement.


"I don't need your permission to choose the one I love. I have lost my respect towards you since I found out about what you did to my parents. You don't have any right to tell me what to do!" Luhan said sternly, earning a look of shock from Taeyeon and Jessica. It was the first time for them seeing Luhan so angry, he wasn't like the Luhan they know. Kim Chul's expression was almost the same as the girls expression, a look of shock crossed his face. His body grew weak.


"H-how did you know? Since when did you know about this?" He asked him, dropping the small vial on the ground.


"I hate you grandpa! You made me lose both of my parents and now you want to keep me away from the only girl I love." Luhan yelled, his voice was cracking.


"Luhan.." The old man was stunned.

Luhan took this chance to run away from him. He mouthed something to Taeyeon and Jessica and the three of them ran fastly, leaving the old man alone. His gaze was blank and his mouth was slightly open.

The group of teenagers ran as fast as they could, their breathing were hard and they clearly looked very tired. When they heard Joon cried again, they hastily ran to find another place to hide.


"I think we need to change his diaper." Jessica said as she lay the little boy down on the ground softly.


"You can find it on my backpack." Luhan lay Seohyun down on the ground before took off his backpack so that Jessica could take a diaper from inside his backpack. While Luhan helped Jessica to change Joon's diaper, Taeyeon looked around the area they were hiding. It was dark as the night had come, really dark for the night was moonless.


"Luhan, I'm scared." Taeyeon said, hugging her body.


"Don't be scared. I'm here with you." Luhan said softly to his sister.


"But what was that? What were you and your grandpa talking about? What did he do to your parents?" Jessica asked Luhan when she's done changing Joon's diaper. Luhan looked away from her.


"I don't want to talk about it." He simply replied. Jessica raised her eyebrows and shrugged. 


"Guys, sshhh." Taeyeon whispered, pointing her finger towards the direction where a figure was running passed them. They couldn't see that person clearly for it was dark but from the way he ran, they knew that it was Kim Jongin.


"How can we escape? Not only Kim Chul who is chasing us but also your dad and Taeyeon's mother." Jessica said to Luhan who had his eyes glued to the direction where his dad just ran into. He then turned his head to her.


"It's already dark. We have no choice but to wait till the morning comes." Jessica and Taeyeon nodded in agreement.


"You're right. We can't go anywhere right now." Jessica looked around. It was really dark.

Luhan looked at Seohyun who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, her beautiful face calmed him. He kissed her forehead before he rested his forehead against hers.


"Seohyun, my angel." He whispered. His mind wandered back to one year ago, it was when Jessica accidentally stabbed Luhan with a red vial, he passed out for days but he wasn't really passed out. He couldn't get his body to move and he couldn't open his eyes but he heard everything around him, even a sound of footsteps meters away from him. In that state, he was forced to listen to the scary truth about his parent's death. It was very hard for him and the only one who could make him feel better was no other than Seohyun, the girl he loves. 





Jongin stopped running when he noticed his father was standing in the middle of the woods. He was looking at his feet blankly.


"Father.." He called him and the old man slowly turned his head to face him.


"What's the matter? You don't look fine father." Jongin asked worriedly. The old man placed his hand on Jongin's shoulder and he was silent for a moment.


"Father, are you alright?" Jongin asked him again.


"Jongin, he knows. Luhan knows about what I did to his parents." Kim Chul said weakly.







Luhan took off his jacket and wrapped it around Seohyun's sleeping body. She only wore a sleeveless dress with a white cardigan. Jessica and Taeyeon were asleep, lying on the ground with Joon sleeping between them. They must be really tired, Luhan thought. Luhan's attention back to his wife. He lay down beside her and held her close to his body before he planted a kiss on her forehead. Soon he fell asleep.

Hours later, slowly Seohyun opened her eyes. She smiled when the first thing she saw was her husband's handsome face. Then she realized something was wrong, she sat up and looked at her surroundings. She was not in her room. She remembered she was just injected by a vial that Jessica gave her before she fell asleep in her bedroom.


"What is happening here?" She murmured. 

Seohyun stood up but then she felt a strong hand covered and held her tightly, dragging her away from the others who were still asleep.





Yoona and Yuri stood beside her car, watching Jongin walked towards them.


"My father got to see them but he lost them. They are still inside the woods, lets wait till the sun rises." Jongin said as soon as he approached them. Yuri stepped closer to him and she punched him hard in his stomach all of a sudden causing him to fall on the ground. Yoona widened her eyes and hurriedly helped him getting up. 


"What is wrong with you?" She asked, glaring at Yuri.


"That was for stabbing Seohyun on the back years ago. Because of him she couldn't do anything for a month! I have been wanting to do that decades ago." Yuri said angrily as she crossed her arms. Yoona shook her head and turned her head to Jongin.


"Are you okay?"


"I think I deserve that." Was all he could say. Yoona chuckled and smiled at him.

Yuri hung widely open, she couldn't believe her eyes. She just noticed that Yoona was giving him the same look as Seohyun always give to Luhan.





Thinking that she was in danger, Seohyun with all her force grabbed whoever who was holding her and threw that person on the ground.


"Owhh Seohyun!" She heard a familiar voice screeched with pain. It was dark so she took a closer look at the person.


"Sooyoung unnie? Why did you do that? I thought someone was gonna kill me." Seohyun said hoarsely. 


"You threw me so hard. Owh my back." Sooyoung said as she tried to get up.


"You taught me how to defend myself like that unnie." Seohyun said, helping the older girl standing up on her feet.


"And I'm glad I did. You can take care of yourself." Sooyoung let out a chuckle.


"But why did you do that?" Seohyun asked, she lower her tone.


"I just wanted to tell you that we're leaving right now. Kim Chul, his son, Yoona and Yuri. They are chasing after you and Luhan. I followed them from London and I searched for all of you all night inside this woods." Sooyoung explained. Seohyun looked at her confusedly. She just didn't know what was happening since she was asleep for about 12 hours.


"Lets just get back to your husband and your friends." Sooyoung said, pulling Seohyun to the place where she dragged her from a moment ago. When they arrived there, Taeyeon and Jessica were already awake. Only Luhan and Joon who were still sleeping.


"Luhan, honey. Wake up." Seohyun said and soon Luhan opened his eyes. He quickly sat up as he saw Seohyun was smiling at him.


"Seohyun, you're awake." Luhan rubbed his eyes.


"Yes, I am." Seohyun giggled before she kissed his lips. Jessica and Taeyeon looked at the couple and they made a weird face.


"I need to find myself a boyfriend." Jessica mumbled. She then held Joon in her arms when she noticed the baby was already awake.


"We need to hurry. The sun rises in less than 30 minutes." Sooyoung said, gestured the teenagers behind her to follow her.





Yoona sat on her car, hands gripping the stirring wheel. She stayed like that for more than 20 minutes. Her eyes never left a red vehicle that was parked near the woods. She wondered why would someone park their car in that place. 


"Yoona." Jongin distracted her as he called her name from outside the car.


"You didn't sleep the whole night." Jongin said, getting inside the car.


"I can't sleep." She replied, looking at the man beside her.

An awkward silence took place.


"What are you going to do once you inject that vial on Seohyun?" Jongin asked her, breaking the silence.


"I haven't thought about that." Yoona shook her head.


"I think I'll leave this place and take her with her father with me to Boston where I live with my husband and my kids." She quickly added.


"What about Taeyeon?"


"I'll let her to finish her studies in London then she can live with me in Boston." Yoona said, earning a sad look from the man beside her.


"Okay, I guess I won't get to see you again after this." He forced a smile before he turned around to leave.


"Jongin, wait."





"Hurry, I parked my car over there!" Sooyoung pointed her finger to the direction where they could see the highway.


"Finally, the highway. I'm getting sick of the woods." Taeyeon complained as they ran through the woods towards the highway. But as she ran further she saw something that made her eyes widened in shock. She stood there for awhile, staring at that something.

Seohyun who was running with the other through the woods stopped herself when she realized Taeyeon wasn't with her. Her eyes wandered around to find the particular girl and there she was, standing like a statue with open. She was about to call her but suddenly she felt a pair of hands grabbed her from behind and covered , stopping her from screaming. She tried to throw that person away like she did to Sooyoung awhile ago but that person gave her something that made her felt sleepy, soon she closed her eyes and fell asleep in the arms of the stranger.

Sooyoung with Jessica were already reached the highway when Luhan felt something strange. He stopped running and turned his back only to find that his wife and his sister were not around.

Sooyoung got inside the car and Jessica followed her inside.


"Okay, where are the others?" Jessica wondered as she poked her head outside the window car. Sooyoung narrowed her eyes and decided to get out the car.


"You wait here, take care of Seohyun's baby. I feel something bad is happening." Sooyoung said before she slammed the door closed and ran back to the woods. Jessica held Joon tightly in her arms as she prayed.

As Sooyoung walked back inside the woods, she heard footseps from her side and she shifted her gaze to see Taeyeon and Luhan were walking together.


"Where have you guys been? And where's Seohyun?" Sooyoung asked them as she gave them an apprehensive look. Taeyeon shook her head slowly.


"I don't know. She was still with me awhile ago." Luhan said, gritting his teeth. Suddenly he felt his phone was vibrating inside his jacket.


"Hello? Who is this?" Luhan asked the person from the other line.


'This is your grandpa.'


"What do you want from me? I said I-"


"Seohyun is with me. I'll text you the address, you just have to come here right now. Alone." With that, Kim Chul hang up the phone.

Luhan clutched his cellphone tightly.


"Who was that?" Taeyeon quickly asked her brother as she noticed the anger in his face.


"Grandpa got Seohyun. We need to go now." Luhan replied, making his way to the highway.





Yoona and Jongin got out from the car and approached Yuri who was walking towards them.


"What were you two doing? I saw the kids went inside the car with Sooyoung." Yuri said, running to the car.

Yoona and Jongin looked at each other and followed Yuri inside the car.





"Seohyun is with that old man?" Jessica widened her eyes. She was sitting beside Taeyeon in the back seats of the car. The car was moving fast. 


"Yeah." Taeyeon replied, feeling uneasy. She glanced at her brother who was driving the car with her sad look. 


"Anyway, what took you so long inside the woods?" Jessica asked her again and Taeyeon bit her lip before answering. 


"I saw something really strange. I still couldn't believe my eyes." She said quietly.


"What was it?"


"I saw my dad and my real mother were kissing inside a car." 







Seohyun woke up inside what it seemed like a warehouse. It's the second times in a day she woke up in a not so pleasant place but this one, she didn't like it even one bit. The smell horrible and it was dark, she could feel that the place was a great place for hiding human bodies or something that needs to be hide. She gulped. She had a very bad feeling about this.


"I see that you're awake Seo Joohyun." Kim Chul said, his voice sent a shiver down her spine. 


"I have been waiting for this moment." He said again and now she could clearly see his face for he was walking towards her.


"I have a present for you." He said again, but this time with a smile that she found disturbing. She wished that he didn't smile. His smile was just scared her.


"I brought it far away from Korea." He continued. Seohyun just sat there, unable to utter any single word from . She ignored all the things he said to her. She just wanted to get out of that place.


"Wait here. I'll brought him to you now." Kim Chul said with a scary smile still plastered on his face.

'Him? What's that supposed to mean?'

A moment later, Kim Chul cameback as he pulled a man behind him. Seohyun couldn't make out his face for he was looking at the ground but she felt something very familiar about this man who stood few meters away from her.

Kim Chul glanced at his watch and once again he gave Seohyun a disturbing smile.


"Lets wait for your husband. I'll reveal your present once he arrives here."


"Luhan? You asked Luhan to come here? What is your plan?" Seohyun spoke for the first time since she woke up in that place.


"You'll find out soon." Kim Chul replied, turning his head to the person beside him.





"You guys just wait inside the car. I'll be right back." Luhan said as he got out from the car.


"Be careful." Sooyoung said and Luhan nodded. Luhan gave one last look at his son who was sleeping in Jessica's arms before he left. Jessica and Taeyeon watched Luhan's back as he walked away from them with an apprehensive look on their faces.

Taking a deep breath, Luhan slowly opened the large door of the warehouse that he believed was the place where his grandfather kept his wife inside. He stepped inside and the first thing he noticed was the scent. It smelled horrible that he felt like he wanted to throw up at that moment but he proceeded to walk inside nonetheless.

As he went further inside the warehouse, he was greeted by a very unpleasant view of his wife sitting weakly on the floor. He quickly ran towards her but a hand stopped him. It was Kim Chul's hand.


"Not so fast." Kim Chul said, smirking. Luhan stood there beside his grandfather and a mysterious man who glued his eyes down at the ground. Luhan looked at Seohyun and gave her an everything's-gonna-be-okay look. Seohyun nodded and just stared at him.

Kim Chul held the man's hand and threw him in the direction where Seohyun was sitting.


"Grandpa what are you doing?!" Luhan shouted. His grandfather just threw a stranger towards his wife and he couldn't just stood there not doing anything. He was about to run to his wife but Kim Chul stopped him again.


"I just gave her a present." Kim Chul said and Luhan raised an eyebrow.

Seohyun took a closer look at the middle aged man who was now lay on the floor beside her. He looked very weak, he couldn't even sit up by himself. Seohyun took his hand and slowly the man looked up to see her face. Seohyun's eyes widened and dropped upon seeing the man's face.


"Dad? Is this... you... dad?" Seohyun stammered. She reached his face and caressed it.


"Dad! It's you!" Seohyun exclaimed as she hugged her father tightly.


"Joohyun.." Her father weakly said.

Luhan smiled seeing the view before him but soon the smile was replaced by a frown as he turned to look at his grandfather.


"What did you do to him? He looks so weak, too weak to even hug his daughter." Luhan said, glowering at him.


"Stay out of this, grandson. You will never look at her again after I give you your present." Kim Chul said, showing him the same vial that he showed him yesterday inside the woods. Luhan stared at it in fear as he took a few steps back. Seohyun noticed this as he pulled away from hugging her father.

Seohyun ran to her husband and held his arm tightly. The couple looked at each other before they shifted their gaze to the old man in front of them.


"Seo Joohyun, I have given you your present. Now just leave with your father and don't ever comeback." Kim Chul said angrily.


"Luhan is my husband. Forever I will be by his side." Seohyun said before she walked to that old man and held his wrist as she kicked his hard on his stomach. He screeched with pain and Seohyun took this chance to snatch the vial from his grip. Luhan hurriedly ran to Kim Chul and held him tightly from behind, preventing him from doing anything to hurt Seohyun. Seohyun threw the vial away but much to the shock of herself, Kim Chul showed her more vials inside his coat as he released himself from Luhan. He hit Luhan on his face and retrieved another vial from his coat and took an injection from his other side of the coat.

Seohyun quickly approached Luhan and they both watched as the old man inserted the needle into the center of the vial's rubber stopper and slowly the liquid withdrew from the vial. Kim Chul smirked as he showed them the injection that now was filled from the liquid from inside the vial. Seohyun gulped hard, holding Luhan tightly.





"We can't just sit here not doing anything. What if something happened to them? Waiting like this just drives me crazy." Taeyeon complained as she stirred in her seat.


"Lets wait a little bit longer. We don't know what is happening inside, we just need to wait for now." Sooyoung said, staring longingly out the window car. Soon after they heard the sound of a car stopped behind their car. Taeyeon looket out the window to see her real mother with her dad getting out from the car.





Seohyun and Luhan ran to the other side of the warehouse when Kim Chul started to attack them with the injection. He grew impatient, he needed to inject this vial to one of them.


"Seohyun you ran to that side." Luhan pointed to his left.


"What are you going to do?" Seohyun asked him as they looked at the old man who was walking closer to them.


"Just do what I said." Luhan said before he ran to his grandfather and held his wrist in a fast motion. Seohyun did as he told while Luhan tried to snatch away the injection from Kim Chul's grip. His grandfather was too strong for an old man and Luhan had a hard time trying to snatch the injection away from him. Kim Chul let out a smirk and pushed Luhan on the ground but what happened next was just shocked him. Luhan fell onto a blunt object and he screamed in pain as it stabbed the side of his stomach.


"Luhan!" Seohyun shouted as she ran to him and held him in her arms. Her eyes widened when she saw fresh blood oozing from his wound. She cried as she took off her cardigan and pressed it against his wound. 

Kim Chul stood there and watched as his grandson winced in pain and Seohyun cried while pressing his wound with her cardigan. He clenched his fist and held the injection tightly in his hand.


"This thing wouldn't have happened if you just listen to me!" Kim Chul said angrily as he hurriedly ran to inject the liquid to his grandson. Luhan widened his eyes in fear upon seeing his grandpa going to attack him. He pushed Seohyun aside and held Kim Chul's hands preventing him from inject the liquid to his body. Seohyun took one of a blunt objects that were scattered on the floor and hit the old man with all her force on his back with it. The old man fell on the floor and Seohyun hastily approached Luhan who was sitting on the floor and wincing in pain. But as she was about to hold his hand, Kim Chul weakly stabbed the injection on her back and instantly she passed out in Luhan's arms. Kim Chul let out a smirk before he collapsed on the floor.


"No, Seohyun.. no.. please wake up." Luhan cried as he held her tightly.

Minutes later he felt Seohyun stirred in his arms. He widened his eyes as she slowly opened her eyes and sat up properly.


"Seohyun are you okay?" Luhan asked her, his bloody hand reaching for her face but much to his surprise, the brown haired girl pushed his hand away and looked at him blankly. Luhan reached for her face again.


"Who are you?" She narrowed her eyes, pushing his hand away from her again. Luhan freezed in his spot, his mouth was slightly open. He felt like the world has collapsed and he's been torn apart. The only girl he loves didn't recognize him and was giving him a cold stare.

Seohyun stood up and looked around the warehouse. Her face formed a bright smile when she saw her father was sitting in one of the corner of the room. She ran to him leaving Luhan alone, crying silently. He watched as Seohyun ran away from him and soon he fell on the floor, passing out. 





Luhan opened his eyes and the first thing he could see was his sister's face looking at him worriedly.


"He's awake! Guys he's awake!" Taeyeon announced.


"Where am I?" Luhan asked, looking at his surroundings.


"You're in hospital. You were injured badly and you had been sleeping for more than 9 hours." Taeyeon replied,as she helped him sitting up. Luhan saw Jessica, his dad, and Seohyun's unnies inside the room. Seohyun wasn't there inside the room and he became panicked as he remembered about what had happened in the warehouse.


"Seohyun. Where's Seohyun?" He asked his sister with a worried look but Taeyeon just shook her head sadly.

A silence took place before Yoona approached him and said.


"We don't know where she is. When we came inside the warehouse we only saw you and Kim Chul were lying unconsciously on the ground. We waited for you to wake up to ask you the same thing." Yoona said softly. Luhan shook his head back and forth.


"No.. we have to find her! We must find her. She doesn't recognize me." Luhan said before he ran out the hospital room.





4 years later...



"I'm home." Luhan announced as he stepped inside the house. He closed the door behind him and his face brightened upon seeing his son running to him.


"Daddy!" Joon exclaimed as he ran to his father. Luhan let out a chuckle as he lifted him up and held him in his arms.

They went to the livingroom and found Taeyeon was sitting on the couch with a laptop on her lap.


"Hey, you're home early!" She said, looking up from her laptop. 


"Yeah, since I didn't have any work to do. Where's mom and dad?" Luhan asked as he sat beside her on the couch with Joon on his lap.


"They're still at work. Anyway, my father bought me a new car. Ohh I love being rich!" Taeyeon said with a giggle.


"Then why did you choose to stay here and not in Boston with your father?" Luhan asked her again.


"Because my mother is here." She simply replied.


"Daddy, daddy!" Joon tugged on Luhan's sleeve and Luhan turned to him with a smile.


"Yes, sweetheart?"


"Why don't I have a mommy. Everyone has a mommy but not me." Joon pouted. Luhan let out a small sigh. It's the third times in a week his son asked him about his mother and Luhan couldn't answer him.

Taeyeon noticed the sudden change in Luhan's face, his expression was downcast.

She put her laptop aside and took Joon on her lap.


"Daddy is tired. Why don't you play with auntie?" Taeyeon made a cute face earning a giggle from the little boy.


"I'm going to my room." Luhan said before he kissed his son's head and made his way towards his room. He sat on his bed and took out a photograph from inside his wallet. It was a photo of him and Seohyun.


"Seohyun, where are you?"





Since Seohyun disappeared with her father, many things have changed. Yoona realized she's still in love with Jongin and just a year after Seohyun disappeared, they got married. She got divorced from her rich husband and she chose to stay in Korea with her first love but her kids always came to visit her, they were fully understand about their parents decision. Yoona and Jongin became Taeyeon and Luhan parents eversince.

Taeyeon and Luhan finished their high school in London and they're currently in college. Luhan majoring in medicine and he got a job as an intern in the hospital. Jessica, she's engaged with a british guy named Philip. Yeah, that Philip. While Sooyoung and Yuri have decided that they wanted to be immortal for as long as they could, they together with Luhan never stop searching for Seohyun and her father. And Kim Chul, he passed away before Yoona and Jongin got married.


Early morning Luhan came out from inside the dark forest where he met Seohyun for the first time. He looked tired and he put on a gloomy face as he walked to his home but something different was happening, his parents with his sister were seen taking out stuffs from inside the house.


"Hey, you slept again in that forest." Taeyeon rolled her eyes as Luhan approached her.


"Mom, what is going on?" Luhan asked, watching all the old stuffs from inside the storage were scattered in the yard.


"Your dad wants to move all these old stuffs to the hidden passage but before that we need to clean these all first." Yoona told him. Luhan raised an eyebrow. His dad just loves to do things early morning. He turned to his side, Joon was playing with a toy on the ground.

When he passed some paintings, he noticed the large portrait of Seohyun and Yoona with their parents that he first saw 5 years ago. He smiled as he touched Seohyun's face on the portrait then his eyes landed on a small painting. It was a painting of a large mansion that his grandpa told him as his house.


"His house? This is Seohyun's house." Luhan scoffed.


"Wait, Seohyun's house!" Luhan shouted before he ran inside the house.


"Dad! Dad." Luhan called him, entering the storage.


"Hm?" Jongin turned to look at him.


"Dad, grandpa's house. I mean Seohyun's house. Did grandpa really sell it?" Luhan asked him, panting.

 Jongin shook his head with a smile.


"No, son. He didn't sell it. In fact he..." Jongin widened his eyes and he was silent for a moment.


"What's wrong dad?"


"Your grandpa never sold that house, in fact he gave the documents of that house to Seohyun's father before he decided to release him." He continued.


"That means Seohyun is in that house with her father." Luhan said, his face formed a smile.


"I'm sorry my son. I should have thought about that earlier, you wouldn't-" He couldn't finish of what he was going to say for Luhan had already out of the room.





Luhan ran out his house and lifted Joon in his arms as he smiled widely at him.


"We're going to see your mommy." Luhan grinned and Joon clapped his hands happily.


"Yay! I'm going to see mommy!" Joon exclaimed.

Taeyeon and Yoona looked at them confusedly.


"What's that supposed to mean?" Yoona asked.


"Mom, I think I know where Seohyun is." Luhan smiled at her and turned to his sister.


"Taeyeon I'll borrow your car."





Luhan stepped outside the car with Joon in front of an old mansion. The house looked really big but somewhat scary, perhaps the fact that the house was built more than a hundred years ago. He held Joon's hand as they walked towards the front gate. Luhan then pressed the doorbell and soon he saw Seohyun's father came to them with a frown. He eyed Luhan and Joon for a moment before he opened the gate and gestured them to come inside.


"Sir I-" Luhan tried to speak but Seohyun's father raised his hand, telling him not to say a word. Luhan shrugged and Joon held his dad's hand tighter. The little boy clearly looked scared of his own grandfather.

Mr. Seo Soohyuk walked straight to his front door and Luhan with his son followed him from behind.


"She's in the backyard." Seohyun's father simply said as he pointed his finger to his left.


"Thank you, sir." Luhan bowed and he carried Joon in his arms before he walked to the backyard.


"Daddy he's scary." Joon whispered in his ear and Luhan just chuckled.

The house was multiple times bigger than his house that he thought was already big.

Luhan looked around him as he reached the backyard and there she was, his lovely wife, sitting by herself on a bench, reading a book. Luhan felt his heart was beating rapidly upon seeing her for the first time in four years. She looked so beautiful, just like the first time he saw her. And he fell in love with her all over again.


"Daddy, is that mommy?" Joon asked with his brightest smile. Luhan nodded and stood his son on his feet. Joon then ran to his mom while Luhan followed him.


"Mommy!" Joon shouted and got on her lap. Seohyun looked at him confusedly before her eyes met Luhan's eyes. They stared at each other for a moment before Seohyun turned her attention back to the little boy who was now hugging her. She smiled at the child and let him hugging her while Luhan sat beside her.


"What's your name sweetie?" Seohyun asked softly.


"Joon. And your my mommy." He hugged her even tighter. Seohyun was confused, it's the first time for her seeing this child and he already called her 'mommy'. Somehow Seohyun felt something strange about this kid, she felt like she wanted to protect him and have him for herself. She giggled as the little boy landed a kiss on her cheek then she looked at the man beside her.


"He's your son?" Seohyun asked him and he nodded. Luhan looked at her sadly. She's still doesn't remember him and it made him really sad. He felt broken inside.


Since that day, Luhan with Joon came to visit Seohyun everyday after he came from work and he would come early morning when he didn't have work to do. In the morning he attended college and he went straight to his workplace in the afternoon before he picked up Joon from home and went to Seohyun's house. He barely had enough sleep but he didn't care as long as he could see Seohyun's face everyday, that's how much he loves her.





"Are those for me?" Seohyun asked Luhan as he approached her with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Luhan just nodded with his sweetest smile and he handed her the flowers. Seohyun found herself blushing as she smelled the flowers.


"You like it?" Luhan asked, taking a seat beside her on the bench.


"I do. Thanks." She said, looking at the flowers in her hands.


"But where's Joon?" She realized that he came alone without the little boy beside him.


"His auntie took her to the amusement park." Luhan replied, staring at her lovingly.


"You are doing that again." Seohyun smiled shyly. Her eyes were looking at her lap. Luhan raised an eyebrow.


"Doing what?"


"Staring at me." Seohyun said softly without taking her eyes off of her lap.


"I love staring at you." Luhan whispered as he leaned to kiss her cheek. Seohyun gasped and Luhan quickly pulled away from her before he stood up.


"I think I gotta go. I just remember I have something to do." He lied. He just didn't want to make her uncomfortable, afraid that she would hate him before he could win her heart again.

Seohyun put the flowers on the bench before she stood up and faced him.


"Luhan, my husband." Seohyun said, wrapping her arms around him. Luhan blinked his eyes. He was too shock to even react.


"Luhan, my husband." She repeated, pulling away from him.


"For the last two years I dream about you every night. I dream about your eyes, I dream about your nose, I dream about your lips, I dream about your handsome face. I dream about you and it makes me happy." Seohyun said, wiping her tears that just came out from her eyes. Luhan stood there frozen. He tried to say a word but he just couldn't utter any single word from his mouth.


"I remember you Luhan. I remember about our child. I remember about what had happened between us. I remember everything since two weeks ago." Seohyun confessed before she pulled him into a kiss. Luhan found himself smiling joyously as he returned the kiss. 

Luhan broke the kiss after one long passionate kiss.


"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Luhan smiled as he lifted her up in the air, holding her tightly.


"No reason." Seohyun giggled and kissed him again.






"Thanks for waiting for me."


"Thank you for remembering me."







So sorry for the very late update >.< something unexpected happened in my family and it got me very busy for the past few days.. oh and this is the end of this story T.T

Sorry for the lame ending hehe I'm just at writing romance stories

I would like to thank everyone who's been supporting this story until the end hehehe thank you to those who took their time to read this story and to those who subscribed, commented and upvoted this story. Thanks a lot ^-^

See you next time with my other stories ^^




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Woah I just realized it's been a week since the last time I updated hehe anyways here's the update and the next chapter will be the last chapter... TT


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pipipo27 #1
Chapter 17: totally fall for your story, oh my... it's just great
princessecl2050 #2
Chapter 1: I love it it's like twilight my favorite movie <3
update soon
Acebabymilky #4

-Character: no comment,all perfect. I can't imagine if Luhan is really as nice as your story

and the way you write the story,no to fast and not to slow,detail,ahhh your story is very beautiful:)


ssulseul #5
i love this story<3 the ending was so sweet. i'll wait for ur another stories of seohanㅋㅋㅋ
RainbowHeart #6
Chapter 1: Your description is short but interesting! It sounds like a start to a Christian Hans Anderson story...haha XD
Chapter 17: WAHHH... I LOVE IT!!!

Chapter 17: A wonderful ending!!! i love it so much~ :D
the ending was so beautiful ,but i never though that Jessica will end up with Phillip ,i though it would be Taeyeon ,and i still don't believe that Luhan and Taeyeon forgiven their parents (YooKai) O.O
Ah! Seohyun!! why didn't you tell him before?~ :)
Thank you for the wonderful story ,Please make another SeoHan story ^^
Eenie_Meenie #9
Chapter 17: I love the ending, it is really one of the nice story^^ i'm looking forward for your next story author-nim
Chapter 17: That's so wow!! What a noce closureeeeeeee!!! THANKS MASTER NIM for your awsome story *bowing 90°
I will looking forward to your next story, kamsahamida~~