
I Love You Two

The next day, the decorations, chairs and tables were already arranged outside the house. Harin told me that I will be holding two wedding

ceremonies: A traditional one here in Daegu and a modern one in Seoul.

Early in the morning, Harin wakes me up to show me my hanbok. Since Umma still wasn't talking to me, Harin has to do all the talking instead.

Harin holds the hanbok in her hands, her eyes all dreamy and sparkling. The hanbok was deep purple, with silver sleeves and silver designs. I hold it

in my hands. The material was soft.

"I chose it for you. I thought you'll like it. Purple is your favourite color right?" Harin asks, eyeing me.

I look at her, a wave of sadness wash over me. I bite my lower lip and pull her in for a hug. On her shoulders, I sob.

"Thank you Harin. My life couldn't have been this bright if it wasn't for you." I say to her sadly.

She smiles at me and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "We are sisters right?" She replies with a question. I grin at her.

"This will be the last day of yours as a single woman. Tomorrow, you will be married." Harin says happily. I look away from her and onto the floor.

"You don't have much time left Unni. Spend them happily." Harin tells me quietly. I smile at her and touch her cheek.

"I will, promise." She let out a sad sigh and hands me the hanbok."Try it on!"


On the night before my wedding, my heart was fidgeting, my mind couldn't stop racing. I was unsettled. From next morning onwards, I won't be

staying here anymore. Next time, a man will be sleeping next to me. I won't be by myself.


When the sun started to rise and the night sky cleared, and only 3 hours left to my wedding, I face the pond. Again.

"Today, I'm a new woman. As of tomorrow, I wouldn't be here, I will have a good man by my side. In a huge house. I've left my fate a long time

ago. There is no reason to hope anymore since my last hope vanished from sight. Besides, I do not want to spend the remaining years of my life

alone." I speak to the pond, my subject of confession since the absence of Byunggie Oppa.

I wipe my tears away and look up to the sky. As of today, I shall forget about my past, about my love for Oppa. As of today, there is no man in my

life but Junhyung, I thought to myself, a pledge to the sky.



To be continued.

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I really cry hard. Even though they can only be with one another for months but they never regret while living. When you know that your life coning to the end, people tend to give up. But for this case HyunA found a very good reason to stay longer with Junhyung. They cherish all the moment they have.
nmhuongg #2
Chapter 33: new reader T.T huhu
I cried a lot T.T huhu
Chapter 32: i just found this fanfic and read it...
i crying like hell now T-T
rbtigersm #4
D: omg I'm sobbing T.T
Wow I read a lot of these and this is the first to make me cry! It was sweet...
love the story. you make it so beautiful.
i smile, laugh, and cried alone like a crazy person here >.<
thank you ^^
Wow !!!
I like it..
I'm confused at the last part then I thought
"My science teacher said when you sleep stressed or not feeling well you might have a kind of nightmare that can make you die." It's true, I have known many people died while their asleep even they're not sick or something. but they're stress or they had many problems then they sleep not relaxing their minds.
i really love this story... yeah, thanks for making happy ending.. i really enjoy reading your story~~~ i pity them because both of them died at the end but at least they happy together...
AngelHera14 #9
Meep. sorry if you guys got confused but yeah~ he loved her too much and joined her in heaven ^.^
muchLove #10
So they both died? im kinda confused how Junhyung died, cause he fell asleep.

But the bonus chapter was really sweet.