
I Love You Two

I woke up at seven in the morning and rush down to the kitchen to make Junhyung's breakfast for work. He leaves at eight, so I have plenty of time

to prepare. I start with the kimbab's first, inserting egg rolls, crab, tuna and others. I place them in the 3 storey tiffin. Then I fry up the fried rice for 

his lunch cos he'll be home late. I mix all the spices with pure concentration. When suddenly two arms encircle my waist from behind. I jump in

surprise and turn to see Junhyung smiling groggily.

I grin up at him, "Go and shower. Or you'll be late." I nagged a little.

He closes his eyes and mumbled lazily. "I'm feeling so lazy,"

"Don't make excuses, now go, or I won't make your rice." I waved the spatula in his face.

He made a face and lets go of my waist. I shake my head and turn back to cooking but then he grabs my shoulders and spin me around.

My eyes widen in surprise. "Mwohae? "

He tilts his head and playfully smiles. "Call me yeobo. I miss hearing that from you."

I blush and shake my head, no. He pouts in an attempt to look cute.

"No....I don't want to. Now go and shower. You smell of frying now."

"No. I'm not moving until you call me yeobo." He says stubbornly.

I laugh at his expression and tip toed to reach up to his cheek and give him a peck.

"There. Now go. I'm not calling you yeobo." I said sternly, even though my face was burning.

Junhyung stares at me, stumped. But then he grins. "That was better."


I started to feel unwell and rest the whole day, until Junhyung calls and told me to shower at four as there'll be a surprise for me for the whole night.

I did as told, and by four exactly, Four women burst into my room and wordlessly did my hair, nails and makeup. Within two hours, I was styled

into a body-hugging cream lace mini-dress. I looked like a million dollars. I stared at my reflection. I look like an artiste. I smile gratefully at the

women, who bowed and hurriedly leaves my house. Not knowing what to anticipate, I follow Mr.Park, the chauffer out into the night.

We drove past the beach, which was breathtaking, with beautiful modern-looking stilt houses in the middle of the beach.

I was taking it all in, the view of the sunset, and the orange sky. 
Mr.Park came to an abrupt stop in front of the docks. Where rows of yatchs and sails

were neatly arranged, looking expensive.

"Agashi, we have arrived."

"Oh?" I ask him and reluctantly step out of the car.

Cool and salty wind greeted me instantly as I step out of the car.My mind scurried in thoughts. Why am I even here? Where is Junhyung? Why does

everyone look expensive and make me feel like a sack of rice. I bow profusely and endlessly as people pass by. They smile at me in 

acknowledgement. I look at Mr.Park, who waved and sped away. Nervously and awkwardly, I walk randomly from my spot. My stomach

uneasy, Where is he?

I pass by a couple holding champagne glasses and stopped wandering, as I look totally lost. My mind stops whining for Junhyung when I hear his

voice. "Yeobo-ah." Calling me out softly.

I glance around in the crowd for Junhyung. His arms comes around my shoulder and he smiles.

"Did you miss me?" He teases.

My heart literally deflates and I dared to breathe. I hit his chest.

"Why am I here? And why are you not wearing work clothes?" I ask sternly.

He was wearing a black tux and looks dashing with his hair combed back. He shrugs nonchalantly and smiles teasingly.

"Tonight is a special night." He announces quietly, steering me away from the crowd.


"Just wait. Are you ready?" He says with a grin.

"Ready for what?" I ask, confused.

"THIS!" He declares, gesturing to the huge, white yatcht behind him.

My jaw slackens. This couldn't be. I shook my head. "No...you're serious? This...this is yours?" I ask in disbelief.

He grins humbly and shakes his head. "This whole row of yatchts are mine." He points to a row of seven yatchts.

I said nothing. My mind is blank. Completely. He extends his hand and begins to climb up the boat. I followed suit, grabbing his hand, and grinning

madly as I step onto the heavenly platform. He climbs up to the steering area and I followed.The view looks better from here, I thought. Especially

since the sun has set, and the sky was somehow orange-black.

"Where are we going, be honest." I demanded to Junhyung, who was leaning back into his chair, starting the engine.

He smiles up at me endearingly. My stomach turns nervously.

"We're going on our honeymoon. One night exclusive honeymoon."



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I really cry hard. Even though they can only be with one another for months but they never regret while living. When you know that your life coning to the end, people tend to give up. But for this case HyunA found a very good reason to stay longer with Junhyung. They cherish all the moment they have.
nmhuongg #2
Chapter 33: new reader T.T huhu
I cried a lot T.T huhu
Chapter 32: i just found this fanfic and read it...
i crying like hell now T-T
rbtigersm #4
D: omg I'm sobbing T.T
Wow I read a lot of these and this is the first to make me cry! It was sweet...
love the story. you make it so beautiful.
i smile, laugh, and cried alone like a crazy person here >.<
thank you ^^
Wow !!!
I like it..
I'm confused at the last part then I thought
"My science teacher said when you sleep stressed or not feeling well you might have a kind of nightmare that can make you die." It's true, I have known many people died while their asleep even they're not sick or something. but they're stress or they had many problems then they sleep not relaxing their minds.
i really love this story... yeah, thanks for making happy ending.. i really enjoy reading your story~~~ i pity them because both of them died at the end but at least they happy together...
AngelHera14 #9
Meep. sorry if you guys got confused but yeah~ he loved her too much and joined her in heaven ^.^
muchLove #10
So they both died? im kinda confused how Junhyung died, cause he fell asleep.

But the bonus chapter was really sweet.