Kore's Eggs

B4's BeeshTime
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Episode 21- Kore's Eggs




She ran and jumped onto the bed crawling on top of him showering his face with kisses. "When did you get here I thought you were on tour?"

"We were till Jongup accidentally broke Himchan hyung's arm. So our schedule is pushed back and we have some spare time"

"That's great!!! Well not about his arm but I missed you so much"

"Me too"

They shared a sweet kiss at first, but with the warm and soft skin from Zelo's bare torso, the kiss became heated. Rae was straddling him and their position only made things worse for the hormonal teens. Zelo pulled back from the kiss and smirked up at Rae. "You thinking the same as I'm thinking?"

Rae was already reaching for the hem of her shirt. "Hells yeah, I am."


Lil'NoNo was going a little too crazy. Her lips were devouring Youngjae's, her hands were roaming places they shouldn't be, and her moans were over exaggeratedly loud.

"SHUT UP." Could be heard from M.Flo and Kore's room.

Youngjae gripped his hands on Lil'NoNo's shoulders and pulled her away, chuckling teasingly,  "Someone sure is thirsty."

Lil'NoNo tilted her head and blinked a few times. "I am actually! How did you know?" She lifted her body off of Youngjae's lap and head towards the kitchen. "Want something to drink as well?"

Youngjae facepalmed. He realized he did that a lot whenever he was with the younger, but he didn't mind it, he found it rather amusing and cute. With a sigh, he followed her to the kitchen and declined her offer.

"So how did Rain find out?" Lil'NoNo inquired as she chugged a cup of water. Youngjae handed her a napkin since water was dripping everywhere.

"I may, or may not have made an inappropriate comment about you in which Rain overheard." Lil'NoNo titled her head again and frowned. Youngjae elaborated, "Zelo and I wanted to surprise you and Rae, but since we had no way to sneak in your dorm...we stuck to hiding outside the elevators and by the huge potted plant." Youngjae chuckled awkwardly and raised his hand to rub the back of his neck. "Zelo and I were talking about you and Rae when Rain came out of the elevator. He overheard me say...something."

"What did you say?"

Youngjae leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "OOOOO JAE JAE BAE! You nasty!" She was smirking as she pushed his shoulder lightly.

Youngjae was horrified with himself as he yelled, "I KNOW! You have corrupted me. I didn't use to say such vulgar like things."

"So that was why he was so pissed! A man talking dirty about his beloved and precious daughter," Lil'NoNo confirmed with a flip of her short hair, feeling all important. Then she turned serious. "Wait, would you really be willing to do that?"

Youngjae's eyes widened. "What."

"That's filthy. You ."

"Whatever. I've heard things about you predebut. I know about the donut incident." Lil'NoNo gasped.


Youngjae grimaced, ignoring her question. "I will never eat donuts again..."


M.Flo and Kris were walking through a park with disguises. Although wearing hats and sunglasses, they didn't risk the chance of holding hands or showing any sign of skinship. The world knew of Kris making an astonishing comeback with B4, so if anyone recognized them, it wouldn't be a problem. But if fans recognized them while they were holding hands, then things would get suspicious. So there they were, walking side by side as their hands begged for some skin contact. Kris wanted nothing more than to wrap his arm around his adorable petite girlfriend and hold her impossibly close. M.Flo wanted nothing more than to kiss her tall boyfriend's cheek and say sweet nothing's into his ear.

But they couldn't.

"Taking a walk was a bad idea," Kris mumbled. M.Flo barely heard it but giggled at his frown and cute pout. "Let's go for a walk somewhere more private." Kris smiled as he picked up the pace and lead the way. "I know a private place in this park. I stumbled upon it one day! Come on," he said excitedly.

M.Flo followed suit, giggling when they went through a bunch of trees and what seemed like a small forest. M.Flo was suddenly having trouble catching up to Kris, who from excitement had gone too fast and now lost her.

"Kris?" M.Flo called out as she went walked deeper into the trees. "Kri-" she screamed instead when she tripped over a tree's root. She closed her eyes and expected the worst but the ground beneath her never made hard contact with her body. She opened her eyes and was greeted by the most beautiful view, her boyfriend Kris.

"Be careful," he beamed as he held her tightly to his chest. He helped her to stand up straight and turned her around. "Look," he whispered softly. M.Flo smiled brightly when she saw it.

It was a treehouse.

Kris pulled M.Flo to the treehouse and they climbed up the ladder. They then arrived at the top. The room of the tree house wasn't big but wasn't small. "You like?" Kris asked.

"Yes. It's beautiful!! " She said with a smile.

"Glad you like it. I was just walking around and found it. And in the moment I thought it would be a good place to be." Kris explained his finding of the place. He sat down on the floor. M.Flo sat down next to him. Silence filled the room. "Now that we're here... alone." He pushed her closer to him. Their lips connecting. The kiss being slow and moving. Kris deepened the kiss. She put one hand on his face as they kissed. Kris pulled back. The both of them breathing hard.

"I love you so much." Kris said looking into her eyes. M.Flo wondered how she got so lucky. She never thought she would get with Kris. Even if she did debut but now she was with Kris. They were in a treehouse and she was now laying on his chest. As M.Flo continue to ask how she got with Kris, she slowly started to fall asleep on his chest.




The second Rae got her shirt off, Zelo flipped them so he was on top. Rae lightly screamed as she was flipped, but it didn't last for long cause Zelo kissed her again. His hands going up and down her body. He then undid her pants and pulled them down. He then kissed and bit her neck. As he did he started to pull down her bra straps.

"Zelo..." She weakly said pushing his chest lightly.

"Yes?" He said.

"I have to shower." Rae said. Zelo screamed yes in his head. Shower sounded so hot right now. He got up and went to her drawer. Rae got up to start the shower. "Which drawer to you keep them in?" Zelo asked.

"Bottom one. Grab three." She answered as she started the shower. He opened the bottom drawer and suffled through her stuff.

"You need to buy more." He said taking three. He walked to the bathroom.

"Not yet, I have 20 left." Rae said as he reached the bathroom door.

"17 now." Zelo said holding up the three condoms. "I'll get more."

"Why three?" He asked. She kissed his lips slowly.

"Trust me we'll need three." Rae said in a y tone. Zelo smiled and pulled her in the bathroom closing and locking the door.


Kris slowly shook M.Flo. "Babe~" Kris said sleeply but y. M.Flo rubbed her head against his chest. She then slowly woke up. "We should start heading home. We both fell asleep."

"I'm such a poop. We didn't even get to talk." M.Flo said making a small pouty face.

"It's ok. You had a long day lets head back." Kris said helping her stand up.

They walked back to the dorm. M.Flo stopped at the door. "What if Lil'NoNo and Youngjae are still there making out or doing more?" M.Flo said.

"If you're worried about that then why don't you stay at my place till he leaves. Or sleep over." He suggested.

"Sounds good to me." She said as they walked to Kris's dorm.


Youngjae and Lil'NoNo were still in the dorm together. They were talking, kissing and touching. Youngjae had just pinned Lil'NoNo on the couch. He was tickling her. "I -gasp- give up!!" She said tearing from the laughter.

"Thats right. I am undefeated!!! Now say it!!!" Youngjae said.

Lil'NoNo sighed. "My JaeJae Bae, is the iest man I know. And is ier than Kyuhyun... maybe." She said drifting off at the last part.

"Did I hear the last part... was that a maybe?" Lil'NoNo tried to keep a straight face but couldn't. She ended up giggling. "You little..." He started tickling her again. The laughing was short lived as an upset Kore walked out of her room.

"Would you guys ING keep it quiet!!!! YOU JUST WOKE ME UP!!!" She then walked back into the room and slammed her door.

"Guess that's my cue to leave..." Youngjae said getting up.

"Awwn. Don't leave cause my of a leader thinks we're loud." She said as she put her arms around Youngjae's waist.

"It's not that. It's getting pretty late I should head back." He opened the door and walked out. Lil'NoNo followed him.

"Wait. Should Zelo be leaving with you?" She asked.

"He's spending the night here with Rae." Lil'NoNo knew too well what that meant. 'Now there is going to be teens in my room.' Lil'NoNo thought to herself as she walked Youngjae out.


"Are you just going to lay there and watch me dry my hair?" Rae asked Zelo who was on her bed in his boxers watching her.

"Yah. You want me to do something while you dry your hair." He raised an eyebrow and smirked at her.

"NO!" She said, turning on the dryer and started to finish drying her hair. She shifted a little and felt a little sting in-between her legs. 'Maybe three rounds in the shower was a bad idea.' Rae thought to herself as she finished blow drying her right side. "Zeelloo. Can you help me blow dry the back?"

"Sure." He answered getting up from the bed. He took the dryer and started. He finished in a few minutes.

"Thanks." She said kissing him on the cheek. Zelo started putting it away.

"You're not going to use it?"

"Nope. I let my hair dry on it's own. Besides don't you like it when my hair is wet?" He said making his point.

"Yes. I do." He sat on the bed next to her. He put his arm around her shoulder and kissed her. Rae's hands went up his chest and then she wrapped her arms around his neck.

She pulled away after a while. "We're going to bed now." She announced crawling under the covers. Zelo didn't complain because he knew she was tired. He slipped off his boxers. (Cause you never know. And he liked to be sometimes.) Then slipped in bed with Rae. Rae quickly laid on Zelo's chest. In less then 5 minutes she fell asleep. Zelo watched her sleep, it was on of the joys of his life.


"I'll sleep on the couch," M.Flo was making herself comfortable but Kris pulled her up off the couch.

"Take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

"It's ok, I'll be fine here," she said sheepishly.

He placed two fingers on his scrunched up forehead, "Fine. I'll sleep on the floor next to you."

"What? But you have your bed."

"I'm not gonna go sleep in my bed while you sleep on this lumpy couch."

"Ok," she nodded.

He gave her one of his comfy shirts and sweat pants to sleep in. She walked out of the bathroom and he couldn't help but grin. His shirt fit her like a dress and the pants were dragging on the floor. He handed her a blanket and she snuggled up underneath getting cozy. He smiled seeing how cute she was. He pull down the covers a little and placed a kiss on her forehead, "goodnight."

"Goodnight," she muffled under the cover.

"..............!!!" Lil'NoNo jumped by the loud scream from her leader.


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Chapter 10: maaann its getting goooddd lol wonder if Rains gonaa be pissed
Chapter 6: Getting crushed by a gaint! Hahaha
Chapter 6: Pon más!! Señora!!! Yo quiero leer más!!!