Chapter 17

Are you Serious?
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Eunji shivered in the cold, but she couldn't care about it when Kai was in front of her. It was a strange kind of attraction that she couldn't explain, something that felt good and mysterious. 

Twinkling streaks decorated Kai's face. His heart hurt while his negative thoughts plagued his mind. His nails were digging too tightly in his palm; he could feel them peircing though his skin- He flinched.

She was touching him. 

Eunji carefully took hold of his wrist, using her other hand to unravel his white knuckles. She felt him relax under her touch and she couldn't help but think about all of puppy like characteristics; his eyes, his pout, his smile. 

With his palms facing up she traced her fingers toward to loosen his fingers and they followed. Brushing against his hand she frowned at the little marks. "Don't hurt yourself... I'm sorry..."

Holding onto his hand dearly she was ashamed of making him cry. She had no intention making him sad and felt horrible. 

As she held onto his warm hand, Kai's heart sped up. A familiar flush bloomed on his face and his spine shivered. Having her touch him would only give him this europhic feeling. Only her, forever. 

He closed his hands onto her's and interlaced their fingers together. Surprised by his actions, she unknowingly crept closer to him until she could once again feel the heat radiating off his chest. 

With a gentle smile Kai leaned into her touch as she wiped the last of his tears. It felt so nice to be close. 

"I'm sorry," she whispered again. 

"It's okay," he smiled. It'd always be okay when she was here. 

With a small smile she lowered her hand down and finally noticed how close they were. Backing away unsteadyily, the two parted awkwardly and looked away from each other bashfully. Neither could deny they missed the closeness of being each other. 

The stayed in an awkward silence for a while until Kai sat down in the grass. Eunji looked at him confused before he waved his hand for her to join him. 

Making her way toward him, she sat gently onto the grass and stared at the moon. It was shining brightly in the cool winter night, reminants of Minseok's snow still lay in piles here and there. 

Kai watched her from the corner of his eyes. He was so happy with Eunji by his side, more than he ever would've thought. He just wished he could be even closer to her. 

"So," Kai turned to the sound of her voice. " Does anything happen to you during a full moon?"

"Like what?" he asked.

"Like uncontrollable transformations or curses or something," Eunji explained. She felt a little stupid to ask such questions to a real werewolf, but she couldn't help her inner curiousity. 

He threw her a dazzling smile that made her heart thud louder. "No, not really. We just sort of get more emotional."

Eunji tilted her head cutely while resting it onto her knees. "How so?"

Kai pondered for a second. "We become more sensitive toward enemies, get ticked off easier, become very territorial and protective over ma

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Runningman_1 #1
Chapter 21: Chapter 19: they are getting closer. Please update soon.
mirjaelli #2
Chapter 21: Omg i love this story
Can't wait to read the next chapter and the next
Chapter 20: Ugh I love this story! Imglad that I decided to look through your other stories (: any who sorta silent reader coming to light to let you know that I adore your writing ^^ can't wait (but is patient enough too)read on (:
suliman #4
Chapter 20: It's a nice story
Chapter 18: Awwwww is beautiful story!!! Please update ♥
alexisshortie123 #6
Chapter 16: When do u think that u will be able to write the next chapter its really good so far can't wait till the next chapter
kyunism #8
Chapter 15: Love the story ^^ Keep it up ;)
Chapter 14: Why you do that *ugly sobs* it's so sad </3
sazuka #10
Chapter 14: It's sad/cries/