Meeting through friends...

The Chanxing Letters

9 Years Ago (26 Years Old)


Dear Chanyeol,

Yes, I know there are such things as phones and internet, but I'm rather bored with nothing to do and no one to see, and it's the middle of the night where you guys are, so here I am being old-fashioned once again (and probably forever) writing you a letter. I even wrote one to Joon too. That was weird. I'm not used to writing him. Usually he's just... here. I can't tell you how strange it is to think that now you guys are living together - not like that though. Anyways I guess I don't have to tell you. You probably already know. How is it, anyways? Getting to meet my substitute? Think of him as an ambassador of sorts.

My point is: Joon says you're just as much of a slob as I always thought you were. Kidding!! (Or, am I?)

Alright, back to my depressed self. California seems empty now. My parents are gone on a long vacation to visit relatives now that they're retired. The house is empty. I have no friends. Well, I have a few anyways. Writing boring technical manuals all day long isn't the most engaging thing in the world, but I've only got a few more months of this job and then my next job starts - proofreading law manuals. Where was I going with this? Other than a world of boring, boring hell? Oh yeah, it means that even though our jobs , at least a few of us can band together. They're not friends necessarily, but close acquaintances.

I never realized how few friends I had actually until Joon left. Word from the wise: don't put all your eggs in one basket. Oh well, at least I still have you. Want to go out and get drinks this weekend? Set our clocks and raise a glass in our mutual directions... on the other side of the world?

Your friend,




To: Yixing

Layxingwriter@aol .com


Got your letter, no time to write back.

Roommates are strange! Not that Joon is strange... Rather, he's kind of the perfect roommate so I don't have a single thing to complain about. Maybe, too perfect though? He certainly sets a high standard of living. And, he can cook. Can I just steal your boyfriend forever? I didn't just say that. Nope, I didn't. Although the food is awesome.

It that his family won't even see him though. He went over to their home the other day and tried to see them, but they wouldn't even answer. Wait, why am I telling you this. You probably already know everything. Anyways.

I'm writing this on my lunch break, so I should probably get back to work. Btw, how's that novel you started writing. Aren't you going to send me a proof copy? ;)




To: Chanyeol

Guitarman04@yahoo .com


You better not steal him! I have grand plans of getting him back some day. Somebody needs to cook meals for me in my old age, after all.

Glad to hear you guys are adjusting. I can't tell you how grateful I am that he has a place to go to for now. Eventually you should probably chuck him out and make him get his own place, but I know you're enjoying the food so I won't rush you ;)




To Yixing

Layxingwriter@aol .com


Hell no, I'm not giving him back! This one's a keeper. Why are you awake anyways? It's the middle of the night there. Go get some beauty sleep! :D



To: Chanyeol

Guitarman04@yahoo .com


I will, I will! I'm going right now. See? This is me going to sleep right now. This is me turning off the computer right now - or in a second - and sleeping.

I'll try at least. Maybe this is all wishful thinking, huh? That he'll be able to come back?



                                       *phone dial*







Hello. Hey, babe.



                                       Are you already being cheesy with me? What's with the tone?


*return laughter*

Just missed you. How's it going?

                                       Fine. Got my whole morning to myself.

                                       Surprise, surprise. Decided to call you. 


I see. Well, it's evening here, as I guess you already know. 

*clattering in the background*                                       

Just ate food.


*more clattering*                                       

                                       So I'm not interrupting much? What's that noise? 



Your friend attempting to do the dishes. 


It's part of his self-imposed house rules. I cook, and he cleans out of gratitude.

*large crash*                                       

                                       Hope that wasn't something breakable...






Nah, just a pan. It'll live. He'll live.

They'll both be fine. 


                                       So I guess things are good.

                                       Not too awkward living with a straight guy?

Hah hah. What's to be awkward about it though?

                                       How would I know? I've never even met the guy.

And yet he's your best friend. I'm jealous.

                                       No, you're not.

You're right, I'm not. I cook way better than him. 

And I think I'm better looking.

                                       I'm obliged to agree with you there.

Lay, baby. Now you are starting to make me jealous. 


                                       You'll live. Probably.

Sadly though. I miss you...

                                       I know...

*even louder clamoring*                                       

*a few shrieks*                                       

*water splashing*                                       







I think he's done.

                                       You think so?

Yeah, although he looks like he just took a shower in the sink.


Yep. Totally covered. 

[Hey, Chanyeol, you know you have dishsoap in your hair, right?]





You want to talk to him? 


Talk? Phone. Chanyeol? 


                                       Oh, nah. That's alright.

We have another line. He can pick it up from the other room.

                                       Oh? Okay, then sure.

[Hey, Chanyeol, get the other phone.]

[Yixing wants to chat!]

[What? Oh, okay!]                                       







Okay, I'm here. What's up. Hi, Yixing!                                       

                                       Hi, yourself.

                                       I heard you in the kitchen.

What? Oh, yeah. House work is hard.                                        

You should see him trying to fold sheets.


                                       You fold sheets now?

                                       Wow, Joon. You've got him really domesticated. I'm impressed.

Hey. I've always folded sheets.                                       

                                       Uh huh? How? In clumps?

Well.... maybe? Oh well, I'm improved lots.                                       

It's amazing what three months of living with your nitpicky boyfriend will do.                                       




He makes me sound worse than I am.

                                       Oh, I know how bad you are.

Should I even be listening to this anymore?                                       

                                       *exaggerated kissy noises* 

Ewww. I'm going to hang up.                                        


                                       No no, I'll stop. Won't ruin your ears tonight like with our late-night phone calls.

Late-night calls? As in, later than now?                                       

*clears throat*



You know what? I didn't ask.                                       



Dear Lay,

I'm going to try this letter thing you're always talking about. Apparently I inherited the old writing desk Chanyeol used to have when he was living with his parents. He's got a cooler computer desk now, but this one got shifted to the guest bedroom, which is technically my bedroom now. It doesn't feel like home exactly, but it's better than nothing. Better than a hotel room. Better than a cheap apartment. I'm trying to pay my share of what I think room and board is worth here, but I'm pretty sure Chanyeol's letting me off super cheap. He's a great guy. I feel really bad for imposing on him like this, when all he ever does is insist I'm not a bother, and I can stay as long as I want until I figure out what I can do.

I've been going through all those phone numbers you've been giving me, seeing if I can manage to return there and get a job at one of those places. It's just so much paperwork and I feel like I'm swamped. Why do they make it so hard? All I want to do is move back to where you are living for the rest of my life without going through a million channels to do it.

I'll make it work, I promise. It's just going to take some time.

All of this is stuff you've already heard before, of course. It just feels nice to write it down in front of me. I can see why you write now. It's therapeutic.

Miss you. Love you,




Dear Chanyeol,

I've been revising some of my older stories. Remember the one where I said I was writing about penpals? Well, it was kind of amateurish when I first wrote it out, but I think it's better now. I'm thinking of extending it even further and turning it into a novel one day. How's that sound? Anyways, if you were wondering why you got a whole package this time, and not just one envelope with one lousy, scrap of paper, here it is. First part of the story. 

I could have just e-mailed this to you... Why didn't I think of that? I already printed the whole thing though. Oh well.

Greatest penpal ever,

Yixing :)



 Everything sounds just fine and great, yeah? (Or does it?)

In spite of Yixing's attached prose story, I won't be writing that part yet for you to read. The next chapter continues where this one left off, just a year later. But I am still planning to write Lay's story at the very end of this fic. Writing it now would reveal too many spoilers ;)

<3 Rosie




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[1/26] There's a new ongoing Russian translation, for anyone who is interested.


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LalizLC #1
hello! actually i read this fanfic in spanish this morning lol, ahh i'm so bad trying to write in english, excuse me. Well i had to come here to say you how much i loved the story. I hope you can understand me with my bad english. Greetings from Mexico :D
Chapter 23: OMG that was beautiful! I'm in tears... I love this!! I wish it didn't end, Chanyeol better go over there and make the most of them ! Thanks for this<3
hananii19 #3
Chapter 23: Cuttttteeeeeeeeeewwe its just like Love rosie but i would read this again over that xD
Chapter 23: :O :O :O :O <3
Chapter 23: Oh my god, what a brilliant story.
Abbll16 #6
Chapter 23: This was truly a masterpiece. It was beautiful. It is going on my list of must read again and just so you know not many stories make that list. Words really cannot explain how much I loved this. Thank you. <3
eLquinox #7
Chapter 23: This was just beautiful... D:
Sidhe21 #8
Chapter 23: This was amazing! :D