Fate before a Trip part 2

A Cup of Fate
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I cannot believe I am going to freakin Thailand. I really wonder who sponsored the trip. Anyway, I saved up some money so I can go shopping for some new clothes! I needed some new bras so I passed by one of my favorite bra shops on my way to work. I enter the shop and greet the store worker. I go to one of the walls and flip through the bras. Suddenly, someone says "I think this one fits you."

Taeyeon Outfit 


I didn't go to school today but the Exo boys wanted to hang at Sehun's new cafe. I didn't want to drive so I decided to just walk and enjoy the air. I was walking by some shops and I looked in and saw that shorty in a bra shop. Ha! looks like we meet once again. I walk in and put my finger up to my lips telling the store person to be quiet. I sneak to that shorty's side and take one of the bras out from the rack. 

"I think this one fits you." I put in in front of her face and when she looks at me, I give her a smirk and my other hand in my pocket. 
"OMOOOO!!! AHHH YOU ERT! YOU ARE SERIOUSLEY A STALKER, I TOLD YOU I KNOW JUDO!" She screams at me and throws the bra on the ground. 

"Hey, I was actually just walking and saw you. So, I was not stalking you. BUt hey if girls don't want boys to help them pick out stuff then fine." I turn away and walk back with both hands in my pockets. I hear her still screaming at me and then compalining to herself. She looks cute when she is angry. 

I walk out and head to the cafe. 


AISH THAT FREAKIN STALKER!! He just ruined my mood to go shopping, I am just gonna head to work. I bow to the store owner and walk out of the store. I walk to the cafe and go in from the backdoor. I see Alex with his apron on. I totally forgot me and Alex are training to make the pastries today. I say hi to Alex and put my uniform on. Yoona must be training some other time. We head out to the cafe and go behind the cash counter on to the other side. The chef comes out and he is carrying already made cakes and cupcakes. We must be practicing decorating today. I grab a whip cream and icing piper and gave a evil smirk to Alex, I am so ready to decorate. 


The boys changed the meet up to the Obey clothing shop and then we will go to the cafe. 

At the shop, Sehun told us to buy some clothes because we will be going to THAILAND! Although, Luhan wasn't there again, he must be at the park again, he loves hanging out there. We stayed in the shop for around 2 hours and bought some stuff. We then drove to the cafe in their cars. Once we got to the cafe. 

"Guys, I'm going to work today. So, you guys go in first. I am going through the back way." Sehun waves goodbye and walks to the back of the cafe. What the heck? Why is Sehun working today?

I walk in and we take a seat at the couches. 

Kai takes our order and goes to the cashier to order. Today everything is on the house for us since, our dear Sehun is the owner of this place. I look behind the cashier area and I see a familiar figure with a tall boy. The girl turns to the side and just by seeing her side face, I knew it was shorty. She smiled at him and he smiled back. She then turned back around and started doing something. The boy on her side suddenly turns to her and uses his pointer finger and smudges whip cream on her nose. 

She suddenly opens and a ajuhmma laugh comes out. She takes whip cream and was about to smudge it on his nose but he just takes her hand and wipes the whip cream off with his finger and places it on her forehead. She smacks his hand away and they laugh together while their shoulders are touching each other. I just feel the urge to go up to him and punch him in the face. Why though? Am I jealous? I'm not her boyfriend....either...

I then find my self walking towards the cashier area. Kai is walking back and he says

"Hyung! What are you doing I already ordered." I stopped and said "I think I want to get a cupcake." I continue to walk and he walks back to the table. 

The cashier girl starts making the drinks on the side and so that shorty had to take the cashier position for a little bit. She is still looking down at the cash register until I come up . 


Yoona had to make 10 drinks so I had to take over cashier for a while. I noticed that one of the cashier buttons had some coffee on it, so I was trying to just quickly clean it off. I then heard someone walk up to the cashier and put his hands on the counter. 

"How may I hel-" I looked up and see the ERT!! He is FREAKING SMIRKING AT ME AGAIN! 

"YAHH! WHAT THE , I KNEW YOU WERE STALKING ME!" I yell at him! I can't take this anymore, why do I keep on seeing him! 

"Um for your information, my friend owns this cafe. Plus, I want to order a cupcake. So do your job and get me a cupcake. " He gives me a cold glare and walks away. OMOOO he thinks i will get hi

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Taelin #1
Chapter 39: this is just great , amazing , i totally and srsly love it , i have shipped Yoong with Luhan from the very beginning of the story , thanks for sharing such wonderful story , hwaitiing
luyoon *squels*
Nicholandluhan #3
Nice! Luyoon rocks!