Be my girl again?

It all started with a bet!



Taemin said with teary eyes.

He was very suprised in your sudden appearance, he didn't have any clue of why you are here in Korea. He miss you so much, he wanted to hug you so tight.


"Wait, Oppa you know her??"

Suzy asked with a very confuse tone. She didn't know you were the girl Taemin loved since your junior years. Now she was eyeing both of you, dumbfounded.


But you couldn't take it anymore. Tears fall in your cheeks.

'Who is she to Taemin? is she the girl? I thought he'd wait for me! but maybe he was tired of waiting, and realize im not worth it and a waste of time.'

As you run away from them, tears just keeps on flawing out of your swollen eyes.

'I shouldn't kept the hope that we could still be together. I should have learned my lessons from my experiences in the past. But what can I do? I still love him! this love is so complicated. Why can't things just go along? well, maybe I should be the one to go along, b'coz life will not.'

You run and run but nowhere to go, you just want to burst out your feelings.

Until you reach a very familiar park.

It is the park where Taemin found you crying under a tree, it was the park you've waited for Taemin while your mother is dying, and he didn't even appeared.


Until you heard a guy calling you.


Taemin said while panting and catching his breath after chasing you for awhile.

"Yah! what are you doing here? you should have stayed with your girl!"

you said and started to walk away again from him.

"Hey! let me rest even for awhile! i've been chasing for the whole time! are you like your brother, such a runner!"

he said.

"I don't have time to be fooling with you! and by the way, I didn't asked you to run after me, it's your decision!"

you said sarcastically.

"Yah! why you so meanie? don't ya miss me babe~"

he said sweetly, whinning the word 'babe'.

"How can you call me babe? you're really such a two timer! do you know that?!"

"Ermm.. if you're talking about Suzy, the girl in the restaurant, she isn't what you're thinking! alright?! she's just my cousin!"

"Oh, what the hell do I care? "

"Stop saying those craps escaping your mouth or else i'll kiss you like hell!"

"Oh, really?! then do it! im not scared you know?"

you said and faced the opposite direction of him while rolling your eyes.

"You don't believe me?"

he asked at your back.

"I don't ing care... alright?! so go away!"

"I told you, stop saying the bad words, you forced me to do this."

He said and reached your wrist to turn you facing him and kiss you passionately. You didn't fight, well.. why would you? you like it. duh!

He broke the kiss first and look directly in your round big brown eyes.

When you suddenly notice a small box in his hands.


Then he slowly laid on his knees.

And presented you a diamond ring.



You were very suprised, overwhelmed, and pleasured.


"Can you be my girl for the second time?"

he asked.






So hey everyone... been gone for awhile.. ermm,, i think it was lykk forever!

dont hate me for the cliffhanger!


I luv you all!







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Chapter 58: awwww was nice story!!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhh this is really interesting and it's only the first chapter. Great job~
Chapter 23: this is really tragic!!!!
Chapter 15: omo maecy's not their daughter!!!?!!!!
Chapter 5: omo this chapter is sooooo good!!! ^^
I finished reading this weeks ago... I love the story so I read it again ...

I hate Sulli ... I hate her for hurting Maecy and the baby...
I love Taemin but I also hate him for cheating on Maecy...

Thank you for making such a great fic...=DDD
ashiya19 #7
i really love this fic.. It makes me cry.. And i want to punch taemin of what he do to maecy! Aish.! XD
fanaticnamu #8
woaaaa.. nice story. good job.
aigoo.. even Sulli was a ********** here, I still love her. ^^
Aww ~~ Sad to know about their first child but nice ending.. ^^
I'VE FINISHED THIS AMAIZING FIC AND MAY I SAY...thankyou for making this fairy-tale (like) fic. This has been a depressing but happy story for me BTW i LUVED the drama...FIGHTING! keep making ur 'dramatic' fics!!!