Whats Love Means~

It all started with a bet!


Your P.O.V.



It makes me awkward, I dont know what to do, I was just standing there like an rock.

"U-uhmm... O-oppa..! In your dreams!!!"

I said while running away from and  him and gave him a mehrong.

"Ahh! seriously Maecy-ah I need a kiss." (a/n: Die)

"Well, I dont like~ I may get sick if I kiss you!"

Then he came nearer with this evil glare.

He was standing in my front closely while looking at my eyes directly.

"So, you dont want to kiss me because I am sick, does it mean if I will feel better I would have one?"

After what he said I kiss him on the cheek.

Even my own self been suprise of what I did.

Then the atmosphere became awkward.

"A-ahh! the soup I need to get it now.."

I said and get away from him.


After I get the soup I bring it in the living room.

I saw Taemin sitting on the couch.

He still look like weak.

And it makes me feel guilt.


"Here's your soup Oppa~"

"Why is it only one?"

"I dont want to eat. And I really made the soup just for you!"

"Kamsa Hamnida! Can you feed me? Jebal~"

I can't resist him so I just did it.

While I was feeding him he didn't take off his eyes from me.

I can't look at him even once.

"U-uhmm, Oppa~ here drink some water."

He drink but still staring at me.

"Here drink some too you seem to be so nervous around me."

He said giving me the glass.

I was about to drink but he turned the glass on the other side.

I dont know why but he was just smiling at me sweetly.

I didn't care what's happening around because I was mesmerized with his angellic face.

After I drunk he suddenly lean on the couch and put his arms around my shoulder pulling me close to him.

"Do you know we just indirectly kiss?"

Then I woke up to the reality and the fact that we really indirectly kiss.


I scream to hell.

Then I heard him laugh.

"Yah!!! you did that in purpose!!!!"

"Yes I do!"

I stood up from the couch and face him then I started hitting him lightly.

He lied down because of the continuous hits im giving him.

But then he pulled me that let me fall at his top.

Aish, why do he always stare at me.

Then he pulled me to a tight hug.

'Maecy-ah thank you for taking care of me and thank you for always making me happy and most of all for letting me know WHAT LOVE MEANS!"

I felt my heart beat its beating faster and faster.

I want to tell him I also feel the same way for him.

No! what am I thinking?

I dont want to get away from him anymore.

I dont know what kind of feeling this is.

I am confuse.

Is this really what they call Love?

But that's impossible we've just knew each other for awhile.

I only see this kind of scenes in dramas.

I was in deep thoughts when I just suddenly heard a shout.


He've been cutted when Minho covered his mouth.

I fall in the hard floor and hurt my head.


"Maecy-ah are you okay?? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Taemin asked panicking.

"Taemin-ah she just hit her head and there's no blood you're over-acting or maybe you;re just being an OVER-PROTECTIVE BOYFRIEND!"

shinee said.





I think this is still short for you..



@WeBeLieve: haha! u're rytt~

@Prince: unni, I dont want to go to jail! xD

@zzippyz: haha! idk if I can do that...

@IHeartSHINee0525: Lets see bout that!

I was getting many comments so I decided to reply. Sorry if I cant reply to all! ^^









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Chapter 58: awwww was nice story!!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhh this is really interesting and it's only the first chapter. Great job~
Chapter 23: this is really tragic!!!!
Chapter 15: omo maecy's not their daughter!!!?!!!!
Chapter 5: omo this chapter is sooooo good!!! ^^
I finished reading this weeks ago... I love the story so I read it again ...

I hate Sulli ... I hate her for hurting Maecy and the baby...
I love Taemin but I also hate him for cheating on Maecy...

Thank you for making such a great fic...=DDD
ashiya19 #7
i really love this fic.. It makes me cry.. And i want to punch taemin of what he do to maecy! Aish.! XD
fanaticnamu #8
woaaaa.. nice story. good job.
aigoo.. even Sulli was a ********** here, I still love her. ^^
Aww ~~ Sad to know about their first child but nice ending.. ^^
I'VE FINISHED THIS AMAIZING FIC AND MAY I SAY...thankyou for making this fairy-tale (like) fic. This has been a depressing but happy story for me BTW i LUVED the drama...FIGHTING! keep making ur 'dramatic' fics!!!