She left!

It all started with a bet!


After hearing those words that escape from your husband's own mouth, you suddenly felt your world breaking down. Everything to you is on pain.

'Where did I go wrong? I tried my best, but I guess its still wasnt enough. I already gave him chances, but he just let me realize I did the wrong thing; for loving him. This time it hurts more.'

They both walk away, while you weakly fall on your knees, while watching them.

'Why does this things need to happen to me? wasnt I enough for Taemin? why does he need another girl?'

You go to your car and drove, when you suddenly felt dizzy.

The good thing is that there was a near hospital. So you decided to visit a doctor first to consult about your health ,and why you are vommiting for 2 weeks, and why you suddenly felt dizzy.

"You're pregnant Mrs. Lee! Congratulations!"

the doctor said happily.

But it was the opposite thing you felt; sadness.

'I am pregnant, and it was official. But why right now? right now that everything seems to fall apart. I dont want to tell Taemin  about this. Its better that he dont know, so that I cant bother him anymore. Im ready to let go, though it still hurt.'


Night time...


Taemin arrived home.

"I want a divorce!"

you said coldly.

But you didnt received any reply from him again, without consulting him if its alright with him, you called your lawyer for the divorce paper.

'Im sorry Taemin if I did something wrong, if I wasnt good enough for you, maybe the best thing to do was to let go, than making everything worse and more complicated for both of us. Im sorry if I wouldnt tell you about our baby. I wish your everlasting happiness.'

You slept beside Taemin for the last time you would.

'I will miss you alot, your caring and loving attitude, ill miss everything of you and most of all your smiles, hugs, and kisses.'

tears escape from your eyes.


The next morning...


You wake up early than the usual one, to pack  up your things and to get ready to leave.

'Its time to leave this nightmare.'


Taemin's P.O.V.


I slept after a tiring night.

Then I suddenly had a very bad nightmare; Maecy leaving me alone on a dark place.

I suddenly woke up.

When I notice Maecy wasnt on my side anymore.

I searched the restroom.

the kitchen.

the living room.

there's no sign of Maecy.

'Where could she be?'

I hurriedly go to the closet.

Before opening it I feel nervous.

Tears suddenly fall from my eyes after seeing the empty closet with only my clothes.


I fall on my knees while tears keeps on falling down on my cheeks.

Then I saw the divorce paper on the table.






im looking forward for more comments!



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Chapter 58: awwww was nice story!!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhh this is really interesting and it's only the first chapter. Great job~
Chapter 23: this is really tragic!!!!
Chapter 15: omo maecy's not their daughter!!!?!!!!
Chapter 5: omo this chapter is sooooo good!!! ^^
I finished reading this weeks ago... I love the story so I read it again ...

I hate Sulli ... I hate her for hurting Maecy and the baby...
I love Taemin but I also hate him for cheating on Maecy...

Thank you for making such a great fic...=DDD
ashiya19 #7
i really love this fic.. It makes me cry.. And i want to punch taemin of what he do to maecy! Aish.! XD
fanaticnamu #8
woaaaa.. nice story. good job.
aigoo.. even Sulli was a ********** here, I still love her. ^^
Aww ~~ Sad to know about their first child but nice ending.. ^^
I'VE FINISHED THIS AMAIZING FIC AND MAY I SAY...thankyou for making this fairy-tale (like) fic. This has been a depressing but happy story for me BTW i LUVED the drama...FIGHTING! keep making ur 'dramatic' fics!!!