together again!

It all started with a bet!


After a sort of a long minute of passionate kiss, you broke, and tears started to fall down.

You dont know if that tears are for happiness or sadness.

You dont know whats the right thing to do right now, in this kind of situation, which everything seems to be very complicated for you and to everyone.

You're heart keeps on telling you, to forgive him and accept him.

You're still worried of what might happen if Sulli knew about you and Taemin.

But right now, the only thing you want was to hug and be with him happily.

You once thought yourself.



'Taemin had the leap faith to continue loving you, and fight for you, eventhough he knows that things might be more complicated . So why cant you try to fight for him too, like how long did he make guts for him to do what he really wants and thats you!'


"Maecy-ah! Im sorry! I left you! I shouldnt done that, I should have stayed! But right now there's only one thing I want you to know and that is that 'I love you and I will always do' and even you if you try a hundred or even a million times to tell me to leave you alone, I WONT! I will stay!"

"You dont have to, 'coz wouldnt let go of you anymore to!"

Everyone was suprise of your reply.

They all thought the opposite thing to happen, but right now, they are all just too  happy to see you and Taemin together again.

"Jinjja? what does that mean?"

taemin said happily, putting his arms on your waist.

"I Love You.."

you whispered, but enought for everyone to hear it clearly.

"M-mwoh? I didnt hear it! repeat it again for me Yeobo~"

"Owh! Jagiya~ didnt heard it! NO I WOULDNT REPEAT IT AGAIN!"















wahaha!!! I was just joking!!

of course it wasnt the last chappie~

But its the end of the drama!!


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Chapter 58: awwww was nice story!!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhh this is really interesting and it's only the first chapter. Great job~
Chapter 23: this is really tragic!!!!
Chapter 15: omo maecy's not their daughter!!!?!!!!
Chapter 5: omo this chapter is sooooo good!!! ^^
I finished reading this weeks ago... I love the story so I read it again ...

I hate Sulli ... I hate her for hurting Maecy and the baby...
I love Taemin but I also hate him for cheating on Maecy...

Thank you for making such a great fic...=DDD
ashiya19 #7
i really love this fic.. It makes me cry.. And i want to punch taemin of what he do to maecy! Aish.! XD
fanaticnamu #8
woaaaa.. nice story. good job.
aigoo.. even Sulli was a ********** here, I still love her. ^^
Aww ~~ Sad to know about their first child but nice ending.. ^^
I'VE FINISHED THIS AMAIZING FIC AND MAY I SAY...thankyou for making this fairy-tale (like) fic. This has been a depressing but happy story for me BTW i LUVED the drama...FIGHTING! keep making ur 'dramatic' fics!!!