Not Giving Up!

It all started with a bet!




They all didnt move, you shouted more, but all of them are just staring at you.

You look around the room, until you saw a beer on the dinning table of your hospital room.

Maybe it was bought by the SHINee members, so that they could stay awake while watching over you with your bad condition.

You stood up weakly.


"Dont try to stop me!"

You said.

You walked as fast as you can, though it was still slow.

Until you got into the dinning room and get the beer on the table.

You open and drunk it.

After a long hour of drinking.

You were blabbing many things, mostly about the pain.

All of the people in the room tried to get the hard liquor out of your hand, but no one of them succeeded.

Until Key cannot stand what he was seeing right now, though you've been he's no. 1 rival he grew to have love and care for you as your oppa and a sort of a best of friend.

He called Taemin more than 10x and still no answer.

He was loosing his temper and anger threw up.

"That bastard guy! would he really marry that girl? why isnt he answering his phone? what a !"

Key said coz emotions was taking over him already.

For the last attempt, atlast he answer.

"Taemin-ah! do you know that the girl we've been taking care of and most of all by you, was suffering here, while you were waiting for your bride to be who just tried to kill her! are you even thinking?! or you're just really insensitive and a fool?! are you even serious attending that force wedding of yours with a witch?! huh?!"

"H-hyung.... m-mianhae...!!"

"Yah! what?! saying sorry wouldnt do nor change anything! dont tell me you will resist Maecy and marry that girl!"

"H-hyung, I need to!"

"If you would do your best and follow your heart, you can have a choice if you would let go or you will fight for your love! Im telling you forget that were bestfriends once you attend that !"

Key said and hung up the phone.

Anger was shown all over his face with tears.


Taemin was having a hard time also.

He was full of thoughts if he would go or not.

It just makes him more worried when Key called him up about you suffering.

He was going insane of what he should do and not.

Pain and worries was all over him.

He always remember what you told him yesterday that you dont love him anymore, it was pushing him a way from you.


1 hour to go for the long awaited wedding of whole Korea.

Uniting the 2 of the most successful and popular family.

The Lee and the Choi!


Taemin would just have an hour to decide if he would back off or not.


And he got his final decision.


and that is to


back off the wedding to continue loving you!


He escaped the room where he was kept to be waiting 'til the wedding.


Actually sneek out, he's butlers tried to stop and chased him, but because he was the one and only Lee Taemin he succeeded escaping them.

He drove his car to the hospital.

And run to your room.



You were drinking alcohol while crying.


"Come on drink with me! yah! dont be such a kill joy!"

you shouted like a retarded.

"Maecy-ah stop its not good to drink it might just make your conditiong worst!"

cheimy said.

"So what? I want to die! do you understand that?!"

"Do you know you are saying? Die is not a joke!"

Key burst out.

"Ne, I know! Its not a joke coz its real!"

"Stop! it wouldnt make any change! you'll just suffer!"

Key replied.

"Suffer?! I already suffered--"

you've been cutted.

Taemin turned you facing him and throwed the liquor from your hand.

The beer bottle broke after it hit the wall.

And now it was broken into pieces spread on the floor.


"Why arent you listening?! I already told you to stop drinking beer right?"

Taemin said angrily.

"Why? dont I have the right to do what I want to do?! Can you even just let me, even once to be happy!"

"Happy? by what? by drinking? That doesnt do anything good to you and most of all it wouldnt make you happy!"

"JUST LET ME! after I suffer of giving up myself for you to be safe and happy! why cant you just leave me alone! I already suffer too much and I already undergo too much pain, im already broken! Can you see that broken bottle? It was like me! You threw it, I felt like that when I knew about the bet, I felt like being hitted hard to the wall, and now it was broken into pieces on the cold floor, like me I feel like nothing with a broken heart living in a cold place!"

You said.

But Taemin didnt anwer back.

"What? you cant answer anymore! Becau-"

You're cutted when he suddenly kissed you as passionate as he can giving all of his feelings in just one kiss!





No update for soo long!

Its because I feel not so fine...

I just knew I was dehydrated and anemic..

And I would usually get a black sight or would be dizzy..!

and I got only a few comments!

So I would be expecting a overloaded comments for this update!







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Chapter 58: awwww was nice story!!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhh this is really interesting and it's only the first chapter. Great job~
Chapter 23: this is really tragic!!!!
Chapter 15: omo maecy's not their daughter!!!?!!!!
Chapter 5: omo this chapter is sooooo good!!! ^^
I finished reading this weeks ago... I love the story so I read it again ...

I hate Sulli ... I hate her for hurting Maecy and the baby...
I love Taemin but I also hate him for cheating on Maecy...

Thank you for making such a great fic...=DDD
ashiya19 #7
i really love this fic.. It makes me cry.. And i want to punch taemin of what he do to maecy! Aish.! XD
fanaticnamu #8
woaaaa.. nice story. good job.
aigoo.. even Sulli was a ********** here, I still love her. ^^
Aww ~~ Sad to know about their first child but nice ending.. ^^
I'VE FINISHED THIS AMAIZING FIC AND MAY I SAY...thankyou for making this fairy-tale (like) fic. This has been a depressing but happy story for me BTW i LUVED the drama...FIGHTING! keep making ur 'dramatic' fics!!!