Chapter 2

Anything For You

Yuri entered the club hoping the heavy music and alcohol will drown her from the misery and make her forget, at least just for the night.

I hope I did the right thing, Yuri thought. She almost let her emotions give way when she saw her crying. She absolutely despises it when she sees her cry, especially herself since she caused her to cry. Part of what she told the girl was true. Yuri knew she will eventually hurt her. She was just saving someone that is too perfect for her from suffering heartbreak. It’s best to stop it before it gets any worst. A part of her longed for the girl and wanted to protect her. There was something different about her that made her feel a certain way, different from anyone she has been with. With that particular girl, she finally knew what real love meant. Of one of the many things: sacrifice. Yuri sacrificed herself for the girl’s happiness and safety.

Yuri sat at the bar and ordered a drink.

A girl sat next to her right.  Yuri turned to face her and slid an envelope across to her. Yuri gave a faint smile. “Thanks for helping me.”

The girl looked at Yuri with her doe-eyes. “You know you don’t have to pay me. I owe you remember?”

“Well, it doesn’t seem right to ask a favor like that from you, Yoona. Just take it as an early birthday present.” Yoona gave in and put it into her purse.

“Anytime, Yuri unnie.” She bid farewell and left.

Another girl replaced Yoona’s seat.  “Orange juice”. The bartender nodded.

“You’re here early,” the girl said, her eyes almost disappearing behind that eye-smile. “So…Yuri..ummm—

“It worked. We broke up.” Her eyes started to water, but she blinked them away. “She bought Yoona and my act that I was cheating on her.” Yuri spaced out as she thought about the girl, her shy smile, pale skin, blonde hair…too many memories.

Tiffany knew she was thinking about her again. “Yuri, you know that you didn’t have to go through all this. You could have just stayed with Jess— her…” Tiffany refrained from saying the latter’s name, knowing that it will bring more painful memories to Yuri.

Yuri turned to face Tiffany. “I know, but I also know that I will keep hurting her and things will always go wrong.”

“Yuri, you’ve changed.”

Yuri chuckled. “Yeah, into a mess.”

“No. You were never like this. I can see she really changed you, back to the way you use to be…maybe even better. You actually care about people and know how to love again. You don’t play go around preying on girls anymore.”

Yuri chuckled at the last comment, “Maybe.” She paused, “But Fany, there are more serious matters at hand. Me being with her will surely hurt her, even kill her.”

Tiffany gasped. “Oh no. Don’t tell me—

“—Yes. She’s back”. Yuri downed her shot and left a speechless Tiffany alone at the bar. 

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Chapter 18: awwww so sweeeet :)
Kaka_Borneo #2
Chapter 18: Woah!!that was very intense!!
I like I love it~~