Chapter 1

Anything For You

Reminder:  Italics refer to thoughts.


“Yuri…stay with me.” She held onto her arm, not wanting to let go.

“…I can’t. You know I can’t.”

Tears began forming in her eyes. “It’s because of her isn’t it.”

“Let’s not get started on this.” Yuri tried to pull her arm way, but she held on tighter.

“Tell me why. I’m tired of this…of you always leaving. You tell me you have to go work, but you’re just going to see her. What does she have that I don’t?”

“You know why.  I’m always like this. You shouldn’t have fallen in love with me.  We all know the outcome.”

“I don’t care. I don’t give a damn. I don’t care about your past, your flings…I know.” She gritted her teeth. “I only care about us.”

Yuri stood there speechless, but she finally said, “You know it’s gonna be hard for me to change.  I am the way I am.”

“I believe in you. Believe in our love.”

“You know me. Relationships and I just don’t mix well. It’s over. We’re over.”  Yuri removed her hand from her arm.

Yuri stopped at the doorway. “I never loved you.” With that, she left without looking back.

The girl fell down on her knees, weeping silently to herself. “Why…Yuri…why.”

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Chapter 18: awwww so sweeeet :)
Kaka_Borneo #2
Chapter 18: Woah!!that was very intense!!
I like I love it~~