
Anything For You

It was late at night and Yuri was bored.  She couldn’t sleep.  It was hard to sleep in an unfamiliar room. 

The door creaked open.


“Hey Yuri.”

“I thought visiting hours were over.”

“Well, it is, but I pulled some strings.” Taeyeon smiled.

Yuri shifted in her bed.  “So, what’s up?”

“I’m just bored and checking up on you.  And to also inform you about Victoria.”

“Oh, so what’s happening now?”

“Victoria’s sent to the looney bin. Permantly. Her condition has worsened.  Her parents still can’t accept the fact that their daughter is a psycho.”  Taeyeon walked over to Yuri’s side and sat down on the chair.

Yuri nodded.  “I see. I still feel like I could have done something though.”

“She’s locked up for good now, at least not in jail, but somewhere where she can’t harm anybody.”

Yuri smiled.  “Yeah.  She’s actually a great person.  She just let her mind take over her and lost control. As my first love, she’ll always have a certain place in my heart.  And now I have Jessica, who completes my heart.  I want nothing more.”

Taeyeon couldn’t help, but smile.  She had a goofy grin on her face.

Yuri smirked.  “You sure look happy.  I bet it’s something that has to do with Tiffany.”

Taeyeon smiled some more.  “Haha. Yup.  I did it. I asked her and we’re official now.”

Yuri patted Taeyeon’s arm. “Congratulations, Taeng.  I knew you could do it. I mean, how can she resist you?” Yuri winked.


Jessica came to visit the next day.  She quietly opened the door and saw Yuri sleeping peacefully on the bed. She sat down in the chair and watched as she slept.  Yuri stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes.

“Hey there stranger.”

“Hey back at you,” replied Yuri.

Jessica helped Yuri sit up from the bed.  “How are you feeling?”

“Better.” Yuri reached over and held onto Jessica’s hand, wanting to remember the feeling of the warmth they shared.  Breaking the silence, Yuri spoke.

“Jessica…I’m sorry I kept this away from you…about Victoria…about everything.”

Jessica looked down at their intertwined hands and looked back at Yuri. “I was angry, frustrated, depressed, heartbroken, and miserable. But that’s all in the past and it’s over now…”

Yuri gave a small smile and reached for Jessica’s hand.  She was relieved that Jessica didn’t hold any grudges about the whole situation. “Move in with me, Jessica.”

“Huh?” Jessica was wondering if she was hearing right.

“Yeah. Move. In. With. Me. Move into my home. I’ve wanted to ask you this for awhile.”

Jessica nodded. “I’d love to.”

“And also, I want to make it clear.” Yuri shifted a bit in her bed and pulled out a small black box. 

“Jessica. I don’t know what I can do to prove my love for you, but I will do anything for you. For your safety…your happiness…anything…even my life.” She opened the box revealing two silver bands, one for each of them. The couple rings were engraved with their initials. 

Jessica was speechless.  It was all unexpected.  Yuri slipped the ring onto Jessica’s finger and it fitted perfectly as if it was meant to be there.  Jessica’s eyes were brimmed with tears; she was extremely happy.  Yuri sealed her promises with a kiss. 


It was the next morning.

“You two, get a room already!” Yuri yelled.

Taeyeon and Tiffany were getting a bit too intimate with each other.

Taeyeon chuckled.  Tiffany blushed and hid her face from Yuri.

“I thought you guys were here to visit me.” Yuri said, as she scooted up from the hospital bed.

“I can’t believe you guys.  You’re together for less than a week and already all over each other like that.  I wonder how you guys are like when you are alone,” Yuri teased.

Tiffany blushed.

 “Yah, Yuri.” Taeyeon gave Yuri a punch in the arm.

“Taeyeon! You can’t hit injured people!”  Yuri rubbed her arm in an over-exaggerated way. 

Jessica laughed at the friendly fight.

Taeyeon smirked.  “It’s not like you’re not like that with Jessica when we’re not around.”

Tiffany giggled at the remark. “Yeah, Yuri.”

It was now Yuri and Jessica’s turn to blush.

There was a knock on the door and Yoona entered the room. She greeted everyone.

“Yuri unnie! How are you feeling? You’re looking better than ever.”

Yoona went over and hugged Yuri tightly.

“Uh, Yoona?” said Yuri.

“Careful there, Yoona.  You don’t want to squeeze the life out of Yuri.” Taeyeon laughed.

“Sorry unnie.” Yoona let go.  “I’m just too happy to see that you are all better!”

“Yep. I’m getting out of here soon.” Yuri laughed.

There was another figure by the door.  She was tall and slender like Yoona, with dark straight hair.  She had an aura of purity and innocence around her.  Yoona went over and pulled the person into the room. 

“Everyone, I’d like you to meet someone.”

Everyone looked with friendly faces.

“Hi, my name is Seohyun.  It’s nice to meet you all.”  She bowed.

“I also want to say something.” Yoona smiled at Seohyun and intertwined their fingers together.

“She’s my girlfriend.” Yoona gave a wide smile. Seohyun simply blushed and looked away.

Yuri almost choked on the glass of water that she was sipping as Jessica patted her back. Taeyeon and Tiffany’s jaws dropped.

Deep down, Yuri knew something was going on between them.  She was just surprised that Yoona would just announce it right then and there.  She could see it in their eyes when they looked at each other.

They all congratulated the new couple. Yuri was happy for her that she found someone to love and to be loved. 

Yoona and Seohyun couldn’t stay long and bit farewell.

 “It was nice meeting you, Seohyun.” Tiffany said.

“Yeah, we should hang out some more. Ya know, we could go on couple dates,” Taeyeon teased.

“Haha.  Just call us unnie, Seohyun.  We’re practically family now.” Yuri smiled.

Seohyun smiled and blushed at Yuri's comment.

 “I hope to see you unnies soon!  Take care, Yuri unnie.” Seohyun bowed once more and stepped out of the door.

“Bye unnies!” Yoona waved.

Yuri laughed and winked at Yoona as she caught her eye.

Yoona smiled and winked back.


Yuri was finally released from the hospital. Yuri was happy. Ah, I’m finally out of that place. Yay, freedom!

Yuri and Jessica were lying on the couch, exhausted from moving all the boxes from Jessica’s place, with the help of Taeyeon and Tiffany.  They spent the whole day moving and rearranging things in Yuri’s home. Jessica wrapped her arms around Yuri’s neck and rested her head on Yuri’s shoulder.  They stayed like that for a moment.



“I love you.”

Jessica smiled. “I love you too.”

They stared into each other’s eyes. Yuri leaned forward and captured Jessica’s lips.  Jessica responded to the kiss and only separated when oxygen became necessary.  A wide grin formed on Yuri’s face. Jessica was familiar with that grin. Before she could say anything, Yuri lifted her up, bridal style, into the bedroom.

Jessica ed Yuri’s shirt and stopped when she saw the scar.

She began tracing it. “Does…does it hurt?”

“Now that you’re here with me, no.”

Jessica smiled and captured Yuri’s lips again.

It was going to be a night that they will never forget. 




Timeline: (well, if this was based in 2010; this is just a rough approximation.)

4 years ago: Early 2006; Yuri and Victoria met.

2006-2008 :  They were together for about 2 years until the whole incident with Yoona.

2008-2009:  Yuri went around solo for about a year and met Jessica.

2009-2010:  Yuri was with Jessica for about a year. Victoria came back around here, around their first year anniversary. And BAM!...everything else that happens.


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Chapter 18: awwww so sweeeet :)
Kaka_Borneo #2
Chapter 18: Woah!!that was very intense!!
I like I love it~~