Chapter 10

Anything For You

Tiffany could no longer stand Yuri’s situation. I can’t let Jessica not know about this.  She has a right to know.  It’s unfair that she doesn’t know what went wrong. It’s only fair.  She had to tell Jessica, even if Yuri forbid her to do so and even when Taeyeon didn’t think it was the best idea.

She hurried over to Jessica’s apartment to find the door slightly ajar. She pushed the door to find that the whole living room a mess. She called for Jessica, but no one responded. She looked in her room to find nobody there.  She panicked. Tiffany went back to the living room.  There seemed to be a struggle there. The table as been pushed back and the cushions were pulled from the couches. There also seemed to be a crack and blood stains on the window.  She quickly called Yuri.

“Please, pick up. Please, pick up.”


“Yuri! Something’s happened to Je—

“…You have reached Kwon Yuri. I am unable to answer your call right now. Please leave a message after—

“Grrr. Kwon Yuri. Why aren’t you picking up!!!?” Tiffany hurried and dialed another number.

“Taeng! Are you anywhere near Yuri’s place?”

“Hey Fany. Yeah. I’m driving there right now to check up on her. What’s the matter?”

“Something’s happened to Jessica! And—

The line went dead. “Fany? Fany!?!?” This is bad, Taeyeon thought. She began to worry.  Tiffany… She stepped on the gas and sped to Yuri’s place.

Taeyeon ran up to the door and banged on it loudly.

“Yuri! YURI! OPEN UP! It’s an emergency, dang it!”

Yuri slowly opened the door and Taeyeon barged in.  Yuri looked liked she just woke up.

“Yuri snap out of it. Jessica’s in trouble and so is Tiffany!”

“What? Jessica? Tiffany?”

“I’m afraid Victoria has taken them.”

“This can’t be. She said she wouldn’t hurt her.  She promised!”

“Yuri. WAKE UP. This is reality. You don’t trust what crazy people say.”

Yuri was worried about Jessica. She didn’t want to believe what happened, but two of the most important people to her are endangered because of her. She quickly grabbed her coat and ran out the door. “Taeng, call the cops.  This has become more serious than I thought.”


The cops were notified of the situation and were sent all over town to find Jessica and Tiffany.  Taeyeon and Yuri decided to search too. Taeyeon was driving.

Yuri was stressed out and overwhelmed by everything. She better not hurt them. Arg. She slammed her fist on the car.

“It’s all my fault. If I haven’t—

“Don’t say it. Don’t lie to yourself and say that falling in love with Jessica wasn’t the best thing that ever happened to you.” Taeyeon’s voice was stern.

Yuri fell silent.

Her voice softened. “You shouldn’t be blaming yourself. The cause of all this is Victoria. Blame her instead.”

“You’re right.”

Taeyeon gave a fake gasp. “What is that? Yuri finally admitting that she’s wrong?”

“Yah Taeyeon!” Yuri smiled. “Yes, I am.”

Taeyeon laughed.

“It’s not a good time to be joking around.”

“Ha. Joking or not joking, it won’t change the situation.”

Taeyeon and Yuri continued searching for them for hours and decided to take a break at a nearby gas station.

“Taeng. I just got a call from the police. They still couldn’t find them or Victoria. They are doing some research on her.”

“I’m sure they will find them.” Taeyeon put a reassuring hand on Yuri’s shoulder.

Yuri was deep in thought.  With so many things going on, she can’t think straight.  We have to find them soon. I don’t know what is going through Victoria’s head right now. Then Yuri thought of something. She took over the driver’s seat and told Taeyeon to hurry and get into the car.

“Taeng, I just thought of something. I know where they are.”


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Chapter 18: awwww so sweeeet :)
Kaka_Borneo #2
Chapter 18: Woah!!that was very intense!!
I like I love it~~