. Prince Disease

Once Upon A Dream (Him and His Prince Disease) (EDITING)
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Words in Bold fonts are said in Mandarin


"So how's Lay?" Luhan asked. All of them snapped out in his question, starring to each other then silence embraced them. "I heard he arrived here in Beijing this morning, right?" he asked.

"Yah~ Don't stare at me like that guys. I miss him a lot. How is he?" Luhan asked impatiently then nugged Xiumin whose sitting beside him. Xiumin gulped slowly, composing on his mind how to say Lay's condition right now to Luhan.

Luhan was Lay's bestfriend for long time, so that Luhan knows many things about him; his talent, favorite foods, his likes, his everthing, and his Prince Disease that only him and his family knew about it.

Lay told them except from Luhan that he would undergone a Tonsillectomy surgery. They don't know what is that surgery but Lay said that it's not that dangerous. They asked Lay why don't he tell Luhan about this, but he just said that he don't want Luhan worrying about him. Luhan was very protective over Lay, they knew it. They always saw Luhan protecting Lay in crowds of people, not letting him to get hurt.

Kris, Chen, Xiumin and Tao promised that they won't tell Luhan about it but they can't keep a secret to each other and Lay lied to them. He said that the surgery is not that dangerous but he was in a serious condition right now. So that they decided to tell it to Luhan right now, but how?

"Uhm. I don't know what to say but.." Xiumin stopped in his sentence then looked at Luhan's curious eyes. "You need to know this." He continued.

Kris, Chen and Tao were quietly listening to Xiumin explaining the whole story to Luhan. The surgery, the promise, and his Prince Disease.

Luhan was obviously mad, they could see it in his expression, his knuckles are tightly compressed but he was listening carefully to Xiumin. Tao was lightly sobbing he didn't understand what are they saying but he could hear Lay's name, his hand was on his face not letting someone to see his tearing eyes. Kris pulled him closer and he let Tao to rest in his shoulder. While Chen is patting Tao's back.

"We went to him this afternoon, we brought fruits for him but, he was still unconscious." Xiumin stated calmly, trying not to make Luhan more angry.

They know that when Luhan is angry, he would voice it out. Unlike Lay that only keeping his angry feelings inside.

"Whaat?!!!" Luhan exclaimed. Customers from other table looked at them but Luhan don't care.

"And his disease.. the cause of his unconsciousness... you already know about that. Right?" Xiumin asked

"How could you--- Argh! Ofcourse I do!!!!" Luhan answered in yelled tone. Kris lightly bow to other customer feeling sorry for Luhan's loudness.

Kris paid their bills then dragged them out of the restaurant. They expecting Luhan to punch each of them or other things just to release his angry feelings but he just sat at the bench outside the restaurant. He embrace his knees closer to his face, they heard him sobbing.

Tao was with Kris, when he saw Luhan like that he run towards him and sat beside him. His eyes were red and teary "Luhan Ge... Sorry... You know what? I'd rather want you to punch me than seeing you like this. Please stop acting like this." Tao said while sobbing he hugged Luhan tight. *

"Do you think Lay would be happy knowing that you two are acting like this?!" Chen yelled to Luhan and Tao. "Instead of crying there, why won't you just pray that he would wake up soon and stop acting like a dead boy!!" He irritatedly said while holding his tears that wants to fall down in his eyes.

"Jongdae!!!" Kris spitted out then pulled him with baffled look.

"So--sorry" Chen stuttered then he walked beside Xiumin whose just looking at his feet.

"Chen was right. Crying won't make anything better." Xiumin said while composing a mandarin sentence in his mind "The only thing we could do for him is to hope and pray for his situation right now." He said.

Kris walked closer to the two boys that crying. "Stop it now. You heard Chen and Xiumin right?" He asked. The two boys nodded. Kris wiped the tears in their cheeks. Tao and Luhan stand up. *"Sorry"* Tao and Luhan said to them. "It's okey. Let's just go home and visit him tomorrow." Xiumin said while embracing them. The two nodded.


@Beihai (North Lake) Mansion

"Appa!!!!! I'm home!!!" Yeorim run to the stair, her voice echoed.

Hyun Byul was taking his bath. He heard her daughter calling him but he just continued relaxing the warm water that touches his skin. He smiled "Whaa~ A warm bath for a tired man." He signs. Suddenly he heard his phone ringing. "Omo~ Not now please." He groaned. He grabbed his towel and took his phone.

/Calling: Nurse Chua/

Hyun Byul feel like he don't want to answer but this might be emergency. "Yes? What is it?" he spoke to the phone.


"Aish! Where is he? Nevermind. I'm already sleepy." Yeorim yawned and entered her room. Colorful room greeted her, she smiled then went to her closet to change her clothes. Yeorim went out again to look for his father, she saw him at the hallway, talking to someone on his phone. She stepped closer to eavesdrop on what is he saying.


"What?! What happened to him?!" Hyun Byul nervously asked. He renembered the boy with a dimple.

"Zhang Yixing. The boy that undergone the Tonsillectomy Surgery this morning, his heart stopped beating, Dr. Kang is reviveing him right now and Dr. Kang told me to call you right away." Ms. Chua said "and he need to have blood transfusion right now."

"Ok. I'll be there in a minute."* Hyn Byul stated. 

/Call ended: 1 minute 4 seconds/


"I need to search for his very stupid rare blood type!" He heard his father scoffed. "I didn't know that such Prince really do exist with their stupid disease. Argh!" He irritatedly said while putting on his shoes.

She snapped when she heard what his father said "A prince? I didnt know that it exist." She remembered the sleeping boy that she called Prince at the hospital.

Hyun Byul noticed her "Baby, I'll be out for a while." He kissed Yeorim's forehead.

"Where are you going?" Yeorim asked to him, her mind was still clouded with her thoughts

"Gonna save the Prince from dying." He winked then walked down the stair.

Yeorim felt a sudden shiver in her knees. "It's not him right?" She said while holding her chest. She could feel her heart beating fast. She's panicked. "Yeah. It's not him. Yeorim, stay calm." She said to herself.

"***Ever since the moment I touched you I think of you day and night~"

She sang nervously while walking back to her room. She smiled knowing that the lyrics fits her well. "My prince." She smiled.




Yeorim first stirred when she felt the brightness of the sunlight beating on her. She shifted slightly, opening her eyes in mere slits and squinting at the light.

Man, it felt like she was dead for a century and only just woke up. Didn't get it? Felt like hell.

Yeorim's head felt exceptionally heavy and she could feel the headache coming on. Her chest and stomach felt oddly painful, these small pain that infiltrated her grogginess and forced her to wake.

"Omo~ I'm really hungry but I'm still sleepy......Ani! I need to get up now!" She stretched her numb arms and limbs as a result from sleeping too much. She chuckled. She jumped off her bed. It’s kinda unusual, she’s always been lazy. It seems today’s an exception. She put on her fluffy Panda slippers that Tao gave to her. She took a fast shower then changed into Loose white shirt and brown jeans that reached her knees, she didn't tied her hair into a usual messy bun instead she just let her long wavy hair fell into her back then She made her way out of her room.

She walked down the long stair, holding her bagpack. She noticed someone sitting in their living room but she could only see his back. Yes his back because She thinks its a boy. Yeorim continue walking towards the corridor to greet the unfamiliar guy. "Excu---" Yeorim was about to speak when someone interrupted her.

"Oh. Agashi, you're awake." She turned behind her, Jiho flashed him a smile while holding a tray with Tuna Sandwiches and 3 cups of hot beverages. Yeorim gulped down while starring at the Tuna Sandwiches, she's really hungry. Then she turned her gaze to Jiho's face. She smiled back and asked in a whisper tone "Mr. Park Jiho, Who's that guy sitting in my favorite spot in the couch?" Pointing her thumb at the boy in the living room.

Instead of answering her question, Jiho gestured her to follow him. Yeorim followed behind him as they went to the living room. She can't still clearly see his face because his head hanged low and slightly covered by his brown messy hair that looks like it really fits his style.

As they came closer to the couch, the guy looked up, noticed that someone is coming. He quickly stand up and unplugged his earphone out of his ear. He slowly bowed to Yeorim and greeted "Good Morning Agashi~" then he smiled wide. Just like Jiho, he is tall, have a slightly rounded eyes, beautiful teeth line when he smile but he have an elf like ears.

Yeorim blinked and still puzzled who is

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Aigooo~ Actually, the title "Him and His Prince Disease" is just for temporary. lol. I changed it to "Once Upon A Dream" is it okay? :3


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Rhianime #1
Chapter 22: can you please update waiting for a while now thank-you author-nim
avisdawn #2
Chapter 22: Update please?
avisdawn #3
Chapter 22: Welcome back!!!!!!! ^^
thtmtgzb #4
Chapter 22: Oh, no my yixing kisses :3
avisdawn #5
Chapter 22: At last! He's awake :) ~~
thtmtgzb #6
Chapter 16: I'm really curious what will happen next, I'm not patient waiting for what the ending will be, hwaiting for next chapter :)
thtmtgzb #7
Chapter 15: Like before I said, I like it I can't say anything else, sorry emm btw you make me love yixing even more than before
thtmtgzb #8
Chapter 14: I can't say anything, it's just I like it
Chapter 10: CUTE ! CUTE ! ♥
Chapter 9: Awww so cute ^^