To The Fullest - 3

To Turn Lies True

He didn't even blink. I felt the wind of the bullet passing right next to me. I felt a sharp pain on my cheek for a split second; but that was it. Then came a loud thud from behind me. I instantly looked back to the sound and saw the man in black suit on the ground. He had his gun loose in his hand, his body seizing slightly, his eyes open, a dark hole right in the middle of his forehead and the water around him turning a light shade of red. 

I turned back around, unable to believe what just had happened. Luhan had just shot someone... I had a hard time believing this. It was just unreal. If it wasn't for the gun he was still aiming at the same point, I wouldn't have believed it. His face, innocent and sweet as always, looked only surprised as he lowered the gun slowly. He looked almost as if he wasn't the one who just killed a man... almost like he was a puppet with an innocent heart. Then he turned to look at me. 

"Seonmi..." he said, his voice sounding like he was in a daze. I wanted to take a step back, but I couldn't. I wanted to slap myself, then slap him, then wake up and see it was all a dream... but I couldn't do any of it. I was pathetic. 

"L-lu...han..." I stuttered in the end. He took a step towards me, still in that dazed state. This time, I managed to actually move my shaking legs and take a step away from him. It seemed to snap him out of his daze. He quickly stuck the gun in his pants and hid it under his loose basketball top. 

"I'm sorry, I'm really truly sorry that you had to see this, you shouldn't have had to." he said with a pained expression.

"What's the meaning of this?" I asked. He just reached out his hand. 

"I'll explain... just come with me first? We should get away before it's too late." he said with a small smile. 

"Get away? Too late? For what? Just who exactly are you?" I asked, pulling my hands to my chest. 

"I am Luhan, I am your youngest friend. Don't you remember? Please, noona... please, I'm begging you, just trust me this once and hurry. I'll never do anything to hurt you, I swear and if you come with me now I'm gonna explain everything. You're getting drenched... please, noona..."

He was honest to god begging. His eyes looked desperate and he was still holding out his hand for me. I hadn't even noticed that I had dropped my umbrella long ago before he had pointed it out that I was drenched. He was also just as wet as I was. Seeing him like that in front of me, knowing that a corpse who had certainly come to murder me before he was killed was lying right behind me, I knew I had no choice but to trust him. Even if I ran away on my own and hid, there was no guarantee that it'd be safe. It wouldn't be a finale for me, I could never find peace until I knew everthing. Hesitating, I reached out and grabbed his hand. The second I did that, he squeezed my hand in his and pulled me into a tight hug. Despite this cold, his embrace was so ridiculously warm... 

"Thank you, noona..." I heard him whisper as tears started welling up in my eyes. I didn't have time to start crying, though. There were some sound of steps coming from the other end of the alley so Luhan pulled away and grabbed my wrist. He looked into my eyes. 

"We need to be quiet and hurry." he said seriously, then started running and pulling me with him. He was running faster than I could easily catch up with; but he was holding my wrist very tightly, it felt like I couldn't fall even if I were to trip. I just did my best to keep up with him, I didn't look at where he was taking me. After a good deal of running, he pulled me into an abandoned-looking building. He quietly led me to the stairs and started climbing down... and down.... and down... until we were at the basement and there were no more stairs to climb down. He closed and locked a heavy door, pulled a string and the light, then he turned to me. I was looking around until he looked at me; but now I couldn't look away from him. 

He stepped closer to me and reached out, gently touched my cheek. I felt a sting where he touched and remembered the pain had I felt when he shot. 

"You're hurt..." he muttered, looking extremely remorseful. "Because of me, isn't it?"

"N-no it's not." I said before I could even think. "If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead now." 

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be threatened in the first place." he mumbled and with a sigh, wrapped his arms around me again. Water was dripping from our clothes and hair onto the floor; but in his embrace like that, I didn't feel even a slight bit of cold. I wrapped my arms around his back in return and closed my eyes. I didn't even want to know why he said what he said just now, all I wanted was him to hold me and comfort me like this. Even when I knew nothing, it felt safe to be with him like this. 

"I'm sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen. You were supposed to be safe and away from all that..." Luhan muttered quietly like a confession. His voice was so full of guilt that it was painful to hear. 

"It's alright. I'm safe now. You saved me, right? You took me to a safe place and promised to tell me everything and I'm still here and with you so it's okay, it's all fine." I soothed. I felt his arms hold me tighter to his chest.

"No it's not." he said, "If I was just a little bit late, if you were gone when I arrived, I... I just... I can't..."

"Sshhh, we need to get dried up or we'll get sick." I said to distract him from the thoughts. I felt him nod and he pulled away, wiping at his nose.

"Yeah, you're right. There should be a lot of stuff we'd need here, just let me..." he turned around and started digging in boxes and wardrobes. I took in my surroundings as he did so. This place really seemed like a true horror movie basement, only it wasn't a mess like it would be in a movie. It was dim with a single lamp illuminating it. The paint of the walls were peeling off at many places, luckily there weren't spiderwebs on the corners. It was messy, though not too much, and there were boxes lying everywhere. There were two wardrobes, a fridge - a very big one at that - and cupboards, a pile of blankets and a bed. There was also a small door opening to another dark room; but I didn't want to find out what was there just yet. 

"Here; towel and clothes. I'm sorry, there's only stuff to fit me here, you'll have to make do with them. Is that alright?" Luhan said, handing me a small pile. I took it quickly.

"It's alright. Umm... where do I change?" I asked. 

"Oh umm, if you want you can change in the toilet; but it's stinky in there. You don't have to bear with it, I won't look, I'll be busy changing myself, I promise." he said, his cheeks had the same innocent blush that I liked to with. It made me chuckle slightly despite everything. 

"I guess, if you promise." I said, glancing at the small door again. I really didn't want to go into that dark space alone right now. It was lighter here and Luhan was also here and he said he wouldn't look, that was fine enough for me. 

I went to the corner of the basement and turned my back to him, threw the towel over my shoulders before starting to take off my wet clothes. I wrapped myself in the towel when I was stark , making sure I was covering everywhere. The towel was pure white and really wide so it wasn't quite hard to do so. Then I picked at the dry clothes Luhan had given me.

There was a pair of boxers - male boxers, brand new in its package - and a giant, thick, grey sweater along with what was supposed to be a pajama bottom but it was a bit too long and too tight for me. I slipped on the boxers and the sweater and gave up on the pajama bottom when I couldn't pull it up my . I wasn't really chubby or anything; but you know, girls always having wider butts than guys and such. And I couldn't say that Luhan was anything but slim. I personally wasn't that slim when it came to my . The sweater was so wide that it covered all the way down to my knees like a dress, though, so it wasn't much of a problem. I had to fold its sleeves four times for my hands to appear, too; jeez! 

When I was done dressing, I put the towel down and turned around. Luhan was also dried and dressed by that time; but he still had his back turned to me, searching for stuff in the boxes. 

"I'm done." I called when I noticed he wouldn't turn to look at me before I declared that it was alright to look. 

"Oh I found socks too-" his speech was cut abruptly when he looked at me. I blinked in surprise and looked at myself to check if there was anything wrong when he blushed once more. There was nothing showing. The sweater had a high neck and a hoodie, it was too thick and big for even the shape of my s to be slightly noticed and it covered everywhere to just above my knees. Confused as to what was he blushing about, I looked back at him. I found him scratching his head and chuckling slightly. "Uhm, you look quite cute... what happened to the pajamas?"

"They didn't fit; but I thought this should be okay. You were saying socks?" I said. He nodded and picked up a pair from the box and tossed it to me. 

"They seem quite warm, don't they?" he said. They were dark blue, long, thick and fluffy; I could definitely say that they would be warm. 

"Perfect it they're as warm as they look." I said with hope and slipped them on. 

"They should be." he reasoned. I looked at him again. This time he had a small towel in his hands and was walking to me. I quietly watched him as he came next to me and put the towel on my head and started rubbing it in gently. "We should get dried or we'll get sick... too bad I don't have a shower here, then it would be great." 

"Speaking of which, where are we?" I asked, trying not to get too distracted by the comforting feeling of him drying my hair. The face he was making was so beautiful that I thought I could melt if I didn't hold onto reality. 

"Oh yeah, this... it's the basement of an abandoned building, as you can tell; but I arranged this place so I could use it when I need to hide or something." he said. 

"Hide? Do you usually have to hide from people?" I asked, frowning. His face dropped slightly. 

"I... I'll tell you everything tomorrow, yeah? I'll tell you everything from the start; but can we just rest tonight? Please?" he asked, his hands stopped moving and he looked into my eyes directly. I had to bite my lip to try and say no to him, I wanted to learn everything; but it was impossible for me to do that. I sighed and nodded in the end. 

"If you really really promise that you'll tell me everything tomorrow..." I said. He smiled, looking relieved. 

"I really really promise." he said and planted a small kiss on my cheek before turning away and going to dig in the boxes once more. I blinked, feeling quite stupified. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I shook my head quickly and tried to come to my senses. 

"What are you doing now?" I said. He didn't answer, instead he turned to me with a first aid kit in his hands and a wide, childish smile. 

"There's a scratch we need to take care of, right?" 


woooo another update!! haha hope you like how this one's turning out. I'm starting to like how this goes too. please comment?? i really love reading comments from you guys. thank you! <3 

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Chapter 19: I'm so loving her grandma XD
Chapter 18: Interesting start lol, it seemed normal for once, unlike Jae's and Luhan's XD
Chapter 17: The ending contained so much info!! Lol but it was fine XD
Chapter 16: Ok, I never really care who the Boss was but now that you mentioned it.......I'm going to be so shocked aren't I? Lol
Chapter 15: Aw I love his confession, even if it wasn't a "I love you" type, it was caring and the best!
miyupu #6
Chapter 14: my ultimate bias? Kris!!! even i read Jaejoong and Kris fics only
Chapter 14: Wow, I didn't even notice he stopped calling her noona...not complaining either XD and lol you totally added the work situation XD I'm so sorry I even brought it up now lol!! And damn the THIRD bias for me is always so hard!! It always changes from time to time it's NEVER stable!! It went from donghae, to junsu, and recently just changed to this Japanese man tamamori yuta...and I'm sure it'll change again, *sigh* who is the third man in my life? Jaejoong and Luhan are forever there, but the third guy? Nope, always shifting.
Chapter 13: I have no theory on what the heck is going on and who luhan is...besides don't she got work tomorrow? Lol jk, let's not ruin the story with reality XD
Chapter 12: What!! What?? WHAT!?!!??!!!! I had to read the last paragraph like a thousand times!!!! Akdhwiwbbwkdlfbekdjwohevwdg!!!!!!!!!

But haha jae made a cameo XD
Chapter 12: Omo omo omo... waeeeee.... who got shoooot