Epilogue: Part III

The Single Daddies Club

“We would just like to thank you all for coming, and we hope you all have a great night!” Jongin announced and with that, the party got underway. What we had initially imagined being a small, quaint gathering of close family and friends had turned into a huge bash. A couple hundred people were sitting at tables in the huge dining hall with a DJ and dancefloor occupying the center of it all. There was music, laughing, eating, and twenty little monsters running around. It was perfect.

                “We should probably make a lap,” Jongin suggested right as I was about to take my first bite of food (I guess the steak I had been craving for weeks would have to wait another couple minutes). “Thank everyone for coming, that sort of stuff.”

                I pouted momentarily before taking his outstretched hand in defeat. “You’re right, I guess.” I smirked.

                “After you, Mrs. Kim.” Jongin winked but just as we had stepped out from our table, Hyein was soon at our side with tears streaming down her face.

                “Oh Hyein-ah!” I cooed as I picked her up and she began to sob into my shoulder. “What’s the matter?”

                “Nabi unni – sniff – and and Sehee – sniff – won’t play with me!” Hyein cried as she wiped the tears from her face.

                “Sweetie, I’m sure that’s not true.” Jongin comforted as he rubbed her back.

                “They said that… that they won’t be friends with me anymore because I was flowergirl and they – sniff – weren’t!” Hyein sobbed again.

                I looked at Jongin and we shared a chuckle as our daughter continued to bawl as if the world was about to end.

                “I’m sure they’ll come around, they’re just jealous.” I said.

                “What’s jealous?” Hyein asked, picking her head up off my shoulder.

                “It’s when you get mad at someone because they have something you want.” Jongin explained. “But you three are best friends! They won’t be jealous forever.”

                “Yea!” I agreed. I put her back down on the floor and reached across my table to the centerpiece and plucked out three roses. “Here,” I continued, handing Hyein the flowers. “Go find Sehee and Nabi unni and give them these flowers and see if they want to go dance with you.”

                Hyein, with a reluctant sniffle, took the flowers out of my hand. “Do you think they will want to play with me?”

                “Most definitely.” I said, and with that, Hyein took off in search of her friends.

                “You’re so good at that.” Jongin said to me once she was out of earshot as he took my hand and we made our way over to a different table.

                “Good at what?”

                “Talking to her. Reasoning with her, making her happy.” He listed. “I couldn’t ask for a better mother for her.” He gave me a smile and a peck on the cheek. I gulped.

                “Listen, Jongin, about the whole mother thing, I-“

                “THERE’S THE HAPPY COUPLE!” Jongdae interrupted as he ran up between us and attacked us in a bear hug. I looked at Jongin, but he seemed to have missed what I had just said.

                “The party- hiccup!- is great, by the way,” Jongdae slurred. “Open bar, nice choice!”

                “Oh god Jongdae.” Kyungsoo bellowed as he arrived at the table. “Don’t tell me you are already drunk?”

                “I am not, not drunk.” Jongdae slurred again.

                “That was a double negative, buddy,” Minseok called from over in his seat at the table as he tried to get Jin to stop reading the book he had snuck in.

                “You’re a – a double negative.” Jongdae mumbled before stumbling off towards Baekhyun and Chanyeol on the dancefloor.

                “Oh dear, let’s just hope his kids don’t see that and get any ideas.” Kyungsoo muttered as he took a seat next to Minseok.

                “I think we have bigger problems than that…” Yewon, who was sitting next to Minseok with Yena in her arms, said as she gestured towards the door. An older couple had just walked in and were taking in the scene of the party. I felt Jongin’s grip on my hand suddenly tighten as his face turned white.

                “Oh my god they came.” Was all he muttered. “I didn’t think they would- I have to-“

                “Go talk to them.” I told him, snapping the color back into his face as I locked his gaze. “By yourself, first. I’ll join you in a minute.”

                Jongin took off, staggering at first as if he was walking on land after being lost at sea for a year, but then briskly as he approached the elderly couple.

                “Who are they…?” Siyeong asked as she took a seat at the table next to Kyungsoo.

                “Those,” I answered slowly. “Are Jongin’s parents.”


                After the ceremony, Eunbin had disappeared. It took forever for me to finally track her down, and in the end, it wasn’t even me who found her.

                “Appa Appa!” Sehee called me over. “Eunbin unni came!” At the sound of her voice my head whipped around and I saw my girlfriend with my daughter standing by the door. Six months apart, and my heart still leapt out of my chest when I saw her. She looked stunning. I wanted to kill her.

                “Eunbin-ah.” I said platonically, a somewhat forced look of surprise on my face. Play it cool, Sehun! “What a surprise.” I finished curtly, giving her a kiss but as passively as possible.

                “Oh Sehun.” She replied, catching on to my indifference. “It’s been six months and this is all I get?”

                “Oh,” I faked surprise. “Has it really been six months? Feels like only a couple days, hardly missed seeing you at all… I wonder what they’re serving for dinner? Better be good.”

                “Oh Sehun.” She said my name again.

                “What?”I shot back. “Seeing as you didn’t even bother to tell me you were coming, I guess I’m not that important to you after all… why should I act like I am?”

                “We need to talk.”

                “Or maybe, we don’t.” I answered shortly, even taking myself back by how harsh the words came out. But I just couldn’t help it. Seeing her was all I wanted to do for the past six months but now that I was, I was nothing but furious.

                “Please.” She begged. “I know I haven’t been the greatest girlfriend lately but if you let me explain-“

                “Explain what?” I shouted. “Please, Eunbin. Explain. Explain to me how you could leave, barely talk to me, then come back and expect everything to be the same as when you left.”

                “Can we please talk outside.” She said softly, taking my hand. “Sehee-ah, Appa and I are going to go talk outside. Oh! Here’s Hyein! Why don’t you two find Nabi and go play.”

                She dragged me out the door and into the clean spring night. The sun was just setting, turning the sky a peachy-purple color. It was beautiful and romantic, but my mood was too sour to enjoy it.

                “Sehun I need to apologize.” Eunbin blurted as soon as we walked out. “I’ve been a real to you and Sehee lately and you don’t deserve it. You’re right that I can’t expect everything to go back to exactly the way it was when I left. I should’ve called more. I should’ve come home over break. I should’ve done a lot of things differently and I’m so incredibly stupid for not realizing this until now.”

                She paused, expecting me to say something, but I wasn’t about to let down easy.

                “Go on.” I replied.

                “God, you’re so stubborn, you know that right?” She laughed and I scowled. “Whatever, I mean I deserve it. But you have to see this from my perspective at least a little bit! Studying abroad was a dream come true for me, you know I couldn’t let that opportunity slip by.”

                “I know that!” I defended. “I’m the one who told you to go in the first place! Because I thought you were as committed to this relationship as I was! I thought you would call! I thought we would try to make it work, but the more I tried the more I realized I was putting in the effort for both of us, while you sat back and ignored our entire relationship.”

                She looked back at me and I could see she was hurt. But I wasn’t done.

                “Do you know why I’m so bitter today? At this wedding?” I started. “It’s because I want to be Jongin.”


                “Not for what you think. Not because I want to marry Yisoo, god of course not, but because I want to marry. I want to be where he is right now. I saw him get pre-marriage jitters, I saw his eyes light up when he saw her at the end of the aisle, I saw the happiness in his eyes when they exchanged their vows and I thought to myself Jongin is one lucky bastard. That is what I want. I want love and commitment and marriage and… I want it with you. But you never seem to want it with me. And that ing .” I sighed and huffed as Eunbin reached forward and wrapped her arms around me.

                “What are you-“

                “I want that.” She muffled into my suit as she pressed her teary face against my chest. “I want that. I want that. I want that too.” She pulled away and looked at me, tears plastered on her cheeks but a delicate smile on her lips.

                “Sehun, that’s why I came back.” She continued. “Do you know how much it hurt ignoring you? I saw your calls and texts and told myself to ignore them. I told myself to study harder at not think about you because I knew if I did, I would miss you too much and just be miserable. But ignoring you made me miserable too. Sehun I came back because I was unhappy. I want to study but I don’t want to miss you that much. It’s not worth it, it never was.”

                “What are you saying?” I said dumbfounded.

               “I’m saying I’m back for good. I quit the program. I can finish it at university here, and I can stay with you and Sehee. I wanted to surprise you with this and make you happy, but I was stupid to think you wouldn’t be angry when you saw me.”

                “You’re right, I am angry.” I replied but she smiled and laughed.

                “You’re so stubborn, Oh Sehun.” She giggled.

                “This is not funny!” I replied back, but I couldn’t do it with a straight face. “I don’t know how I could take you back now. You would have a lot, and I mean a LOT, of making up to do.”

                “We could start now?” She said with a smirk as she wrapped her arms around my neck and reached up to kiss me, but I pulled away at the last second.

                “Nope, not yet.” I ordered. “There is someone else who deserves an apology.”

                I cocked one eyebrow and gave her a look. She understood.

                “You’re right. I really should apologize to Baekhyun for leaving-“

                “NOT BAEKHYUN! SEHEE!” I yelled and she burst out laughing.

                “I know I know!” She said through laughs. “Calm down! I’m going to go talk to her right now.” She extended her hand out to me and gestured towards the building. “Care to join me?”

                “Of course.” I replied with a grin as I grabbed her hand and she led me into the ballroom.


                As I watched Jongin stumble off to talk to his parents, Siyeong grabbed my hands and pulled me towards the dancefloor.

                “Let’s dance!” She squealed and she dragged me along as I complained loudly about my two left feet.

                “I don’t believe you.” She pouted as we started to dance. I tripped up just to mess with her, but she made a joke out of it and started dancing like she was having a seizure to get back at me. Her arms flailed, legs kicked and hopped, and she made the silliest, stupidest faces. God she was beautiful.

                “You’re embarrassing me.” I whined obnoxiously but she just stuck out her tongue.

                “You’re just jealous of my sweet moves.” She laughed as she tried to do the wave (tried; being the key word).

                “I don’t think I can be seen with you in public every again after this.” I sighed and she laughed out loud.

                “Too bad! You’re stuck with me!”

                “No.” I said seriously all of a sudden. “Come with me.” I grabbed her hands and pulled her off the dancefloor. This wasn’t exactly how I thought it would happen, but something inside me took over and well, I just went with it. Let the records show that for once, Do Kyungsoo was spontaneous.

                “Where are we going? I was just about to teach you how to dougie!” Siyeong joked as I kept dragging her away from the ballroom and out into the hall. I considered for a moment taking her outside, but Sehun was out there with whom I assumed to be Eunbin and I figured I should give them some space. Instead, I pulled her down the hall, turned a few corners and began to panic. I had pictured the perfect, quaint little area to appear but my luck just wasn’t lining up. Siyeong could sense me nervousness, and started to get confused.

                “Kyungsoo, where are we going?” She asked.

                “Umm, we’re almost there.” I said, trying to buy time.

                “Promise you’re not just saying that?”


                “Then where are we heading to?”

                “Um the uh…”

                Siyeong stopped and pulled me around to face her.

                “Cut it out Kyungsoo! Why did we leave the party? I know my dance moves are incredibly y and a huge turn-on, but if you want to have in a closet couldn’t we at least wait until after they cut the cake? It’s still so early! We should at least be courteous.”

                “What?? No!” I shouted after hearing her suggestion.

                “You mean you don’t want to?” She asked with a teasing smirk.

                “No! Well I mean yes, but not right now, later yes that does sound nice, but no that’s not what I wanted to do right now I just…” I fumbled over my words as she looked at me with expecting eyes. I sighed.

                “Ok, I guess this is as good a time as any.” And I started. “Siyeong, do you know why I love you?”

                “Umm, because of my sweet moves?”

                “Not exactly right, but not exactly wrong either.” I smirked.

                “Because I’m really good at keeping secrets?”

                “That is a blatant lie, but I appreciate the effort.” I smiled and she lightly punched my arm.

                “Is it because I’m such an amazing cook??” She suggested eagerly.

              “Please!” I guffawed. “You’re the worst cook I’ve ever seen! And I’ve had multiple meals cooked for me by Sehun.”

                “Then what is it?”

                “One more guess.”

                “Is it because I suggested we have in a closet?” She joked.

                “Yes.” I answered, catching her completely by surprise.

                “Yes,” I continued before she could respond. “Because I know Kyungsoo from before I met you would never, and I mean never, have even considered doing something like that.” She smiled, but remained quiet.

                “I’m a different person with you in my life. I’m adventurous and outgoing and I’m not worried about what other people might think or about following the rules. When I’m with you, I don’t need to worry about any of that because when you’re by my side, I know nothing could ever go wrong.”

                I fished the little black box out of my pocket and knelt to one knee.

                “And I want to feel that way for the rest of my life. I want to chase you and all your adventures for as long as I live. I want you to always be by my side. I love you, Siyeong. Will you marry me?”

                “Yes!” She cheered as her eyes started to water. “Yes yes yes yes yes!”

                I pulled out the ring and placed it on her finger. I stood up and kissed her as her hands flew to my face and I felt the cool ring band hit my right cheek.

                “I love you, Kyungsoo.” Siyeong said between kisses.  “But why today? Why ask me the day of your sister’s wedding?”

                “It was kind of her idea.” I chuckled. “She found the ring in my pocket this morning and made me promise to ask you today.”

                “Why was the ring in your pocket?”

                “I may or may not have been carrying it around with me for the past few months…”

                She laughed and hit my arm.

                “Yah! And you made me wait around this long before you asked the question??”

                “I was waiting for the right moment! Besides, you weren’t going anywhere!” I teased.

                “You’re right.” She chuckled before grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hall.

                “Hey, the party is the other way.” I pointed out as she charged forward.

                “I know.” She replied.

                “Then where are we going?”

                “To find a closet,” she turned around and winked. “I think the party can wait.”


                Six years.

                Almost six years since I had cut ties with them. Since I had told them about Hyein and they let me loose without a care about what happened to me or their grandchild. Every six months for the past six years a check had come in the mail, the only ties I had had with them. For six years, that had seemed to be enough.

                “We should invite them.” Yisoo had suggested a few months ago while we were creating the guest list.

                “They’d never show up.”

                “Maybe, but we should still invite them.”

                And so we had. And they hadn’t responded, just as I had predicted. But now they were here, standing wide eyed by the door as if regretting their decision. I felt my feet move towards them. I willed them to stop, but they just kept going, like a magnet meeting its match.

                “Father. Mother.” I said as I approached them. They looked up in unison and stared at me like I was an animal at the zoo. “What are you doing here?”

                “You invited us.” My mother replied softly.

                “You didn’t reply.” I responded curtly.

                “We didn’t plan on coming.” My father responded.

                “Then why did you?”

                Silence. The music pumped behind me and people chatted all around, but I didn’t hear any of it.

                “Can we talk, son?” My father asked.

                “Fine. But not for long.” I said. “If you hadn’t noticed, I’m busy.”

                The three of us left the ballroom and stood just outside the door in silence before my mother finally spoke up.

                “Congratulations.” She said and she tried to smile.


                “You’re wife is so lovely. She’s the reason we came.” My mother continued.

                “What do you mean?” I asked.

                “She called us yesterday.” My father said, clearing his throat. “Asked why we didn’t RSVP and then begged us to come.”

                My mind spun. Yisoo, what were you thinking? Why??

                “I didn’t know she talked to you.” I replied.

                “We know.” My mother said. “She told us she was doing this behind your back, but she said she felt she had to. She said she knew deep down you wanted us to be here.”

                “She’s was wrong. I don’t want you here.”

                “Really?” My mother asked and tried to grab my hand, but I pulled away.

                “Really! Maybe twenty years ago I would’ve wanted you here, but that was when I thought you gave a damn about whatever happened to me. Back when I was stupid and young and thought you cared.”

                “We do care, sweetie-“

                “Really? Like when you cared that I had a dance practice? Or a recital? Or cared that I had a daughter??”


              “No!” I felt myself scream. “You don’t get to defend yourselves! Because it doesn’t mean anything to me anymore! All your words and empty promises mean nothing to me anymore! I stopped trying to get you guys to care about me a long time ago, and don’t think that’s all going to change now just because you showed up to one event in my life.”

                “Jongin, you know we love you-“

                “No. You see that’s the problem, I don’t. Because to me, love is known by actions. By showing up and being around and treating me like family. Not by meaningless checks in the mail.”

                They fell silent.

                “Do you even know how old your granddaughter is?” I asked.

                “Five years.” My mother said suddenly. “Five years and eight months. She’s turning six this August. August 8th.”

                “And she dances.” My father added. “Like you. She had her first recital a couple months ago. We went.”

                “How did you-“

                “We know, Jongin.” My mother said. “But it took you leaving for us to realize what we had done.”

                “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” I asked, still in shock.

                “We were scared you would reject us.” My mother said.

               “Still scared you will.” My father added. “But we deserve it. We know we can’t go back in time and be there for you. But we want to be there for you now. For your family.”

                “We want to be your family again.” My mother said. “This was the first step.”

                “If you wanted this, then why did Yisoo have to beg you guys to come?”

                “It’s not because we didn’t want to, it’s because we were scared what you might say.” My mother answered. “We were scared you would reject us or ignore us, but she told us that we still had to try. She told us family was worth fighting for, and that we shouldn’t let fear stop us.”

                I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I loved that girl. She was meddlesome and sneaky, but I loved that girl more than she would ever know.

                “We know you can’t forgive us now.” My father said. “But please, just give us a chance to start making amends. We want to change. We want to be a family again.”

                “Daddy?” A small voice suddenly appeared behind me and I turned around to see my daughter poking her head around the door to the ballroom.

                I turned around and knelt down. “What is it, sweetie?”

                “Mommy told me to come out and find you.” She replied. “She said it was ‘portant ‘cuz I had people to meet.”

                I loved that girl.

                I reached out to grab my daughter’s hand and turned around to have us face my parents.

                “She was right, Hyein. There are two people you need to meet.” I said. I guess if they were going to start trying, I should too. “Say hello to your grandpa and grandma.”

                She bowed and smiled. “Hello! My name is Kim Hyein. I’m five.”

                My parents chuckled and waved at her.

                “Hyein-ah, why don’t you spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa? I have to go find your mommy and tell her something.” I said to her before standing up to face my parents again.

                “I think you guys have some catching up to do.” I said before giving them a small grin and heading back into the ballroom.


                “You’re insane, you know that right?” I felt two arms reach around me as I heard a familiar voice whisper into my ear from behind.

                I turned my head around to see the familiar face.

                “Did my plan work?” I asked with a smirk.

                “I don’t know if I can forgive you after that stunt.” He said while trying to suppress a grin.

                “So, it worked?” I asked.

                “I’ll start thinking of ways you can make it up to me.” Jongin said with a devious smile as he leaned down to give me a kiss. “But this,” he said as he pulled away for a moment, “is a good start.”

                I kissed my husband and felt a warm rush flood over me. To be honest, I was worried calling his parents would be a mistake, but a voice in my head kept urging me to do it. Not just for Jongin, but for our family. Our growing family.

                “Jongin, I need to tell you something-“

                “Hey you two!” Luhan shouted from our table. “Save that for the honeymoon and come eat!”

                “You said you were hungry, right?” Jongin said pulling me over to the rest of the guys, oblivious once again to what I had tried to say.

                “Yes!” I replied, cursing myself for not pulling him aside to bring it up again, but reassuring myself that the time would come… eventually.

                Jongin pulled out my chair and I sat down next to Miyeon. He joined me on the other side before digging in to the delicious food waiting on our plates. I listened to the aimless chatter surrounding me and just sat and soaked everything in. This whole day seemed like a dream and I just wanted to take a second and remind myself it was all real.

                “Chanjoon, say ahhh!” Yoorin cooed from across the table, her two year old son perched on her lap as she tried to feed him some peas.

                “Joonie!” Chanyeol helped next to her. “Boo!” He said as he tickled his son’s stomach in an attempt to get him to open up. Chanjoon just fidgeted in his mother’s lap and continued to hotly refuse any food that came near his face.

                “Come on!!” Chanyeol whined. “Please?? For daddy??”

                “I think you’re going to need to do better than that, Yeol.” Jongin snickered.

                “I’ll give you a dollar!” Chanyeol added.

                “Yah!” Yoorin slapped his arm. “You can’t just bribe him!”

                “Why not??” Chanyeol snorted. “It worked to get Chanyong to stay awake during school!”

                “I thought you got him to go to bed earlier?!” Yoorin replied.

                “Yea, and how do you think I managed that!” Chanyeol laughed. “There are two sure fire ways to get a kid to do what you want. Bribes, or threats. A wise old sage once told me that, and it’s a motto I have lived by ever since.”

                “Hey!” I yelled as I threw a bread roll at him. “I am not an old sage!”

                “Oh come on, at least I called you wise!” Chanyeol replied. “And I do thank you for that advice. Chanyong is actually doing really well in school now that he stays awake for the majority of his lessons.”

                “Good for you.” Luhan muttered darkly.

                “-And how is school going for the kids?” Miyeon asked Hari and Luhan.

                “I swear. Jiwoo and Jaehan will be the first children in the history of the universe to ever get expelled from third grade. THIRD GRADE!!” Hari exploded and we all laughed.

                “Just last week I was called in on six separate occasions because the two of them had broken some rule or destroyed something or tried to leave and go get a snack from the convenience store across the street. I just don’t know what to do with them!” Luhan added, shaking his head.

                “One time they managed to leave their class, sneak Hyunwoo out of his class, grab milks from the cafeteria, and then leave school to go to a PC Bang and play video games!” Hari continued. “I got the most terrifying phone call a mother ever wants to get ‘ma’am, you’re children are missing’, so I freaked out, rushed down to school, but just as I turned up with the police, the three of them came waltzing back through the front doors as if nothing was wrong!”

                “Oh my gosh, you poor thing!” Yewon sighed.

                “Oh come on Luhan.” Jongdae smirked from across the table. “Sure it’s tough, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t proud. A prankster’s greatest joy is to see his legacy and talents be passed down to his offspring.”

                “Is that your excuse for never disciplining your children?” Minseok huffed.

                “They’re plenty disciplined!” Jongdae defended. “I just let them learn from their mistakes.”

                “You mean the one they’re about to make right now?” Minseok asked and Jongdae whipped his head around to see his boys trying to steal bites from the wedding cake.

                “YAH! KIM DAEHYUN! KIM DAEHYUK! GET YOUR BUTTS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!” Jongdae exploded and his boys turned our way with wildly surprised eyes.

                “Yeah, that’s right!” Jongdae continued. “You guys are busted! Here. Now.”

                The twins sulked over to their dad, dragging their feet and hanging their heads. They were seven years old now and each the spitting image of their father. Right down to the square jaws, camel eyes, and lips turned upwards in permanent, matching smirks. Goodness, they are going to be handsome when they grow up. I thought. We are really in trouble then.

                “Apologize. Now.” Jongdae ordered.

                “Sorry.” They both mumbled.

                “Not to me. To Jongin Hyung and Yisoo Noona. That is their cake you just tried to eat.”

                They turned to us in sync and mumbled apologies again.

                “Tsk tsk.” Jongdae muttered. “That was a sorry attempt at an apology. I’d be surprised if they let you eat any of their cake at all now.” The twins’ expressions changed suddenly and their eyes widened in fear.

                “WE’RE SO SO SORRY!” They screamed.

                “We won’t do it again, promise!!” Daehyun pleaded.

                “We didn’t mean to, I swear!” Daehyuk cried.

                “Hmm, because I’m feeling generous today, I’ll let you guys eat cake later.” Jongin told them in his most lecture-y, father-like voice. “But only if you two are on your best behavior for the rest of the night!”

                “We promise!!!” The boys cheered as their dad made them sit down and eat some dinner.

                “Congratulations, you two!” A voice appeared behind me and I turned around to see one of Jongin’s friends from dance, Sora.

                Sora and I had a rocky relationship, to say the least. When Jongin decided to go to school to pursue dance, I was thrilled. But I hadn’t realized initially that doing so would put him around hundreds of talented young women who shared his passions, and all of whom wanted to share something more with him. Sora was one of his best friends from school and after I met her, for the first time I felt jealous. It got to the point once that I confronted him about it. That led to one of the worst fights of our relationship. He thought that I didn’t trust him enough to have friends that are girls and I thought that he just didn’t understand how it felt to have a boyfriend constantly surrounded by beautiful, single women. At that point in the argument though, Jongin burst out laughing. Turns out, Sora wasn’t single. In fact, she had a boyfriend who also had a baby daughter, which was why Jongin felt close to her. I had felt pretty silly after that realization, but now I’m glad we had that fight. We grew from it and it helped our relationship become stronger.

                “Thank you!” Jongin and I said as we turned around and stood up to give her a hug.

                “Where is Dongwoo…?” Jongin asked, mentioning Sora’s boyfriend.

                “Oh, yea, about that…” She began slowly. “We broke up.”

                “What??” We both said. “Why??”

                “It just… wasn’t working out.” Sora sighed.

                “It wasn’t because of the baby, was it?” Jongin asked with a concerned look.

                “It was actually.” She replied with a grimace. “He said he wanted to just focus on his relationship with her. He didn’t want me to be a part of her life anymore.”

                “What? That’s ridiculous!” I exclaimed.

                “That’s what I thought too…” Sora pouted. “I really liked being with them, it was like a family.”

                Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I stole a glance at Jongin and by the look on his face as our eyes met, he had just gotten the same idea.

                “Well, he was stupid to let you go.” Jongin concluded. “What guy doesn’t want a woman willing to accept his children?” He raised his voice at the last part and kicked Jongdae, who was in the chair next to his, in the shin.

                “Am I right, Jongdae?” Jongin asked his hyung, who was not really paying attention to the conversation (he was too preoccupied trying to get Daehyun to stop shoving peas up his brother’s nose).

                “What?” Jongdae sputtered. “Yea, you’re right.” He sighed.

                “What I would give for a girl who didn’t care that I already had kids…” He mumbled.

                “Sora!” I said perhaps a bit too enthusiastically. “Have you ever met our dear, dear friend Jongdae?”

                “I don’t think so.” Sora replied as I scootched her over to stand next to his seat.

                “Really?” I faked surprise. “How rude of me! Lee Sora, meet Kim Jongdae.”

                Jongin pulled Jongdae around in his seat and made him stand up.

                “Nice to meet you!” Jongdae smiled at Sora before throwing Jongin and I a what the heck are you two doing look.

                “Nice to meet you too! I’m Jongin’s friend from school.” Sora explained.

                “Sora was just telling us about how much she loves guys with kids!” Jongin exclaimed.

                “Well, I didn’t really say that-“ Sora tried to explain.

                “And would you look at that!” I cut in. “Jongdae has not one, but two kids! What are the odds of that!”

                “Well considering we met and became friends at a single fathers club, I would say pretty likely-“ Jongdae interjected.

                “These are Jongdae’s sons!” I interrupted again and tried to shoot him a just shut up and let me help you look.

                “Daehyun, Daehyuk, say hi!” I ordered the two boys. They turned around to reveal faces covered in more food than what was on their plates.

                “Hello!” The said in unison, each flashing a Cheshire grin.

                Sora burst out laughing. “Oh my gosh, what is on your faces??”

                “Dinner!” Daehyuk replied.

                “We are artists!” Daehyun flailed dramatically.

                “Well, that’s not right at all.” Sora stated as her expression turned serious, and for a moment, I felt my heart plummet.

                “A real artist would put corn on their nose and peas on their eyebrows! Not the other way around!” She joked.

                “That’s a great idea!!” Daehyun exclaimed excitedly as he smooshed even more vegetables onto his brother’s face as we all started laughing.

                “Yah!” Jongdae joked. “If you’re going to encourage them you’re going to have to repay me for the time I have to spend picking corn out of their hair tonight!”

                “Sorry.” Sora giggled. “Can I start now?”


                “Wanna dance?” She grinned and offered a hand.

                “Well I guess it’s the least you could do…” Jongdae replied with a smirk as he grabbed her hand and the two of them bee-lined towards the dancefloor.

                Jongin and I shared a satisfied smirk as we sat back down to continue eating.

                “Excellent job, Mrs. Kim.” He chuckled.

                “All thanks to you, Mr. Kim.” I giggled back.

                “Why can’t you guys do that for me?” Baekhyun whined.

                “Because you’re a whining brat.” Kyungsoo said as he and Siyeong appeared at the table to take their seats. They each look slightly disheveled, Kyungsoo’s tie was loose and crooked and Siyeong’s hair had fallen out of its updo, but I didn’t notice those details more than I noticed the rock planted on Siyeong’s finger.

                “Hey where have you two been?” Baekhyun questioned.

                “Oh, nowhere.” Kyungsoo replied and then cleared his throat.

                “You know, here, there,” Siyeong added with an equally aloof demeanor.

                “Hey WHAT IS THAT??” Miyeon exploded next to me, startling Yixing who was starting to fall asleep next to her with Miling in his arms.

                “What?” Siyeong asked innocently. “Oh you mean this?” She pointed to her finger. “Oh yea, we are engaged!”

                “WHAT??” Came the response of about everyone at the table as they all started yelling and bombarding the two of them with questions.

                “Enough!” Kyungsoo shouted and the table settled down. “See, this is why I wanted to wait. Today is not about us, it’s about Yisoo and Jongin. So please be patient. We will answer all of your questions. Tomorrow.”

                Everyone settled down after my brother’s outburst and I couldn’t help but feel proud of him for so many different things.

                “Appa Appa!” Kara yelled as she approached the table. “Come dance with me!”

                “Sweetie, do you remember what happened last time you asked me that question?” Kris asked, referring back to the dance recital they did five years ago.

                “Not ballet, you would totally embarrass me!” Kara huffed. “Just dance with me like a gentleman!”

                Kris chuckled before standing up and bowing to his daughter. “How could I refuse an offer like that?”

                He took her hand and lead her to the dancefloor and after he did, Nabi, Jihye, Dahye, and Jiwoo all came running up to their dads asking for dances too.

                “Come here princess!” Tao cooed to his daughter as he brought her to the dance floor. Once there, she stepped onto his shoes and held is hands as he picked her up with his feet and lead her in a waltz. Yixing and Miling joined them too, but Miling was half-asleep and just kept begging Yixing to pick her up.

                “I’m going to go find Hyein.” Jongin said with a smile, not wanting to be left out of the daddy daughter dances.

                “Appa dance with me!”

                “No dance with me!”

                I heard Jihye and Dahye bicker over their dad as in typical Junmyeon fashion, he grabbed their hands and found a way to dance with both of them at the same time.

                “Alright, where is Baekha?” Baekhyun asked as he looked frantically around for his daughter.

                “Oh no.” Kyungsoo muttered as Baekhyun followed his gaze out to the dance floor.

                “No no no no no!!!” Baekhyun screamed as I turned to see what all the fuss was about.

                There on the middle of the dance floor, were Baekha and Kyungbin. They were holding hands and twirling around but as they saw Jongdae and Sora pass, they tried to imitate the couple. Baekha put her hand on Kyungbin’s shoulder as he tentatively moved his hand to place it on her waist. They were smiling and giggling with each other as they wobbled back and forth in an attempt to slow dance.

                “This can’t be happening. I’m seeing things.” Kyungsoo muttered.

                “Why him??” Baekhyun cried. “Of all the boys in the world, why him?? Baekha, what do you see in him? You could do so much better!”

                “Hey!” Kyungsoo interjected. “What’s so wrong with my son?”

                “Oh, it’s not your son. It’s his father!” Baekhyun spit. “My precious baby will never, mark my words, NEVER be with your son!”

                “Well I don’t want Kyungbin to be with your daughter either!” Kyungsoo shot back. “She’s loud and a diva… just like her father!!”

                “You take that back!” Baekhyun spit.

                “Make me!!” Kyungsoo sneered.

                “GUYS!” I yelled. “Would you stop bickering and just be happy for them??”

                They both turned to me and immediately looked apologetic.

                “Don’t let your differences get in their way. Just look at them, it’s adorable! Besides, do you really think they’re going to get married or anything? They’re six!”

                “We’re sorry, Yisoo.” Baekhyun apologized.

                “Yea, I’m sorry sis. We shouldn’t be fighting at your wedding…” Kyungsoo added.

                “Hey,” Kyungsoo’s face brightened. “I think it’s time I give my best man speech!”

                “Not yet!” Yixing interjected. “We have to do the thing!”

                “Oh right!” Minseok added. “Is it still on? Where’s Jongin?”

                “I’m here.” Jongin replied as he came back to the table with Hyein at his side. “What’s happening?”

                “Just the best wedding present ever.” Yixing grinned.

                “What is it?”

                “Jongin, do you remember last year when you choreographed an entire dance for that pop song and we all told you it was ridiculous?”

                “Umm, well I choreograph for a lot of pop songs and you guys say they are all ridiculous, so you’re going to have to get more specific than that.”

                “Let me give you a hint.” Baekhyun added. “Awoooooo! Aw Aw Awooooo!”

                “Wait was that what I think it was??” Sehun said suddenly appearing with Sehee and Eunbin (when did she show up???) at his side. “Is it still on??”

                “Heck yea it’s still on!” Yixing affirmed.

                “What’s on?” Chanyeol asked. “Oh no. Not that!”

                “We have to!” Yixing whined.

                “Would someone please just explain what is going on?” Jongin pleaded.

              “Ok.” Yixing explained. “Remember when you choreographed that song Wolf for that boyband UFO or something?”

                “That’s not their name but-“

                “And remember how you said they had twelve members, kinda like how our club has twelve guys and you joked that you wanted us to dance it?” Baekhyun interrupted.

                “Well surprise!” Yixing cheered. “We learned it! And we’re dancing it. Now.”

                “Wait seriously??” Jongin exclaimed. “I thought you guys thought it was stupid!”

                “Well, we do.” Kyungsoo teased. “But we also knew it would make you happy, so with Yixing and Miyeon’s help…”

                Yixing met eyes with the DJ and gave him a signal. Suddenly a mysterious panflute like instrument began to play the introduction to a new song.

                “Oh no, are we really??” Jongdae whined from the dance floor but his complaints were ignored as the eleven guys ran to the floor to assume positions.

                “You remember the moves, right?” Yixing asked Jongin quickly as he dragged him out to the dance floor.

                The guys lined up and stretched out their arms to form a tree as the base dropped and Chanyeol started the dance.

Chogiwa dabeone neukkyeo

Neol hanibe chijeucheoreom jibeoneoheulteda

                As the boys pranced around on the floor, the crowd laughed and cheered. They were surprisingly good, considering what they looked like at their last dance performance.

                “Oh my gosh,” I whispered to Miyeon. “You helped them do this?”

                “Of course!” She replied. “Just to see the look on your face and boy, was it worth it!”

                She laughed and I laughed back with her as we watched them finish their performance. They took the formation of two caves and then Sehun and Luhan popped out like animals to finish in the ending pose.

                Everyone stood up and gave the boys a standing ovation for their performance as they took their bows. Jongin couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as he came back to his seat.

                “You were great.” I told him as I gave him a kiss. Just then, Kyungsoo had taken his glass and went over to the microphone near the dancefloor.

                “Achem,” He cleared his throat and tinked his glass. “May I please have your attention? As you all know, I am Do Kyungsoo, Yisoo’s brother, Jongin’s friend and best man here at their wedding today. I would just like to say a few words to them.”

                He looked at me and smiled and I forced myself not to cry again.

                “Wow, um. Where to begin? Jongin, Yisoo, I guess I’ll start by being cheesy and saying how incredibly happy I am for the two of you. As an older brother, it’s hard to let my little sister go and as a friend, it’s hard to see a man I grew up with and made mistakes with grow up and get married, and it’s even harder when they both happen at the same time to each other.” He chucked, and I laughed too as Jongin grabbed my hand in his.

                “But I think it also puts me in an interesting position.” Kyungsoo continued. “Because I’ve seen them both at their lowest and highest points. I’ve seen both of them grow up and mature, albeit at different times and in different places, but all the while watching them turn into people that were meant for each other. When I think about one of you now, it’s hard not to also think about the other. You two are a perfect pair, and I can’t wait to watch your relationship grow even more.”

                He raised his glass. “So here is to Jongin and Yisoo. It’ll have its twists and turns, but may your marriage be long and full of happiness.”

                “To Jongin and Yisoo.” The guests chanted back as they all took a drink.

                Jongin smiled at me and gave me a kiss.

                “Here’s to us.” He whispered to me after he pulled away.

                “Now come cut this cake!!” Kyungsoo yelled  and the crowd roared. Jongin stood up and lead me to our wedding cake in the center of the ballroom. We each cut a piece and put them in our hands.

                “Bet I can hold out longer than you.” I teased as an idea popped into my head.

                “Oh yea?” Jongin smirked. “Try me.”

                We both pursed our lips and help eye contact.

                “Come on guys, hurry up already!” Kyungsoo joked and our friends all agreed.

                “On the count of three?” I suggested.


                “One!” I said.

                “Twoo!” He said.

               “I’M PREGNANT!” I screamed and his jaw dropped open with just enough time for me to shove in the piece of cake. His eyes widened half out of surprise of the cake in his mouth and half out of surprise of what I had just said and seeing his expression made me burst out laughing, giving him the opportunity to shove a piece of cake into my mouth too.

                Meanwhile, the entire ballroom had erupted in chaos at my sudden announcement, but I didn’t care. The timing just felt right. After we had both swallowed the cake, he grabbed my hand and brought me in close.

                “Are you serious?” He asked with the most piercing gaze I had ever seen him make.

                “Found out a couple of days ago. I wanted to surprise you.” I replied with a smile.

                “Well you sure did.” He chuckled as he threw his arms around my waist and picked me up. He kissed me and twirled me around and I got butterflies in my stomach.

                “I can’t believe it. I’m going to be a father… again!” He said breathlessly.

                “I’m glad you’re happy. I was worried…” I began.

                “Don’t be.” He said firmly. “This is a dream come true.”

                “I’m so excited for him to come.” I sighed dreamily.

                “You know it’s a boy??” Jongin asked.

                “Well no, not technically.” I replied. “But I just have a feeling, you know?”

                “I can’t wait to meet him.” Jongin smiled and this time I kissed him.

                Me too.


A/N: Ok, it's officially over! I think... haha I have many mixed feelings about ending this fic for good because even though it's time consuming, I love writing it. Although the official epilogue is over and I don't plan on a sequel, I am not opposed to one-shots or writing drabbles that just pop into my mind~ Or your's, for that matter! If you have an idea for a drabble/scenario, just shoot me a message and if I have time I'll write it and at it to this fic!

And if anyone just wants to say hi or talk, my tumblr is @jongchicken ^.^

I would like to thank you readers so so so so much for sticking with this story. I know I'm not the strongest writer, but to see your comments telling me how much you like the fic and the fluffiness makes me so happy ^.^ anyways, I hop everyones' hollidays went well, and for all the students, good luck this semester!



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Chapter 9: I had a good time laughing! Glad I didn't get confused from so many characters
Babyjb #2
Chapter 36: Thanks for this wonderful fanfic! It was so funny and i love it very much.
ilovereixx #3
Chapter 30: It was the cuteeeeeest ever but i didnt really read through the romance, kinda ruins it for me... i love the kids so much!!!!!
layjongyang #4
Chapter 36: I've finally found this story again. I've read it before and somehow I managed to accidentally unsuscribe it. I've been searching for awhile now. I am so happy I found it. This is one of my favourites and I'm glad I found it. Thank you.
Chapter 36: Omg super duper cute. Love the last chapter. Ugh. So cute omo. Thankyou for the fic.
this fanfic was hilarious! I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh even if i read this at 2am
Chapter 4: And again Jongin's story broke my heart...loneliness can be so painful at times