Chap 12

The Single Daddies Club

Luhan flipped his hair and readjusted his sunglasses for what seemed like the millionth time.

            Where the hell is he? He asked himself, tapping his foot as he slouched on the park bench. It was late afternoon and Luhan had asked Yixing and Bing to meet him and Jaehan at the park to walk around and make some new friends. Although it took an incredible amount of convincing to get the boy to come out with him for the evening, he knew by the end of the night Yixing would be thanking him over and over. Jaehan was on Luhan’s cellphone, playing angry birds, generally oblivious to his dad’s impatient behavior. Finally, Luhan saw the pair of Chinese boys approach along the sidewalk.

            “There you are!” Luhan shouted and waved. “It’s about time I’ve been waiting forever!”

            “Sorry we are a bit late, Bing didn’t want to leave.” Yixing apologized, looking down at his son. “He was trying to practice his dancing and just wanted to stay home. Not that I blamed him.”

            “Hey, that’s the wrong attitude!” Luhan exclaimed to his introverted friend and his son. “This is going to be fun, promise.”

            “What did you plan on doing?” Yixing asked.

            “Well, they have some food trucks at the other end of the park I thought we could go to and get some food at. And I’m sure it will be packed with people so I’m going to try to set you up!”

            “What do you mean ‘set me up’?” Yixing asked, sounding skeptic.

            “You know what I mean!” Luhan said before pausing dramatically. “Girls!”

            “I thought you said you wanted me to make friends!” Yixing exclaimed. “Not a girlfriend!!”

            “Same difference.” Luhan brushed him off. “I mean, let’s be real here, Yixing, man to man.”

            “I’m listening…”

            “You’re a fairly attractive guy.”

            “I do not like where this is going.”

            “No, not for me, I just mean in general! Like if I was a girl I would definitely try to get with you, if you know what I mean.”

            “I think you should stop while you’re ahead.”

            “No I’m getting somewhere, promise! Like, you’re pretty good looking, you’re nice and stuff, you like, have a job which is always a bonus, and you have the best wingman in Korea!” Luhan self-praised. “You don’t realize how big of a catch you really are! If you tried, girls would be lining up around the block to get with you. Plus, you have a secret weapon.”

            “And that is?”

            “An adorable son, why of course.”

            “Luhan, I can’t do that, I’m not you!”

            “Do what??!”

            “Use Bing to pick up girls!” Yixing said. “Besides, I can barely get him to talk to the other kids in the group, most of whom he’s known all his life. How the heck am I supposed to get him to talk to random strangers?”

            “With Jaehan’s help of course! Together, they can make a dynamic duo.” Luhan said, wiggling his eyebrows.

            “Please stop that.”


            “The eyebrow thing, it’s freaking me out.”

            “Oh calm down, girls love this.” Luhan said. “They think it’s y, or something.”

            “Yea, well I don’t. And I think you’re scaring Bing.” Yixing said, signaling down to his son who was staring at Luhan with squinty, freaked-out eyes.

            “Just trust me.” Luhan moved on. “This will be good for both of you! It’ll get you out there onto the dating scene, and it will give Bing a chance to start interacting with people.”

            “Luhan, I hope you realize most of you’re great ideas are only great ideas in your head.”

            “But this one will work, trust me.” Luhan said with a wink, causing Yixing to roll his eyes as the older boy called over to his son to stop playing the video game and get ready to go get food.

            The four of them were making there way down to the food trucks when Luhan suggested they play a game.

            “What type of game?” Yixing asked as he hoisted Bing onto his back, the little boy already tired from the walking.

            “How about fmk?” Luhan said with a mischevious look is him eyes.

            “Not with the kids!” Yixing exclaimed.

            “Not with the kids!! Don’t worry, they aren’t paying attention, Bing’s practically asleep and Jaehan’s way up ahead.” Luhan replied, nodding his head towards his son who was running up ahead with a balloon animal giraffe in his hands, pretending to make it fly.

            “Ugh, fine.” Yixing said as they trudged on. “You pick first.”

            “Ok.” Luhan paused. “Minseok, Sehun, and- “

            “Woah woah wait!” Yixing interrupted. “Those are all dudes!!?”
            “So? I would say girls, but most the girls I know, you don’t know. It’s just the first thing that came to me!” Luhan said.


            “Fine, if it makes you feel better, no homo.” Luhan said assertively, only to be met by a quizzical look from his friend. “What’s that face for? The no homo makes it ok now.”

            “I question what goes on in your head sometimes.”

            “Are you going to play or not?”

            “Fine, finish and give me three.”

            “Ok,” Luhan said, satisfied that he won. “As I was saying, Minseok, Sehun or Baekhyun? Who would you f, marry, and kill?”

            “Does the f have to be, well, you know, the f?” Yixing asked. “Can’t we change it to like, a bro-hug or something?”

            “Ugh, fine. One, long, intimate bro-hug.” Luhan sighed.


            “ slaps allowed.”


            “What? You’re already taking most of the fun out of the game.”

            “Yea the fun… Ok.” Yixing thought for a moment.

            “Marry Minseok.”

            “Good choice, good choice.”

            “Bro-hug Sehun.”


            “Shut up.”

            “Sorry, continue.”

            “And kill Baek.” Yixing paused. “Yea, definitely kill Baek.”

            Luhan snorted. “Why? Baekhyun’s a great guy!”

            “Because he never knows when to shut up!” Yixing replied. “A lot like you, actually.”

            “Hey! Ok Me, Baekhyun and Junmyeon.” Luhan asked.

            “Oh god, can’t I kill all of you?” Yixing asked.


            “Because marrying any of you would be a loud, annoying, nightmare!” Yixing exclaimed.

            “Woah, I’m hurt.”

            “Ok, fine. I’d marry you.” Yixing complied.

            “Score! Ok and the other two? Personally, I’d kill Junmyeon. Love the guy, but I just don’t think I could take all the crazy health and child development talk he spits out.”

            “Yea…” Yixing thought. “I’d have to agree. Ok my turn.”


            “Jongdae, Sehun, and Chanyeol.”

            “Marry Sehun.”

            Yixing snickered. “Of course.”



            “Ok… marry Sehun, kill Chanyeol, ‘bro-hug’ Jongdae.”

            “Why kill Chanyeol?”

            “Because he still hasn’t forgiven me for ‘forcing’ him to take the dance class.” Luhan made air quotes around the forcing. “And it’s getting old.”

            “Aw, I think he’s coming around.” Yixing mused.

            “Same, but for such a forgetful, crazy kid he sure can hold a grudge.” Luhan shrugged.

            “Oh I have a good one!” Yixing exclaimed. “Yisoo, Ms. Ju, or your ex.”

            “KILL THE .” Luhan yelled, a bit too loudly as he woke up Bing on Yixing’s back.

            “Quiet down, will you?” Yixing hushed his friend.

            “Sorry, just had to get that first one out of the way.” Luhan cleared his throat and thought for a while. “Then I guess ‘bro-hug’ Ms. Ju and marry Yisoo.” Luhan pouted, unhappy to have to choose between the current love of his life and a good friend.

            “Yea, I would marry Yisoo too.” Yixing piped up.

            “What about the other two?”

            “I can’t answer that…”

            “Come one Xing, you have to!” Luhan complained.

            Yixing thought to himself but knew he couldn’t make that choice. Although he did really like Ms. Ju as a teacher and growing friend, he still couldn’t shake the feelings he had for his ex. Even if it had been almost two years and he had yet to hear a word from her.

            “I can’t.” Yixing said curtly. “Hey look, the trucks!”

            The pair had just arrived to find a long line of various food trucks parked around the park. Jaehan was standing in the middle of the crowd, looking up in awe at the numerous choices.

            “I want that one-- no wait that one!! No, that one looks so good!” Jaehan yelled and pointed to his Dad, who just chuckled in return.

            “Pick one, Jae, we can’t eat at them all.”

            “Okay, that one!” The little boy pointed towards a cupcake truck at the left end.

            “We can’t eat cupcakes for dinner!” Luhan scolded. “We can eat there after, but pick one for dinner first.”

            As Jaehan pondered his choices, Yixing and Bing made there way over to a taco truck to place their orders. After Yixing and Bing had gotten their food, Jaehan still had yet to make his choice.

            “Did you decide yet?” Yixing asked, taco poised at the front of his mouth and ready to take a bite.

            “No… wait!! Don’t eat that yet!” Luhan yelled, startling Yixing and making him drop his food on the ground.

            “Dang it, Luhan! You owe me!” Yixing complained as he began to clean it all up before Bing tried to eat the fallen food.

            “No, I don’t.” Luhan said. “I’ll take care of this one, you’re going to get something different.”

            “What do you mean? I wanted a taco!”

            “No.” Luhan said. “You want whatever that girl over there tells Bing is the most delicious thing here.” The boy pointed at a pair of pretty girls standing about twenty paces away, deciding on which truck to eat at.

            “I’m not following.”

            Luhan sighed dramatically. “You will get Bing to go up to them and ask the girls what they think he and his dad should eat. You will arrive at his side a couple seconds later, apologizing for your son’s interrupting their evening. They will say ‘oh, it’s no problem! He’s so cute!’ and you will casually ask them what they are eating and strike up a conversation. A witty comment here, a flirty smile there, and bam boom, you have not one, but two possible dates.”

            Yixing stared at his friend in silence for a minute.

            “…You really think that will work?” He asked.

            “They don’t call me “Luhan: Conqueror of Ladies Hearts” for nothing.”

            “But they don’t call you that.”

            “But they should, because my plans always work.” Luhan shrugged before turning to Bing. “Bing-ah, sorry about your tacos.”

            The little boy just pouted at the ginger-haired boy and crossed his arms.

            “I don’t think the tacos were any good anyway!” Luhan said, trying to sound convincing. “Why don’t you and Jaehan go over to those two girls over there and ask them what the most yummy thing is to eat here?”

            “Come on, Bing!” Jaehan jumped in. “It will be fun!”

            “See!” Luhan exclaimed.

            “Just follow my lead.” Jaehan said before grabbing the younger’s arm and dragging him over to the pair of girls.

            “Now what?” Yixing asked.

            “Now, we wait for our moment to strike.” Luhan said in anticipation as the sons scurried over to the girls.

            “Unni, I want tacos!” One girl said.

            “No, they are so unhealthy. Let’s get wraps.” The other bickered back.

            “But we got wraps last time!”

            “Yea, and you picked them!”

            “So? I—“ The younger was interrupted by the sudden appearance of two small boys, neither older than five, approaching them with adorable smiles.

            “Hi!” The older boy greeted.

            “Um, hello!” The older girl said.

            “My name is Jaehan and this is my friend, Bing.”

            “It’s nice to meet you.” The older said again. “I am Bom and this is my little sister, Byul.”

            Jaehan giggled and his little friend followed suit. “Noona’s are both very pretty.” He said with a cheeky grin.

            “Aw thank you!” The younger, Byul, replied. “You guys are quite handsome yourself. Um, where are your parents?”

            “Our daddies are over there, but we don’t know what to eat!” Jaehan said and nudged his little friend.

            “Oh!” Bing said in surprise. “Um… uhh… what’syummyhere?” He rushed through the words as fast as he could.

            “Hmm,” Bom tapped her chin. “Well, the wrap truck is really tasty!”

            “But the tacos are even better!” Byul interrupted.

            “That’swhatmydadjustgot--!” Bing sputtered just as Jaehan clamped his hand over the younger’s mouth and their two dads finally made their grand entrance.

            “Jaehan, what did I tell you about bothering strangers!” Luhan scolded gently before turning to the sisters. “I’m so sorry if they were bothering you two.” And he gave Yixing a nudge on the back.

            “Oh, yes!” The younger said, catching the hint. “I’m sorry for Bing, too. They like to run off sometimes and talk to strangers…”

            “Especially pretty ones, like yourselves.” Luhan added in smoothly, causing the sisters to giggle and blush.

            “Aw, well, I’m flattered.” The older girl said. “But, I have a boyfriend, actually.”

            “What a coincidence!” Luhan lied. “I have a girlfriend!”

            “Who is that, Daddy?” Jaehan asked his dad. Thankfully, the little boy had asked in Mandarin and the girls didn’t understand.

            “Nothing, it’s ok, son.” Luhan hushed back to his son before returning his attention to the girls. “What about you?” He asked the younger sister.

            “Oh, she’s single.” The older girl replied.

            “And another coincidence!” Luhan said. “My friend Yixingis single too!”

            “Really?” The younger sister asked. “I never would’ve guessed, a guy as cute as you, with an adorable son too…” She blushed.

            “Oh, yea.” Yixing mumbled, turning a violent shade of pink as he grabbed his son’s hand. “It’s just me and Bing.”

            “Aww, and how old are you, Bing?” She asked.

            “Tree!” Bing stated, holding up 5 fingers. The sisters laughed as Yixing shook his head at his son.

            “No Bing-ah.” He cooed. “You’re one, remember? Almost two!”

            “Aww, he’s so cute!” The younger girl giggled before turning her attention back to Yixing. “I’m Byul, by the way.”

            “And I’m Bom.” Her sister added. “So, your sons were just asking as what was good to eat here!”

            “Oh, do you have any ideas?” Luhan asked.

            “Well, we were deciding between wraps and tacos…” Byul said.

            “Oh, I heard the tacos were really good here!” Yixing said, quickly shooting Luhan a knowing look.

            “Same!” Byul agreed, much to the disdain of her sister.

            “But I thought we should get wraps.” Bom stated, rolling her eyes.

            “Daddy, I want a wrap!” Jaehan announced.

            “You do? Okay, how about you, me, and our new friend Bom go get wraps while Byul, Bing and Yixing-hyung go get tacos?” Luhan proposed.

            “Sounds good with me!” Byul said with a shy grin.

            “Same!” Bom agreed.

After the six parted ways, Luhan engaged in an elaborate conversation with Bom about his imaginary girlfriend and not-so-imaginary son, while still trying to keep an eye on Yixing and Byul. Between listening to Bom fawn over Jaehan and telling him his girlfriend was so lucky to have two such wonderful boys in her life, and picking out something to eat, Luhan concluded that things were going well between Yixing and his new friend. Once they all had theit food, they found a picnic table to meet up at and eat.

            “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what happened to Bing’s mother?” Bom asked.

            “Oh, um, she kind of left.” Yixing mumbled, suddenly becoming very shy.

            “Really? That’s so unfortunate, I’m sorry.” Byul tried to comfort him.

            “It’s ok, I haven’t lost hope yet.” Yixing said, earning himself a kick on the shin courtesy of Luhan, from under the table.

            “What do you mean?” Byul asked. “Are you two still… together?”

            “Well, we never officially broke up.” Yixing stated, and Luhan began to panic.

            “So,” Bom intervened. “You are not single.”

            “Well, not exactly, I’m still waiting…” Yixing began.

            “But you’re moving on? Right?” Luhan interrupted, panic flashing in his eyes as he stared daggers at Yixing.

            “It’s so hard to forget though…” Yixing said, suddenly becoming very solemn.

            “Aw.” Byul said. “I think it’s really sweet how you are waiting for her.”

            “Totally,” Bom added. “It’s that kind of loyalty that girls love.”

            “I’m sure she will come back.” Byul added. “A guy as sweet as you…” She trailed off.

            “You really think so?” Yixing asked.

            “Yea!” Byul said. “I’m kind of in the same situation. I had a boyfriend, but he enlisted to the army this year. I haven’t seen or heard from him in months, and I think I’m losing hope.” She frowned.

            “Don’t be so down.” Yixing consoled. “I’m sure he will reach out to you soon.”

            “You think so?”

            “Definitely! Waiting’s hard, but I’m sure it will work out in the end.”

            “Thank you, Yixing.” Byul said with a smile. “You’re such a sweet guy. I think we could be really great friends.”

            “Me too!” Yixing smiled back.

            “Achem-“ Luhan fake coughed. “Gosh, Yixing, have you checked the time? It’s really getting late, Bing looks about ready to fall asleep!”

            Bing picked his tired head up from off the table, rubbing sleep from his eyes to see what all the commotion was about.

            “Wow, you’re right!” Yixing exclaimed, oblivious to the true reason why Luhan was in such a hurry to leave. “I’m sorry, ladies, but I think we have to get going.”

            “It’s alright!” Bom replied. “It was so nice to meet you two!”

            “Do you think I could get your number?” Byul asked. “I would love to meet with you and Bing for lunch some day so we can talk and you can help me with my, um, boy troubles.” She giggled.

            Yixing chuckled back. “Sure, no problem! We would love to have lunch.” He gave her a sincere smile as they exchanged numbers.

            “Bye, nice to meet you!” Yixing said as he picked Bing up onto his back to carry the sleeping boy home.

            “Same!” The sisters said, as Luhan nodded their way. Jaehan was much more tired now, and was walking hand in hand with his dad as the four made their way out of the park.

            “Um, Yixing.” Luhan stated.

            “Well, if you don’t mind he asking, but WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?” The older boy yelled.

            “What?” Yixing shrugged. “You told me to make friends, and I did. She seemed so nice.”

            “Ok, I told you to make friends, but you know what I meant!” Luhan exclaimed. “You just voluntarily put yourself in the friend-zone!”

            “So?” Yixing replied. “It didn’t seem like either of us was looking for a relationship. I thought it all went well!”

            “Ok, but what was all that talk about your ex?” Luhan asked. “Normally, when trying to pick up a girl, it’s best not to mention the ex-girlfriend you are so devotedly waiting for.”

            “Well, she asked and I just answered honestly.” Yixing responded, making Luhan sighed and run a hand through his hair. After a moment, Luhan finally responded.

            “Yixing, are you really still waiting for her?” He asked gently and it took a while for Yixing to finally respond.

            “It’s so complicated.” He sighed. “But I can’t give up on her yet. Not without closure.”

            Luhan stared at his friend and felt a wave of pity wash over him. He knew it ended rather vaguely with between Yixing and Bing’s mother, but had he really not moved on? Luhan himself had moved on rather quickly after Jaehan’s mother had walked out, but at least she had left him with a final message (even if it was a rather ty excuse for a note).

To be completely honest, Luhan understood a little why Yixing was having such a hard time moving on. But he still worried for his friend. He thought Yixing was being held back from living his life the way he deserved to just because he was waiting for someone who was probably never going to come back. Luhan just hoped Yixing could realize that sooner rather than later, start living his own life and stop trying to wait for the past to return.


A/N: Hello readers, I really hope if you are reading this, than I have made you laugh. I know our fandom and our boys are going through a very hard time right now, and I wanted to update to maybe bring a smile to your faces (if I could at least >.<). I have felt kind of out of it the past two days because it's just been a lot ot take in and it still doesn't feel real.  All I can say is that I hope that whatever happens, Kris, and the rest of Exo, are happy. As long as they are happy, I know we as a fandom can make it through. But gosh I just really hope he isn't leaving.

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Chapter 9: I had a good time laughing! Glad I didn't get confused from so many characters
Babyjb #2
Chapter 36: Thanks for this wonderful fanfic! It was so funny and i love it very much.
ilovereixx #3
Chapter 30: It was the cuteeeeeest ever but i didnt really read through the romance, kinda ruins it for me... i love the kids so much!!!!!
layjongyang #4
Chapter 36: I've finally found this story again. I've read it before and somehow I managed to accidentally unsuscribe it. I've been searching for awhile now. I am so happy I found it. This is one of my favourites and I'm glad I found it. Thank you.
Chapter 36: Omg super duper cute. Love the last chapter. Ugh. So cute omo. Thankyou for the fic.
this fanfic was hilarious! I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh even if i read this at 2am
Chapter 4: And again Jongin's story broke my heart...loneliness can be so painful at times