Ice Cream?

My Panda Prince...Is A Wolf?

    After dinner, Tao followed me to my bedroom. I closed the door, taking out my science books and sitting on my bed. Tao looked around my room, walking over to the orchid on my windowsill. 
    "Pretty flower." Tao commented, touching one of the flower petals gently. I nodded, frowning. 
    "I love orchids, but I don't think that one will live much longer. Moving around was hard on it." I kept meaning to buy a new orchid, but I didn't have time. "I love watching them grow." Tao nodded, sitting next to me. I shifted away, and he shifted closer. 
    "So..." I opened my book, shifting away again and gasped as I fell off the edge of the bed. Tao caught me, laughing as I blushed.     
    "Are you always like this?" Tao asked, making me laugh. I shook my head and he smiled. 
    "So, anyway. We should read this chapter in the book and take notes. Then we can start our project." I said, pulling out papers and a pen. Tao pouted, sighing. 
    "Why do we have to read the whole chapter? And take notes too?!" Tao asked, whining. I started reading the first paragraph, ignoring him. 
    "Because it will help us focus on the important points." I said, scribbling something down. Tao laid on his back, spreading his arms wide as he stretched. 
    "But I don't want to!" Tao said, sounding more like a five year old than a sixteen year old. Tao pouted, curling up on his side. 
    "Tao, go get your book and start reading." I said, ignoring him. Tao tugged on my sleeve, making puppy-dog eyes at me. 
    "Make me food first." Tao said pleadingly, sticking out his lower lip. I widened my eyes, shaking my head incredulously. 
    "You just ate!" I exclaimed. "No, I'm not making you food! Go get your!" I commanded, seeing Tao cross his arms stubbornly. 
    "Fine!" Tao said, getting up and stomping out of the room. I watched him, smiling to myself. I turned back to my reading, waiting for Tao to return. 
    After 15 minutes had passed, I put down my book and walked out to the kitchen. I found Tao sitting down at the kitchen counter and eating cookies, laughing with Jia. 
    "Yah, you sneaky pabo!" I smacked Tao's arm hard, and he turned to me in surprise. 
    "Do you want a cookie?" Tao asked innocently, his mouth full, as he presented a cookie to me with a small smile. 
    "No, I don't want a cookie!" I said, watching Tao start to put it back. "Wait, give it to me!" I snatched the cookie, chewing it quickly. Tao smirked, and I smacked him again. 
    "That isn't the point! You're the one who showed up on my doorstep as Mr. Studious, and now you don't want to do anything!" I said, making Tao rub his neck sheepishly. 
    "Actually, I just wanted to see you. I don't really care about studying." Tao admitted, making Jia smile. I paused, shocked, and Tao smiled.  
    "Tao...I...get back in the bedroom!" I exclaimed, pointing to my room. He laughed, grabbing his science text book and fleeing back to my room. 
    "Yes, he definitely likes you!" Jia exclaimed, and I widened my eyes. 
    "Shush!" I whisper-yelled, making her smile. She nudged me towards my room, and I grabbed another cookie. She handed me the plate and I nodded with a smile. 
    "Boys like food." Jia said, and I walked into my bedroom. To my surprise, Tao was dutifully copying down notes and reading his textbook. He smiled and looked up when I sat down and placed the cookies between us. 
    "Ah, thanks!" Tao started eating again, and I rolled my eyes. A thought suddenly struck me, and I turned to Tao. 
    "Tao, how did you find out where I lived?" I asked, making Tao gulp. He looked at me somewhat shamefully and smiled slightly. 
    "Chen looked at the office records for me." Tao said, rubbing his neck. I noticed he did that when he got nervous about something.
    "...Chen got you the records from a locked file cabinet? To find out where I lived?" I asked, shocked.  
    "Well, it's not locked anymore..." Tao said, giving me a small laugh. I was shocked, unbelieving what I was hearing. 
    "You broke in!" I exclaimed, and Tao held his hands out defensively. 
    "No! Chen broke in." Tao said, and I sputtered. 
    "You broke into a school office and stole my file to see where I lived?"
    "I didn't steal it, I put it back!"
    "But you still took it!"
    "It was temporarily misplaced!" Tao said, and I smacked his arm. "Chen put it back!"
    "But you still took it! Can you see how this could be stalker-type behavior?" I asked, making Tao pause and nod. 
    "But I did it for a school project, so it's okay." Tao said. "By the way, could I have your phone number?" 
    "Will you break back into the school to get it if I say no?" I asked, looking up from my notes. Tao shrugged, nodding. 
    "Probably." Tao paused, tilting his head and thinking. "Actually, I'll get Chen to do it. He's sneakier." I growled in frustration, and gave him my phone number. 
    "There, now start studying." I said, and Tao nodded. We were quiet for a few minutes before my phone buzzed. I checked my texts, seeing a new one. 
    This is boring. ~ Tao
    Study! I replied, shooting Tao a meaningful look. He ignored me, tapping away on his phone. Seconds later, my screen lit up. 
    Want to go out for coffee? ~ Tao
    You did not just ask me out for coffee over text ~ Sujin 
    Do you want ice cream? ~ Tao 
    "Stop texting me!" I said, making Tao smirk. He shrugged, tapping out more letters. 
    Never. :D ~ Tao 
    "So, do you want to go out for ice cream? My treat." Tao offered. I shrugged, not looking at him. 
    "When?" I asked, focusing on my notes. I felt a playful nudge on my shoulder, and realized Tao had scooted next to me. He brushed my side and I looked up at him. 
    "24 hours from Thursday." Tao said sarcastically. "Now, pabo! When did you think?" Tao lightly smacked my forehead, and I hit his arm. 
    "What, you mean like a date?" I asked uncertainly, making Tao smile shyly. He blushed, dropping his gaze and nodding. 
    "Sure. Like a date." Tao repeated softly, meeting my eyes. I bit my lip, thinking and stood suddenly. I pushed Tao off the bed and out the door. 
    "Out!" I exclaimed, sitting him down in the kitchen. Jia looked at me strangely, and Tao looked terrified as he met my gaze. 
    "What did I do?" Tao asked worriedly as I turned back to my room. I looked back with a smile. 
    "Nothing. I need to decide what to wear." I said, making a brilliant smile split his face. He gave me a little wave, nodding. I walked into my room and shut the door, looking around. 
    15 minutes later I stood in the middle of a pile of clothes, looking better than I had in a long time. I had tried on everything I owned and decided on a pair of jeans, high heeled black boots and a white v-neck sweater. I pulled my hair to the side in a braid, adding silver earrings and a bracelet. I was wearing mascara and lip gloss, but lacked any extra makeup. 
    "Jia, could you come here?" I called, and Jia opened my door fractionally. She smiled as soon as she saw me, looking me over. 
    "You look beautiful! Did he ask you out somewhere?" Jia asked, straightening my sweater and looking excited. 
    "Out to ice cream." I said, barely containing my own excitement. 
    "Well, what are you doing? Go get him!" And with that, Jia sent me out on my first date ever with Huang Zitao. 

Hi! Sorry, this is shorter, but I think it's okay. What do you guys think? Please comment!

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Chapter 24: If you flushed out most scenes, then this would be an amazing story. But right now, it feels way too rushed. I feel like I'm reading someone's summary of a story rather than the actual story. I did love how it was Tao x OC because those are SO rare.
chaekris #2
Chapter 22: i love it!! finally i can read a tao fanfic! its kinda hard to find tao fanfic tho ,to many taoris .-. thank you for the story!;) too bad the sequel link wont work;(
Yoruclaw #3
Annyeong! What chapters could i not read and doesnt have any effect on the story?
diannan #4
Chapter 24: The sequel link isn't working for me either?!
Chapter 24: Sequel link isn't working for me? No really I mean literally.
Chapter 23: Can't wait for the sequel!I wish you luck, and lots of inspiration!
diannan #7
Chapter 23: Thanks for the sequel!! I'm looking forward to it!!
Tina08 #8
Chapter 23: include Block B as well
Chapter 22: Yay! A great sacrifice for a great sacrifice!
diannan #10
Thanks for the great story I just want to know if there will be a sequel