
My Panda Prince...Is A Wolf?

    "What?" I said, feeling sick to my stomach. I struggled to breathe, making TOP look at me carefully. "How? What happened? Who did it?"
    "Whoa, calm down. I'm totally kidding, I just wanted to see if you loved him like he loves you. Tao's in the bathroom." Lu Han said, making me both relieved and furious. 
    "You bastard! Never do that again!" I exclaimed, making TOP give me another look. "What's the problem?"
    "Chanyeol's missing. We thought maybe you might know where he went. Baekhyun's worried sick." Lu Han said. I frowned, worried about Chanyeol. 
    "Wait, I thought you didn't care about the vampires. I thought you were going to fight." I said. I had moved away from TOP to have a private conversation. 
    "We don't. But Kris is missing too. We heard you were in Seoul, and we need you to find someone for us." Lu Han said. 
    "Okay. Who?" I asked, wondering who on earth would want to take Chanyeol and Kris. Lu Han sighed in relief, and I could tell how worried he was. 
    "There's a warlock named TOP who hangs out with a half-demon named Jiyong." Lu Han said, making me freeze. How many other TOP and Jiyong's were there?
    "Found him." I said, gesturing for TOP to come over. 
    "What? How?" Lu Han asked. I laughed, telling him the story, and handed TOP the phone. 
    "Lu Han, what's seems to be the problem?" TOP asked, beckoning Jiyong over. Now that I look closely, I could see a glittering around TOP's eyes and a sharpness around Jiyong's teeth. 
    "We'll be there in a minute." TOP said, closing the phone and grabbing my hand. "Hold on tight." 
    "What—" TOP snapped his fingers, rocketing the three of us into the sky. I closed my eyes against the wind and found myself standing in Kris' living room. I panted, looking at TOP and Jiyong. They didn't seem fazed, turning to greet the werewolves in the room. 
    I turned, getting hugs from Xiumin, Lay, Chen and Lu Han. I smacked Lu Han's head for scaring me about Tao and looked around for Tao. A soft gasp made me look at the doorway, and I saw Tao standing there. 
    He met my eyes shyly, giving me a look that spoke volumes for a broken heart. I gave him a shaky smile and he returned it cautiously. Tao crossed the room in three steps, slid his arms around my waist and crushed his lips to mine. 
    At first the kiss was angry, almost violent, but he soon turned gentle and my lips parted. He bit by bottom lip gently, his soft lips singing against mine. I kissed him back with all I was worth, putting all my pain and loneliness into one action. He did the same, and together we healed. Several centuries later, Tao pulled back, his eyes shining. We were both out of breath and smiling, glad to be with each other. 
    "Okay, now that that's over..." Chen said awkwardly, TOP and Jiyong snickering in the corner. Tao turned red and I pinched his cheek gently. He smiled at me, sitting me down next to him on the couch and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. 
    "TOP, can you try to track Kris and Chanyeol?" Xiumin asked. TOP nodded, focusing hard and holding his hands out. 
    Red sparks flew from his hands as TOP spiraled them around each other, making a picture with the bright beams of light. It was a 3D map of Busan, I could see that much, and a trail of bright blue s through the streets.  
    "Chanyeol's trail." Jiyong said, interrupting for TOP, who looked to be in a trance. A second trail of green joined the blue one, heading to the same place. 
    "Kris' trail." Jiyong said, frowning as a purple trail joined the other two. "I don't know—" TOP's eyes snapped open, glowing red. 
    "They're in the same place, and the same people who took them also took Key." TOP announced. The others frowned, mumbling among themselves, and I was confused. Key's name was familiar, and I remembered Yong Guk mentioning it. 
    "Key?" I whispered to Tao. He answered, putting his warm lips so close to my ear his breath tickled my neck. 
    "He's a member of SHINee, a family of elves that live downtown." Tao said. "It's unusual for them to be involved in anything." 
    "Can you tell who took them?" Lu Han asked. TOP shook his head regretfully, frowning. 
    "I would need more to go on." TOP answered. Jiyong stepped forward, tilting his head to the side. 
    "Shouldn't Suho's clan be here?" Jiyong asked. "This is bigger than territory, you need to woke together on this." 
    "You're right." Tao said. "I'll go get them." I stood too, walking with him out the door. We had a lot to talk about.   

Okay, so credit to PeasantOTP for the elf SHINee idea. She's a genius! Hope everyone's liking it, they kissed!

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Chapter 24: If you flushed out most scenes, then this would be an amazing story. But right now, it feels way too rushed. I feel like I'm reading someone's summary of a story rather than the actual story. I did love how it was Tao x OC because those are SO rare.
chaekris #2
Chapter 22: i love it!! finally i can read a tao fanfic! its kinda hard to find tao fanfic tho ,to many taoris .-. thank you for the story!;) too bad the sequel link wont work;(
Yoruclaw #3
Annyeong! What chapters could i not read and doesnt have any effect on the story?
diannan #4
Chapter 24: The sequel link isn't working for me either?!
Chapter 24: Sequel link isn't working for me? No really I mean literally.
Chapter 23: Can't wait for the sequel!I wish you luck, and lots of inspiration!
diannan #7
Chapter 23: Thanks for the sequel!! I'm looking forward to it!!
Tina08 #8
Chapter 23: include Block B as well
Chapter 22: Yay! A great sacrifice for a great sacrifice!
diannan #10
Thanks for the great story I just want to know if there will be a sequel