
My Panda Prince...Is A Wolf?

    I woke up to the sound of the tv on and the smell of bacon. Chanyeol sat next to me, munching on a plate of bacon and eggs. He smiled, waving, and I got up from using his shoulder as a pillow. 
    "Morning." Chanyeol said, turning back to the tv. I nodded, getting up to wash my face and shower quickly. I went back to see Chanyeol on his second plate of breakfast and my own plate waiting fro mw. 
    "I thought you were a vampire?" I said, wondering if I had dreamt everything. Surely vampires would drink blood, not eat human food.  
    "I am. I eat both human food and blood." Chanyeol shrugged, patting the couch next to him invitingly. I took my plate and sat down next to him. 
    "So I didn't dream everything." I said, munching the eggs slowly. Chanyeol laughed, turning the tv down. 
    "Do you have any questions?" Chanyeol asked. I shrugged, nodding. 
    "Yeah. What powers do the werewolves have?" I asked, looking at Chanyeol. He shrugged, thinking for a moment. 
    "Speed, strength, agility. Really good senses, and some of them have unique powers. Vampires also have the speed, strength, agility and senses, but even less of us have the powers." Chanyeol said. I nodded, thinking. 
    "What kinds of powers?" I asked. Chanyeol smiled, holding out his open palm and smirking. A little fire appeared, making me gasp. 
    "I can control fire. Tao can control time. The packmates he lives with all have powers, same with my clan. Kris can fly, Lu Han can hear people thoughts and move things without touching them, Lay can heal people, Chen can create storms and Xiumin can control frost." Chanyeol shrugged, and I smiled. I wondered if Tao would ever show me his power. 
    "What about your clan?" I asked. Chanyeol nodded, shrugging his shoulders. 
    "Baekhyun controls light, Suho controls water, Sehun controls wind, D.O. controls earth and Kai can teleport. Pretty scary when he pops up in places he's not supposed to be." Chanyeol said. He jumped as Kai suddenly appeared, waving at me lazily. 
     "Holy , don't DO that!" Chanyeol said angrily. Kai just rolled his eyes, nodding at me and frowning at Chanyeol. 
    "Suho wants to know why you're telling her everything." Kai said. He focused, and suddenly Suho also appeared in my living room. 
    "Oh my god." I said softly, watching as Suho smiled at me gently. 
    "Hello, Sujin. How are you doing?" Suho asked. I nodded in reply, watching as Suho turned to Chanyeol. 
    "Chanyeol, don't tell her any more. If she wants to know, she should ask the wolf." Suho said, somewhat bitterly adding the last part. 
    "Yes, sir." Chanyeol said, ducking his head. Suho nodded, him and Kai immediately vanishing. 
    "That was creepy." I said. Chanyeol nodded, muttering to himself. 
    "What was that about?" I asked. Chanyeol shook his head, rolling his eyes. 
    "What do you mean?" Chanyeol asked, standing up and putting the plates in the sink. Jia must've been out running errands again. 
    "Suho didn't seem to like Tao very much." I said. Chanyeol shrugged again, rolling his eyes. 
    "Yeah, he and Kris had a disagreement yesterday over territory. The vampires and werewolves are officially pissed at each other." Chanyeol rolled his eyes, sitting next to me again. 
    "You don't seem bothered by it." I pointed out, looking over at Chanyeol. 
    "It's stupid to base my opinion on the species of the other person. I think Tao's a nice guy, I think Kris is a nice guy. I'll fight if Suho commands it, but I'd rather not." Chanyeol said. 
    "Fight? They're going to fight?" I said, worried Tao would be hurt. Chanyeol raised his hands placatingly. 
    "Whoa, calm down. Even if they do, it's unlikely Tao will be involved. We don't let the youngest fight." Chanyeol said. I was still worried, for both of my groups of friends. "Besides, Tao doesn't like to pick fights. He's like me." Chanyeol said. 
    "Okay. Can you try to protect him if there's a fight?" I asked. Chanyeol shook his head sadly. 
    "My first loyalty is to my clan. But don't worry, Tao can take care of himself." Chanyeol's eyes flickered red when he laughed, making me jump. 
    "What the—your eyes!" I said, making Chanyeol roll his eyes. 
    "Ugh, sometimes they change without me noticing." Chanyeol said, shaking his head. I shrugged, trying to get used to weird. 
    "Do your eyes change color like Tao's?" I asked. Chanyeol shook his head. 
    "No, only wolves can do that." Chanyeol said, relaxing back. "Different colors mean different things. Red means anger, green means happiness—"
    "What does blue mean?" I interrupted him. Chanyeol looked at me thoughtfully, biting his lip. 
    "Who look at you with blue eyes?" Chanyeol asked. "Was it Tao?" I nodded. 
    "Tao. And Kris." I remembered Kris looking at me with blue eyes in the hallway. Chanyeol frowned, looking at me carefully. 
    "Where were you when Kris' eyes were blue?" Chanyeol asked. 
    "We were in a hallway running from the rest of the pack." Chanyeol relaxed after my answer, nodding his head. "What is it?"
    "Blue means loyalty, a desire to protect someone with your life. It can also mean true love." Chanyeol said softly. 
    "So, Kris was willing to die for me last night?" I said, amazed at the tall man's courage. Chanyeol nodded. 
    "Tao was too. I believe Tao is also in love with you, even if he doesn't realize it yet." Chanyeol said. I smiled, hoping Tao loved me. I thought carefully before replying. 
    "I hope he is. I think I might be in love with him." I said. Chanyeol laughed, then checked his watch carefully. 
    "Crap, I promised I'd meet Baekhyun an hour ago. Whoops." Chanyeol said. "Angel will not be happy." 
    "Angel?" I asked, wondering if my suspicions about Chanyeol and Baekhyun were true. Chanyeol nodded his head sheepishly, standing and walking out the door. So Tao was in love with me and Chanyeol was in love with Baekhyun?
    What a strange world. 

    I woke up at 10:00, extremely late for school. I rushed outside, only to be stopped by Jia. I was panicking, I have never been this late to school before. 
    "Stop. Sit down." Jia said, looking at me sadly. I was freaking out, wondering what Tao was thinking. Was he thinking about me?
    "What is it?" I asked. Jia's sad expression was scaring me. She had obviously let me sleep for a reason, and I wondered what was wrong. 
    "Your father called. We're leaving for China in half an hour." Jia said, showing me my packed suitcase. I was too shocked to speak for moment. 
    "I'm so sorry. I know you just made friends, but your father says he found a great house for us." Jia said. "Go get washed up."
    I nodded numbly, showering and refusing to think about everything. My boyfriend was a werewolf, my best friend was a gay vampire, and I was moving to another country after one week. What a nightmare. And on top of that, my orchid had finally died. 
    I met Jia and we went to the airport. The plane left with us on it, and I felt every single mile we flew away from Tao like a knife in my heart. I pulled out my phone and found missed messages from both Tao and Chanyeol. 
    "Sujin, it's me Tao. Are you sick? I hope you're okay, why aren't you at school? Did I do something? Please call me back." I listened to Tao's message, tears slipping out at his concerned tone. I knew I couldn't ever talk to him again, it would be less painful than trying to maintain contact from another country. My relationship with Tao was over, but I could afford to keep the message. To never forget him. 
    "Are you cutting class? Get your lazy down here and help with English!" Chanyeol's message ordered, making me laugh through my tears. I soon got the hiccups, trying to drink water to make them go away. 
    "Sujin, where are you? I saved you a seat at lunch, and Xiumin says he's sorry. Please call me back." Tao pleaded, and I deleted the message sadly. I wanted so badly to talk to him. Instead I put in my headphones and turned up the music. 
    My iPod chose the worst possible song to play, reminding me of Tao, Monster by BigBang. I hummed the lyrics along anyway, trying to figure out what Tao was doing, to sense him somehow. I love you, baby, I'm not a monster. 
    Was Tao finishing up his lunch and wondering where his science partner was as he went to present our report alone? Was he maybe working at the park, thinking about me as he looked at the flowers I had planted. Maybe he had forgotten about me and was fighting to the death with a vampire clan. I love you, baby, I'm not a monster. 
    I shook my head, changing the song, and curled up for a nap before the plane landed. 

    Poor Sujin! Will she ever talk to Tao again? What does everyone think? If you can, check out Monster by Bigbang, it's a great song. Please comment, and tell me what you think about the update!

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Chapter 24: If you flushed out most scenes, then this would be an amazing story. But right now, it feels way too rushed. I feel like I'm reading someone's summary of a story rather than the actual story. I did love how it was Tao x OC because those are SO rare.
chaekris #2
Chapter 22: i love it!! finally i can read a tao fanfic! its kinda hard to find tao fanfic tho ,to many taoris .-. thank you for the story!;) too bad the sequel link wont work;(
Yoruclaw #3
Annyeong! What chapters could i not read and doesnt have any effect on the story?
diannan #4
Chapter 24: The sequel link isn't working for me either?!
Chapter 24: Sequel link isn't working for me? No really I mean literally.
Chapter 23: Can't wait for the sequel!I wish you luck, and lots of inspiration!
diannan #7
Chapter 23: Thanks for the sequel!! I'm looking forward to it!!
Tina08 #8
Chapter 23: include Block B as well
Chapter 22: Yay! A great sacrifice for a great sacrifice!
diannan #10
Thanks for the great story I just want to know if there will be a sequel