I'm Late...Again!

My Panda Prince...Is A Wolf?

    I glanced down at my schedule, trying to find my locker number. I was already helplessly lost in my new school, and I frowned. Sweeping my loose long black hair behind my ear and pausing, I took a deep breath. 
    Ok, Sujin. You're just a little lost. You're fine. Look around you. I chose a random direction, and looked at my locker number again. 317. The locker next to me was 248, and I took a left. 
    The students in the hall in front of me split apart, looking at the new girl. I ignored them, used to attention, and kept walking. My father was the owner of Kim Inc. and I was used to moving around a lot and being the new girl. 
    I triumphantly reached my locker and smiled softly. The lock took me two tried to open, but I got in eventually. I started organizing my binders and papers, remaining my strictly neat self. The bell rang and students started filing to class. 
    I reached for my schedule, dropped it and turned to pick it up. My locker snapped shut, pushed closed by the tide of other students. I gasped in frustration, being quickly left alone in the halls. 
    "Come on!" I jiggled the lock on my locker, willing it to open for the third time. The combination wasn't working, and I was going to be really late! I hadn't even found the class yet!
    "Ugh, wae!" I screeched, yanking my locker open. All my books tumbled and I huffed. Today was a really bad day. I piled everything back in my locker, grabbed my bag and started running. 
    I was turning the corner when I knocked against a solid wall. I went flying backwards, toppling back on my and dropping everything. I sat there stunned for a minute. How did I manage to run into the wall?
    "Omo, I'm so sorry!" A boy's voice made me look up, and I blinked. "Are you okay?" A tall boy—almost a foot taller than my 5 foot one inch height—bent down and extended his hand. I took it slowly, still stunned. He helped my up gently and squatted down to pick up my books. 
    "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." He said apologetically, scooping up my books and backpack. When I didn't reply, he stood and gave me a concerned look. 
    He was cute, with black rimmed fake glasses and sweet dark brown eyes. His black hair was ruffled, and he shot me another apologetic smile. He was very handsome, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin. His skin was flawless, and his full lips pulled down in a frown. 
    "Hello?" He waved a hand in front of my face, looking at me cutely. "Beautiful girl, are you alive?" I snapped out of it, taking my stuff back. He held on tight, bare arms flexing with lean muscles as he shook his head. 
    "Let me take it for you. I'm really sorry I bumped into you. Are you okay?" He paused, looking down at me with a cute face. He was wearing a basketball jersey, hightop basketball shoes and baggy jeans. 
    "Yeah, sorry. I'm fine. Are you okay?" I asked. He smiled, happy that I was okay, and laughed. 
    "I'm fine. I ran into you, remember?" His tone was lightly teasing, and I smiled. He shook his head, remembering something, and held out his hand. 
    "Sorry, I'm Huang Zitao. My friends just call me Tao." Tao smiled, bowing when I took his hand. I smiled back at him when he flashed perfect white teeth. Holy, he was good looking. 
    "I'm Kim Sujin." I suddenly remembered I was late to class and gasped. "Oh no!" Tao immediately looked concerned, tilting his head to the side.
    "What's wrong?" Tao asked, following me as I started walking forward quickly. "Where are you going?" 
    "I'm late to class!" I said. He jogged next to me easily, the material of his jersey folding as he moved. 
    "Are you new?" Tao asked. I nodded, trying to read my schedule without tripping or running into a wall. "What class do you have?"
    "Science, room 304." I said, frantically looking around. Tao smiled softly, stopping me with a hand on my shoulder. 
    "Calm down, I have science too. I was running an errand for the teacher, just follow me." Tao said reassuringly, grabbing my hand with his and leading me down the hallway. 
    "Thanks." I said, very aware of his hand around mine. He shot me a cute smile, making me giggle, and lead me to an office. 
    After Tao had dropped off some papers, we went back to class. Tao explained to the teacher that I was lost, and helped him run his errand. The teacher nodded, smiling understandingly, and I introduced myself to the class. 
    After I took a seat in the back, I looked around at my other classmates. Tao was discretely passing notes with a shorter boy with high cheekbones in the corner. The shorter boy smiled at Tao's note, then looked at me. He caught me staring and waved his hand in a small wave. I nodded back looking around the room. 
    Two other boys were sound asleep on their desks, one with a baby face and the other with a chubby face. I laughed silently as the baby-faced boy's head slipped off his desk and he startled awake with a snort. He saw me laughing, and smiled. He held up his hands in the universal whoops gesture, and smacked the other sleeping boy awake. 
    Looking past them, I saw one boy with black hair looking at me intently. His hair was dyed dark red at the tips, spiked up. He had a ferocious expression, matching his gargantuan height. He was taller than even Tao, and heavily muscled. Seeing me watching, he smiled slightly, nodding to me. 
    The last boy in the class had chocolate brown hair and sat attentively at the front. He took down all the notes, and scolded the two previously sleeping boys quietly. The chubby-cheeked boy shrugged and went back to sleep leaning against the wall. 
    The bell rang, and I packed up my stuff. I managed to find my next class just fine, and moved through the day until I got to lunch. Getting to the cafeteria, I ordered my food and walked towards the exit. I intended to eat my food outside, but a voice stopped me. 
    "Sujin! Kim Sujin!" Tao called. I paused, but didn't turn. "Hey, beautiful girl!" That made me smile a secret smile to myself before I turned. 
    "What?" I asked, seeing Tao jogging up behind me, carrying a tray loaded with food. He paused, out of breath and smiling.  
    "Come eat with my friends and me." Tao invited, leading the way. I followed with a smile, wondering why Tao was being so nice to me all of a sudden. 
    We reached a table, and I recognized the same boys from science class. The chubby-cheeked one was shoveling food into his mouth, looking even more chubby-cheeked. Baby-face laughed at something high-cheek-bones said, looking up when Tao walked over. Good-student and tall-boy stopped talking, and everyone looked at me. 
    "Guys, this is Kim Sujin. You remember from science—well, Xiumin hyung, you were asleep. But everyone else should remember her from science." Tao said, looking at chubby-cheeks accusingly. Xiumin smiled, looking slightly guilty. 
    "Hello everyone." I said, smiling when they all waved. Tao nudged baby-face's shoulder and prompted him, "Introduce yourselves." 
    "Hello, Sujin. I'm Lay." The studious boy who had sat in front of science class smiled, bowing to me as introduced himself. I bowed back, and he continued eating. 
    "I'm Lu Han." Baby-face smiled, bowing to me with a wink. "It's not polite to look at people when they're sleeping." I turned red, stuttered and was saved by Tao. 
    "Hyung, don't !" Tao said, making Lu Han laugh. 
    "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist." Lu Han said, making me smile. He continued eating as the boy with high cheekbones looked up. 
    "I'm Kim Jongdae, but everyone just calls me Chen." Chen smiled, flashing perfect teeth.  The tall boy nodded at me curtly, but politely. 
    "I'm Kris. Nice to meet you." Kris went back to talking with Lay, and I was slightly shocked at his greeting. 
    "As you already know, I'm Xiumin." Xiumin smiled, adding with a smirk, "But everyone calls me Baozi." 
    "Your nickname is steamed buns?" I said with a smile. Xiumin laughed, puffing up his chubby-cheeks until it looked like he had a bun in each cheek. I laughed, and Tao joined me. 
    We sat down, eating quickly. I enjoyed talking with Tao's friends, and everyone was very nice and friendly. Kris was a little cold, but Tao assured me Kris just took a while to warm up to new people. 
    I looked down at my watch and yelped, making Tao smile. 
    "What's wrong?" Tao asked, polishing off his plate of rice. I looked up at him, grabbing my bag and frantically standing. 
    "Nice to meet everyone!" I said, calling the words over my shoulder. 
    "Sujin, where are you going?" Tao yelled. 
    "I'm late!" Not again...

    Annyeong! What does everyone think? Is this story okay? Any suggestions? I'll try to update once a day, but school is busy right now. Thanks to all readers! :D

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Chapter 24: If you flushed out most scenes, then this would be an amazing story. But right now, it feels way too rushed. I feel like I'm reading someone's summary of a story rather than the actual story. I did love how it was Tao x OC because those are SO rare.
chaekris #2
Chapter 22: i love it!! finally i can read a tao fanfic! its kinda hard to find tao fanfic tho ,to many taoris .-. thank you for the story!;) too bad the sequel link wont work;(
Yoruclaw #3
Annyeong! What chapters could i not read and doesnt have any effect on the story?
diannan #4
Chapter 24: The sequel link isn't working for me either?!
Chapter 24: Sequel link isn't working for me? No really I mean literally.
Chapter 23: Can't wait for the sequel!I wish you luck, and lots of inspiration!
diannan #7
Chapter 23: Thanks for the sequel!! I'm looking forward to it!!
Tina08 #8
Chapter 23: include Block B as well
Chapter 22: Yay! A great sacrifice for a great sacrifice!
diannan #10
Thanks for the great story I just want to know if there will be a sequel